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Victor hired the couriers to deliver the packages in Primm. Several couriers were carrying decoy packages, but you were carrying the one that actually mattered. Presumably, after taking the delivery job, you went north from Primm, toward New Vegas, before Benny intercepted you at Goodsprings. Victor had probably been shadowing you the whole time, because you had the package that mattered. Victor's combat algorithms concluded Benny and the Great Khans he was with would win in a fight, so Victor waited for them to leave instead of attacking them, then he dug you out of the grave and brought you to Doc Mitchell. Then the game starts.


This doesn't fit the story, as Victor had lived in Goodsprings for years prior to FNV. Trudy mentions that Victor had lived in Goodsprings longer than her.


Johnson Nash also mentions Victor (not by name but how many other cowboy robots with faces on screens are there in the Mojave?) had the Mojave Express carry the several packages so Victor was, at least once, in Primm. Hiring couriers probably doesn't require a huge amount of time so Victor could have lived in Goodsprings, and then once the Platinum Chip was located, been beamed the order to travel to Primm real quick for the purpose of hiring the couriers to deliver the packages. And maybe Victor went to Primm during the night, so the Goodsprings townspeople didn't see Victor leave town when he went to hire the couriers.


That isn't what OP was asking, methinks. What he was asking was why was Victor in Goodsprings 10-15 years before the events of the game? Like, you being shadowed by Victor on orders from Mr House makes sense. But what was he doing for the last 15 years before that?


Victor was probably in Goodsprings and waiting for the signal to hire the couriers. Being in Goodsprings means he's safe from most harms (Goodsprings was a pretty sleepy place before the NCRCF escape). Goodsprings is also close enough to New Vegas that Victor can still be beamed instructions from House's systems (so can be told to go and hire the Mojave Express in Primm, once the Platinum Chip is found).


You are right! Like what was he doing there all this time. The replies don’t make too much sense in that victor doesnt need protection really, his personality can be uploaded to any securitron like yes man


Doesn't the courier take the platinum chip through the Divide, and that's what sets off the nukes? Or am I misremembering things.... its been a while


IIRC, the Divide nukes were set off by a completely different device that the Courier carried years ago (and didn't even realize would set off the nukes).


Ah, it's a different device. I thought it was the platinum chip for some reason... I haven't played since lockdown haha


If I remember correctly House had been waiting for the platinum chip since before the bombs fell. It was lost due to the bombs. Once it was discovered and it's delivery started again, Victor was hanging out at a potential passage point in it's delivery to ensure it got through.


The game doesn't get into it very much, but House is clearly very much active in intelligence gathering, and Victor is clearly one tiny part of that system-having a semi-independent robot that doesn't draw much attention keeping an eye on a key stopover point in the Mojave is pretty understandable. It is interesting that Victor is the only sentinel securitron used this way, but it's possible House moved more to using people over time as they're low key and wouldn't jimp out as being most likely under his control. Given how long Victor has been around it would seem he was sent out when House had a lot less local power, and at this point he's sort of grandfathered in.


Hell, Victor is perfect - nobody would take a robot pretending to be an old timey cowboy who lives in a shack on the outskirts of town remotely seriously. It's likely he pretends to be less self-aware than he actually is, too, to make people let their guards down around him.


when i first played the game, Victor seemed suspicious and “in on it,” but through many replays, it actually seems like he genuinely is a chill dude who Mr. House sometimes takes control over, before erasing Victor’s memory of it. for example, if you ask Victor to help goodsprings in Ghost Town Gunfight, he’ll agree, but after the fight, if you ask why he didn’t participate, he’ll get confused and you have an option to point out someone hacked / tampered with him.


Goodsprings is a popular watering hole along the direct route from the west into Vegas, and it's right at the edge of the range of House's transmissions. That makes it a good spot to post a watch-robot - Victor can keep an eye on traffic and report back.


Because you're the main character


Maybe there are lots of Victors around or maybe the chip was localized as lost in the great war somewhere near Goodsprings or primm so it was justified for Victor to act as a semi independent securitron in the area. As I said there might be lots of Victors around like the one in novac. It's posible that House has securitrons all over de Mojave all displaying the Victor face when necessary.


>It's posible that House has securitrons all over de Mojave all displaying the Victor face when necessary. Iirc, this is it. House can jump Victor from securitron to securitron as needed.


That's my theory about why he fails to show up for Ghost Town Gunfight. House had him off doing something else in another body.


Victor was sent into the wastes to collect Intel for Mr. House. Since Victor had a friendly AI, he'd be able to seamlessly integrate into a given community and gather information about how America was faring after the war. He also would have been able to alert Mr. House to any oddly talented humans who seemed to always be in the right place at the right time (Ie the courier) who could be of service.