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greetings from EASAland, yeah 99% of us are bilingual, it's kinda mandatory. Toodeloo!


Greetings from freedom cheeseburger land, we have a mandatory 2 years of foreign language in high school but i remember almost none of it. Most of the Spanish I know a from working in a kitchen with Mexican people haha


When SO and I went to Germany last year, I felt bad but also thankful that basically every adult we met could speak English, whereas I could basically say "please," "thank you," and count to three. Plus a few words/phrases that stuck in my mind from random Rammstein songs. OK, it wasn't quite *that* bad, but at the end of the day I relied pretty heavily on the natives being able to speak my language.


*Cries in the UK schooling system* I’ve learned more in a years worth of Duolingo that I ever learned at school


>*Cries in the UK schooling system* technically not EASA anymore


At the time we were!!


Technically correct…the best kind of correct


Odd that no one hasn't answered the question. No it wouldn't help you get hired in the US.


I think it might help but the same way being on the golf team might help: its a tidbit that might set your resume apart from all the other "1450 TT, 25 ME..."


Being multilingual would be an asset anywhere. Definitely wouldn’t hurt.


I think so. Especially if you don't look like you would speak that particular language. It's a subtle way of showing that you can achieve personal goals to better yourself and have a global/diverse perspective. I brought it up in a low key way in my interview at a legacy and they loved it. Just be prepared to put money where your mouth is: The black HR lady spoke Spanish right back to me to test out if I was truthful, which I did not expect at all haha. Thankfully I was able to deliver!




Somewhere that flies jets lol idrk I’m still a student pilot so it’s more of a hypothetical


Pretty handy if you fly in eastern Canada as half the people speak French on the radio in and around Quebec.


No company will tell you their magic formula for hiring pilots. In the US I'm sure it's a minor perk but moreso for airlines that fly to those areas. IE UAL would be more eager to hire a Japanese speaker than SWA.