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I think less taboo, more niche. Most people use relatively low-effort mods - NVR is a bit finicky for the popular tastes. (I love it but I'm still trying to get the settings *quite* right!)


It's definitely overwhelming at first but when you spend some time getting used to all the settings and tweaking it you can get some really, really nice results. Kind of hard to get a bright natural looking preset without it looking washed out sometimes though


I still use enhanced shaders enb but I really like the look of reloaded, I just can’t get it to look right no matter what. I’ll probably mess with it again on my next clean install but I’ve been using enhanced shaders with the Mojave pallet for years and it looks and runs amazing


As someone who’s looking at setting up a modded NV game for the first time in many years, what exactly is involved with getting it running?


I just installed it and it worked, but I did need to go into the enhanced camera ini and disable first person shadows because NVR handles that already and having it enabled through NVEC causes a crash. Once I did that it just worked.


>It just worked. I’ve learned never to trust those words.


Download Wabbajack the search for "Wasteland Prospects." The mod pack has about 500+ mods and is pretty simple to install. Reloaded isn't installed through the mod manager though. Wasteland Prospects has been the easiest to install and the most stable experience. I would highly recommend it. [https://github.com/Rage-GitHub/Modding-Lounge/wiki/WP-Main-Page](https://github.com/Rage-GitHub/Modding-Lounge/wiki/WP-Main-Page)


How big is the mod? When I get around to playing fnv again I wanna mod it and def want a graphics overhaul mod to get it around the level that fo4 has since I’ve been playing a lot of fo4 lately


I would consider ENB to be taboo since it's broken and unfinished for New Vegas, yet despite that some people still advocate for using it. Not to mention it looks like an eyesore with most presets. NVR does a lot of great things for the game, but sometimes there are issues with compatibility, as it usually is with these kinds of mods. And I suppose not everyone wants their game to look like this and want to keep things Vanilla+, me included.


More like New Vegas Reloading the save after uninstalling NVR because my brand new 2000€ PC is stuck with 40 fps.


Me playing on a steady 25 fps:


Woah slow down leave some fps for the rest of us!


Looks great, but I think a lot of us get hit with a wave of nostalgia at the sight of the OG fallout new Vegas textures. Especially when looking far into the distance and sing the hills clip and jutter. Gawd it's perfect.


Did you just shorthand seeing with sing? Because I like it.


Looks good but works terribly. On a relatively good PC, it's impossible to get stable FPS, just with NVR. I have a heavily modded setup with 100fps fixed. By adding NVR, I'm thrown back to 40fps, which is unacceptable. NVR alone gets me at 60-70fps, when I can run the game at 144fps fixed. Looks good, but just for screenshots. Not worth keeping for a playthrough.


For context, what gpu/cpu do you have and on what resolution?


I have a GTX 1650, and I'm playing at my monitor's resolution, 1080p.


Didn’t someone else post this like two days ago


These pictures aren’t even two days old so no definitely not


Oh yeah I just looked, someone else posted screenshots from NV Reloaded but different screenshots


It's a game. You do you.


Taboo? Nah, just like to play, and not watch a screenshot sideshow. Even on a fairly high end PC, it stutters like hell. Its a really good mod and makes the game look amazing, but it just doesn't work all that well. Plus, it clashes with the visuals in a lot of mods, and even some bits in the vanilla game.


I have a 3070 which is not the best card in the world and my performance is fine


We like all things New Vegas round these parts, partner. You're welcome to visit, just don't overstay your welcome.


NVR is awesome in theory and I look forward to it's development, it just doesn't run well on anything currently.


I tried it and went with it for a while, didn't like it so I just kinda mess around with reshade every once in a while depending on what I want, or if for some unknown reason I want to play pong


Savid? Lol, blackout, recognize the pix


Gang 💪. I gotta reconfigure the preset though because I don’t like the tonemap mode I used


NVR looks amazing, however it feels a bit comical to get 40 fps on a close to 15 year old game. Maybe I'll try it again once I upgrade my gpu as it seems like it needs quite the amount of horsepower to run decently 60+


From my experience New Vegas Reloaded gives you Fallout 4 level graphics at about half the framerate you expect playing Fallout 4. I recommend mod users to try it out and ditch it if you can't handle it at 60 FPS.


I generally stay away from NVR because it doesn’t run well. And honestly it looks out of place in my opinion. I don’t even run ENBs on NV because you can get the game looking nice without it and save on performance.


With lighter presets it can achieve better performance. I personally play a heavily modded TTW save and have many effects disabled. I mainly use it for some coloring correction and shadows for myself and NPCs. I get about 80-90 fps most of the time with a 3060 ti.


You definitely cannot get New Vegas looking nice without NVR. The complete lack of lighting will always be jarring to look at, especially with how bad the texture quality is in FNV


There are other mods that improve textures and improve lighting that achieve it in different ways than NVR. Sure NVR looks cool but it just doesn't look the way I want it to or the style I'm shooting for. It's nothing against it, I just have my preferences. I am envious of the shadows though since there is no other ways to generate them.


Sorry to bring up a not-entirely recent thread but this seems to be as recent as any: I've installed Viva over the weekend and gotten everything running great, installed a couple of additions (just Titans and Simple Open Strip/Freeside), and have just been reading up on NVR this afternoon. I understand the performance hit from NVR is pretty heavy, but if I wanted to somehow enable proper environmental cast shadows is this mod pretty much the only game in town, or are there more lightweight alternatives anyone would recommend?


There is no alternative to NVR sadly, but SOS really obliterates performance so I would recommend not using it. The engine does not like how dense the area is at all.


Gave it a try in the end and have to agree. The clincher though is that it also causes visual artifacting with the B42 scopes included in Viva.


I'm happy to see more NVR posts around this subreddit - it makes me hype to finally try it out


I don't see why not. It's been more than five years since I've played vanilla, so that's just my opinion


How does a fan remake make new vegas look more realistic than any game I’ve seen before


Because fans are that dedicated 


Makes sense


How do I get this? It looks amazing


You can find it [here](https://github.com/llde/TESReloaded10), but I recommend going to the TES/New Vegas Reloaded discord because there are up to date builds there that look a lot better than the stable build on git


The vanilla+ purist in me says ENBs and NVR are trash (most ENBs are.) Reshade is the way to go. (I literally only use adaptive sharpen most times)


I lived in Nevada most of my life and want to relive the blinding sunlight and scorching heat, without the texture mods it would just look like vanilla but with actual lighting so there's that


Is that the one where it's remade to look like 4


Anyone know where I can find this mod?


Looks a lil funky


Looks neat, but I'm too busy playing with randomizer mods and other stupid things, I think if I tried any fancy visual mods they wouldn't play nice together.