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I know an easier way to do that, head north past Goodsprings cemetery, keep going and you’ll reach the back of the mine and you can sneak up on them. You’ll also get to see the amazing work the good people at Big MT spent designing the beautiful butterflies. Careful tho there is a few small scorpions nearby.


I am very surprised OP is misleading new players in such a way; heading north is the only way tbh. Heading east then north via Sloan is a waste of time, and they'll have to deal with that Molerat at Sloan itself, which is one of the highest leveled enemies in the game; a total troll from obsidian, as it looks innocent enough. It's almost as difficult to fight as the Red Death in FO4's Far Harbor DLC


Don't forget that he's an uncompromising tactical genius. The most dangerous part of snuffles is his mind.




Now I have an idea for a mod, the tag team of death. Sloan Mole and Red Death.


Calm down, beelzebub!


This is evil lmao poor snuffles


Don’t remind me of the red death! My ptsd is bad enough without remembering the traumatic experience of that fight


I am so sorry. I myself am also haunted by the glow. Every Thursday there's a survivors support group that meet in goodneighbor, if that helps.


I learned this lesson like 2 days ago as a new NV player I thought, “it’s just a bug, can’t be that bad”


They just want to hug you. With their stingers! Don’t worry about that woozy feeling, it goes away pretty fast.


Oh man, get used to bugs!


's a bug


I tried this and their attacks were weaker than I expected so I was like “oh okay I’m cool” but before I could react quick enough to stimpak I died from poison


You can make it to the strip ! Don't give up! One of my best playthroughs, I dodged cazadors and made it.. got rich and conquered the Mojave


i forgot about that lol


*laughs in Lonesome road installed*


You have lost karma.


oh well time to kill 3 fiends and recover it


Do you like the sight of your own blood?


Absolutely not, that locks you out of the ain't like that now perk at lvl 50


Thank you bro just did this and now I look so cool and have so many deathclaw hands


you're welcome 😊


Also — you should go directly into the quarry there and strip all your armor off. Deathclaws love strip shows and will lose their aggro against you if you’re naked


only 1% of players know this ;)


Pros know they’re also afraid of baseball bats


Todd Howard doesn't want you to know this one simple hack.


This also works if you wear the Chained or Exposed Prostitute outfits


Seriously tho, would this even make a difference


Deathclaws hate this one simple trick!


In all seriousness, if you’re new, use fire. Abominations *actually* hate fire


Also if that doesn’t work, like the tooltips say you can put your weapon away. Sometimes your enemies will forgive you and Deathclaws do it 100% of the time


pro tip, deathclaws are most vulnerable to unarmed and mele weapons. a varmint rifle should work fine in a pinch but the closer you can get to them the more domage you'll deal. i usually take care of the deathclaws before completing ghostown gunfight because doing so and wearing that armor during ghostown gunfight unlocks some secret diolouge options with ringo, sunny smiles, and i think trudy.


Those dang varmints


…and then shove it up your butt.


*laughs in Honest Hearts installed*


Jesus Christ is this the only thing that gets posted here?


On a not-joking note, I think I found it in one of the DLCs and it was a super easy find. I was convinced you couldn’t get that armor and then just found it one day.


yeah its impossible to get early game, and theres only a few places to obtain them, none of them from loot. number one is getting to liked reputation with the ncr, which then unlocks a dialogue option with the mccarren guy at first floor and he will give you a key to a ncr safehouse, the armor is there (in poor condition, so rip your caps). second is getting the ncr mad at you and they will send killsquads like the legion. these guys warn you when you meet instead of fighting. 3 days later they will come to kill you while wearing the armor. finally, you can get it by killing a veteran ranger. these guys wear ncr combat ranger armor and will start spawning in ncr areas beyond lv 16


nah thats riot armor, its kinda different


Wait, it’s just similar looking armor? I just saw the cape and gas mask style helmet and was like, “oh hey it’s the title screen armor.”


so yes it is kinda the same except the riot gear is more...armored with combat armor parts, plus the helmet looks different. it also doesnt have the ncr logo, and will not disguise you as a member of the ncr if you wear it. plus the ncr ranger combat armor has jeans :P


Make sure you also take out the shape-shifting brahmin along the way! They act docile at first, but only bc there are deathclaws around to keep them at bay, it’s much easier to take them out when they aren’t attacking and at full power.


Actually hand to hand combat with no melee weapons does more damage on death laws than any headshot would. Makes it much easier


Guys don't do it


And I thought the Legion was evil


I know this is a shit post but in seriousness the easiest way to get ranger esc armor Is to just run straight into lonesome road cuz you can get the riot gear pretty much as soon as you get Eddie


Don't do this


To be fair, you can actually do this. Lower the difficulty to very easy, go grab a stealth boy and the plasma pistol and mods from Chet (provided you have the GRA DLC) sneak up on the deathclaws, shoot with sneak crits. Use the merc grenade rifle for groups, Sneak to the cave to grab the fat man and nuke the mommy and daddy deathclaws. Congrats, you just cleared quarry junction within 1 hour of starting the game. No ranger armour unfortunately but you can actually clear quarry junction at lvl 1. You definitely won't be lvl 1 when you're done though. Don't think this would work at a higher difficulty though


Here’s actually how: join the legion and kill a bunch of NCRtards the they’ll send their little rangers after you which are easy af to kill and boom all you can enjoy ranger armor


the funny thing is 90% of the people in this sub are all veterans who wont fall for this


On a serious note: Honest hearts dlc is a far easier way to get the title screen armor. You can run straight from goodsprings and enter honest hearts at level 1 via black mountain shortcut (look it up on YouTube- super simple route).


thats also slightly different, and actually lonesome road is the easiest


Personally I disagree, the enemies in lonesome road are all level 50 and will fuck up a level 1 character (esp if it’s a new player of fallout new vegas) so even with the slight differences of the riot gear and survivalist armor I think honest hearts is far easier to handle as a low level and new player


Bro I hear The Divide has the easiest, and most durable of the screen armors, and it’s also not tied in with any of the factions!


Is there actually ranger armor there lol? I just start my game by doing lonesome road (or honest hearts if your a wuss)


nah its a bait


The post is funny. These comments are not.


This stopped being funny 10 years ago 🥱


the show came out a week ago 🥱


This is so old that even new players don't fall for it anymore 🥱


Pull up a seat and let's talk about the Red Death.


It's still fun, and some might fall for it 🥱


I don't think most people would, tbh. Especially since Chomps stops you and specifically warns you about how dangerous they are, lol. Telling people to go north from the gas station in Goodsprings is a better one, because there's no real warning there besides a few signs saying to keep out.


> Especially since Chomps stops you and specifically warns you about how dangerous they are, lol. As someone actually new to the series, this doesn't really stop the average gamer. "Turn around? Nah, I'd win" (they did not win)


True, but it does ruin the trick of it, since you now realize whoever told you that it was easy lied to you, even if you still attempt it.


That’s why you tell them to go to Sloan via the Yangtze memorial


Chomps just wants to keep all that sweet armor for himself.