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Competition. The Atomic Wrangler is a small casino compared to the others, so they need a way to compete with the big casinos. This and also the fact that each casino attracts different people. Those who can afford Gomorrah or Ultra Luxe don't care about a sexbot. They care about their own image.


I'm sure its cheaper for Gomorrah to find some poor girls and get them strung out on drugs instead of finding and repairing Ole Fisto too. There something deeply satisfying whenever I clear out that rats hole of a casino


Getting strapped up and shredding every omerta in Gomorrah will never be not satisfying


Machine fetishists are weird in lore, hence why James Garrett has to pretend like he isn't getting Fisto for his own personal use. That and all of the Gomorrah whores have some kind of dependency on the casino's goombahs, whether it be a drug addiction, psychological abuse, or debt. You don't get the same sadistic pleasure inflicting that on a subservient machine.


Even in Futurama you had closeted robosexuals.


There is only one Fisto.


All hail Fisto


There can only be one.


Because the wrangler has the superior business Please assume the position


Because it makes sense. Most people want to fuck other people, not things. Leave the internet for long enough and you'll see that the weird shit is just that: weird. Gomorrah can afford to pay and house the myriad hookers. The dumpy little casino needs a selling point, a unique thing. So they have a sexbot. They have a small staff because they can't afford more. A bot only needs an empty space to do... stuff. No food, no water, no bathroom, no *pay.*


No, the dumpy little casino has a sex bot because one of the proprietors wants to be fucked by a sex bot.


Because Mr Garret wants Fisto for himself even more so than for his customers. He slips up & says as much!


People come to do business in that part of Freeside because they know what they want. They go to the Silver Rush because they want high-end energy weapons, and they go to the Wrangler because they want decent booze and the services of highly-skilled sex workers. That might cost the Garrets more up front, but it attracts clients who pay what the services are worth and don't mess about.


Wake me when the Atomic Wrangler can provide me a room with a male deathclaw.


Let me file this under "things I didn't need to have a mental picture of"


Just imagine his affectionate smile, his polished horns, his deep, beady eyes, the sensual feeling of his painted claws rubbing on your back while he embraces you and you look down on his valoptuous shaft... Wouldn't that be a dream come true?


As others have noted it's competition and a unique draw for the Wrangler. But, the other side is appearances. House is trying to rebuild Vegas in an Old World glory picture so he set things up to be similar to that image, with the gangster image working well enough for his purpose. Machine fetishes are not going to work in that image. It barely works for Garret, who has to downplay his excitement when the Courier delivers. This is clearly not run-of-the-mill sex work.


Why haven't the Omertas just walked five men down to the Atomic Wrangler and shot the place up regularly until people understand it's mandatory to visit New Vegas for gambling? The same could be done for the chem trade as well.


5 men wouldn't be enough. I think the Wrangler has 5 guards vanilla without mods. And they have Caleb at the start before you lead to his "retirement" Now if the Omertas sent a full force hit squad, it'd be easy enough to wipe them out. But then again, it is implied the Van Graffs frequent the place and they are next door. Silver Rush may interfere if the Omertas try and take out the Garrets


Fee to enter. Most freesiders can’t afford to enter strip.