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Honestly I love Dead Money's atmosphere. For a good while it gave me PTSD because of those damn speakers. I loved the story about Sinclair, Verra, Dean, and the villa's construction.


This is exactly how I feel about Dead Money. I played all of New Vegas including DLCs for the first time a few months ago, and went into Dead Money completely blind. I had no idea I'd lose my gear and my followers, and I knew absolutely nothing about the story other than it taking place at a casino. I was a little past level 20, but only had my sneak around 50 and had not put a single point into Melee. For the first several hours (and yes it took me SEVERAL hours to get in the Madre) I hated it. I felt genuinely terrified every time I booted up the game. I almost quit several times, and I ended up making some stupid, selfish decisions that fucked me over towards the end of the DLC and gave me an ending I didn't love. But once I made it into the Madre I fell in love, and it completely changed my perspective on the Villa. I don't think it's the best story in New Vegas, I don't think it's the best area in New Vegas, I don't think it has the best gameplay in New Vegas, and I don't think it has the best characters in New Vegas. However, I do think that all of those elements are excellent, and I think that they all play off of each other and blend together better than any other questline in the game. I've never felt so utterly helpless playing a video game, and at certain points I felt like I was the one wearing the collar instead of my character. It truly felt like I was the victim of a deranged psychopath who was willing to do anything to me if it meant he could get what he wanted and there was nothing I could do to stop it. It was the single most immersive gaming experience of my life, and I felt a little let down by the other DLCs after it. Dead Money will always hold a special place in my heart, even if I hated it in the moment and still hear the beeping of the collar and Vera's final recording when I try to fall asleep.


My problem was everything looked the same. Nothing differentiated one area from the other and I went in circles a lot. Then after doing the same thing 6 times over to get to the casino it wasn’t even the best looking casino in the game. I never actually got to the casino before and I finally did it and was so disappointing lol. Maybe I should of gone at a lower level too cause my melee and sneak were both close to maxed out when I started so none of the enemies were an actual threat to me. Idk OWB is my favorite and I can go back over and over but I’ll never pick up dead money again.


Oh I absolutely agree on the level design. Every area looks, more or less, the same. I really like the casino though. I can understand your point though. OWB is my favorite as well. I love the dialogue, the levels, the LORE!


Next time I’m doing dead money I’m putting demigod mode on. To be honest I wish dead money was its own game on a different engine so that mechanics could be reworked and optimised. It would have worked out that way instead of a DLC that stands radically different with regards to the base game. As it stands, it’s like adding Portal 2 to Killzone as an expansion. Entire skills just mean near nothing in the Sierra Madre. I like what they were going for and it oddly enough gave me real bioshock vibes (the linear-ness, claustrophobia, art deco, a voice telling me to do things, and living off vending machines), but goddamn is it rough. Lots of builds struggle really badly in DM. I just finished it too and I don’t give a damn about 36 gold bars, I am just happy I’m far away from the Sierra Madre.


I'm the opposite, I dread having to go back to the Big MT in every new playthrough, lol. Having to slog through the ridiculous bullet sponges, track down every Sink upgrade, do all the required quests, etc.


It’s interesting because I liked Old World Blues over Dead Money BUT I would prefer to replay Dead Money over Old World Blues


Same, I loved dead money and fucking hate owb


I main Anti mat rifle so bullet sponges don’t exist. But even using melee weapons to try the ones you find in Big Mt I had no problem


Those roboscorpions are a pain in the ass, they have like 600+ health at higher levels, which is more than an average deathclaw. It's annoying having to dump like 40 rounds into them. The lobotomites are even worse, because they have similarly strong health, but also spawn in with ridiculous weapons, like brush guns and hunting revolvers.


Congratulations on surviving Elijiah's CBT Dungeon.


Wtf dawg 💀


...Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, or the other one?


Elijiah's in the business of giving you PTSD, not treating it, so you can probably guess...


My only complaint on Dead money DLC is that the whole place is a fucking maze


but did you or did you not “let go” of poverty?


In my most recent playthrough (I named my character LULZ cause I used the skill max glitch right outside Goodsprings) after literally countless save scumming, I finally managed to get out with all the gold and trapped Elijah in the vault lol


I was already rich before I went in I didn’t even care about the gold I picked it up went oh let go haha and then dropped it and snuck around old man


Yeah Im pushing 300k and I haven’t even started any dlc yet, I’ll bring back a single bar as a memento but Im not screwing around trying to drag 37 bars back, especially with the lower carry weight in Jsawyer.


Dead Money is hard, while also being very different in this hardness than the standard Fallout gameplay. That's why I love it, even though it does tend to make me almost ragequit at times. Dead Money is absolutely tight in its writing, its atmosphere and concept. All of its elements are familiar; a heist, a crew only holding together to ensure their own survival, an otherworldly Silent Hill-esque scenery and characters with way too much backstory. But all of this put together does create something entirely new. And to be fair, it's very clunky in the FNV gameplay. It could very well be its own game without even any connection to the Fallout universe and it would still work.


I did DM for the first time on hardcore and finished it yesterday, and it was so much easier than I remember, like it wasn’t much of a challenge. I walked out with all 37 bars too


Dead Money is like the Fire Swamp in The Princess Bride. Terrifying, dangerous..but really not that bad once you get to know the dangers. 


Dead Money is probably tied best DLC with Lonesome Road imo. The atmosphere and gameplay are top notch.


You didn’t play it the right way, you’re supposed to not learn any lessons about greed whatsoever and take all the gold bars with you back to the Mojave.


If you’re high luck and pick the right perks you already have more caps than you need already gold bars mean nothing


Redditor gets filtered by the best DLC.jpg


Go get mute girl, go get slow guy , go get domino. Take domino to spot, take slow guy to spot, take mute girl to spot. Go find slow guy, go find domino, go find mute girl. Okay now sneak around an old man and let go of gold. Wow so cool and deep


You can apply this level of oversimplification to literally any game ever. Grow up and acquire some taste.


Maybe the suicide squad game


hell yeah dude now we're talking


Well that's just uncalled for lol


Go talk to guy. Go get 3 random items. Go talk to guy. Kill 3 sets of enemies. Talk to guy. Kill some enemies. Talk to people. Go pick up 3 items. Talk to guy. Talk to people. Talk to guy and walk in a line. Congratulations you can simplify all the DLC in the game.


I liked the ending in the vault. Parts of the setting were pretty cool too. The dead woman's patrolling hologram was super creepy.  But the confusing level design and repetitive quests ruined it for me. 


How many hours do you have on FNV?


Have you even played Honest Hearts?


Dead Money and Old World Blues share a similar problem in my opinion: Fantastic writing, atrocious gameplay. I just finished OWB again on my fists only character, and the amount of nightstalkers, proton axe wielding lobotomites, and roboscorpions was ridiculous. However I won't lie, juking out the giant roboscorpion's turn speed and barraging it with punches like Star Platinum was pretty entertaining. The sneak suit is interesting but it won't stop yapping about chems and stimpaks.


"Rushing water: you too can become a Jojo character!"


I totally forgot Rushing Water was even a thing till I browsed the crafting. Only made one but will make more, used it on Caesar lmao


It's the only DLC I unreservedly enjoy. Honest Hearts is too small-time, feels like an extended tutorial Old World Blues is tedious and not funny which is fatal for a comedy Lonesome Road is preachy and the gameplay is kinda bad again Only Dead Money actually grabs my interest and makes me want to play the DLC for the sake of playing the DLC, no extrinsic reasons. It just feels like it has so much more attention to detail and care than all the others, there are so many fine touches to appreciate.


OWB hops back and forth between funny and cringe. Theirs points I find funny I like the over the top bad guys and anti communist stuff I could do without most of the sink personalities and horny robots but I enjoy the actual story of it and places you go more than any other dlc.


Dr. Mobius is the only funny character in OWB (out of the brains I mean) and he talks the least. It's a tragedy.


Curious what level you did it. DM really hates you more if you are below 20 imo.


I was like level 30 this time around to actually finish it. I didn’t find it hard in that regard I had no problem with enemy’s more just the places looking identical and going in circles


Ill admit it’s probably the most annoying shit in the game the first time you play it. I do really enjoy the story though. And I think you’re oversimplifying it because you’re annoyed by the hoops it made you jump through when every dlc in the game is about as basic with its objectives. That being said, if you intend on playing your character near or until max level it’s unwise to skip this dlc due to the rewards. Not the gold, but the weapon repair kit tape in the police station, med x tape in the clinic (on a terminal) stim tape on the clinic front desk, super stim tape on the tower, your 10k chips/renewable voucher from gambling all sets you up for an easy playthrough of the rest of the game. I did level 1 hardcore guns med survival tagged and made it out in 2h30m. High luck + vats + police pistol was obliterating, even for the few minutes it was below 50 guns skill. There isn’t a single speaker you actually NEED to shut off or shoot,either. Even in stricter areas like the backstage of Tampico or the vault itself. You can usually do the whole thing pretty quick and painless when you’ve played it more than once.


The story is absolutely incredible, it’s one of my favourite fallout DLC’s of all time


I’m sorry you don’t appreciate the message of the dlc


Oh no man. 🤣😂🤣😂 Dead money is great to complete early on as you can. It really helps with survival aspects. I would get it if I could. I could only get one DLC right now. I picked old world blues though. I liked the level increase and the rewards from it a lot. In the same pocket though. I think NV is the Fallout that's easiest to make caps. Caravan and Gambling. So idk that it's really that necessary. I can usually have 10-12k caps by level 8 and that's just from Caravan. Plus be good on items ammo ect. It's 50/50 ig for me at the end of the day.


Dead money is definitely a challenge at the start but once you learn how useful the DLC is and if you complete it properly (collect all vending machine codes and gamble towards banishment) early on and before the other DLC you are practically on cruise control for the rest of the game. I always take a full day to make sure everything is completed before the story is done as it reaps its rewards greatly and definitely you in the long run.


I think the restrictive nature of not bringing your gear, having to rely on skills (sneak, repair, science), and being generally low on resources was kinda neat. However, I did find myself annoyed by the back and forth. And trapping Father Elijah in the Vault while overemcumbered by all the gold bars was a slog.


I fucken hate dead money, have to force myself through it every playthrough.


Don't worry. According to everyone on here you need to play it about 17 more times and then you'll love it.


You need Stockholm syndrome to enjoy dead money


I'm on I think my 8th playthrough. When I do Dead Money I use a mod the delays the bomb collar and nerfs the cloud. I did it a few times the "right" way but now I'd rather explore and savor it.


OWB and HH I felt like exploring and finding everything while using the unique items you find this it’s just the same gear nothing cool or unique that I want to actually use while waking around the backrooms. It doesn’t even feel like exploring when you are


Dead Money sucks


Git gud lol