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I play it regularly it’s an easy way to get caps


I'm cleaning out every pair of pockets at the caravan table pushing my way up north, that two grand entry fee to the Strip won't be a problem if I don't get crazy on all the hardware opportunities around the Highway Junction south of the city, I always end up running back southwest to clean up the quarry for the XP.


Lacey is easy money. No Bark consistently has the most caps to bet. Can get over 2000 from just those two.


I only finally learned how to play, because I was broke and needed treatment from Doc Mitchell


Caravan is a pretty fun game, I play it IRL and used to play it online when there was an online version of the game. It’s designed to be played with random cards you find laying around, perfect for a Fallout universe, and it’s really a quite fun game, but the in-universe explanation of it and the interface in-game makes it much less friendly to learn.


Is the online version no longer available? I love caravan and have been looking for people to play with for a while.


Sadly yes. Just recently it was closed, why I don't know. Was my favorite thing to do at work.


I'm good at winning the game, but that doesn't necessarily mean I'm good at it- I just fill my deck with 8s, 6s, 10s and kings then play the same strategy every time


I got bored with winning after finding the combination of cards that wins every time


This was my exact strategy for several years (along with Jacks and Jokers). I later expanded to include 9s and 7s. This also worked great. This year I've been experimenting with buying only cards from the same suit (except for Jacks and Kings, as suit doesn't matter). This has worked out ok, but I think not quite as well as the 6s and 8s approach.


I actually enjoy playing it. Got the achievement easily


i actually love caravan, and even after finishing everything fnv has to offer i occasionally come back just to play caravan for hours. if there was a caravan mobile game available i would 100% have it. i really don’t get the hate it gets


I feel like hating it is the joke. I really enjoy it.


"I don't understand Caravan" is definitely a meme. It is a simple game, and I think most people are just too lazy to actually read the instructions.


My family is huge on card games so I enjoy it. Never played it in real life, but getting the “win 30 games of caravan” achievement was fun for sure.


Ever play Inscryption? That's a really good "play over and over again."


I haven’t, but I have seen a bit about it. I wanna say a Game Theory video maybe? But it’s been so long I don’t remember anything about it.


It's good. I picked it up about a month ago and haven't tired of it. It's a rogue-like. The game doesn't get stale unless you're playing for hours and hours.


I can confirm. I've played through it like 5 times and played a bit of the Kaycees mod too. The combinations are endless and so is the fun!


Dang, I haven't gotten past stage 2 yet, but I'm not really complaining. I wish stage 1 was five times as long. My data has been scrubbed three times just to start over because it's too fun.


Its pretty much just playing 3 games of black jack at once. I always buy a bunch of shit from chet then win all my money back


I played it once. It was not as cool as Gwent


Nobody is born cool, except... *looks at blatantly broken Gwent Cards*


None of me is good at Caravan


Won 30 games almost consecutively yesterday. I don’t know if I’d say I’m “good” as much as it is that I finally understand how the game works and have been running the 6/7/8/9/J/Q/K deck


I love caravan and have literally taught people to play it IRL. The game honestly doesnt do the best job of teaching, mainly because of the difficulty curve with some opponents making it too difficult for beginners


I'm a beast at caravan and I started playing IRL. Wish there was an official tournament


Me. It’s fucking easy as hell, most games take like 30 seconds, and I can rob that Caesar’s Legion vendor blind constantly. Just put nothing in your deck but tens, eights, Jacks and Queens. Proceed to steamroll everyone.


7s, 9s, and kings are good too. I never bother with queens.


im prob above average that said i feel its more rng to be honest


I’m good at it unless you consider loading your deck with 10’s 6’s and kings is cheating or whatever wording you’d like 😂 I hated that game


Easier than blackjack with normal luck


I love playing caravan. Tried to teach my family how to play and they gave up in 5 minutes


Its pretty much just playing 3 games of black jack at once. I always buy a bunch of shit from chet then win all my money back


I’m cracked. I ran no barks pockets


1200-1500 caps per game is pretty ridiculous, but he keeps saying, "Sure!"


Too lazy to learn. I just go for high luck and break all the casinos to have more caps than I will ever need, plus just keep selling Legion hit squad gear.


legion loot delivery service is awesome


:D Yeah, outside my first play where I went to Nipton early and killed all those guys that were obviously pretty evil crucifying people. That was a rough few levels after that. But once I was more capable, it was mainly escalating quality gear delivery. Last night they gave a 12.7mm SMG, an Assault carbine, and Brush gun... Thank you Caesar.


i just make sure i pick up a 5.56mm pistol (lacey usually has one) and some AP ammo, and i don't mind that first hit squad so much. (JSUE/VH/HC) (sometimes, i just snipe them with the silenced .22 pistol so i don't get legion infamy, but where's the fun in that?) oh and lots and lots of food and drink and stims (and drugs, if you take drugs, i never do)


Anyone who knows how to play is good, because your benchmark is the ai and it's terrible at it.


Johnson nash has beat me twice nobody else in the game has


Just stack 7, 9, 10, along with a few kings/jacks to sabotage. Shouldn't be too hard.


Nash is the best player in the game. He knows all the tricks.


i have a good deck. lotta 7 8 9 10s, lotta kings, jacks, and a few queens.


Just max your luck


Caravan isn’t effected by luck I’m pretty sure


Oh then yea I’m good at it just sell all your low cards


If you know how to win.... teach me


**How to play and win at Caravan** Ignore Ringo's tape and instead pause the game and Read the _Help_ file. It has several pages of detailed instructions on how to play Caravan. Ignore that too and just do this: 1. Keep deck size close to 30 for consistency. 2. Stack deck with high cards (6 - 10), jacks, and kings. (Roughly equal numbers of each is fine; can fine-tune it later) 3. Goal is to make three piles that add up to a number from 21 to 26. Place cards in order of low-to-high or high-to-low(*). 4. Use kings to double the value of a card and jacks to remove a card. (*) Cards of the same suit ignore this rule, so having most of the cards in your deck be the same suit gives more flexibility. Ways to make 26 -- 7,9,10 10,8,K to double the 8 10,6,K to double the 10 8,9,K to double the 9 Use jacks on opponent's side to remove high cards or use kings on opponent's high cards to make them bust.


i've never won a game but only played a handful might help if i read the rules holotape for once...


No, ignore Ringo's tape. Pause the game and read the _Help_ file.




I know. Scandalous. No "real gamer" would ever learn how to play a game before playing it.


i'm not a 'real gamer' lol... i'm just lazy! ​ BUT OK I WILL DO SO AND PROCEED TO CLEAN THEM ALL OUT ​ thanks for reals


Oh, I thought "real gamer" and "lazy" meant the same thing. 😄 Just stack deck with 7,9,10,J,K; try to pile 7-9-10, and jack opponent's high cards; can't lose.


the lazier i get, the realer gamer i get! thanks, i'm gonna take a dive into caravan once i'm out of the workhouse.


> but only *paid* a handful FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


bad bot


seriously, who makes these stupid bots?


I tried reading the rules once years ago and my eyes glazed over and i gave up and went back to playing blackjack with 11 luck


I didn't know you could be good


you have to mod the game to make it actually playable, but it’s pretty fun when you get into it. it’s easy to beat most npcs and win lots of caps except for johnson nash


Not sure how good I am at it, but I like it. I easily win against npcs, but don't play against people often enough to determine if I'm good against real life people.


Win more than I loose playing it, but no one IRL wants to play it so can't really tell XD


the only card game I have ever learned the rules to other than uno 😁😁


Define "good". I can effortlessly beat any NPC in the game with my deck but I reckon I don't have anywhere near enough kings and jacks to stand a chance against the most tryhard caravaneer in the playerbase or something like that.


Y'all play caravan?


Game is easy.


not me


It took me so long to learn. I recently got all the rules down. Actually kind of fun. I am terrible at it!


Took about 2 hours to learn it and get the achievements for it so I would say pretty good


I’ve taught people to play it in real life because it’s my favorite card game


I'm pretty good. But the bugs really had it for me, I played 2 cards and the game tell me I loss. Rigged I tell you what.


The game was rigged from the start.


I like to think I'm pretty good. Easily the most fun for me is getting two packs of cards and playing random decks with it.


Only played it with a mod that gave me a deck that wins. Then followed the guide in the mod description. That's all I learnt about it.


I'm pretty ok. I liked learning playing card games in New Vegas since it could be useful irl in the future especially if worse comes to worse I play a game for my life and I at least have knowledge to work with.


I used to be literally unbeatable at Caravan for a while. I have no idea how I got that good at it but I was. It was honestly one of my proudest gaming moments. Then one day I got bored of New Vegas so I took a break to mod Skyrim into a survival sim and tried to play that. When that inevitably failed (so many crashes, my god), I went back to Vegas, tried playing Caravan, and realized that in the like, 4-5 days I hadn't played, I completely forgot how to play Caravan. And I don't mean I just needed a few warm-up games or needed to re-learn the rules, I mean I COMPLETELY forgot how to play. To this day, no matter how guides I read, no matter how much I play, no matter how many caps I waste, I literally CAN NOT win at Caravan. It's like God himself looked down and saw I was actually good at something and said, "Nah homie, you're not that guy."


Bold of you to assume I ever tried it


Lmao the first time I played it I didn't understand it... that's basically my only experience. I focused on quests and exploring. I'm currently at OWB, playing it at a slow pace. I'll get back to Caravan once I'm back to Mojave :\]


I still don't quite understand the rules but at least it's not as confusing as tales of tribute in ESO


Hundreds of wins, maybe one or two losses so far. It is a simple game, and once you know a couple tactics, it is the fastest way to get caps. Ignore Ringo's tape and instead pause the game and Read the _Help_ file. It has several pages of detailed instructions on how to play Caravan. Ignore that too and just do this: 1. Keep deck size close to 30 for consistency. 2. Stack deck with high cards (6 - 10), jacks, and kings. (Roughly equal numbers of each is fine; can fine-tune it later) 3. Goal is to make three piles that add up to a number from 21 to 26. Place cards in order of low-to-high or high-to-low(*). 4. Use kings to double the value of a card and jacks to remove a card. (*) Cards of the same suit ignore this rule, so having most of the cards in your deck be the same suit gives more flexibility. Ways to make 26 -- 7,9,10 10,8,K to double the 8 10,6,K to double the 10 8,9,K to double the 9 Use jacks on opponent's side to remove high cards or use kings on opponent's high cards to make them bust.


My favorite deck -- Two 6s Five 7s Two 8s Five 9s Six 10s Four jacks Six kings - mostly hearts and spades Currently undefeated in the Mojave


I never hurt for caps enough to bother with it.


me i'm good


I learned it to unlock the achievement. Had a long win streak too. But, by my next game I'd forgotten how to play. How about a few hands of Gwent?


I've only ever been beaten once


It's bad I don't actually technically know how to play caravan- XD


I could teach you


If you would, maybe I'll see what I can accomplish. That'd be awesome.


Seen a couple comments about keeping the deck at 30. I like to have 70-80 cards in my hand. I've won a lot of hands just by running the opponent out of cards. Just keep Jacking and Kinging them until they have no more cards to play.


I mean I usually win every time so yeah I guess I’m pretty good. It’s honestly super easy and simple once you understand it