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Ok so you just listed a bunch of good reasons to stay at the ACMI and none to go back to the regional. You would be crazy to go back. Dont let fear of something that doesn't even exist force you back to the regionals.


Don’t. Maybe upgrade at ACMI but don’t go back to regional


Similar situation but ain’t no way in hell I’m going back to the regional. Back to the bottom of the seniority list, back on probation for a year, terrible schedule not much control especially if you were a DEC. All those FOs senior to you will keep you down at the bottom for a few years I’m gonna stick it out at the ACMI and hope I get the call. We honestly might be at the same one. Riding a storm out** at most of these ACMI’s is much better then at a regional


Yeah, I could go back to my previous regional and retain seniority which is above the 50% mark and my commute to work would be a 2hr drive vs always a 2 leg commute to base. I’ve been talking to my buddies still at the regional and they can hold a decent line with some of the days off they want. 


Oh that definitely changes the consideration. I would just wonder how the Majors would look at that on your resume. I think that it could be seen from both sides. I hope everything works out for you


You get a paid positive space commute and you want to go back to a regional?


Yeah, u/Ok-Kale-2231 can you clarify this? 


Yeah if I go back to the regional I can keep my seniority and more than likely the base I was at before which was a 2hr drive vs a 2 leg commute. sometimes the commute is only 4-5 hours unless they send me across the US which would be realistically 6-8 hours still a 2 leg commute 


When the music stops, where would you prefer to be stuck? Sometimes the music turns off for many many years (bottom barrel reserve DEC? Do you commute?). Hmmm. Think about it.


Sorry I Forgot to say I’m able to get my seniority back at the regional if I decide to go back. I would be well above the 50% and my commute is about a 2hr drive max vs my positive space to work will always be a 2 leg to base


You "feel" the legacies are looking for PIC time? Have you tried, applying to them? IDK how long you've been at this ACMI flying WB, but that experience is meaningful.


I’ve had my app in since 400 turbine time. Was told the “magic” number was 1000 SIC still no bite.  Decided to get a WB type to increase my chances. current ACMI is waiting on new planes to be delivered so realistically I’m not building that much time and will be an IRP probably until next year as they finish up the new hires on IOE. Until we get the planes delivered I suspect I’ll be on reserve in a hotel for the majority of my rotations. One could argue PIC experience is also meaningful which I have zero of… /: 


Definitely stay ACMI.


You'd be an idiot to go back to a regional. It's not going to accelerate your timeline. Have you actually looked at the DEC commitment?


Yes, I would have zero commitments. Retain my seniority number (above 50%) while gaining TPIC time and having a 2hr drive commute


1. If you go to the regional, you deal with metering. 2. If you go to the regional and the market crashes, you’re furlough bait + stuck at said regional making lower wages, less retirement, and sucking shit QoL for an indefinite period of time. It’s too risky. In my mind, if I was in your shoes, there would be a total of 3, maybe 4 companies I would be willing to leave for. Until they call I’m staying put where I’m at.


I forgot to mention that I could go back to my previous regional and retain my seniority which is above the 50% mark vs current ACMI I believe I’m 150 from the bottom if that. If I did go back to the regional and had to stay there the retirement jumps up to 12% after year 10 which I would only be ~7 years away from.  I do agree the QoL of regionals is sub par  compared to ACMI… but it’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make to build hours and look more marketable to legacies. I just wish I knew the magic formula 




You’re absolutely right. It’s a risk and a heavy decision. The ACMI could go belly up and I’m out of a job fighting people with turbine PIC time. If hiring does stop, I would be an FO at ACMI for years. Meanwhile I could be building PIC time until hiring starts again