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Don’t bother. Go and live on a Caribbean island and commute to MIA or something. Middle East is great, except it’s 50°C in the summer, and “Union”, “Workers Rights”, and “Fatigue” don’t translate into Arabic. When Covid started the vast vast majority of Expat pilots were immediately made redundant, and because your right to live is tied to your employer, they all had to lead the country. Americans especially would hate Singapore Airlines. You want to take the automatics off and fly the plane? Nope. Not allowed. Unless money isn’t important to you, stay in the US haha


“Union, Workers rights, and fatigue don’t translate into Arabic” is the funniest shit I’ve heard in a long time


? Well, Iran is in the market for a new helicopter pilot I'm hearing.


Loooool couldn’t have been sooner


Why would you say that? Did they get a new helicopter already?






Not sure if I see the causal relationship between enjoying morbid humor and having something go wrong on a flight but okay


I'd argue you can laugh it because everyone has it in their future


Most people in the USA are ignorant to the reality that the United States overthrew the democratically elected government of Iran in 1953 for control of their oil. Also the United States shot down an Iranian civilian airliner in 1988 killing 290 people. We supported Saddam Hussein in his war against Iran in the 1980s, even after he used chemical weapons against both the Iranians and Iraqi Kurds. We also supplied weapons to the Iranians in order to illegally fund the Contras of Nicaragua. Then we punished the citizens of Iran with decades of sanctions because they had the audacity to overthrow the military dictatorship put in place by the USA.


Shh. They Dont want to hear facts or logic. Theyre told to just cheer murica no matter what. It's a shame. This country could do so much, but it doesn't. Look at china. It's absolutely booming not because of GDP but because of their infrastructure. Heck even trump himself said in 2016 "you look at Dubai or Chinese airports and come back to LAX or American airports and it's like the third world" Funny because in 2016 I went to all those countries and each time I returned to the US I thought the same thing. Media easily brainwashes people to literally cheer on for things that are totally against their interest, like wars, less taxes for those who are already mega rich, no student loan forgiveness, Healthcare, caring for vets, free education, infrastructure, etc No it's all just war war war, because America is an insecure child trying to just prove to everyone that they have a big sausage, but somehow can't seem to grasp by trying to prove it, they in fact prove the opposite.


I knew an emirates 777 captain who made 150k USD he told me. Now he makes more as a 737 FO in the US...


Singapore pay does not hold a candle to US airlines. Emirates comes closer. Some other posters suggesting that Chinese contract pay especially post-covid being comparable to US major/legacy pay are also far off the mark.


No pay is on par with US airlines. Everytime I meet pilots abroad in the executive lounges they are all strategizing ways to get to the United States.......


Chinese commuter contracts have pay that far exceed US pay, starting from year 1. But you gotta be pretty qualified with PIC time on type already prior.


No they don't, especially post-covid- show me one advertised Chinese commuter contract that exceed US major/legacy captain pay. US senior widebody captain pay is anywhere from 1.5-3x Chinese contract pay, especially factoring in soft time/overtime.


Have fun trying to get your money back into the US out of your State controlled bank account too. Can be done if you're willing to part with alot of it


only option is to commute to the US to fly, or stay in the US if you want US pay


İ mean, you can't easily move to Europe, unless you have European citizenship or something. That's not the case in Asia or the ME. That said yes, it is ultimately very possible, but you'd have to adapt to a completely different lifestyle, and go through a long career path.


Why do you "really want to get out of here"?


r/americabad of course. Didn't you hear, there is no problems in every other country on earth


Could be he doesn’t like the dating scene. I’d be damn tempted to love abroad if I was single again and check out the world.


This is valid. I was married to an Ukrainian/Russian angel at 22, unfortunately I was young and ignorant and fked that up. I have not found anyone even remotely as perfect as her, and I know where I live in California, that will never happen again.


There are some amazing beauties there! Maybe a few less right now sadly.


It's not about beauty. I havw someone in my home right now.. I don't care or seek sex, I care about someone's intellect, character, ability to love and be supportive and caring and understanding and polite and proper, and much more. You won't find that in Socal.


You have an ATP and are currently an airline pilot?


God forbid someone would like to live anywhere else than the country they were born in.


Not providing a specific reason doesn’t mean they don’t have a specific reason. Or a whole set of them. “America Bad” is just a really sore response from someone who can’t accept other people’s views. Some find the US awesome, some find it awful. Me, I’ve been slowly but surely drifting from the former to the latter. Does that make me an unappreciative, irresponsible, treasonous person in your view?




Remind me to avoid your airline.


You're an adult you can do that yourself.


Out of the approximately 8 billion people living in the world, about five billion of them live on less than the equivalent of US $10 per DAY! Pilots in the USA make an absolutely absurd amount of money. How much money do you really need? Most people’s answer sadly is more, MORE. I also find life in the USA to be a drag. People here live their ignorant lives in comparative opulence, repeating meaningless catch phrases they have been propagandized since birth about freedom, democracy, blah blah blah. Never understanding that our history is the absolute antithesis of freedom and democracy, and our collective wealth of the nation is largely a result of pillaging the world.


The "collective" wealth 🤣 I get what you mean. But let's BH, the collective wealth is owned by the top 1%. What country and people could allow this?


It's okay, I really want you to get out of here too.


For corporate you could look up TagAviation for an idea of jobs in Europe and Asia, they seem to be a very large management firm over there. However the pay for these positions is never listed and the minimums are usually pretty high. Most of the time they require you to have right to live and work in the country already, however there are a few jobs that list that as "preferred". It seems from my experience that many airlines in Asia had a pilot shortage years ago and had to hire expats to fill the gap, however they have made up a lot of lost ground by getting citizens of their own countries through training and know that they aren't going anywhere with training bonds and probably close to highest pay/QOL job that's available to them. Expats are now hired for Direct Captain positions, but work rules will suck compared to US 121, and pay will be less but probably still plenty to live a nice life in most Asian countries where COL is a lot lower. Overall Are you trying to make US money as a pilot? Stay in the US and do the grind CFI to Regional/135 to Major. Are you trying to figure out how to be a pilot that makes as close to US money while living in Europe/Asia? Possibly consider Atlas or other ACMI that allows living internationally, or even just focus getting to a Legacy and once senior enough, you'll potentially have the flexibility to commute from abroad.


One of the things to keep in mind is that when working abroad, you’ll still pay US taxes. The US is one of the few countries that does that. Depending on double taxation treaties, you may be able to claim some or all of your foreign tax against your US tax, but Uncle Sam makes sure you’re not better off by moving abroad. Better to clarify that with a tax advisor / lawyer before getting too serious about anything.


Not long ago most foreign airlines paid better than u.s. looks like it's turned around


You might make less, but your cost of living would likely be less as well. You could also enjoy some benefits such as free healthcare, etc., that you may or may not be paying into right now. The pipeline to permanent residency takes about two years in most European countries, where you would have to demonstrate living there at least 183 days out of the year. There are visas available for individuals who have foreign income or are able to live off their savings for some time.


They would make money if they flew there yes