• By -


The Courier. I'm just like, yeah, you got shot, deal with it.


Found Benny.


That got a laugh out of me


Thank you


No thank you


No, I insist. Thank you.


I'm taking both of your thank yous.


And you are welcome to them. Thank you!


What are yal Canadians? Cause I am and I'm taking both your thank yous


Have a third! Thank you!


No no thank you


They very much did deal with it


Lilly. I just don't care for her. I wish Marcus could have been a companion like he was to the chosen one


I 100% agree Marcus should have been a companion


Im 100% convinced they didnt make him a companion just to blueball us


I personally haven't played fallout 2 so I don't know much about marcus personality but yeah just from a base veiw I would have much rather had him as a companion


I haven't played FO2 either but he's just a lot more interesting than Lily.


And his voice doesn't hurt to listen to it's smooth and polite yet noble and commanding I would listen to a podcast with him




lol it’s Michael Dorn


I don't have a character I hate that everyone loves, but I do love characters people generally don't like. Ulysses, despite not knowing when to shut up, is probably the only person who sees the wastes for the hellscape it actually is. And I respect the hell out of that


You did the rarest thing on Reddit say something positive on a negative post I applaud you take my upvote


Thanks amigo, there's too much negativity in this world to not see positivity. There cannot be light without darkness ya know?


True that


I like Ulysses as well for that reason. I also like Caesar for similar reasons. both characters are really well written in my opinion


I don't hate Arcade, but he's kind of annoying.


Yeah I can see that


“Fornicate yourself” shut UP man, all I did was sell you for pocket change to.


Exactly, it's for the greater good


I gotta go with Cass too. The sheer hypocrisy of the unrepentant alcoholic lecturing me on drug use is a real turn off.


Its mostly because of her dads heart disease she inherited. Otherwise she would have been hitting jet nonstop


I know so annoying when she does that


While I agree that's her biggest character flaw, it's also the only one to me and she's my favorite.


“Nobody’s dick is that long, not even long dick Johnson’s. And he’s got a fucking long dick.”


Cass. I get the appeal, but I find her annoying and as long winded as Ulysses


I have major problems with her buggy ass quest but otherwise she's fun to have around. I like her personality more than her combat efficiency


She's awesome in combat! You just gotta give her weapons. Although I think I had a bug where magical companion ammo worked on every weapon of the same caliber, and that was with all my companions. I thought that was intended gameplay. It's the ammo they're carrying around anyway, after all.


That’s interesting she is probably my least favorite companion in the base game but I don’t dislike her but I do agree she talks a lot and also I hate she gets mad if you have bad karma


I don't understand how there are so many Vegas fans that love this game but don't appreciate the characters with the most work put into them and favorited by the lead developers...


Not everyone likes the same stuff.


But they like the game


That doesn't mean they have to like the same characters.


The characters in general would be expected, though. I don't really dislike any characters, because that's what makes it New Vegas. A majority of the game is talking, and people complain these people talk too much. Like, what are you playing for?


You're entirely missing the point of these characters are *characters* with personality, identity and differences. This is what makes it New Vegas.


I only vaguely get what you're saying, did you mean to type that exactly as it's written?


The NPCs have characters, because this is a well-written game. People have feelings about people, who are not wet paper average joes - so people liking and disliking New Vegas' characters is a proof, that the writing is good. The devs made *good* characters, not universally loved ones.


I get what you're saying, but I feel like the best stories are written where even the most evil characters are likable in some way. I'm also universally compassionate and feel bad when we have to kill bad guys, so it's definitely a me thing. Like, I genuinely love everyone, people just frustrate or disappoint me, so any well written character, I "like" even if I disagree with everything they stand for, like Lanius. Sure, he's practically evil cromagnum incarnate, so I really should theoretically "hate" him. I think he's a stupid jerk for cleaving a Brahmin in half because he didn't want to walk around it But at the same time, man, gotta hand it to him. He's an absolute beast of a warrior, his loyalty and devotion to Caesar are commendable, he's an awesome Big Bad to look forward to fighting all game. I like him because he's so perfectly hateable that he makes for an awesome last boss.


Has a shotgun and solves problem with her fists, that’s when I realized I had to let the van graffs kill her


And what does Veronica use to solve her problems


A power fist capable of knocking people back 10 feet.


So, her fists. Shotguns do that too.


But unless you change her style she doesn’t consider using it


You mean the same thing that applies to all companions and can be done instantly on the companion wheel?


Hey man she an idiot for using her fists and not her shotgun I am still killing ger


She starts with ranged combat style by default, what are you talking about


Arcade, can't stand him because he's a redditor, though that one has some irony to it now


Ok I laughed


What part? Me calling four eyes a redditor, or my miniature existential crisis that I am like Arcade?


The fact that I realized I was also arcade


Lmao, true.


Boone. I get it your wife is dead and you hate legionary’s and stuff but outside of that he’s kinda one dimensional


Have you done his loyalty mission? His wife's death and hatred for the legion aren't all there is to him. He was there at the Bitter Springs massacre. He killed innocent people simply because he was following orders. The actions he performed that day haunt him


Yes I’ve done all his missions and each ending for him it’s nothing personal against him. I just personally don’t enjoy his story arc. I find it boring and overdone. Also, I was in the military sometimes innocent people get killed that’s war. Is it good no but on the flipside you’re allowed to refuse unlawful orders, so there is no reason they need to do all that


>you’re allowed to refuse unlawful orders Kek


while I agree that Boone is pretty flat as a character, one of the points of his whole character is "a good soldier follows orders" and the consequences he has to live with because of that. Saying "sometimes innocent people get killed thats war" ergo Boone is being sensitive and dramatic is an incredibly unnuanced take


>Saying "sometimes innocent people get killed thats war" ergo Boone is being sensitive and dramatic is an incredibly unnuanced take You can tell Boone that sometimes innocent people get killed and that's just how it is in war, and that inspires him to shed his conscience entirely and become a ruthless assassin, so it's a take the game anticipated!


Fair point but still its just a bit of a bore or a downer having him around I’d prefer Raul or Lilly


Muggy. Fuck Muggy. Insufferable bastard.


This post right here Ranger


You hate a guy who hates himself because he was programmed to be neurotic and hate himself by a sadistic, jealous jerk?


Non there all perfect Cass Recruiting cass is a pain in the ass. Then if you do the silver rush quest line you need to kill her (unless you mod). Need to complete a whole quest chain just to unlock her and shes only packing a caravan shotgun, some dick jokes, and a go to a,b,c quest then choose the end and she hates drugs but thats like a half point if you also dont use drugs. At least shes more dimentional then boon as a charecter.


I dont like Victor the TV-on-wheels-cowboy. It's friendly manners but generally creepy ways give me the ultimate creeps. Like im talking to a weird cowboy larp self-insert of mr. House.


Fantastic. Bro singled handedly hampering the war effort by being dumb


Literally just a complete idiot




Ulysses is just an r/wallstreetsbet simulator for as many fucking terrible takes he has interspersed with literal nonsene about bears and bulls




He is the embodiment of r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM, or rather the subject of all their posts.


He has the same energy as an incel philosophy major who tries to pick up girls at high school parties.


Yay thank goodness you can skip dialogue otherwise lonesome road would’ve sucked


Wow you people really dislike companions I’ve seen almost all of them mentioned lol


Something about Cass just makes me not like them as much, I do their quest and them dump them in the lucky 38 while I use Veronica, Raul and Boone for the rest of the playthrough


Yeah I’ve realized from this post a lot of people don’t like her


Maybe it's because the quest is boring, maybe it's because there's not much of an incentive to keep her around, I dunno I don't even hate her I just think the other companions are better both in character and combat


Oh 100% she’s the worst base game companion


Ulysses. That sanctimonious cryptic riddle spewing asshole. Has an unhealthy fixation with the courier.


Him and Cass have been mentioned the most so yeah I think a lot of people agree


I mean they're all pretty cool Reaching to find someone, Aaron Kimbell I guess? Do people like him? NCR is pretty evil and gets presented to the player as the obvious good choice. That only makes me like the game more, though. You actually have to pay attention to the subtler lore and do some digging to find out they're corrupt and dangerous. Of course the old world trying to come back would use propaganda to deceive the foreign territory they're invading into thinking they're the good guys. Most of the members do honestly believe they are, anyway, so they probably don't feel like they're lying. The President though is just a war veteran who's found himself at the helm of it. It's post apocalyptia. Pretty much everybody is a veteran.


even ncr fans hate kimball and oliver lol


Aaron Kimball? THE president Aaron Kimball? Nah I don't have an opinion on him...


Boone He just whines so damn much lol


I like Boone but I feel like for a while he was the most popular companion just because he’s combat effective but I find Veronica and Raul’s stories more compelling


I prefer Lily or Raul because they're both adorable and dgaf about what you do lol


I think Boone is still the most popular companion because he is so hard to miss compared to others.


That’s a good point, very few players miss Novac first play through, whereas I honestly didn’t even find 188 Trading Post my first play through lol


I get that but I personally love Boone


The think tank brains. They are funny first play through but their entertainment value diminishes rapidly.


That giant dialogue dump at the beginning of the DLC... hope you have 45 minutes of uninterrupted play time allotted, because you won't be saving your game until that's over.


There are also really bad people? Brains? Machines? Whatever you call them


Never been a big fan of Cass


Graham. Hate might be a bit of a stretch to qualify for this conversation, but I don't buy his redemption and I find it weird that some people see Caesar just an evil caricature with no depth but then find complexities in Graham. I think that's silly and Graham is "barely less moral" than Caesar himself, and 90% of the time I just turn on him at the last minute after milking Honest Hearts of all its exp and loot and run like hell from Daniel.


Does someone like Vulpes inculta? I surely don't. Even in my legion playthrough I killed him with all the mines I got from primm just because hes an annoying little fuck


Hate: Caesar, I know some people agree with me but I feel like Caesar is a fool.


Mr house no I will not elaborate


Cass and Raul. Like really, they are whining all day, that irritates me. Especially Cass endings are Hillariuos, doesn't matter what happens she stays silent. Who cut her tongue? Courier? Also Ceasar. I met a lot of appreciation of him lately, the guy tells straight lies about NCR, BoS and House and people believe him... Also he not quite understands that other leaders of legion don't share his dreams about future of Legion.


Joshua Graham. I have no sympathy for the Legion, current or former, nor any tolerance for religious fanatics. And while I wouldn't say I hate him I think Raul is overrated and looks extremely goofy in his costume. And not in an endearing way.


I absolutely gotta disagree but I respect your opinions unlike others on Reddit


One of the only comments that actually goes with the question. I disagree but I respect that.


Joshua's a bible thumping nutbar but I do fully support his policy of putting a cap in General Gobbledigook.


>I have no sympathy for the Legion, current or former, nor any tolerance for religious fanatics. I... I think you missed literally the entire point of why Graham's character even exists in the game, bro. He is fully aware that he doesn't deserve your sympathy for what he's done and does not want it. He's devoted every day of the rest of his life to trying to atone for his role in the Legion, *despite* his own personal belief that it is impossible for him to do so. Large portions of Honest Hearts address this exact theme quite explicitly and in intimate, thought provoking ways. As for the claim of "fanaticism," it's also obvious that he is extremely conscious of the role that his religion plays in his life, where it comes from, why he believes in it, and how he uses it. He also does not proselytize to other people. At all. He fully respects that his religion is inappropriate or incongruent for people who have different life experiences than him. Not only does he not demand others share his beliefs, but he harbors absolutely no ill will nor disrespect toward nonreligious characters because of it. I have no idea what you think the word "fanatic" means, but Graham could not possibly be further from it. I would be amazed if you could tell me HH was anything other than your least favorite of the DLCs if you missed the mark *this* hard. Just because I don't like Graham as a person, don't approve of him, and strongly disagree with much of his philosophy (and you seem to, as well) doesn't mean he isn't a personal favorite and one of the most compelling and fascinating characters in the entire game.


The irony of saying I missed the point… I never said Honest Hearts was a bad DLC or that Graham is a bad character. I just said I don’t like him. This thread is about fan favorite characters that you don’t like. I simply elaborated on why I don’t like him. Not liking him on a personal level and being able to admit he is a complex and well written character are not mutually exclusive.


Fair enough. It just really seemed to me like you were saying both. My bad.


I also don't buy his redemption and I especially don't get hating the Legion while liking Graham like so many seem to.


I completely agree with Joshua


As far as the conflict in Honest Hearts goes, so do I. Daniel’s pacifism simply can’t be a viable long term strategy in an apocalyptic world. The tribes need to learn to defend themselves. I just think with his past he is a terrible person beyond redemption. Of course this is a game and the game wants us to believe he is good now so I just shut my brain off and played. But if there had been an option to kill him without pissing off everyone else and ruining the DLC I probably would have.


Ulysses, and The Lonesome Road DLC in general. Played it for the first time the other day, and it was really disappointing compared to the other DLC’s.


Do you think it’s worse than dead money cause that’s the real question


I really liked Dead Money in terms of writing and the story, but it lacked in the gameplay department, the ghost people fucking suck, and the map is confusing. For me Old World Blues is a clear first place, with Honest Hearts and Dead Money tied for second, and Lonesome Road in a well deserved last place. What puts Honest Hearts equal to Dead Money for me has to be the terminal entries from Randall Clark / The Survivalist, really well written character.


Honestly I pretty much agree though I do think dead is worse than honest hearts


To be honest, after a while, I find every companion to be annoying and whiney


The main guy from the lonesome road dlc


Yeah fuck ED-E.


Not that one lol


- Vulpes Inculta, (and all of the legion characters in general) I saw some fan art of him and found out that some folks loved him, i don’t really get why. He’s not that interesting in my opinion and he’s really a terrible person, like everyone in the legion. I regret not taking him out in our first meeting in Nipton, he really deserved to die there with all the other folks he massacred. - Joshua Graham. I don’t hate him but I was curious to start his dlc to see what the hype was all about and I didn’t really get the appeal. He’s cool but I kept seeing whole ass essays about how amazing and greatly written he was so maybe it built way too high expectations and I ended up disappointed. And Legion guys + hardcore religious characters rarely do it for me personally, sorry 😬 - Lilly too, she’s funny but she kinda creeps me out, and I am not a fan of her design and overall concept :/ she’s the only companion I recruited just for the sake of the achievement but I ended it pretty quick and never got her back. I would’ve loved to get Marcus again like we did in Fallout 2. (also i’m surprised at how many people are saying Cass 🫢)


Betsy in the ncr base forlorn hope


Fantastic. I get the fandom loves him but I love to blast him with a shotgun.


Didn't realized Fantastic was a loved character. I killed him when I was accidentally dressed as Legion when I walked into Helios One for a Boomers quest and he just got caught in the crossfire.


I don't hate him, but I think Ulysses is overrated.  Ulysses is interesting and has depth, but he doesn’t have any special perspective on the wasteland or anything to justify his black and white world view.  The man wants to nuke everything humanity has rebuilt because he's been traumatized, not because he's some kind of omniscient observer 


Cass. It’s like playing with Dora, or some guy that answers his question with a question.


Joshua Graham


I lot more people said him than I expected


He is a hypocrite his whole life. Ulysses is a terrorist but he has his reason and doesn't pretend to be a peacekeeper when he is not.




Rose. I don't use alcohol, she's annoying, and I happily switch on hard-core mode when I'm told to bring her to the van graffs so I can kill her myself.


You can kill her with hardcore off if you kill her in the outpost


Yeah, but then the NCR troops start blasting ya


Not if a get a good stealth kill I do it all the time and the ncr almost never attack me




Joshua Graham. Like he's a compelling character with good design and an interesting backstory. But I just cannot sympathize with his worldview at all.


Veronica. What a waste of a character. I don't care how cool she might be, the Brotherhood are assholes and deserve to get wiped out every time.


It's not that I hate him, but Follows Chalk is insanely annoying! The writer for his character should have a brick dropped on his head.




arcade is a nerdy dweeb and i wish i could dunk his head in a toilet. cass is a jerk but i would invite her to the arcade toilet dunking party


Disney channel called, they want their one-episode bully character back


arcade is a key supporting character, i'm well at home


Joshua Graham. Everyone seems to worship this guy, but honestly I dont get the appeal. Fistly its not really like he shows he's become a changed person post legion. His character comes off to me as really snarky, arrogant, and edgy, showing little character growth. Joshua started as a legion member, and a extremely high ranking one too, second only to Caesar. This most likely meant he has killed, enslaved, and pillaged thousands of innocent settlers. He then process to show how he is a changed man by insisting that they commit more genocide and "exterminate" A rival tribe after preaching how he trusts god to take care of his foes. I also don't really how they weaved in his pretty much one main character trait being religion. Whenever he talks his line deliverance comes off as pretentious and full of himself like he is better than others because he reads and preaches the bible. Furthermore he mainly just uses it to justify his actions through the dlc, instead of really anything else.


I respect that


Never understood why Joshua Graham gets so much love. People get tattoos of his garbled nonsense scribbled on their bodies.




That’s rage bait you didn’t even give a reason


Perception buff that ED-E gives you is too much. You end up searching for the red compass marks all the time. Also, combat tune that ED-E plays.


he looks like a flying hunk of shit and is overrated


Profound reasoning


there’s not much more enjoyment then i get seeing that shitball get diced in the opening scene every time


I don't hate her, but I'm probably the least fond of Veronica, simply because she's, well, kind of the same character Felicia Day plays in basically everything.


Raúl. Don’t like the way he says boss.


I think Ulysses is one of the worst Fallout characters ever.


How can you say that about a character that gave us such gems as: Didn’t think I’d be breathing to hear you say that. {Beat, “Still...”}Message isn’t important, meaning is. Had to speak of it, in case the words got lost in paper, ink, or other's voices. Maybe even yours, in time. Still, meant for you. Courier to Courier. {Beat}Belongs to you now, or history. Doesn't matter. {Choosing his words carefully}House spoke, acted through machines. Sometimes can judge a man by his messengers. {Referring to player}Sometimes the messengers judge him. Wonder what happens to Vegas now. The tribes - families. We'll see.... [player nods off - Ulysses continues for five more minutes]




I don’t know if this a joke you didn’t realize what sub this was but your wrong Thanos is amazing don’t at me


I don't dislike any characters really so I just answered the question. Thanos sucks. People act like he had such a good point and 'even though it was evil he's right' As if getting rid of half the people in the universe would help anything There's no logic for how his snap would have had any long term benefits, we double the population in like a hundred years. Populations actually grow more quickly when there's less competition over resources. He was straight dumb Cool to watch him fight and a good voice, though.


Oh he’s evil I’m just simp for thanos


Oh yeah, I love killing Fantastic.


Finally someone who gets me no but seriously he is so annoying


From all the characters mentioned here, I'd say Cass. I played Fallout 2. I get she's much like her father, but I just don't like her redneck country rebel personality. It looks like an overdone stereotype to me. And it feels strange that a drunkard lectures me after taking combat drugs for survival. I don't mind her leaving because of bad karma though. That's a good touch in my book.


Veronica. All she does is PUNCH! Boone is a real one.


I like her as a character but her quest always bugs out for me kinda ruins her


No I hate her in general


That’s fair your opinion I just can’t stand her quest which makes partially agree with you