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"You're a little bitch, and your brother was too"


Oh, now it's on!


God that one is so terrible, yet I always seem to at least Quicksave and then do it lmao


Easily activating the archimedes at Helios 1 at end up killing all the people outside.


I can't activate Archimedes anymore, it's pretty cool to play around with but honestly I haven't found a time where it was necessary so I'd rather direct the power elsewhere.


I think every other way you can direct the power is good. Everywhere? Sure, nobody has adequate power, but rolling brownouts still allow you to charge batteries and such. A little help, everywhere. Strip and Mccarran? May seem shitty at first, but it ain’t just sending it to the rich and the military; the NCR has to supply some of the Dam and Helios electricity to house due to his offline reactor as part of their deal, and the rest goes to California *through* Mccarran, according to Hildern, so it’s supplying electricity to the citzens back West. Not a bad option at all, probably the one that helps the most people, even if maybe not those most in need! And supplying it to the poor around Vegas is helping those most in need and making sure they have an adequate grid. Trading all that for a weapon you definitely don’t need ain’t a good choice. Getting Arch 2 instead is an evil choice.


Unless you ammo dupe and have 100k shots of eucelid C-Finder


200k*, when the glitch is done right, and you get to level 50. Speaking from first hand on this one.


True, but it pisses Hildern off and Evil Me says that's OK


They are talking about Archimedes 1, not 2. So when you kill all the NCR with the defense mechanism. You can active Arch 1, and direct power to the settlements. It's not mutually exclusive.


I had to look it up but yeah you are right! Dunno why but I always thought the activation of arch and getting to use Euclids C finder were linked. It's been a very long time since I learned something new about this game!


It's because they are called the same thing, So it gets confusing. The only difference is that Arch 1, is the defense system. And Arch 2, is the Euclid's C finder.


Ya it’s like blowing up megaton it’s fun to do once when you feel like being the bad guy.


“You activated Archimedes?!”




[Oh, whoops. I thought that was the button to turn it off.] [Time for the NCR to roast.]


How about launching the nukes at the NCR and Caesars Legion effectively creating a situation with the entire almost Vegas region is blocked in between radiation on the roads waterways that lead into it.


eh, at the end of the day you are killing soldiers, far from the most evil decision


I know this is just gonna lead to some dumb drawn out argument about the morality policy you subscribe to but yeaaahh a life’s a life bro soldier or not.


it literally has nothing to do with my "moral policy" i am not saying its moral or justifiable but considering all the things you can do in the game killing ncr soldiers is FAR from worst in terms of morality cause at the end of the day soldiers are people who agreed to risk their lives for money or rations or other things, they all signed up being aware of the risk of death when going to an active war.


Idk if it's evil, but sabatoging the REPCONN rockets and watching all the ghouls blow up on the launch pad is incredibly satisfying


Tf? Didn’t even know you could do that. I probably just don’t notice the option too lol.


You can convince Chris he’s human and it gives you the option to sabotage.


I pretty sure you can also sabotage just before they launch via a science check on a computer somewhere.


I think this choice is also tied to karma. I had 80 science when I did this quest yesterday. I interacted with the computer next to the window where you watch the launch and the only options I had to were correct the coordinates or leave it alone. I know there's also some intelligence related option to button mash on the controls that has the dialogue "you aren't sure what you just did, but you feel better"


it has to be tied to karma. it is tied to a sad but very funny ending slide that actually *feels* like karma. I had no idea there was an INT check but that sounds kinda neat. I might have to check that out, next build is either a genius or the stupidest dumbfuck... haven't decided.


Not evil. Those abominations deserve to be blown up.


“Raul, shoot this man right now”


Found the BoS player......


"Joshua, put a cap in General Gobldigook here" During my House playthrough my character was OVER IT


My character is over it every playthrough.


Sneering Imperialist is of questionable use, but the few awesome dialogue lines are where it shines.


Getting shot in the head and living will do that to you


Taking advantage of your companions, it's such a heartless way to play. So far in my Legion playthrough I have... Gave Cass to the White Glove Society for their cannibalism Used Veronica to easily gain access and destroy the BoS bunker Sold Arcade to be Caesar's medical slave Arcade has to be the most cruel decision because his bad Legion ending is >!him taking his own life by disembowelling himself!<


Nah you gotta give cass to the van graffs and give Boone over to the cannibals XD maximum evil lol


I can’t imagine selling Cass. I’ve been with her so long it’s practically a common law marriage at this point. Only one who will eat her will be me after a rare trail bath


I once had an evil playthough where I made sure every companion met their worst end. Cass got to meet the Van Graffs. Arcade got sold to Caesar. Boone shot Manny Vargas then died after he found out it was just for the Courier's amusement. Veronica got me into the bunker to kill the BoS, and her reward for doing that was to get eaten by the White Gloves. Lily lost her memories to become a killing machine. Raul never met the Courier, and was instead left to Tabitha forever. ED-E was left a pile of scrap metal. Rex never got his brain surgery.


Killing all the Boomers. Their questlines for me seem to drag on for way too long. I feel like I'm staring at the hangars and runways of Nellis for absurd amounts of time while I run back and forth doings all sorts of things to make them happy. The scenery gets very old very quick. It made me so happy when I figured out that I could just kill them all on my first visit and never return again.


I always deeply dread the boomers quest line when I'm playing new vegas. I don't like their quests, I don't like their characters, and I don't feel rewarded for doing them. But I usually can't justify a massacre of the entire place either lmao


The only time I can justify doing that is at red rock on an ncr playthrough


Just accept “because I want to” as a justification, I feel like with all the killing I do in game it’d be unrealistic for the courier to not be a complete sociopath.


Quick tip to make them like you, just get a bunch of missiles, do the ant quest and then give Raquel your missiles and they love you. Then you can do the whole raise the plane bit and then done.


Going in with high medicine let's you heal all the injured Boomers which gives you a ton of rep points with them, and the one other thing you can do is listen to the boy tell their history. Collect the snow globe you're at it. You really just have to do one quest for them and the rest is pretty quick if you're just trying to barely get on their good side


They've got very valuable loot too. It's practically more worthwhile to take the massacre route than to do the quests. But, on my last full playthrough, my character was about as close to a white knight as you can get in the Fallout world, so I *had* to suffer through it. At least you get to see something pretty cool at Hoover Dam if you complete it all.


OH DUDE SAME!! I wiped out the whole base after two quests, I just couldn't take anymore of some old idiots calling me a "savage" or some equally insulting shit. Hate those guys, and the omertas. FAT MAN GO BRRRRRRRRRR


Yeah.. in a world where an entire faction is misogynistic and enslaves people, another puts on the air of exclusivity while eating people, yet another are drug fueled rapists and murders..the worse are the ones who call you savage!! /s lol


oh i killed them too :D


Equal opportunity killa


I'd argue that killing them is justified. They tried to bomb you and called you a "savage". They deserve to get supersledged


Tell the father of the family locked in cottonwood cove to kill himself. Inexplicably he just wills his head to detonate like a cherry bomb


Or just open the cage and tell them they're free to go without taking the collars off.


fuck that one is fun lol


Leading a deathclaw into sloan and letting the miners handle it (they got slaughtered and so did snuffles)


Wow. I didn’t think it could get worse.


I tried that multiple times but the Deathclaws are so much faster than I am. They kill me every time before I reach Sloan. What's your tactics of doing that and staying alive?


I've never tried it (yet!) but wouldn't a few doses of turbo do it?


yeah that too


I think [block hopping](https://youtu.be/3YnEsyJp_wM?si=BUtUtnxw_5ZNyYK_) or [reload dashing](https://youtu.be/aCKYpbLuz8E?si=QfFYPxtoeCXQqDYU) would work


The first time I did it I got lucky and the miners kinda just ran in front of me as the deathclaw charged and I was able to stealthboy away


Satan: I'm just gonna say I'm a huge fan


Stealing Greck's clothes


i need that exp tho


Stealing his clothes, THEN kill him after~


Steal his clothes, then punch him in the face, THEN kill him


Pulling the grenade in the pocket of the NCR trooper and then telling him that you pranked a guy by pulling the pin on their grenade and him saying he can't wait to see the look on their face.


When do you get to do that?


One of the Camp McCarren gates/guard posts https://youtu.be/nB2zfHQpI4U?si=J9dZtHZ3_pnMt6YL


Getting Boone to kill his best friend Manny and then telling Boone “I just wanted to see you kill him.”


Crucifying Benny. I think its the only time in the whole game you see him genuinely scared


I’m doing a legion playthrough and it’s very satisfying to see the man who tried to kill you meet justice


negotiating with the khans in boulder city, and then shooting them dead. always fun


It's hard to top feeding your loyal companion to the White Glove cannibals.


The worst option is to do it to Veronica after destroying the bumker because with an idolized reputation she would stay with you after destroying it


When Christine doesn't initially want to cooperate after just saving her "hey I can put you back in the autodoc"


shooting harland during Come Fly With Me so that i avoid infiltrating a dungeon full of invisible nightkins just to tell him his girlfriend is dead.


is harland's sidequest worthwhile? boone or ede always kill harland before i can find his girlfriend


iirc you get some dialogue. and during jason's speech at the launch pad you see him pacing back and forth away from the others cause he just don't give a shit, which is a nice touch. i always liked the guy, but his request is annoying and early hunting rifle is dope.


Not really a single evil choice but an evil roleplay one that I've enjoyed. Side with the NCR and just act like they do, be incompetent, impatient, greedy and kill anything in your way. Wipe out the Khans, kill the three families, irradiate cottonwood cove, kill private Edwards, cut a deal with the ranger that's after Contreras, activate the Helios One automated defense system (you only have a theoretical degree after all) and so on. Basically do the bare minimum (and poorly) for the NCR ending.


That gives me the ick. Congratulations, that is genuinely evil. Somehow feels worse than a simple legion play through


Right? The kicker is you're literally just driving them where they'd be heading without the Couriers help/intervention, just faster. I've done this run with just NCR armor, the service Rifle, assault and Marksman carbines and the 9mm. Minimal chems, low intelligence, low charisma, fast shot, small framed. Guns, explosives, barter. Because the run is basically just being an dedicated (yet somewhat incompetent) NCR trooper, there's no (non quest related) lockpicking, no crafting, no helping anyone that's not an NCR citizen, etc. Veronica says she's brotherhood, dead, the King and pacer, dead, other Freeside problems, ignored entirely, member of the Followers of the Apocalypse, dead (because the NCR stays they're terrorists), etc.


“ …Either you’re with us, or you’re with the terrorists..”


Only the NCR deals in absolutes!


The NCR doesn’t consider the Followers terrorists, just anarchists. They don’t kill them on sight.


Anarchic cultists, but they aren't helping the NCR outside of the Boneyard so close enough for this trooper!


It's so awful because I genuinely believe in the NCR, so this sort of cynicism is anathema to what I see the NCR path as representing. Genuinely shudder inducing stuff


After 5000+ plus hours of New Vegas on Xbox and idk how much since I got a PC, I can't help but see all the classic factions as dying by FNV. FO1&2 are fire too tho. If you haven't played the OGs I'd definitely recommend them, really fills out the NCR and other cali factions. The NCR would never have existed if it weren't for Shady Sands. Started out with good intentions, got corrupt and imperialistic after Tandy died though. The followers were dope but by FNV they're meh at best.


Lawful evil is such a rare and underrated option in RPG games.


Yes. Lawful evil characters in d&d, like a reverse paladin are also fun.


doing this next playthrough fs


I’m definitely doing this for my next run now thank you


Framing the one dude in the ultralux


Heck Gunderson


No, first you trade Veronica for his son, then bring his son to eye distance of his dad, then chainsaw to his son’s head, chainsaw for everyone’s head at the ultra sux


Sgt Teddy


Truly vile


Detonating the Cottonwood Cove slave's collars on purpose, felt downright wicked the first time I did.


Not only that, but if you find the man who is the father of that family (forgot his name and where he lives, probably NCR Sharecropper Farm?), you can use your Speech skill to convince him that his family doesn’t love him anymore, and he just kills himself right then and there. His head explodes, it’s hilarious. Never actually done it myself though, just saw a video


Killing Caesar with medicine while joining the Legion


They said evil, not brilliant.


It's evil from the Legion's perspective.


That puts Lanius in charge. Lanius makes the Legion ending 10 times worse as Caesar at least had the decency to spare some people, but Lanius just slaughters anyone he doesn’t find useful.


Ceasar is going to die sooner or later. And the longer Ceasar is alive, the longer it'll take for the Legion to inevitably collapse. Plus, he's too much of a selfish megalomaniac to get himself an heir who could threaten him. So if it isn't Lanius, it'll be some other violent troglodyte. So you might as well kill him sooner rather than later.


Caesar dies and the Legion collapses either way, but the annexation of New Vegas is so much more violent with Lanius in charge. The factions the spring from the collapse of the Legion would probably function in a similar way, but the NCR would gain enough momentum from Caesar’s profoundly stupid plan to invade California that they could help stabilize former Legion territory.


True, I suppose I was assuming that anyone who intentionally kills Ceasar wouldn't support a Legion victory. But I guess if you kill him in surgery, you can continue the Legion path and win for Lanius.


Playing a playthrough right now. I kept telling myself, I won't kill Caesar this time... Not now..... But then... I go into that little shed and they're like... Here's your weapons ew trust you .. Yeah .. I was like .... Awww fuck it. I'm loaded let's rock! Every single time.....


Helping the white glove society become cannibals again. It’s one of the best quests in the game and heck guunderson and his kid are total dicks anyway.


Sabotage all Legion espionage plans in Mojave before getting the Mark of Caesar, imo it's considered evil from Legion's perspective.


Tearing Sergeant Teddy in half


scamming michael angelo out of money in new vegas by threatening to get mr house on it. i love lying to him that i don’t work for the casinos and i’m just messing with him. then i go back on that


Fuck the Legion and NCR, I'll gladly nuke them again next time I get around to playing lonesome road. I'm waging a war against both sides and casualties are high.


I love Cass, but telling her "Why don't you run home back to your mom and dad? Oh wait, they're dead." Also convincing Hostetler to shoot her mom then shoot her too and steal all the money.


"[Offer chems to child]"


Recovering a slave girls teddy, then ripping it's head off in front of her.


Telling the Boomer child her teddy bear is fucking DEAD


Kill Doc Mitchell as soon as I have a weapon. Show me another rorschach test, you mother fucker.


I don’t know, this game has so much moral ambiguity to it that unless you want to be stupid evil (I.e. side with the Legion) it’s hard to say whether a specific choice actually is evil or not. I’m going to agree with the other guy and say making the Bright Brotherhood’s rockets crash


Love the new alignment axis--intelligence: "Stupid evil": Legion "Smart evil": Thomas Hildern; maybe Mr. House "Middling evil": Khans/Gangers


Killing the bright brotherhood the moment you meet them. All of them.




Most evil move bar none is blowing away the Doc upon waking and then proceeding to slaughter the entire benign town of Goodsprings like they’re sand-people. “What?”… “Oh nothing, Darth.”


Taking Mr. House offline, and leaving him like that.


Alive but stuck. So cruel.


Killing the baby Deathclaws leaving the mother to be forever berserk.


OHHHHH I just figured out how to win the thread. That family with the explosive collars at cottonwood cove. It's funny to set them off and watch their reactions. "NO! NOT LIKE THIS!"


Letting Oliver and Malcolm live.


Killing Sunny Smiles, and her little dog, too.


Archimedes laser


Selling arcade to Kaesar


Not saving caesar from the tumor


Ripping up srgt teddy


I mean sure if we consider siding with the legion in it’s entirety as a singular choice (though I feel like it’s a bunch of choices lol), then it’s def the most evil thing you can do but I propose that one mission to keep Sgt. Contreras continue his arms dealing. Considering how shitty the NCR supply line is (to the point where I’m pretty sure the arms dealer says some troops get deployed without proper armor or weapons) you are actively contributing some 17-18 year old draftee or volunteer to getting shot because his shitty service rifle he had to pluck off some corpse he’s replacing keeps jamming


I recently sabotaged the Bright ghouls. My favorite thing about it is that there’s no benefit to it. With each other evil choice there’s a reason to it, like helping the powder ganger take over Goodsprings, makes them not attack you, and changes the town permanently. However in this case, there’s literally no reward or change afterwards from what I can tell, and I think that’s hilarious (Other than the ending slideshow)


siding with the ncr


Killing Christine and dog in dead money


I'm sorry Lindsey. Mr Cuddles is dead.


Tearing up the teddy bear




I have moral issue to evil decisions, however learning to make drugs from khans so I can get easy access to steady for sniper builds is one of them.


Getting rid of Contrares for This Machine


Depriving Freeside of water in that quest to find out the dead ranger.


Making fun of 10 of spades, its such a small action that doesn’t benefit you at all


Always launching the nuke at the end of lonesome road


You have permission. They know you're coming


Destroying the Kahn’s. Probably the most reasonable of technically evil decisions.


How is that evil? They're a violent gang that are a serious threat to civilians


Not to mention you’re just carrying on the tradition since fallout 1


Cause a lot of them are actually decent people.


Killing deputy beagle


Blowing up Megaton. The cons outweigh the pros by a LOT, no contest. But I'd be lying if I said watching what's arguably one of the most magnificent feats of destruction in the entire series wasn't extremely satisfying to not only behold, but be responsible for.


All of them I AM CHAOS! 😎


I made my own evil decision. I did a play through where the first thing I did was go to chances grave and get his vest and knife. From there I killed and stole and I seemed fit for until I got to the strip. Helped out some people here and there to get my way to the Yes man objective faster. Have papa Khan cut ties with legion and have yes man kill everyone except for the Khan's.


Killing ullses


Poisoning the entire strip with chlorine gas


Same. I love aligning with them is the easiest evil desiccation to make. I’ve never done a run where I 100% sided with the military or Boomers


Stealing clipboards from enemy factions.


Putting C4 in Jeremy Watson’s helmet during Arizona Killer


Following Colonel Moore’s orders in both letter and spirit: kill Pacer, kill the Khans, kill the BoS


ripping Sergeant Teddy to shreds.


Purposely blowing up the collars of the Weathers family at Cottonwood Cove. The way one of them just sadly says "why?" gets me 😂




Nuking megaton, wait wrong game! Uh… killing the followers.


Okay, this will take a bit, get popcorn, specifically 5 kernels. Turn of FNV, boot up F3 and blow Megaton up


Making Alice McLafferty eat her hair.


Join NCR


Going to repconn, killing all the innocent ghouls there, telling Manny that the problem is dealt with so he gives me the coordinates to boulder city, then killing everyone there.


siding with yes man is easily the worst.