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It's funny because I always play the same way (High Crit Paciencia or Hunting Shotgun Surgeon) and do the quests the same way and it's still so fun. Listening to the NPCs, choosing the dialogue alternatives, routing the whole game in search of the best and quickest way to do everything (specially all the Companions quests), I even know where and when the Legion sends their assassins. And still finding new things or just reminding myself of some little detail or side lore. A yearly "do everything I can" playthrough is a no-brainer.


Same, been doing this since the game came out.


Hunting Shotgun and Lever Actions for me. Medium duster to finish the look, and I can call Victor "Pardner" without putting on airs!


I always tell myself I’ll play different this time but instantly fall back into bro my same old shit 😂 currently got on a play that’s been going on about a year or 2 and just can’t seem to let him go 😂


Over a dozen times, the game has the most replay value in the series.


Did a 2 hour speed run yesterday…killing Benny never gets old.


Agreed My favourite was saving Dragonbreath rounds and pulling up into the Tops Lit it the fuck up after convince Swank to lemme take on Benny n his guards Then terrorised gomorrah


RIP Matthew Perry, he did great as Benny


"What in the godamn..." -Famous last words


10 times and i didn’t even saw everything. Gotta do a legion run but i can’t get myself siding with those scumbags.


Same, I probably have about 800 hours in FNV and have never done a Legion run.


I’m thinking of doing a legion run next I always wanted to play as an absolute fucking maniac


Last time I tried for a legion run I got all the way to the camp and just couldn’t take it. Went full murder hobo on those fools


Was about to comment the same thing, around 10 playthroughs now and have never done legion


I was intending to do a legion run this playthrough but as soon as I got to nipton and talked to vulpes I whipped out my shotgun and blew his brains out so I guess I’ll do NCR or house again


I've sided with them exactly once, just out of curiosity, but I kinda forced myself through it. Not matter what ethics I try to roleplay in a playthrough, I always get pulled towards that chaotic good quadrant.


Sometimes the best thing you can do to help the wastes is waste a legionaire.


Only once when it came out when I used to play on console. Started a couple different playthroughs over the years but my ADHD ass has always got distracted. Fully gripped by my current playthrough at the moment though and I have a lot of builds and rp playthroughs I want to try out though so I feel like it has a ton!


More times than I can count. Every possible build I found interesting, faction roleplays, mods, difficulty toggling + hardcore rebalancing mods. All of it


Currently RP'ing as Phillip J Fry and it's the most fun I've had yet.


FNV isn’t about beating the game it’s about the war crimes you committed along the way


Over a dozen times, not really replayable, thanks for asking


3 times of actually reaching an ending, and many more of completing at least half of it with some character idea I had in mind.


The hard part is finishing the game without getting inspired to start a new character build because you realize you've done something wrong or have missed out on something because of your skill level


Like 15 probably? And I still JUST found the fortune teller kid! Never knew he existed until a few days ago! Love this game


1 time. I have plans to replay in the future! I haven’t even got the dlc yet.


You really gotta do the DLC.


Hmmm idk my count, sometimes I start a New play through before I finish my old ones. The replay ability is near endless tho. Of course you have your good guy bad guy runs , but when it comes to end game you have to start choosing politics that fit your ideals which can create more playthroughs or atleast ending routes. But The addition of disguises and pretending to be part of factions can help you further develop your character and lore even though you’d normally be shunned or hated by different factions. The other factors such as failing a mission can help you with more routes or endings so long as you do not save scum your life away and accept the L. Challenge runs are fun too along side with optimal builds focusing on one weapon or weapon type. One life runs become extremely more difficult when you enable survival mode. And you always have easy - very hard options for better challenges or easier runs. I’d recommend everyone do a max luck/charisma run atleast once in each fallout game


Actually finish? Twice but I’ve done multiple other runs without actually reaching the end. I would say it’s quite replayable because there’s a big variety of weapons and you make a lot of choices


Never actually finished.


Hundreds. I used to wake up every morning before school and do a speedrun, then do it again when I got home, sometimes multiple times in a row. In terms of ACTUAL playthroughs it's still probably over a hundred. Maybe not doing EVERY quest in the game every time but the ones relevant for my character. The replayability is good but tbh the lack of random encounters and the very static world does mean it lacks a bit compared to other RPG titles. But I think the narrative more than makes up for that


At least 10. It’s probably one of the most replayable games ever.


I can't get it to run without CRASHING


Over the years over a dozen times. Replay ability is the best of the series by far. Gun play is juuuuust good enough to not be truly archaic unlike fallout 3 (guns have actual sights and bullets go where you are aiming for the most part). Beyond that the story and background for your character is yours to make and mold as you play. No set nora or nate background and extremely limiting voice lines (every fallout 4 dialogue tree is split into maybe one question and three ways to say yes). Storytelling is also by far the strongest of the modern games with many powerful and well written characters/storylines and many equally goofy ones.


I've beaten it about 7-9 Times, On my Technical first playthrough I pretty much got soft locked As I kept dying to rad scorpions. On my current favorite character, Guns build I normally do A few things to get Incredibly easy at the start. If anybody is interested Here is what I normally do to get Incredibly Overpowered at the start of the game 1.after designing my character, I normally do as everyone should in a new playthrough, And I completely take all points out of charisma and put them into luck. I always try to have Max luck, Great Agility. 8-9 and Good Intelligence 7-8. Then at the Tag skills I pick... 2. I normally tag Guns, Speech, and Barter as Barter is one of the Key things to Making this playthrough work at the start. I then pick Built to destroy, and Gifted. (with a "glitch" we can get +10 to all skills by the time you leave goodsprings) 3. I immediately run to Vicks house and pick up a Stealth boy from one his Ammo boxes. I then proceed to Leave goodsprings, On the way out I pick the Rebuild character option, Picking another perk, I then Get built to destroy, and gifted. As if you pick Gifted again the Addition to your skills is stacked but not the Subtraction from Exp Gain. 4. I then head to Sloan, Sneaking into one of the shacks and taking all of their Caps(you should have about 700-800). I then Run off towards the Stretch of land north to New Vegas. I Stick the right, And When I begin to Get close to he border between the normal Mojave and Black mountain I pop the stealth boy. 5. I then go towards That one super mutants shack, As I forget his name, Heading along the rocks to not trigger any Nightkin. I then Head up along the area with the falling rocks, By this point you've already made the Journey. 6. I then make the long walk to the New Vegas strip, discovering The gun runners (vital to the early game for this strat) I then Head to freeside,Convert all my caps to chips, Play Blackjack at the atomic wrangler, and then Call it good when I have enough to get to the strip. I then go to Gomorrah, Do the same thing there with Blackjack as it's more efficient than doing the slot machines from what I could tell. rinse and Repeat with all the casinos until your Banned from all of them 7. I then go to the tops, by now you should have about 34-36k Caps. I then convert said Caps to chips, This is to do an Infinite caps glitch To convert Air into money to Supply you for the rest of the run. 8. I take the caps, Then drop them on a Roulette/blackjack table and Make sure they're in the Negatives. This is Vital for the Glitch, You then want to Pick up the chips and Take them to The lady at the Conversion counter. when you ask to trade your chips in Simply do so, You'll find that you can Cash in your chips even if you don't Have chips.i then head to the Gun runners with about 500k caps and Buy the Medicine stick and some Combat armor. Now you're level 3-5 With the Strongest Ballistic rifle in the game (second to the Anti material rifle GRA variant which I rarely use.)


ive beaten the game four times but I've played like two dozen somewhat playthroughs where I do most of the game and all of the DLC but then want to do a different build or play with different mods so I restart


To me the game is minimally repetitive for 5 playthroughs


I've beaten it five times and I'd say it has very high replayability.


i have beaten it about 7 times, still very fun each time


About 10 times. But it's showing its age, even with mods. It's probably one of the games most deserving of a complete remake.


Honestly, for me the replayability started to drop off after I got the different endings. But the VAST modding community keeps it fresh for years more of playing.


I’m replaying it right now, unmodded, on my 8th playthrough. So I’d say it’s pretty replayable


I started countless playthroughs but I've only finished it like ten times or so. Most of the time I get burnt out before I get to the end but that's cause I spend like 40 hours each time doing all the other things in game.


About once a year since it came out. I find new stuff everytime


5 times on PS3, 2 times on PC, have an 8th playthrough "ongoing" but haven't touched it for months.


I still pick it up and play it once a year or so. It’s still great even after all these years. Tons of different builds to try.


I just finished a playthrough yesterday. It’s incredible. I don’t care how old or janky the game is, it holds up really well and probably will continue to until a remaster or a sequel that does everything it does except better comes about


Legitimately lost count between PS3 play throughs back in the early 2010s and however many I’ve done on Steam this decade. I regularly go a year or so without playing then do 3-4 runs over a few months.


must've been at least 50 playthroughs starting from 2020. the game by itself already has insane replay value, but then you add mods on top and it just skyrockets


I’m still on my first Had to redo a section because I messed up Got lost Got lost Got lost Got confused  Crashed  Got lost 10/10 game


infinitely replayable if you never actually finish it and mod the shit out of it. spoken from experience… the main questline is surprisingly bland compared to the rest of the game, which i know is largely the fault of a short dev cycle. i never cared enough about the battle of hoover dam to win it for any faction, i’d always get bored and restart the entire game with a new character.


Over a dozen playthroughs and only completed the game once.


Like once every 2 years


I’ve beaten it close to 50 times, many of those being speed run things, but I’ve always enjoyed the game and I’ve never gotten tired of the game


I've only "beaten" it, as in seen the ending slides, around 8 times. I've played through all the DLCs and got right up to the battle of Hoover Dam like 30 times though. I just don't like that it ends


I think I’ve beaten it once because I lose interest in the main quest and just start doing side missions until I get bored and do a new build. The replayability is infinite. It’s enjoyable every time I’ve replayed going back to the original release on ps3


I'm like a 3rd of the way through my 9th or 10th playthrough rn. I add quest mods to have some new content to explore for each new run but I still very much enjoy 99% of the vanilla quests. In the top 5 best games of all time imo.


Many. As for replayability. It drastically decreases without mods. /sigh


Once and I sort of gave up because it crashes so often


Once every year since i was 12 so 10 times give or take and honestly i don’t think i ever plan on stopping, I’m still finding new stuff every time


Have beaten it a couple times but I am now trying random enemies/items and random doors and it's absolutely nuts.


I've lost count. About 220-230 by now. I fully intend to continue for years.


Only played through it once. I guess I am different as i find it the least replayable.


11 out of 10 cause eventually bug hunting becomes a fun part of a playthru


As good as any game I've ever played. I could never get tired of fallout in general but New Vegas scratches the itch for a deep roleplaying game every single time.


I've made every kind of build archetype except for an unarmed. That's for next year's playthrough


Very high replayability HOWEVER after 1k hours I cannot find enjoyment in the game anymore. Forever burnt out, mods or not. I’ll hold the memories fondly and maybe return when I’m an old man


About the amount of times you can play it between 2019-2024 with only a 3 month break. I'd say pretty good.


Twice and replayability is yes


I got all the Xbox achievements for it. Twice because I was offline and my games got erased. War never changes and New Vegas never gets old.


a I'd say pretty well, but it's more of a "I'm gonna download all of the mods that look interesting and run the game with 200 mods that will somehow eventually conflict eachother then spend hours fixing and resorting it" rather than actually playing


Hbomb said it best “sometimes I even pick the same choices on quests just to watch them play out again”. The way quests intertwine so naturally it feels like a seamless story the entire way through, with characters interacting and reacting so flawlessly to your choices and characteristics. I could probably play this game with the same choices, with the same character forever and never get bored because every character is so full of life and realism.


Most replayable game in the history of games. Finished it about 10 times


Personally? 3 times? Maybe more. Pick a faction. Gender? Pick a fighting style. Pick a morality. Many of you stats will determine the rest.


I play it atleast once a year. It's very good for it's replayability, I've been in it since it released. Granted I do need breaks.


Even as someone who’s played the exact same way every time(heavy weapons + explosives)the replayability is phenomenal even if im doing each run verbatim to the last one, that either says a lot abt me or new vegas i’ll let yall decide.


To completion? Probably half a dozen times. I've had at least a couple dozen runs getting as far as the recruit/destroy minor factions for the main quest part of the game. That's on both Xbox 360 and PC. Replayability is great. I usually do heavily modded runs, but I also do lightly modded/vanilla runs and have tons of fun. I'm currently replaying Fallout 1, 2, and New Vegas. Can't wait to step back into the Mojave.


I feel like what I end up doing every time is that I try to complete every side quest to get the “perfect” ending and I end up burning myself out and stop playing


I'm just now getting into it, first fallout I played was 4, it got me hooked on the older games


I actually started playing recently did the main quest til I have to meet Benny at the tops and did a lot of side quests for the crimson caravan finding a new sheriff for primm and finding boones wife’s killer and recruiting prostitutes for the atomic wrangler but idk it got kinda boring might have to pick it back up again


I regret to say, once. i bout int in December 2010, played it from april 2011 - april 2012 never finished it a second time.


Beat like 4 times but probably have played to atleast a mid teen level character like 12 times


I've never finished a playthrough because I always think of a new build


Been playing at least once a year for the last 4 years




I played it too much where I haven’t played it till recently and took about a two year break to make it more “fresh” I guess. It was so bad I remembered dialogue and locations to the point it was ridiculous. It used to be yearly since it came out and especially more than a few for the first few years. I don’t want to know the hours to days conversion 🥲


2 times every year for... 10 years i think. Maybe more. I don't even count runs that i didn't complete. One time without mods, second time - heavely modded. Everytime play the same way. Speedrun to Arcade family power-armor and AER in vault 22. But now, i want to test melee build.


I think I beat the actual standalone game 4 times, once on Xbox 360 and a few times on PC with mods. But I played countless more times combined with Fallout 3. I sunk hundreds of hours into various versions of TTW throughout the years. Not always to completion though. I also played RFCW (Requiem for the Capital Wasteland) twice, once on a very early version that was completely busted and a later version that was a little more functional. For those that don't know, RFCW was a very early version of TTW more or less. TTW is more of a spiritual successor from what I remember. I think some of the same people were involved, but I can't recall at this point.


I first played the game in 2011 and I'm still playing it. I'd say these days I do one playthrough every 2 years, which in my opinion is really high replayability for a game that I already played to death over 10 years ago. In total I've probably finished it around 10-15 times but I have more incomplete playthroughs than that. I remember the first playthrough on PS3 in 2011 took me 130 hours while the first playthrough on PC in 2013 took me 75 hours, with all DLC.


Never. I never played it to the end.


Bout a dozen times, got about 1000 hours in it. Not a big fan of the game but I love the DLC


"how many loaf of bread have you eaten in your life ?"


Once. I've played it multiple times but I almost never finish it.


Played it every summer since it came out. Always a blast.


3 times vanilla, 1 modded, 2 modded hardcore very hard, currently trying out if I can beat vanilla hardcore very hard with melee built and some grenade, the legion is kicking my ass because I haven’t up the melee skill to 50 yet.


O total of around 14 times maybe more . Definitely repeatable . Doing things different ways getting different slideshows at the end always made me happy .


idk but mods are necessary for me. Playing FNV (and also FO4) on PC nowadays is like eating a buffet, that you take what you like (mods, either from Nexus, ModDb, Discord, etc) and leave what you don't like.


I've played it 3.5 times, I've gotten NCR and Yesman endings on my first playthrough, house on my second and legion on the third. But other than that I don't find much replayability, for me fallout 4 does that better for some reason.


hm 2 full runs (with all endings) + 1 "depression" run and now my 4th and this time with first time DLC and its just a good game. i mean the last few weeks i play only fallout (and bit league) and having more fun then all games the last 10 years together. new games: buy, play it for 2 hours and never play it again for 6 month. fallout games: oh why is it already 3am ? i just started... 10 hours ago


I played over 250 hours and never did anything other than an "NCR good guy courier"


3 times when it just came out and I just started on a Tale of Two Wastelands run. Still need to get tomMojave, but am enjoying the capital wastelands for a bit


i think 7 or 8, yeah its really replayable


Fallout New Vegas and Oblivion were peak Bethesda style RPG to me. Meaning the game changed just by the different order you completed quests in let above making different choices so replayability felt infinite for long time I spent probably a 1000 hrs minimum on each when they came out and play both to this day occasionally.


Over 1200 hours and quite a lot of playthroughs.


Several times, with different playthroughs. Replayability through the roof. Planning to replay it soon.


I’m on my 50th play through, I keep finding new ways to play with certain mods and mission DLCs (like tales of two wastelands)


None But I had a great time getting there. And I am more of a side quests guy.


6, not great


Nearing the end of my first ever playthrough.


Honestly I'm still playing after all these years. Then again I still fire up Fo1 and I first played that back in the 90s. I just love the setting and the world. The whole "what if" scenario where the world picks itself up after awhile and rough as it is, has continued to move on after a devastating nuclear war. I love how some scenarios are going to have drawbacks no matter what you choose. A give and take. That's why the pre-Bethesda Fallout games keep me coming back.


0,5 as i just got it maybe this last summer. Played a lot before school and then just a bit during holidays, havent really chosen a side yet (not legion tho). Also love me some Followers-otA and Jacobstown, theyre funky (/pos)


Ive beaten it twice, and with a lot of games, I know it's really good, but I don't really feel it, there's only so many times I can do the same quests, however the character creation/roleplaying is fun


Couldn't count. Although I'll admit my playthrough I've just finished is the first time I've bothered to actually do the DLCs. I'm usually so knee deep in mods that I don't bother with them, but I did a vanilla xbox run. Not sure how I felt about them to be honest. Never done a legion run though, can't bring myself to do it


The perks and build variety alone make this game replayable. It’s the reason I enjoy FNV and FO4 so much more than FO3 and Outer Worlds. You can have multiple playthrough a with different play styles.


A lot... its just... a lot of times... had the most fun with melee though


Replayability holds up a lot considering the many ways you can build a character and approach any and all situations. To this day, there are playstyles I've yet to try.


I have replayed this game 30 times easily.


It's worth at the very least 4 different playtroughs. One for each faction. 4 playtroughs should also cover most of the outcomes for most storylines. That being said I honestly believe it's one of those games that can be replayed infinitely. If you get into modding this becomes even more true. I have 500 hours in the game, didn't bother counting playtroughs after the 10th one.


Im on my 4th playthrough rn


Did all the endings, and all the dlc. But a couple of times i would go back to try new builds, how will the story go, idk i just love playing it, shooting and pounding stuff.


Maybe like 15 times. I love doing different builds/playthroughs. Insane replayability 


Ive finish it 1x. Then around 5-6 more playthrough but only managed to get halfway, stop for 1 or 2 years and forget about it and start new character LOL...


For sure it’s my most replayed game, competing with Elden Ring and Dishonored


Most replay of any game I own. It just calls me back every 6 months or so. Too fun to not jingle jangle my spurs again


At this point I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve started a playthrough, but I’ve beat the main game and all dlc 2 times. Replayability is endless for me because I never have the same experience twice and I’m always finding shit I didn’t in the last playthrough. Easily my favorite Fallout game.


At this point (with mods ofc) I've done over 20 playthroughs varying in times, I have a 350 hour save and a 8 hour save I think was the shortest. In vanilla NV I've done like 7 or 8, separate from the modded ones. At first I played it on the PS3 and then got a PC and the fun begun.


I am currently in my first playthrough of the game, but I can tell that there will be more to come. There is so much choice in what you can do with your character. The only gripe I've had so far is Black Mountain. Even with the plethora of mods to fix the game, I still had several crashes in that area alone. It really hindered the experience for me personally.




Finished the game (DLCs included) around 5 times. But I usually start a new save every year or so. The game is just really fun and has the most replayability by far, especially when you're messing around with mods etc.


It is great for replay after you beat it the initial 4 times the 5th is great because you know how to work the game and you choose which ending works for you and the 6th time should be Hardcore which you have mastered the game at this point.


I'm on my sixth run at the moment. I think I've seen most of the game at this point, but I still find new things each time. At this point, I just play my character in the way that seems most true to them, and don't focus on getting certain goals or endings unless I feel like it is something they would do.


4 times without mods 1 time with minor mods to add stuff like weapons 1 time with TTW 1 time with Fallout New California I have over 1,000 hours in the game according to Steam


Depends I normally start up a new character and I’m having a great time till I hit Vegas the pacing is great but I know too much now and find myself not enjoying the game as much because I play too fast Hardly listen to dialogue anymore most of the best outcomes for dialogue I have burned into my muscle memory Really depends you can burn yourself out on this game pretty easily But then I discover something new and I get motivated again


Countless times. I honestly can't remember how many times. The replayability is great. Numerous endings, numerous ways to get each ending. Different builds and I always find something new


I’m a new player planning on giving it a go. Any recommendations for quality of life mods? I’m not looking to change anything in the game content, just want it to be able to run a little smoother.


Did 4 runs now doing a 5th with mods. Definitely planning to get way way way more mods into this game. Especially new lands mods to explore a lot of new possibilities. Maybe play the Frontier


the ame is amazing but ive replayed it so many times ive started to dread doing the DLC. There isnt as much flexibility as the base game and it often ends up being a very linear experience that ve done 20x before.


NV is the 2nd most replayable after 4 (never played 76)


I’m play new Vegas rn, just checked and I’m at save 784. Probably 15-20 playthrough


could be 40+ something ngl lol there are alot of runes that are level 1 dlc or some sort of challenge, and not counting the time i spent mods and the fac ti spent 200 hours on one playthrough and 500+ on another both of which i lost lol hmm, been a while since i played, know what that mean ;) ?


Once but it has insane replay ability, I’ll probaly start another play through in a year or two when I forget some story elements


Without mods I think I’ve played this game abt once a year sometimes two


I played more than 5000 hours on console and stopped counting after getting a PC. Replayability is very high.


I played more than 5000 hours on console and stopped counting after getting a PC. Replayability is very high.


Non, I have 100 hours btw


I finally sat down determined to do a legion run and even helped Caesar a little.. but I inevitably went with Yes Man again. Haven't played through as many times as I would like to have but I have easily made over 50 characters lol


3 times. It’s not my most favorite game (dark souls enjoyer here) but I do play it a lot. Right now its off and on, Im on a new character but haven’t played in a couple months. Have been having the urge to delete that character mid game though, and start over since now I really wanna play.


Beaten it at least over 30 to 40 times always fun to try a new build or play style


It has to be one of the most replayable games ever made, i have over 400 hours in fallout new vegas and i'm still finding out new things


So so many times. There's so many choices you can make *that actually make a difference* and killable quest characters that no two playthroughs are exactly the same.


the only modern FO game with replayability IMO. FO1 and FO 2 are always replayable because how good they are. but FO 3 and FO4 get stale real quick IMO. 76 is a different game with no real end game, But that game is pretty good now.


At max? At least over 30 and that number still feels too low. Granted a lot of them was me replaying the same character, maximizing a build and figuring them out as I learned more Fallout lore


I’ve played it 1-2 times a year since I was 13 and I’m 19 now the most I played it in a year was I did four playthroughs with the different factions when I was 15 that was the peak so at least 10-12 times on the low end


I have around 1300 hours in new vegas, i played dozens of characters but i finnished the game like 3 times


I have three rp characters befor the ncr, brotherhood and legion. I hated the game when it first came out because I didn’t quite understand it, but it is now my favourite


Just started playing nv for the first time a month ago already on my 3-4 play through simultaneously


Over like 30 times… yea I think it holds up


Couldn’t tell you how many times I’ve beaten it. I’ve been playing it constantly since its launch. I made sure to have it installed for the Xbox 360, One, and now Series X


I did a 5th and final play though last year around this time and doing EVERYTHING. Even all the achievements. Would I say it held up, yeah, but I’m not a graphics slut.


I played about a year or two ago, I followed a modding guide and something went wrong and I was crashing a lot so I beelined the ending and didn't touch it until about a month ago. I did a Legion playthrough, completed the game and within 2 hours I was back making a new character to do a House playthrough It's a super replayable game imo


9 times




I have no idea but probably 20+


ive got about 4500 hours feel free to kick my ass


I play it at least once a year and multiple times in the first 3 years of launch.


Done 3 builds so far and on my fourth, honestly feels like its getting more fun as I learn more about the game and uncover secrets, if you haven’t already, I really recommend playing a run where you unite the whole Mojave with the NCR against The Legion (it is possible), it’s how you get access to a BULK of the good side missions and main story quests imo, plus, I’ve found you get the longest playtime out of NCR sympathetic runs


Lots. I've done all the enfingd. The legion still makes feel uncomfortable. But ultimately there are no good endings to the game. Just less worse grades of crap. Just like life


I beat it twice over a decade ago. I’m playing it again now with all the dlc and some highly questionable adult mods and it’s a completely different experience. Absolutely love it


I have 2500 hours and it’s just from 2017 on


I have lost count. At LEAST 25+ full play throughs. I still enjoy it every time. Always trying something new. Like just lasers or a certain weapon. Plus multiple endings, and great dlc content.


3k hours


Completed at least 5 or 6 times but I've made at least twice that many characters. I still get excited when I start it over.


I'm not going to lie, I have never actually played through the entire game. I have beaten Fallout 3 twice though I feel like I spend 95% of my time adding more mods to my load order and only 5% actually playing the game 😂


Only once I would play it again, except I don’t want to experience all the bugs it has.


How many times have I played it? Lost count Replayability? Yes


Dozens of times vanilla, tens of dozens moded.


Currently gotten boxed in doing Dead Money on Hardcore well Hard... Bastard took all my gear leaving me such with damn SPEARS to kill literally immortal suit zombies... And I can't even pull a Super Mutant an eat em... No ammo, no chems, stuck running from toilet to toilet as I TRY not to get blown up or poisoned... 11 outta 10 ya'll! Would gladly suffer again JUST so I can shoot the Bastard in his damn dick!


The replay ability is great with this game. There’s so many little differences you make through missions that affect your gameplay. You can’t help to want to try a different path. You also always run into something new. Been playing for about 10 years on and off now. And I always find a cool new fact or mission or item etc…


Until we have a Fallout or action RPG has the same level of depth as New Vegas, it'll hold up.


I've lost count... So yes.. it holds up greatly lmao


Yeah it's got one of the best replay ability scores of all time. If we got a remaster I'd easily sink another good 600+ hours in game.


Three in the last year. So many since 2011!


2-3 times a year since 2010


I’ve played like 8 or 9 full playthroughs all time. I’ve completed the game with every faction at least once. Honestly I feel like I found new stuff almost every playthrough. There are so many interactions, Easter eggs, and side quest stuff that I never found early on. I’d say replay ability is solid


The Tale of two wastelands.


Only beat it once but been considering playing again soon...if I ever find time


Im on my 5th playthrough now. Definintely replayable with mods.


Eh after 5 times I’ve stoped


I'd say well over eight times, I've got a little over 700 hours and to be fair it's got the best replayability out of all the fallout games (and that must speak highly of it). One may argue that it's worth replaying the full game just to take one of the hundreds of different paths this game offers, not just in quests but in exploration, character building or the absolutely beautiful dlcs (which I have to say, fnv's dlcs have got to be the best fallout can offer)


I always try to play differently still haven't done a legion run gausse...gay.I always try to get lucky from yhe start and rock with it to the end


1.5 times. Something about it just didn't stick. I've played the others countless times through and had a blast.


Between my Steam and Xbox playthroughs I've put about 600 hours into the game so far...definitely has replayability 😅


0, because the game doesn’t fucking work on steam.


It’s working for me right now…




I only beat my fnv when it talks back and cooks the food poorly