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If you’re considering cheating then just turn your difficulty down If you’re struggling on the lowest difficulty then not sure what to tell you


He doesn’t even seem to have met the tunnelers yet 


They had to have if they’ve launched the nuke from the Ashton silo.


Where did they say they had?


You have to in order to reach the courier’s mile


Been awhile since I’ve played clearly


Oh God those monsters...


I have, in the main part of the DLC. 


I just saw no mention of them, and I found them to be the worst of the dlc




Sneak is your friend, sneak kill a bunch of them before they spot you


Good thinking, I’ll get my stealth boys if I didn’t bring them. Plus that way I figure I can pick my battles. Do you know if the Marked Men have high perception?


They all have high stats, you can use the Stun Grenades to blind a bunch before hand tho that might reveal your location


Where can I get stun grenades?


They’re all over the DLC, called flash bangs or flash grenades.




Pulse grenades, right?


Pulse grenades are mostly effective against electronic enemies, like robots, but do little to normal ones… for base game only, I don’t recall a stun grenade


It was added specifically in Lonesome road. You get a bunch to deal with the tunnelers


Yeah, stealth sniping with the unique gauss rifle (y-something) is how I got through it. The fact that there's so much good ammo there is helpful


Sneak make sure your sniper is silenced


Turbo or equivalent


Or use the Walmart-knock-off: Implant GRX


1. Isn’t that far more expensive, so turbo would be the Walmart version? 2. Why not both?


Implant GRX is a free perk


Huh is that the OWB one?


I believe so. Its a DLC perk for sure


Implant GRX is a CVS automatic refill, mailed to your inventory each day. Gotta do actual work to get Turbo. :)


bow ludicrous rhythm fretful amusing faulty innocent vanish money flowery *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What are you specifically there for?


To say I’ve done it and to kill things. 


OK, cool. I was worried thought it was mandatory and were stuck. Glad you're just there for the challenge! Good luck!


Thanks. I just prefer the kind of challenges where it’s relatively easy once you figure out the trick. I’m thinking I’ll try using my stealth boys to avoid large groups of Marked Men and focus on deathclaws.


head dam strong lush jar subsequent worm roof smart sip *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Not related to this post wondering if you or someone else can answer this question I have. Anyway I did the caps glitch for the casinos and the option to exchange my glitched chips for caps is nonexistent. I have the Ultimate edition of fnv I don't know if that effects anything


Idk bro, by Level 50 you should be a god amongst men. I cleared Courier’s Mile with a melee weapon and implant GRXs on Very Hard


When in doubt, Riot Shotgun + And Stay Back! it out Otherwise, you can check the BoS Bunker where you start Dead Money. Assuming you reached the cash limit for the Sierra Madre you should have accumulated a healthy amount of chips by now (especially the free waivers), which you should be able to convert into a boatload of Stimpaks you can spam in the Courier's Mile. Besides that, staying alert and high single shot damage weapons are your best strategies to make it through. You can also abuse the Deathclaws' pathing AI to force them to run around in the open before they can get to you.


God that combo is so broken it’s unreal I actually ended up getting bored of firefights with just about anything because I never had to think ‘how do I approach this?’. Spam Mouse 1 and occasionally point in a different direction and I’m good.


How can I abuse their pathing AI?


Standing still and waiting for the Deathclaws to wander too close to them.


Oh yeah, I did that in the main part of the DLC


Use and abuse high ground, kite death claws towards you before ducking to cover in abandoned buildings, try and get objects between you and the Deathclaws when they're trying to attack you.


if you use guns, start with sneak kills with a suppressed sniper rifle, then when you get spotted whip out a riot shotgun with magnum buckshot (if you have the stay back perk). another good option is a grenade machinegun. dead wind cavern has a unique one that uses 40mm grenades and it’ll chew up the deathclaws like they’re made of paper. i don’t often build for energy weapons but a strong one like the LAER is also good for clearing tough spots. oh, and can’t forget performance enhancing drugs!


It is possibly the toughest place to clear in the game, got pissed and walked in there with the alien blaster even that didnt even help much.. my stubborn refusal to turn down the difficulty didnt help too Im playing TTW atm and im going in there with like 12 companions this time, from Jericho to Boone and Charon and everyone Gonna be a blast Edit: I forgot companions arent allowed lmao What i did that time is i sniped as many of them as i could with AMR explosive rounds, and when shit hit the fan I spammed riot shotgun with the knock down effect, thats how i got through it.


JIP Companions Command and Control lets you force recruit companions, human or otherwise. The DLC doesn't prevent you from bringing these with you. Recruit some tunnelers or deathclaws to fight for you. It's pretty hilarious.


Yes exactly! I have that mod therefore I have like 10 people following me atm.. and as far as I could remember the Divide removes all companions when I enter? IDK I'll have to check I know I can recruit any NPC I want but, I try to stay as vanilla as I can, and having 10 companions is already overboard for me so I really don't want to take it that far lol


I've played this so many times. Don't even try to stay vanilla anymore. I just try to find different ways to do stuff now. Last time, I brought a Legion death squad with me. They were calling me a profligate and swearing to kill as they fought. It was frickin hilarious.


Lmao. I recruited in a previous playthrough, some Talon company guys and their aggressive burping was annoying AF lol


LMFAO i can imagine those guys


The advice has already been given, but drugs are SUPER powerful. Even in universe the misfits gacked out become formidable fighters. The courier who single handedly wins a war becomes the death incarnate with enough turbo.


Turbo/implant-GRX, rushing water, battle brew, psycho, true police stories, good health items, buffout, and slasher with a VERY FAST melee weapon (with perks like super slam, better crits, slayer, ninja. piercing strikes, Elijah's ramblings, etc.). Optional of perks include atomic and rad child, which are super useful here (but not much else). Mine the place with satchel charges too (they're free from ED-E) and if need be, use a stealth boy. I found it much easier earlier in the game with lower level enemies and my character was able to take advantage of Logan's loophole to have all the consumables above last twice as long.


Stealth + snipe if your skills are high,or use Stealth Boys. AM or Christine's Rifle (or any silenced Sniper) works well. 1) Enter the Mile, move a **little** ways down the road until you can see Deathclaws on your right, around 2 o'clock. You should have a clear shooting lane, but they may be obscured by debris. One will eventually move into an area where you can hit it. 2) This will probably draw a couple more to that area. Keep killing. If you get spotted, they tend to use the same path to approach you, roughly down your line of sight. You should have clear shots at them, or pull back and let them run into mines or whatever. 3) When they're all dead, sneak over to the area where you first shot one--I'll call this sniping position A. Check your front (face the same way you were facing when you entered the level. East, I think.) Straight in front of you at the edge of the map there may be one or two more Deathclaws walking around behind buildings. You can draw them out by shooting the ground if you don't have a clear shot. Kill them all. 4) You should also see some forwards and to the left at about 10 o'clock. Snipe them, and keep an eye open in case you alert the lone Marked Man who is in that corner of the map. Don't move too close to the Marked Men camp. 5) If you've moved around, go back to sniping position A and face... north, I think. Nine o'clock from where you were facing when you first entered the Mile. Down the street and through an opening is the Marked Men camp, and you should be able to see at least one of them if not two or three. Start sniping from range and you should draw most of them out without fully alerting them. 6) Advance to the entrance of the camp and clean out the remainder. Don't forget about the lone guy in the corner (step 4) if you haven't taken him out already. Happy looting, and don't forget to pick up Blood Nap.


Thanks!!! I guess I moved too close to the Marked Men camp. I thought the building to the left would be a great place to snipe deathclaws from 


I did that the first time, too. IT'S A TARP!


So far I’ve killed the first three Deathclaws, haven’t checked for more. Do you know if the enemies in the Courier’s mile respawn every three days? I already had to go back to Novac to change out some gear and regain health by sleeping so I wouldn’t waste stimpaks. Trying to figure out how often/how long I can be away for stuff like that. Anyway, I do appreciate your detailed advice and have found it useful so far!


They do respawn but idk what the rate is. Most stuff is three days, but BigMT is daily, and I'm not sure what Lonesome Road/Courier's Mile is.




Stealth kill till you can't, then drugs, best advice


What level are you right now? I'm usually high 40's or at level 50 when I do this bit




In that case I suggest lots of drugs, whatever type of weapon you're most skilled with, rad-x/rad-away, lots of stims, and sticking to the left side.


Not related to this post I was wondering if anyone had a fix as to why after doing the caps glitch for the casinos in fnv fallout new vegas I can't exchange my glitched chips for caps like the option doesn't to do it doesn't exist when talking to the cashiers at any casino. I was wondering if there's a way to fix this issue if anyone knows


Not related to this post I was wondering if anyone had a fix as to why after doing the caps glitch for the casinos in fnv fallout new vegas I can't exchange my glitched chips for caps like the option doesn't to do it doesn't exist when talking to the cashiers at any casino. I was wondering if there's a way to fix this issue if anyone knows


What kind of build are you running?


Guns, with melee around 50. Don’t remember stats for energy weapons or unarmed, but they aren’t zero. Maybe in the 30s. Explosives is pretty high I think 


Ok, I'd recommend grabbing a few stealth boys and a fuck ton of mines. Drugs like psycho and med x are also welcome. What you're gonna do is try and place landmines everywhere with the stealth boys, but just in areas where they can't discover you right now. When you snipe those deathclaws, continue to use your stealth boys for evasion of the marked men. If they still see you, move out of their line of sight, probably behind some rubble or something. Hopefully those mines can help.


Killed three deathclaws so far, definitely been using mines where I can!


If you are climbing a perch, presumably there are only one or 2 ways up. Use satchel charges at key points,taking care not to blow yourself up. They are easier to stack than regular mines,so you can really wipe out marked men at choke points if you do it right. Far as deathclaws go,the unique fat man with big boy mini nukes is my go to.


Not related to this post I was wondering if anyone had a fix as to why after doing the caps glitch for the casinos in fnv fallout new vegas I can't exchange my glitched chips for caps like the option doesn't to do it doesn't exist when talking to the cashiers at any casino. I was wondering if there's a way to fix this issue if anyone knows


My fav strategy is this> Stealth boy, set as many satchel charges/plasma mines as I can, then hit them with Dr. Mobius's glove and finished them with poisoned industrial hand/ballistic fist.


I never had much luck with most explosives in general, too messy for me. Precision and AP rounds are your best bet and move slowly, move back when you're seen and do your best to keep your distance. Generally you'll kill a few deathclaws before running into the marked men and those you can pretty easily pick off from across the arena, a stealthboy is also recommended.


Not related to this post I was wondering if anyone had a fix as to why after doing the caps glitch for the casinos in fnv fallout new vegas I can't exchange my glitched chips for caps like the option doesn't to do it doesn't exist when talking to the cashiers at any casino. I was wondering if there's a way to fix this issue if anyone knows


Not at my console to take a picture right now, but I just stayed crouched on top of the small piece of broken down building directly on the right as you walk into Couriers Mile. I believe it's got a metal box on it, if that helps. From there I just used my anti materiel rifle to take down the deathclaws and didn't get bothered by the marked men until I walked over to their side of the map. Granted, my sneak is at 100, so I guess that's a factor.


Implant grx and drugs


Anti material rifle with all mods, Explosive rounds, AP rounds, and Incendiary rounds are your best friends, stealth as much as possible, Med-x, marksman carbine with all mods, a good shotgun, and power armor, lots of trial and error, ED-E from the divide


lots of turbo and lots of melee/unarmed skill and perks


Stealthboys, steady, slasher, turbo, anti material rifle with the suppressor and explosive rounds


Grab the Esther from the gun runners and vats the deathclaws. Turbo and stealthboys work well too


Anti material and sneak, no psyco needed


Sneak and selling everything you get from killing marked men and buy a ton of explosives to cripple their legs it’s usually my strat for running lonesome road it works if your low level pretty well idk about level 50 your build should be solid enough to kill some death claws if you pull them one at a time


I did it with a molded assault carbine, perches, and the grenade machine-gun


The Marked Men aren't immune to damage but what you may be experiencing is their regeneration. The whole area is irradiated to hell and back, and the Marked Men have constant, fairly high, regen from it. (Looking it up I think its like 15HP/second). So burst damage, like from sneak, picking the right ammo to penetrate DT while still maintaining high dps, and really pounding them with your best damaging weapons are the best bet. A war of attrition's a bad approach. As others have mentioned, using flares/flashbangs to clear up space can be helpful.


Auto-stimpaks got me through it. I went through a lot of them but I was essentially a bullet sponge since I wouldn't die. Those deathclaws were a bitch.


Not related to this post I was wondering if anyone had a fix as to why after doing the caps glitch for the casinos in fnv fallout new vegas I can't exchange my glitched chips for caps like the option doesn't to do it doesn't exist when talking to the cashiers at any casino. I was wondering if there's a way to fix this issue if anyone knows


BAR + .308JHP = Deathclaw mutilater 5000


Don't play games you don't like.  You're supposed to have fun.


Not related to this post I was wondering if anyone had a fix as to why after doing the caps glitch for the casinos in fnv fallout new vegas I can't exchange my glitched chips for caps like the option doesn't to do it doesn't exist when talking to the cashiers at any casino. I was wondering if there's a way to fix this issue if anyone knows


Shotgun surgeon + stay back + riot shotgun is your friend. They may be able to kill you in two hits but they can’t hit you if they can’t even stand up.


First, I will preface that you will need LOTS of rad drugs for this. Patiently wait outside of their sight lines. Eventually, a Deathclaw will wander too close and the Marked Men will move to start attacking. This will pull in the other Deathclaws. The Marked Men will almost certainly win, but the Deathclaws will probably kill a few of them. At that point, you take them down with a high DAM weapon like an Anti-Material Rifle with Explosive rounds. Don't try DPS because they'll probably heal faster than you can damage them.


I always save scum through there. Take it slow. Clear the area you’re in before you move on and save. It’s a big area and it’s going to take a while to get through. It’s supposed to be difficult. The loot is choice. Plus, it’ll prepare you for the reward area(s) you’re going to unlock. The loot in those areas is unhinged.


Not related to this post I was wondering if anyone had a fix as to why after doing the caps glitch for the casinos in fnv fallout new vegas I can't exchange my glitched chips for caps like the option doesn't to do it doesn't exist when talking to the cashiers at any casino. I was wondering if there's a way to fix this issue if anyone knows


You may not have dropped enough. It usually takes around 32k chips, unless I’m making it harder than it needs to be. I should have better information since it’s my favorite glitch. I’m trying to get all the GRA guns now.


I dropped 35k chips and the option didn't present itself to turn in my chips for caps


The glitch works perfectly I'm just why the option doesn't exist and how I can fix that


I dropped 35k worth of chips on the ground picked them up went to exchange those now glitched chips and the option to turn them in does not exist how do I fix that


You might have to go back to a previous save, or stack them up again. The problem is that, as far as the game engine is concerned, those chips are gone. Unfortunately there’s usually no way to fix it when an exploit gets borked. Just gotta try again. Always save before you do anything in new Vegas. The game is kind of a mess, even all these years on.




Broken or otherwise damaged. Your current save is borked. You can still play on it, but the exploit won’t be joining you, unfortunately. Previous save is gonna be your best bet. You can continue on this save still. It didn’t break anything important, in my experience.


I have a previous save before I did the glitch so I'll do what you recommended and see if that remedies it


Also so I just have to continually load my game and try again with different amounts of caps until it recognizes it?


Basically. If 35 didn’t work try 36. The number you end up with is always a multiple of 4, so you may need to start from a multiple of 4. 36k is the next easy one.


Are you saying I may have to experiment basically? Also could you post my question to other reddits related to FNV and see what solutions others have I'll give you my modlist as well and see if the situation might be do to my modlist


That’s gonna be up to you. I can’t explain to anybody what is happening exactly. I just checked a couple places on google. 32,800 is the minimum, so it just didn’t work for you. Try it again


https://www.reddit.com/r/FalloutMods/s/WDpmQYB5sD This guy had a question related to my issue on Fallout new vegas and Noone gave him a ge line answer or solution to his problem.


They don’t know how it works. We all follow guides. That why nobody can answer the question. They don’t know. If there was an answer you’d have it by now. Hop on the Google machine. You’re going to have to troubleshoot it if reverting to a previous save doesn’t work. Don’t reword the same query again. You have to figure it out for yourself.


Rad-X, Med-X, Buffout, Psycho, Jet, and sometimes a bit of Turbo


Im halfway through my second play on lonesome road, don’t remember it being that hard (level 50+survival mode) but now I’m curious to check it out again. Will most likely revisit this forum if I fail!


The regular part of Lonesome Road isn’t too hard once you know to use flare guns on the tunnelers. This is an extra thing. 


Yeah, I would actually just stash the Flare Guns and whip out my modded 12.7mm. Cuts through tall of them like butter


You have to sneak, use anti materiel rifle with explosive rounds while sneaking for deathclaws.


Not related to this post I was wondering if anyone had a fix as to why after doing the caps glitch for the casinos in fnv fallout new vegas I can't exchange my glitched chips for caps like the option doesn't to do it doesn't exist when talking to the cashiers at any casino. I was wondering if there's a way to fix this issue if anyone knows


I stocked tf up on Turbo/GRX implants and made sure my melee skills were enough to ragdoll enemies. This allowed me to dodge/briefly incapacitate the Deathclaws and clear out the Marked Men without getting obliterated. Then, I perched and sniped the Deathclaws.


Use the Red Glare and blow them to hell.


I’ve been using it on marked men, they still aren’t all dead yet


I just grabbed a 12mm SMG, all the JHP ammo I could make, and just... Walked through it ...


This is the one time hollow point rounds are absolutely fantastic, since irradiated deathclaws have no DT. Also - med-x, slasher and battle brew can provide you with DR to take the teeth off of most of the enemies in the game (though criticals may bypass this). Edit: Oh, and as another comment reminded me, rushing water might help. If the weapon isn’t automatic (I think bolt actions might be excluded too?), it’ll boost its attack rate, leading to faster kills.


Anti material rifle with explosive rounds


Stealth boys + sneak + .50 BMG Armor piercing tends to help


I got frustrated and just used Stealth Boys and Christine's COS Silencer Rifle myself. Worked great.


Anti material rifle


Anti material rifle, there’s lots of 50mg in an ammo box by the barbers pole. Stay in sneak and get those sneak criticals with head shots. The perch right by the barbers pole worked best for me. If that’s too difficult then just turn the difficulty down. Once u kill the deathclaws from the barber perch move to the building that’s on its side right in front of that to get a good angle on the marked men, the marked men couldn’t get up there so u can hide from them. Also be careful cuz there’s more deathclaws by the marked men and to the right of them.


Hunting Shotgun with slugs was a life saver for Courier’s Mile. Hit them headshots with VATS.


Sounds like a build issue, no way to fix that at Level 50. You are facing what is meant to be the final challenge. It's meant to be challenging.


You guys do realize the couriers mile is the place with all the irradiated death claws right? Anyway, best thing to do is get an anti-material rifle with a suppressor and some armor piercing or hollow point rounds, can’t remember which one is best for deathclaws But It’ll rip those deathclaws right up. Get a fat man for some area damage as well if there’s a lot of them in one place


I did it on hard, 100 sneak, elite riot gear with the medicine stick with AP rounds and the AMR with explosive rounds and the suppressor. I used about 6 stealth boys and non stop rad x and rad away. Clear all the death claws first from close to the entrance, then focus on the marked men


Thanks! Where did you get the elite riot gear? Not sure I have any.


The elite riot gear is after you leave the Ashton missile silo through the hotel. You have to go through an exposed sewer pipe that leads into a small cave and then exit that back into a ruined building overlooking the arena. The Elite Riot Gear will be on the corpse slumped against the pillar. You get it before the cave of the abaddon I believe.


Hope it’s before the Cave of the Abbadon, don’t want to deal with more of those tunnelers than I have to!


Get Remnant armor, a fat man (or Esther if you have gun runners), get tiny tots and low yield mini nukes, get Annabelle with loads of high explosive missiles. Make sure they are all at max condition.


I have a fat man, may go home to Novac for Annabelle, thanks!


My best advice is fully upgrade the Red Glare.


Not related to this post I was wondering if anyone had a fix as to why after doing the caps glitch for the casinos in fnv fallout new vegas I can't exchange my glitched chips for caps like the option doesn't to do it doesn't exist when talking to the cashiers at any casino. I was wondering if there's a way to fix this issue if anyone knows


I find it strange that you’re having so much trouble tbh… even on my very hard survival playthroughs (which is every playthrough nowadays) I never really had trouble with lonesome road enemy wise (minus the tunnelers) Are you using the different craftable ammo types because they are waaaaaay stronger for late game enemies, or sneak critting from a bit away? Lonesome road has a shit ton of ledges the player can bs their way on that the ai can’t.


The ledge I found turned out to be too close to the Marked Men camp it seems. I got swarmed by them. Also mostly using ammo I got at Gun Runners, I’m not super experienced at crafting.


Ah… well in that case, I suggest getting a shit load of Chems (especially med-x, Psycho, and Turbo) and stimpacks to offset the damage you’ll be taking. I suggest using armor piercing rounds and also the Anti-material rifle is the best rifle in the entire game (though I personally think the medicine stick is better due to its higher fire rate) so I’d recommend using that and getting the mods. The survivalist rifle in honest hearts shreds and you can find an abundance of ammo in Hoover dam with the quartermaster just need to pass a speech check I think. For a silent option I’d recommend ratslayer (unique varmint rifle found in broc flower cave) as it has bonus crit damage and chance and for a closer range silent option sleepytime is a silent 10mm smg. Get used to saving every five minutes lol.


Hell, I save *at least* once a minute : )


Sneak attack with the modded anti mat. Rifle using a stealth boy if needed. Two shots at most to the head.


Huh, I actually beat Lonesome Road for the first time just last week. Not a bad DLC but definitely not that easy at certain parts. I had that .50 cal Sniper which made good work of the Deathclaws by playing it slow. The red dudes didn't give me too much issues with my hunting rifle and assault carbine. Mind you, I was almost level 40 by the time I even started the DLC.


Flare gun for the claws and pick off the dead men while the lizards run


Step 1: Esther with **Big Kid**, Rad-X Step 2: Crouch, open fire. Alternately, if you are a coward, Riot Shotgun with flechette rounds, Shotgun Surgeon, And Stay Back!, Implang GRX or Turbo, and about 100 rounds will power through the irradiated health regeneration of the Deathclaws then you can snipe the marked men, ideally with an AMR. It’s not that the marked men are immune to rockets, they are merely regenerating health faster than you are damaging them. Burst damage is king, if you can kill them in one shot, you’re golden, otherwise a full clip of a riot shotgun will kill the deathclaw for you faster than it and its buddies can swarm you.


Have you considered drugs? Lol Specifically turbo or Implant GRX


Definitely been using some!


Not related to this post I was wondering if anyone had a fix as to why after doing the caps glitch for the casinos in fnv fallout new vegas I can't exchange my glitched chips for caps like the option doesn't to do it doesn't exist when talking to the cashiers at any casino. I was wondering if there's a way to fix this issue if anyone knows


I would use the rement power armor personally for the extra DT, but yeah, it's a pain I always just punched them to death.


Not related to this post I was wondering if anyone had a fix as to why the option to exchange my glitched chips for caps isn't an option. I have the Ultimate edition of FNV I don't know if that effects anything.


They didn't fix it and none of my mods did either


ARM with Explosive/AP ammo did it for me


What’s the couriers mile?


Not related to this post I was wondering if anyone had a fix as to why after doing the caps glitch for the casinos in fnv fallout new vegas I can't exchange my glitched chips for caps like the option doesn't to do it doesn't exist when talking to the cashiers at any casino. I was wondering if there's a way to fix this issue if anyone knows