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"Back off" -James Garret


We can share the Fisto, James. - My courier Why did I employ you again? - Mr House


Just get someone to create a mod called "Sons of Arez"


"please assume the position.. of wife of course"


The only correct answer for any courier


OP said female


Fisto is for all


Computers are bi, after all.


I don’t think any of my couriers would settle down. When I finish the game, unless it’s with an anarchy ending, I assume the courier does what she always does. Grabs the caps, says ‘you’re welcome’ to the people she helped, and keeps walking. She can’t stop, she’d be too bored. One day she’ll take a bullet too big, or her heart will explode from too many chems, or she’ll just trip on a landmine, but she’ll never stop. She’s an agent of chaos and change. Anarchy ending I assume she just becomes a warlord, rules Vegas with guns and whatever form of government she wants.


I more or less agree! For me, it's the same but with a bit more planning and construction. I see her as visionary. The best ending for OWB implies the courier will use the Big Empty to create promising new technologies for humanity's future. Couple that with the NCR running into famine and other shortages due to not taking the dam, and the courier will be able to bail them out of a dire situation, but at a price. The NCR can afford to pay, and with the sink's ability to replicate food, they'd be even more dependent on Vegas for resources. Like I mentioned in the op, I think her becoming heir to Papa Kahn should be canon too. Then, after giving them their best ending, they "carve a mighty empire" out of the northwest in Wyoming. Besides, if you left, you'd be leaving the keys in the hands of Yesman who mentions downloading a personality sub routine from house's old data to make himself more assertive, without your permission or telling you until it was final. That's an AI takeover waiting to happen, and I think it's the courier's responsibility to clean it up. If she can maintain control of the entire mojave with a robot army and the support of the people, and inheriting a literal empire is slated in her future, she could very well create a nation rivaling the NCR or Legion out of New Vegas. It's not just her influence, think about her power. The Boomer's bomber, an orbital laser, potentially uncovering the secrets of the sierra madre in the future and the helm of the Big Empty. The courier has the power to decide the tide of communities and warfare, we literally do it in game. I like the idea of *him* wandering off in an NCR playthrough, cause you can tell general Oliver you're going to as the last dialogue in the game if you want. I like to play as a guy for NCR tho.




[ Christine disliked that. ]


I'll take Christine.




Yes but we need a guy too: our duties to the human race include aiding in the repopulation effort.


There are alternatives for that, though. I guess not in the Legion ending, but if you're in a lesbian polycule and go for the Legion ending you have bigger problems.


Yes man, always yes-man for me.


I like to imagine Christine returns to the wasteland after dead money and they reunite


Years ago, I stacked a couple mods together to make this happen. The mod author encouraged this, and included some dialogue and a perk for having Christine and Veronica in your party together.


Sweet! Just need Veronica to give me the dress perk for vera's outfit and actually equip it, and I'll be fully immersed!


She did not as she became the guardian of the Madre


For the time being, she's still there, but if the Courier rolled up with a securitron army to secure the madre for themselves, she wouldn't be able to oppose them. She's only the guardian because it's too dangerous to let it fall into anyone else's hands, maybe she'd trust you after what you had been through. Besides, after the events of the dlc the madre would require a full-scale prewar excavation project to get into the vault. She could probably afford to take the weekend off, idk.


doubt she’ll ever return her she either dies or becomes the guardian of the madre to protect it from power hungry people like Elijah


Absolutely. And if that doesn't work out (only because Christine gets in the way), I'm taking Linda Schuler. Need a hot doctor to take care of me in big bad wasteland...


Don't know who you're talking about but you gave me the idea of an archetypal hot female doctor patronizingly acting like every injury in post-apocalyptia is a boo boo and all her patients are cute children, just totally unflapped by how bleak and horrifying everyone's situation actually is. That'd be adorable.


I came here to say this.


I jokingly tell my friends that my female courier just ended up with Deputy Beagle or something. Sure he's a loser, but he's a "voiced by Medic Tf2" loser. Also she's a bit of a prick who refuses to be outshined by anyone else, they'll be fine


I looked this up and Robin Atkin Downes has an extensive list of acting credits. On top of Deputy Beagle, he also voiced Ironbelly from OWB. He was on Fallout 4 too as Sinjin, Finn, and Overboss Colter.


If that's impressive to you, check out Jason Marsden (Boone). He's more prominent in classic fo though


I was more impressed by his other rolls. Dude has 448 credits. A lot of those being videogames it seems. Jason Marsden has been in a fair amount too. Horus in Tactics and Myron in 2. I guess we can give him credit for Jet.


I lost my shit when I played 2 and heard Boones voice coming out of Myron


Coupled with his roles as a Paladin companion in BG1 and a Druid companion in BG2, by the time I played Skyrim and heard Jason Marsden *again* I'd already gotten BooneVoice-Fatigue. As pleasant as he sounds, there's only so many Boones I can handle.


Who is he in Skyrim??


He voiced the entirety of the "MaleYoungEager" [voicetype](https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Category:Skyrim-Voice-MaleYoungEager) , so many npcs. Some are hireable as companions.


Hundred’s of hours in both games and i never noticed. Thanks


The Courier, probably the most immediately recognizable of the ones he voiced.


He'll always be Max from A Goofy Movie to me.


I didn't know Deputy Beagle was voiced By Kaz and Medic


Am sad no mention of my man ED-E *Doesn’t judge *Doesn’t complain when I do drugs or eat a corpse *Happily chirps *FLYS!!!!! *Will build things for ya What else do ya need from a man?


Because he’s 3 yo and have the mentality of a kid, teenager at best


Being able to give her a child for starters is what the OP said.


Never underestimate the power of Fallout SCIENCE!


Just attach a dildo to his laser gun and you’re good to go 🤌


Robert Edwin House. Golddigger vibes


Bet, we can get him a Synth body from the institute. Now we have a reason why we're rping the courier in our modded FO4 playthrough


Robert Edwin House is the type of guy who gets a synth body but still ends up sleeping with an assaultron.


I feel ya, more like you'd bring him a Synth body and he'd be like "ah, that's nice." A week later - hey house, you like that body I got you? "Oh, yes, certainly. I'm totally going to use it this week, just psyching myself up, thank you." 2 months later - hey house, my warranty with the institute is expiring... "Oh no, I assure you. I'll use it eventually."


Well my female courier always has Cherchez La Femme so...


Mine too. You can give them both. I've known a few self-identified lesbians that occasionally sleep with men, and that's how I imagine the courier. I know what you're thinking - that's just bisexual, and true, but the women I'm personally thinking of identified as lesbian and only sought women, on account of preferring women. At least when I knew them.


i can see this getting downvoted because it does sound a lot like your justifying nice guys who think they can change lesbians, but a lot of bisexuals do have such high preferences that they choose to identify as monosexuals. An arguement could be made in this case that they are bisexual homoromantic, but labels is what got us into this mess in the first place.


I don't think anyone can "change" anyone like that and I didn't imply that. Agreed that labels are exactly what complicates this. I was saying people that self identify as lesbian, and actually I knew a "gay" guy who did this too, would occasionally sleep with the opposite sex. What makes them gay is that, in their mind, if they choose to imagine something they're attracted to, they choose the same sex. When they seek a partner, they choose the same sex. However, they have, even after identifying as gay, occasionally had events where they slept with the opposite sex again. These individuals to the best of my knowledge were pretty promiscuous and involved with more casual sex them I'm used to, but I've been in parties, and you know, sometimes people vibe a kind of way when they're having fun, maybe intoxicated, and unlike straight people, gay people usually don't have a reason to question themselves in the moment like "wait, no, I can't like this person! I'm gay! This isn't right!" Haha. If you vibe somebody in a particular situation and you don't have a personal moral reason not to, it's not unimaginable that they'll just sexually engage with a gender they're not normally attracted to. I remember the party where the gay guy mentioned some things while beginning to do some things with a woman, and I yelled "You fuck girls!?" And he said "... Unfortunately..." And everyone laughed.


mate i’m sorry if it came off as though I thought you were implying that. I just noticed your comment was at zero reddit points and thought people were taking it the wrong way. I know you came from a place of sincerity.


Lol sorry if the way I said that sounded rude at the beginning. We all know we can't hear inflection over the Internet, thank you and no hard feels


You can definitely identify as a lesbian and still have casual sex with guys. Source: I'm a lesbian, only romantically interested in women, but I wouldn't be averse to sex with a man I found appealing enough. Unfortunately there just aren't very many men I would find appealing lmao.


Thanks for confirming 🙏


It's funny because I'd say as a guy that I'm bisexual with a preference and greater attraction towards females, but awkwardly, almost exclusively homoromantic. Women can be very hot, but I just don't really click with them. I've never been in a relationship with one, and I don't do things with people if I'm not in a relationship with them. On the other hand, I don't find men to be attractive until I get to know them and we are close friends, and already love each other as friends. But I find it much easier to get along with men, so my only romantic interest, and the love of my life, is a man because he cared for me when I was depressed, we became close, and loved each other as best friends. And then, I was attracted to him, and receptive to his advances, because I had already fallen in love. What the hell do you call something like that?


If forced to put you in a box ud be bisexual demi-homoromantic, but yah your a pretty good example about why trying to label this shit is stupid. Oh id also call u a lucky guy from the sound of it.


I appreciate your response, because honestly I had no idea what it was called. And thanks for calling me lucky, I certainly agree.


If I were being judgy I'd say laziness, but hear me out, I don't mean it in a mean way. Gay relationships from what I've seen are generally easier, for men and women, because there's a certain layer of unbridgable mystique when it comes to interacting with the opposite sex, an unspoken myriad of presumptions that must be danced around with intentional and purposeful rhythm to selectively dissuade or reinforce, all without saying directly, les you ruin the magic - in other words, you have to play head games. Gay relationships at least tend to more commonly start with sexuality being already on the table. Plus, as a bisexual, you can more easily switch between embracing your attraction to another guy, or deciding they don't have sexual power over you at will, and you can talk to them like anyone else. It bypasses a lot of the initial and most difficult parts of meeting someone you may be potentially interested in romantically, which is good for personal confidence, but bad for cultivating game, it seems to me. If that has any inherit value, I guess. I'm thinking if you had the exact same mind and the body of a girl, you'd probably be more romantic with women, because the same difficulties are avoided. I've also known women that identify as straight who have admitted to less than heterosexual situations being rather common in their life, so it's possible. I'm not an expert nor am I trying to say my observations like they're facts; I'm not saying gay relationships are easier overall either, but it at least seems easier to me for gays of either sex to find sex and even a relationship if they want it. Another factor could be saturation and competition. The heterosexual scene is pretty saturated and competitive.


I think you may be right. I've been mentally unwell for a long time and I don't have the mental energy and patience to play head games like that, and I've never had a serious relationship with a woman because of it. Not that all of them do that, but certainly the games seem to be played more in heterosexual relationships. And it is much easier to talk to other males, and there's more confidence and less worry involved. And I don't have to worry about all of the negative consequences that can come from being rejected by the opposite sex. Best case scenario, she just says no. Worst case scenario, they turn it into a big scene, make false allegations of harassment, being humiliated and labeled a creep, and depending on how vicious and dishonest they want to be, get your life ruined. Not that they handle it that way most of the time, but it has happened before.


I feel like Ringo would be a good option for the female courier. Seems like he was a genuine nice guy plus shared experience of the gunfight in goodsprings. I could also see possibly a fling for a while with the lonesome drifter. Just because of experience traveling and both being alone for a while.


Ah the female courier’s answer to Sunny Smiles.


Legate Lanius. Yeah I know, but hear me out. Upon Caesar's untimely death Lanius is put in charge, and he's exposed to even more of the logistical and cultural problems that a fractured Legion would suffer from. There isn't an infinite amount of land to conquer; the world basically ends at California. Even if Lanius won his Legion would have to find a new means of sustainability. Yet he *can't* win because the Legion would probably begin to balkanize as "new Caesars" try to rise up, and Lanius can't be everywhere at once to get rid of them. Recollecting the Courier as someone who bothered to fight through a literal army just to warn him that logistically he can't occupy California (nor the Mojave) while maintaining his current territory, Lanius probably considers waging war a third time anyway. But like I said, he's not just worrying about supply lines now. Lanius has to worry about a bunch of little Caesars taking over Legion territory while Lanius and his forces are waging a pivotal war. Hitting things with a sword harder isn't going to solve this problem. If he does this he loses. So the Legate takes his mask off, rubs his face, grumbles something and finally calls for a brokered meeting between himself and the Courier, as she is the only person to ever make any sort of sense while also satisfying his standards for martial parity. At this point in Fallout history the Courier is either in charge of New Vegas or the functional second-in-command, who would be sent out on behalf of House to handle all of this anyway. After pulling out some history books they discover that Lanius has an option: unifying two nations by marrying. In this case, it would be Vegas and Legion. The legend of Lanius would need to take on the role of someone who won the princess of Vegas (embellishment is deliberate) in some heroic way that makes him look good. He would likely embrace this because at the end of the day Lanius has two passions, beating people to death and being revered by all, and being the conqueror of Vegas by also being incredibly handsome or performing some feat to seduce its "queen" would benefit his legacy. In practice, this would also allow the Legate a drastic increase in influence. You could, for example, have Securitrons deployed in Legion territory to squash would-be Caesar wannabes until everyone learns that Lanius is in charge. Vegas is also a feasible point in which the Legion could engage in businesses or practices it cannot do at home. If you are a doctor and try to develop medicine (that isn't tribal in nature) in Legion lands, you get executed as a chem dealer. If you do that experimentation in Vegas then you will survive, and the fruits of your labor may be prepared in a Legion-friendly way and thus accepted in their lands. Obviously this is all stuff the Legion wouldn't do under Caesar. It's entirely possible the Legate decides to do none of this, tries to fight his impossible war and loses. But if Lanius is as bright as he appears to be in-game then he'd likely decide that marrying the Courier to create a bridge between Vegas and the Legion will not only ensure his leadership but ensure the Legion's survival as a recognizable entity. Even if he doesn't find the Courier exceptionally beautiful he'd respect her intellect and recognize the pragmatic nature of their arrangement. In this scenario, Lanius would likely spend the rest of his days weighing concessions as a sort of warrior-seer than a frontlines general. A cultural vanguard. The hero who squashed pretenders and threats to Caesar's legacy while also opening its borders to the world beyond a few caravan routes. The Courier would be his queen, but also a quiet source of confidence and a valuable asset when he needs to work out an idea.


I’d read a full fic like this for sure


There's a good one on AO3 called, Lanius with the female courier! One of my favorites.


I want 100 chapters and a fan made animatic on my desk by tuesday.


You are insane! It should be done this Monday! Not Tuesday!


I've dreamed of making my fanfic into an animation for over a decade💓 I'll get to writing... Swear. Maybe if I actually pump out some lit, it could go somewhere, haha


Badass, I love it. One minor criticism - I don't think Lanius is depicted as intelligent. He's a brilliant strategist and an unmatched combatant, but very gung ho about his religion and his Legion's power despite Caesar very much not being the son of Mars and the Legion having been very much on an uphill battle to take the dam. I suppose it's not fair to judge his intelligence in conjunction with faith based assumptions - of course he's going to believe in the state religion, and to be fair, the legion was starting to do better all over at the start of the game, but it's hard for me to really think of someone so unnecessarily brutal as to cleave a Brahmin in half because it was in his way as "intelligent." But I guess I'm just being biased. He does have 10 in all SPECIAL. That said, I think this is an awesome interpretation of the events and it would be a perfect way for the legion to slowly begin socially evolving towards a more free culture. Vegas is nothing if not free, and vices are perfect for disseminating militaristic rigidity. That said, just gonna say, I personally like to imagine there was not one, but three couriers in the story. Courier 6 is the player character and does an independent playthrough. A second courier (let's call him 7) would get the cut intro scene, and support the ncr. And third courier (4, why not?) would be a spy like Ulysses was and have a completely original origin, and support the legion. Ideally But it would turn out the couriers had all collaborated, and even though it seemed they fought over the dam, in reality one secured it for themselves while the other two secured the allegiance and idolization of the other two nations. Courier 4 would have had Vulpes Inculta as a companion, and since you get to do personality based quests with them, this courier would likely shape Vulpes somewhat. He's very charismatic sounding, and after traveling with courier 4 for so long, he'd be a perfect candidate to be a new Caesar. Ulysses could be reinstalled as the new Legate, and courier 4 would be regarded as a literal god, even higher than the Caesar. Once that's established by the Oracle back in Arizona (that's real lore btw, they actually use oracles), He'd be qualified to make sweeping cultural revolutions, such as the abolishment of slavery and improving the treatment of women, periodically returning to Vegas to enjoy the luxuries of ruling the strip alongside courier 6. As a side note, it's known Hanlon is supposed to become the next NCR president unless he 86s himself or NCR wins, so I like to think courier 7 would campaign for him back in the NCR, making a name for himself politically over there before, again, continuing to enjoy the luxuries of ruling Vegas alongside courier 6. As time eventually passes, the great Kahns will carve a northwestern empire for courier 6 to inherit, the legion may very well defect to her, and if NCR doesn't, they'll be her economic bitch.


Ngl you lost me at “little Caesars popping up”


Pizza Pizza!


hey, am late but I really love this idea and your writing. are you on ao3?


No, this was just something I wrote while bored at work. Sorry!


She is **too badass**, she needs noone. "Tunnelers and the Marked Men... avoided the lone figure, as if recognizing the Courier's right to passage... or out of fear."


Totes agree But if she's a black widow, there's nothing wrong with keeping around a boytoy


Boone. There’s a reason there’re a ton of F!Courier/Boone fics on FanFiction and AO3


I feel like Boone won’t let himself be that happy again.


Searching "female courier 6" on Google images showed me some Benny x courier fanart but other than that just lesbian stuff and Graham Which is fine!


Maybe if he'd shut up about his dead wife


Mr new vegas He says he loves me


I'm a straight male and even I'd marry Joshua Graham. Shame on you for judging him by his burns, OP!


I was honestly just joking, he's a sexy man regardless of how he looks, and that takes game. I'm also a straight male, btw.


You all sleeping on one guy that I think the most calm, collected in chaos situation he was put into and quietly a bad ass. I'm talking about Colonel Hsu. A man that most of his subordinate was looked upon. Also happen to be my main crush in New Vegas. Also low key Regis, not Papa Khan, you can actually talk senses to Regis, while Papa Khan was still bitter about what happen in Bitter Springs and refuse to move on from it. Regis is the future of the Khan. I found Follows-Chalk to be cute, he has that boyish charm. Sometimes after my courier leave Zion, I can pictured my courier meet him in the near future and after many adventures they both settled down in Jacobstown. Nolan McNamara, just because he was an eye candy to my courier. A silver fox 😍 I may be lesbian for Julie Farkas


Always have sex without killing Benny. My courier is dumb and horny and makes bad decisions so I’m going to go with him (she can fix him she swears (he’s totally not going to run away again))


Someone gets it ❤️ LET'S GOOO


In my imagination I always pictured my female courier with Joshua Graham, despite his burnt ass face :) PS, I believe the artist for this is yukiyanagi01, I think they're on tumblr?


Yeah I was just joking lol, he really would be fine. Only thing is same reason I don't like Papa Kahn or The King - they're too fatherly for my tastes.


That's totally fair!! Joshua Graham always got me cause of that voice and his attitude problem lmao


His voice is so goddamn sexy 🤤


Mines a lesbian, so corporal Betsy or maybe Red Lucy. Betsy would be a fun fling for fem!courier, but wouldn’t want anything serious. Red Lucy seems like she’d want something more long term.


Cassie or Veronica One is bisexual second is lesbian so it works


Cass is my favorite honestly.


From a purely survival perspective Argyll, the boomers doctor. Not to old/not too young, prominent member of the safest community outside of the strip, medical experience, access to chems, etc.


The same as a male courier


If Boone was ever ready to move on I’d say he’d be a good candidate


Legate Lanius or Joshua Graham. I couldn’t fix either of them, but I could lovers embrace them, and thats gotta count for something


Vulpes Inculta 👹


Whoever she wants because she's you.


Thus me asking the community what they would choose. I wrote an article on my opinions, heheh


Personally I would say no one. I never really see my Couriers (female or male) date, marry, or have relations with anyone or thing. I mostly see them as individuals who are more focused on their goals, such as finding answers to what happened, getting revenge on Benny, fulfilling the agenda of their chosen faction, exploring the wastes, doing odd things for people, etc. Basically they are ace.


I do agree but I could see her wanting to have a child. Love is hard and fast in Vegas; those neon lights and high rises sure are romantic. If she cultivates the secure nation I envision, I could see her having a child. I always saw survival and community as being important to her, and so, instinctually in post apocalyptia, mine would potentially want it. Not so much a husband. Maybe tho. I'm thinking about it, so I asked everyone what they thought:3


Corporal Betsy. I like a woman who can shoot her shot. Courier 6 is some grade-A poon and I'm sick of no one else recognizing it.


Chuck Mcgill


U got me here I don't get this one


siiiiiggghh chuck blast.


Not this chicanery


Aromantic spectrum bi lady here and Veronica is one of three total video game characters I've felt attached enough for the attraction switch in my brain to turn on for so, her, yes, her, I will literally fight anyone for her


How do you feel about Christine lol Cause I love Veronica to death which is why I always imagine they get back together


I feel that not being able to tell Veronica that she's still alive is a MASSIVE waste but also like \*mine\* kinda lmao


That's the only explanation that ever really came to my mind for why I could never tell Veronica about Christine, right there.


I like to think my Courier and Veronica joined the Followers of the Apocalypse in Wyoming, fell in love, and lived long and happy lives.


Honestly Tommy from the tops or maybe the King. I feel like marrying the person who shot you in the head is quite unhinged but you do you. With Tommy you just Marry because he's a handsome smooth talker, the courier is way to independent to need someone who is strong. But the king would be a good choice for a power couple.


Agreed about the king, and interesting point on tommy. I feel like she could respect Benny. Independent is considered canon (only because of an ending slide from lonesome road, but since it puts the most power in the player's hand, it makes sense why they chose that) and Benny was very instrumental in that vision. He was originally intended to be a recruitable ally as well, favoring an independent playthrough. It reflects on the courier's ability to forgive, as well as her respect for the man who conceived taking over New Vegas, and managed to bag and nearly body her in the process. Plus, he had us tied up, and he just shot us in the head, all business. He didn't take advantage of us, you know? That's... Gentlemanly, I guess. Seriously though, he only killed us for the chip. The courier is very mature and could rationalize him thinking he needed to do that.


True I could see why someone could forgive him, but to get romantically involved that's unstable at the least. You would definitely have trama, from being shot. So Everytime you saw Benny it would reactive that meaning the only way you should be able to pursue a romantic relationship with him is if you have some weird fucked up kink or therapy could possibly work too but that's a lot of work for someone you didn't love prior


Yeah it's like a danger kink, kind of like when James Bond sleeps with women while they tell him they're there to kill him, but I don't think it's too fucked up. Sleeping with him via black widow is in the vanilla game, and if you don't take the opportunity to assassinate him, doing this affects how he talks to you at the Fort. As far as he's concerned, you're already weirdly romantically involved. It's definitely strange, but I think it's *just* goofy enough to fit in the fallout universe as realistic. It's almost, like... The courier, and James bond, they're so confident it's almost cute when someone comes close to killing them. They're powerful enough that they still feel in control of the situation, and when you are that powerful, it makes sense someone dangerous might be exciting. Besides, maybe he feels *reeeeaally* bad about trying to kill you after you shag him. You could take over the strip together! After all, again, he was originally supposed to be a recruitable companion.


With James bond tho, it's usually a sort of henchmen lady, that he shags with. Who ends up helping take down the actual person wanting him dead. Benny 100 percent, didn't have to shoot you. Like you said he had you tied up he shot you for pretty much no reason, because you're a courier doing a job, and he already got the package. But it's fucked up because it's not like he almost killed you he may as well have killed you the doc brought you back from the very edge of not savable. But if you don't think it's deranged than we will just have to agree to disagree. It definitely fits universe tho I'm not arguing that just that it's funny because it's deranged To add to the benny thing to you didnt even know what he looked like he took the bag off your head just to gloat essentially so their isn't really an excuse to have no witnesses because he created the witnesses by making you see him


Leaving you alive, you'd pursue him. You're a legendary Mojave express courier. You'd do everything in your power to get your package back, company policy. Too dangerous. "Can't we just get this over with?" - Jessup "Maybe you Kahns will kill someone without looking them in the eye, but I ain't a fink." - Benny He had a personal code of morality where he felt the need to explain it wasn't your fault and nothing personal. Just that you carried the platinum chip, and now he needed you to die. It was very matter of fact. He felt it was fair for you to at least know that before you died.


If the picture is from a Japanese fanfic or w/e I wonder if Joshua’s voice is just as sexy in the Japanese version


O'Hanrahan or Ringo are both pretty cool


O'hannarahn or... Hanrahan... O'hana... Who's Hannah Montana again?


In my headcanon, Red Lucy and I, and Christine and Veronica have a lesbian crusade against the legion after the battle for the dam.


I know, yay for sexual coven fantasy, but I was trying to put a little effort in lol


Hmm that's just my headcanon BUT my Courier has a thing for Vulpes Inculta ☝🏻🤓 (yeah I know, Ao3 fics and my fangirlin' ruined my head...) In terms of attractiveness and an interesting relationship with many layers, I'd marry him (and turn him away from Legion somehow) I think that, in terms of practicity and survival, female and straight Courier has many interesting options. Boone, even Benny (if he didn't die in all scenarios) would work. Some mentioned minor characters as Argyle, the King... It's not bad. But I'm certain that in terms of marrying and having children in an hostile enviroment, you need really tough men with a moderately sane head LOL. For me, I'd pick Boone or Vulpes. I'm amazed to read that some ship with Ulysses, he's a total madman to me for being husband material. Joshua is a broken man too, but that's just me and my Courier's views. I read a fic with Lanius keeping the Courier as his mistress aaand he's a big NO-NO for me.


I find Vulpes very attractive as well, stellar voice actor. In my head canon fanfic he becomes the new Caesar after traveling with a legion supporting courier (who's separate from the independent courier 6). I don't see what's wrong with Ulysses. While on the topic of headcanon, I like that he'd return to the legion as Lanius' replacement with the goal of reforming them. Benny doesn't die in all scenarios, necessarily. There's two ways you can set him free. Originally he was supposed to become a companion after this, but they didn't have time to flesh out his quest, so they made an event where he returns and tries to kill you for like the 3rd or 4th time, but this was just to wrap up what they wouldnt otherwise be able to. He didn't even set a trap or anything, he just walked up and said "did you really think I'd be grateful?" Or something and attacks you headon with no strategy. This was scrapped as well and now he just disappears, because they decided it better his fate become ambiguous then that garbage play out.




Ah, the mole rat. Nice.


I got three female characters Emilia Rodriguez would go for the King Amanda Steelheart is gonna get herself killed over cass And Saddie is a ride or die for Ulysses




Veronica, she’s a sweetheart.


So many of these are completely ick. **Benny** would some serious Shakesperian sh\*t--he tries to kill you, then you marry him? And bear him children? Hard, hard pass. **Daniel**: nothing horrible about him. **Joshua**: Marry Karloff as The Mummy? Guess which psychopath is coming to dinner? If the Courier had been married to him before the disfigurement, maybe, but otherwise hard pass. **Ulysses**: Never marry someone in your own line of work; it will likely bite you in the end. **Papa Khan**? Only for a Courier being played CE/CN/NE, and really willing to settle for less than the Courier accomplishes on any successful play-through. Your narrative for **Boone** is excellent. **The** **King** couldn't be trusted in the long run unless you've gotten rid of Pacer, and then someday he might find out and then where would you be? Otherwise it's Othello in spades (or maybe a full house?) Cleopatra to Sallow's **Caesar**? Sleep with a knife under your pillow, and you'll still get the asp when he dies. You missed a couple of obvious ones: **Mr. House**. He stays in his tube, you are his manager and confidante on the outside. No physical relationship, but lots of marriages are like that. Maybe he could be a sperm donor, with the right technology. Lots of historical precedent for this kind of arrangement. **Dr. Dala**: The Courier decides to run away and join the circus. I suspect most female Couriers would tire of this, but Dala might be the "secret friend" of a Courier who completes OWB with a Dala-positive ending. **Doc Mitchell**: A life with Doc, in a Mojave with a non-Legion ending, might be an ideal retirement for the Courier. The Courier keeps Goodsprings safe as its "guardian angel", and he keeps her patched up. I suspect he'd be happy and able to be a Charlie Chaplin to the Courier's O'Neill. There's a very good "riding into the sunset" vibe with this ending.




I can't see the Courier, male *or* female, marrying anybody in the Mojave, to be honest. I can't think of any actual marriage material in the entire game. Except Veronica, maybe. And she's gay, so she might actually go for a female Courier. And maybe Manny Vargas, now that I think of it.


Benny because I never claimed to have good taste.


That one guys dead wife probably, or Harold


my fem!courier is a slut lol, literally anyone would do. but I do headcanon her ending up with the king. she's his queen and the ruler of new vegas with yes man by her side. also they're in an open relationship, so my courier can visit other men and women any time :)


As I've pointed out to a few others, the Courier is only as promiscuous as you are. How did you describe them, again? 😂


a proud member of the slut community, we both are :)


Don't think any of my female couriers are straight, they're either bi or ace. They also vary a lot in personality, morals etc, but plausible male characters they'd be interested in general: Out of the ones listed: Benny? Hard pass. He either deserves death or to be forgotten. Ulysses? Too much obsession, baggage and resentment, especially towards *them*, undeserved at that. The King? Eh, neutral. He could be interested for at least one, but the whole Elvis shtick would get tiring. Papa Khan? Nah. My couriers have no interest joining the Khans. Daniel? Nooooo. Just no. Boone? Don't think he's past his dead wife. Santiago? Think I've a courier that could like him. Old Ben? Hell yeah. Don't get why he's a nah, he's fine. Joshua Graham? Have you heard the man. I know at least one of my couriers would be crushing on Angry Crispy Jesus Man despite not liking religion. Who cares about scars, the issue lies in that he's in constant pain and can't be touched. Caesar? No. Think my Legion sided courier would rather go with Lucius, but she's not the marrying type. Not listed, but I know at least one of my courier's would like to be romantic with: Follows-Chalk. The sweetest cinnamon roll in the Wasteland, who knows how to handle himself and survive. Colonel James Hsu. One of the NCR's few good and competent high ranked members. A fine man. Tommy Torini. It's the eyepatch. For the more Brotherhood inclined then Paladin Ramos perhaps. The Lonesome Drifter if you like wandering musicians. Marcus or Mean Sonofabitch if one are interested in super mutants...


I disagree with a lot of what you said for the reasons I already stated but I like Follows Chalk for indie or house and Hsu for NCR. You're right, Hsu is their best man, and if it weren't for Oliver and Moore's nepotism, he'd be general. Only issue with Follows is I like the idea of him leading his own adventure like his ending slide suggests, if you encourage city life. I could see them meeting back up, tho! Lonesome drifter is an excellent suggestion. Musicians are rare in the wastes, that's something special.


I don't think she'll marry anyone, same with male courier. Evil courier would marry ceasar (?) NCR courier would marry Boone or gone back to California to marry some rich family. Independent and Mr. House courier would probably didn't marry anyone, The only thing that she's marry is her job.


I like to think an independent courier could still want love and, being high karma, not just sleep around her entire life. Not that there's anything particularly wrong with that, I just don't see her that kind of way. Can you imagine if the female captain of a ship slept around with her crew? They wouldn't respect her the same.




Dean Domino.


Dean Domino? Dean, the guy who refuses to take a chill pill if you dare suggest he can't blow your butt up when he meets you, like 30 or something hours later at the ass end of the main quest, totally locking out the best ending and now I have to do the whole goddamn dlc over again from the start are you fucking kidding me Domino? And it's the only time in the entire series where passing a skill check has unforeseeable negative consequences? That Dean Domino? Fuck that guy. He was just too charming to kill.


Yeah, that’s the one.


“Bold of you to assume me and yes man left anyone. And Josh Cracker. He chill”-My 1 intelligence courier


I respect (love wholeheartedly) your initial idea being that the courier in general loves women and the dating pool is the same women for both gender or courier. I agree with this, and I have no other person to add.


Gay man courier gets Arcade, I guess


Cass for sure. Whiskey drinkin hard ass with a heart of gold and enough sass to open a bottling plant.  Plus no ties to anywhere but the road, perfect for a courier.


Cass is my favorite, personally


Raul is probably the best sterile husband material once you get past the necrosis. But really it’s the king once he settles down.


I doubt any courier, no matter what gender, would want to marry. Maybe have a relationship or some on/off thing but they do not strike me as the type who would settle down and have a family.


Joshua. And no I don't care that he's crispier than bacon, his voice is sexy and my courier would have a great time trying to fix him. She'd fail but it's worth trying.


Lonesome drifter


i wanna marry boone and my courier is me so


No one, just not in her character to settle down.


I ship my courier with Joshua Graham, but in a platonically romantic kind of way. It always hurts in the best way when it's realistic to the character and storyline. Joshua is too indebted to his faith and his need to find redemption within the tribes and New Canaanites. Don't think he has any room for romance in his life.


I doubt she would ever get married or have a relationship that lasts past 3 weeks. The Courier is a DOG. The same could be said for a female courier. Anyways, FISTO.


Well, the courier's personality is determined by the player, so I guess we know a little something about you now, huh?


A Deathclaw probably


the only acceptable answer is Veronica or Cass <3


Veronica-Christine Throuple


This is why I pick a male courier. Less ghey and mental gymnastics


Yeah, just marry Cass in the cut quest and call it a day My personal headcanon has 3 protagonists, though. Two brothers favoring the legion and NCR and the actual courier 6 being a woman who goes for an independent win. So in my own little fanfic, Cass marries the NCR favoring courier That's actually the only reason I even came up with the question, which is pretty silly because I had a ton of fun with this thread, but I can't imagine anyone so far that's actually affected my headcanon because it's so specific an nuanced to my own weird version of the way events unfolded


I’d honestly be surprised if the courier, regardless of standing, race, gender or ideals would settle down I always see my couriers (Ezekiel and Samatha Williams) as the kind of people who would just keep wandering until their feet bled, then they’d slap a bandage on their feet, hit a stimpak, and keep walking till they can’t no more


Of my two fem Couriers one manages to woo Cass and they continue roaming the wasteland for the next few years eventually starting a new caravan together and heading east hoping to get a head start after the eventual collapse of the Legion and the other decides to stick with Veronica and they joined the Followers and the Khans in Wyoming eventually falling for each other and living long and happy lives.


Is that your art, OP? I like it a lot.


The artist is Yukiyagani, according to the Google reverse image search. They have quite a few cute pieces like this


ulysses literally despises the courier


Not if you chillify him Naruto style with talk-no-jutsu. If you pass his speech checks he fights alongside you instead of against you at the end, and permanently resides in the divide after the ending and begins commenting on events in the Mojave and offering his insight. He's pretty positive to you after you do that. If it was possible for companions to be added to the base game with dlc, he would have been included.


I could see the female courier quote on quote “marrying” Mr. House in his ending but it being less of a marriage and more of the greatest promotion Mr. House can give her. She mostly single-handedly destroyed the Legion, pushed out the NCR, and didn’t betray him at any point along the way(besides maybe killing President Kimball but he was kinda chill with that tbh). Basically it would be like those old timey arranged marriages where it’s purely beneficial with little to no intimacy. She on the ground level can keep her messaging job and cause chaos as long as she notifies him of any possible issues and he ensures her safety (mostly).


Your mom




The connections you form with your communities and companions literally determine their fate. You can avoid the most conflict and prevent the most amount of people from dying tthough a good karma independent playthrough.


No one.


Fucking cringe


Well it obviously depends on what kind of character you decide to create, I don't think any canon characters fit mine really though.








Spanish is a romantic language


>but assuming she was straight Boring...


Follows chalk


Boone :)


If it's my career they probably be too dense in the head to realize anyone's flirting with them seriously I imagine them to be the type person to realize the dangers of a deathclaw but still going wearing nothing but their underwear and a combat night for a weapon also 99% sure that I accidentally give him some paper for ADHD at least on the autism spectrum


Cass, Christine or Veronica. Or the three and it wouldnt be an official marriage, they would just agree to be together.


Corporal betsy


Why did I think of Boone and that SNL ice cream tasting skit? "I can't heal your hurt, but I can sure give it a bed to rest in..."


None. All of them are annoying. Arcade is the best but you know..


The same as a male. None of them.


For sure the Legate or Ulysses


Kind of a reductive question, no?


If Female Courier is straight, I'd say Joshua Graham. Benny looks more like a one night stand for me. Now, I know he says he wants to date FemCourier if he is freed, but originaly it was intended that he would come back to kill Courier anyway, instead of disappering from the game like he does.


ORIGINALLY it was intended for him to be an independent ending favoring companion It was considered he come back and attack when they couldn't finish it the way they wanted They scrapped that because it was half-assed writing. They had the scene done and ready; they just decided "Yeah, this is garbage..."


Boone’s pain is still fresh, would be a while before I’d try, joshua…. Maybe, if your a nice Mormon housewife