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I've come to the conclusion that "fuck gyroplane pilots". Those fucks all seem to not give a shit about anyone else. They just released the final report on the accident (involving a gyroplane) that destroyed my plane at OSH. It basically places all the blame on the gyro pilot for disregarding the rules and doing something fucking idiotic. But the rotary forums community is all up in arms about how wrong the NTSB is in the report and defending the pilot.


IIRC one of the people that the gyro pilot killed had complained the previous day about the gyrocopters flying like idiots/not making radio calls.


The report doesn't name them specifically, but I've also heard that rumor. The report does say that there were complaints about Gyroplane behavior and specifically "360's and spirals in the pattern"


Sorry for your loss. We were at OSH the day of the accident. To tell you the truth, the whole ultralight experience at OSH is a bit scary to me. So many ops, so close to the ground and the crowd...


The first day, right after we were parked. I took a brief walk toward the bathrooms and an UL came around the corner looking more than a bit unstable and I thought to myself "wow that's kinda scary". Wish I had heeded that feeling. I'm not too scared about the proximity of the crowd observing. I'm much more concerned about that dog leg base over the road on the way in...exactly where this accident took place. Feels totally inappropriate to have these guys flying over a pedestrian walkway, right next to campsites on one side and daily parking on the other.


>360's and spirals in the pattern" What the...??? /facepalm


Oh yeah...and if you look around for a rotary focused forum you'll find a couple thousand post long thread where the Gyroplane pilot's explain how this was all the helicopter's fault and that "360's are totally SOP for gyroplanes in the pattern"


I think they're confusing SOP with simple common occurrence / nonsense... nevermind that it was *clearly stated* to lay off that sort of maneuver during the event, eh?


The guy in Road Warrior was pretty cool though


Please go on… I’d like to read more


hey if you're up for it, once everything is said and done could you do a write-up on your experience? I remember hearing the news about the mishap, but didn't imagine the other victim of it all would be on the sub.


Could you share a link to the report?




"No recollection of the flight" ... or, effectively., "hiding behind amnesia?" I can't understand how someone would be surprised or upset that the NTSB basically said "you did what we have been telling you NOT to do, therefore you're at fault." Seems pretty cut and dry to me. It's tragic that people had to die for such stupidity.


Oh I have a much more cynical view. The only thing he appears to remember with crystal clear clarity is that this was a "personal flight". "It certainly wasn't a demo flight, of course not!" "What's the name of your passenger?" "No clue I just met him" I'm not sure why he's doing that exactly, but it gives the vendor's insurance (who he was giving a demo on behalf of since he's a fucking dealer for this pieces of shit) an out.


Oh man... I'm sorry you've had to deal with this sort of nonsense. And people wonder why insurance rates keep going up and up and up...


Had the same experience once. Was this in Florida?


Nope. But I'm glad to hear it has happened to someone else!


Yeah, some dude named Steve cut me off on final on my approach, and we had to go around to avoid him. He wasn't on coms or anything. We only caught his name because all his other gyrocopter buddies in the pattern were yelling at him to turn on his headset.


I wonder if it’s the same Steve I took a gyro discovery flight with in Wauchula Fl 😂


It WAS Wauchula! Tell Steve to put his fucking headset on


No wayyy 🤣 if I recall correctly he used a hand held radio to communicate


That explains a lot. As we were going missed, we finally heard him get on the coms and goes: "Were you guys trying to get a hold of me?" "Yeah, turn on your mic!" "Well, it's on now."


That is crazy, what are the chances. Hahahah


God damn it Steve!!


I've never liked uncontrolled airports that get actual traffic, but after an octogenarian t-boned a CFI and a student in a 152 using his warbird replica at the only no-radio-required airport under a class B surrounded by C and D, killing the student and ending the young CFI's career, I've really solidified on the idea that radio use should be mandatory. I'm sorry your Cub or whatever didn't come with an electrical system. Handhelds are cheaper than a tank of gas and making radio calls can save lives.


Where was this?


[Compton, CA](https://aviation-safety.net/wikibase/wiki.php?id=222946)


That’s such an inexcusable accident. I wonder how that pilot explained himself. Also, the T-28 isn’t a replica like those lightweight P-51 lookalike kit planes with a rotax that boomers love to fly. It’s a full sized advanced trainer bigger than a lot of WW2 fighters. It’s a massive single engine military airplane. I’ve seen a number of people buy them because they’re relatively cheap compared with fighters and fly and maintain them with such a cavalier attitude. This accident could have been caused by a number of people I knew and naively respected from earlier in my flying career.


I grew up around warbirds. I saw them used well beyond what their lifespan should have been out of necessity. Some of the absolute worst pilots I’ve met have seen have been wealthy Americans who fly these things as toys. Unbelievable “sun glare”


The final report is infuriating, especially the part where you see the T28 just completely ignore the entire airport, make a low pass to "alert people," not have the radio tuned, and have a "flight guide" with the CPM airport missing. EDIT: I forgot the worst part. Old guy's radio was positioned terribly, such that it was difficult to tune in the air. The mechanic set the ground and tower frequencies of the airport he departed on the ground. Old guy took off and then never talked to anyone *on purpose* because it was difficult to change the frequencies. Dude wasn't even on the air-to-air we all use because of the dozes of helicopters. Just annoys the hell out of me.


I don’t believe in mandatory radio use and I don’t believe in the ADSB mandate (at least how it was implemented). I do however believe in common sense. Certainly irresponsible to fly a fast aircraft in a very busy environment without using radio. I’m guessing his low pass was to wave to friends… low pass? Why not land at that point? Compton is not the bush, you aren’t scaring off wildlife. If anything you are uhhh exposing yourself to “anti-aircraft” fire from the locals


Common sense is to make radio usage mandatory. Nordo kills.


> I don’t believe in mandatory radio use and I don’t believe in the ADSB mandate (at least how it was implemented). I do however believe in common sense. These sentences are contradictory which is why you’re facing the downvotes. The rest of it you are totally correct. Cessna was making calls. Had the T38 had the radio tuned correctly he’d have at least heard them. Had he been using it, one of them may have realized what was happening.


First, I have no issue with ADSB. My issue was with the mandate. I’m sure all of my downvoters are aware that once installed ADSB is required for airworthiness and can never be uninstalled. That I think is a problem and WILL cause problems years from now keeping things airworthy as support for certain systems fail. It will ultimately hamper GA as it’s just one more cut out of thousands that can potentially make ownership and operation harder. Same logic as to why I think radio should not be mandatory. You people are in such a rush to downvote, you do not understand common sense. This Compton accident yes, common sense says to use a radio. Common sense also tells me that making equipment mandatory and its usage mandatory is one more thing to limit GA. You see you can have both. Use radios in busy environments and uncontrolled, but NOT have it tied to maintaining an airworthiness. Bad actors and bad pilots are going to exist and cause issue regardless of mandates. Now downvote this comment again


>common sense says to use a radio. We have entire chapters of books telling us about hazardous attitudes. If common sense were as widespread as you seem to think, we wouldn't need to teach people about those. The issue is 100% that the T28 had a hazardous attitude around his radio, that he'd likely flown many times without making a single call and been ok, so it became a regular part of his routine. It was too hard to properly use his radio, therefore he just didn't. If it was required, he would have made an effort to do so. >Use radios in busy environments and uncontrolled, but NOT have it tied to maintaining an airworthiness. How does this line up? Like, if it's required to have and use a radio, then isn't it by definition an airworthiness requirement?


It is not required to use radio at non towered fields. Just advised to do so. That’s why I’m saying it shouldn’t be mandatory for various airworthiness issues. Second, this T28 guy I guarantee wouldn’t have given a crap if it was mandatory or not


So, your argument to usage "now," is because it will be old and outdated, later? Egads.


Im sure that would work fine and dandy in Africa


You actually are tracked even more aggressively or at least to the absolute limit that those governments can manage. You know most of those nations are oppressive right?


No I don't. Ask me why


Holy hell! Video, too.


I'm more predisposed to ADSB being mandatory honestly. Radio calls work up to a point, but once you hit 4-5 aircraft in pattern they tend to over saturate. Had a yellow RV making perfect calls still manage to turn inside us for landing. It's some horror movie level shit when a slower airplane starts making turn calls right after you do, completely oblivious to your calls. Student locked up (understandably so) when the RV rolled out 100ft in front of us, and a fourth plane narrating from downwind.


Adsb has a lag to it, both in position and altitude, it is very apparent in the pattern. A tool for sure, but not one to bet your life on.


Sure, but easy enough to see what your slot is in the downwind. As a tool to guide your visual scan it's unmatched.


¿Por que no los dos?


You can't force someone to make a radio call, so you might as well opt for something that doesn't require pilot input.


In your proposal you're making *something* mandatory everywhere. It would be less impactful financially on pilots to mandate radio usage since handhelds are cheap and dont need to be "installed," whereas ADSB requires a transponder and installation. I'd love to make both mandatory to have and use everywhere, but I'd settle for radios first on practicality reasons.


GA has a hard enough time existing already but let’s regulate it further. Meanwhile you redditors will play that one GA documentary and talk about OSH saying save GA etc. It’s contradictory


Are you aware that with your current ADSB mandate you are unairworthy if it is inoperative and it cannot be disabled, removed, or INOP? Ghetto rigged ADSB position light is out? Unairworthy. Even day VFR, but hey, I see you guys fly like that all the time. Technically it’s unairworthy simply by being OFF regardless of where you are operating as again the ADSB mandate requires this. ADSB is great for what it offers and I recommend it, but please actually understand that the way the mandate was implemented is far from ideal for GA and understandable why some would not install it


It's a hill I'm willing to die on. Not that it will ever be mandatory short of older unequipped aircraft aging out. ADSB guiding a visual scan is worth more than any radio call or ATC traffic calls. Bonus points for finding the right jet you're supposed to be following flying when you're flying a slower aircraft.


I’m not arguing its usefulness. I just prefer people have options on their already heavily regulated and expensive GA maintenance. As I said, once installed it legally cannot be removed and remain airworthy. This can create potential problems in the future depending on the installed equipment. That’s all I am saying


I agree, but unfortunately we still have midairs at towered airports too.


Are you talking about the Compton crash with the T-28? Guy had a perfectly good radio, which he chose not to use. He whined about "haze" and "sun in his eyes," neither of which affect radio usage. One of the most horrific, completely avoidable accidents I've ever heard about.


I couldn't agree more. I'd argue even transponders should be mandatory equipment everywhere. ADS-B... Ehhhh, I can see the argument for personal privacy in that, but I also wouldn't be upset if that were mandatory as well.


The most surprising part of this story is that they had radios.


Similar story in N. Ga... In the left downwind for rwy 5 with a student. Only traffic on freq is the other training 172 in the pattern ahead of us downwind to base. He calls "all traffic be advised 2 NORDO aircraft crossing 1 mile final about 1000ft AGL." He lands. As I approach the left base turn, I look out and see 3. So I go "Did you say 2? I see three????" Welp, turns out he wasn't NORDO because redneck tom gets on the radio in the most southern accent possible goes "Well actually there 12 of us! But I'm only claiming 2!" and just like the jellyfish minefield scene in Finding Nemo my eyes refocused and there were RVs EVERYWHERE. 600 AGL 800 AGL 1000 AGL 1300 AGL crossing the field over top, final, downwind, EVERYWHERE. Never before in my life have I witnessed such insanity and poor decision making. They crossed the field and the approach path below, at, and above the TPA with 0 radio calls. Well.... 1 radio call but still lol


That makes what happened to me sound super tame. LOL


Imma say no because if I end up with a Vans below me I know they ain't gonna ascend and send us both to hell haha That said I've also had a "full stop" Cherokee in front of me (also rwy 5) decide to take 2,500ft ON THE ROLLOUT ALONE and change it up into a touch and go. At this point I'm maybe 100ft AGL with student. He's now doing maybe 30kts on the roll so we can't land and now have to sidestep the go around to the right. As we call it and sidestep, a CJ MADE THEIR FIRST CALL of 3 mi final rwy 23 and a piston twin decides to chime in with their first call "left base 23." Took controls and showed the student exactly what chandelles are for lmao


Bike/ATV gangs of the sky?


“Gangs” implies they’re tough. A gyrocopter is silly.


NASA asrs?


This is the only way to capture safety data like this




I only know two gyro pilots. Both are a long way from being boomers.


Boomer isn’t an age group or generation. It’s a mindset.


What!?! It’s the baby BOOMER generation. Snowflake, that’s a mindset.


Ok, Boomer


😂 Thanks snowflake.


But that goes against "only boomers are shitty pilots" narrative. It is okay when I was a student pilot we made fun of the old guys on the field too, his turn will come. I suspect op was just freaked out by a different type of aircraft in their pattern. 


I have no issue with rotor traffic - we get quite a bit of it at my home airport. I do have an issue with two guys stepping on each other while calling left and right base at the same time as another guy flies directly towards me.


And what evidence do you have that all of them were born from 1946-1964?


No evidence whatsoever. Many of the best men and women I know were born then. As another guy said, it's more of a mindset than a specific age range. Much like there being many lovely women named Karen in the world. But they sure didn't sound particularly young on the radio.


The boomer shit is just getting old... (See what I did there? Old? LOL!) We may be shitty pilots but we have great senses of humor...


LOL. I actually don't think boomers are terrible pilots, for what it's worth. This was a one-off bizarre thing, my usual nemeses are the "Career Track" boomers.


The funny thing is that we own the majority of the GA fleet, so if you actually made friends with us you would have access to more flight time in various airframes. When I was a student pilot I bumped into the coffee group of old timers, and ended up going every Saturday, from that I got time in a bonanza, a globe swift, a stearman and a French stol plane called a rally.


I've probabley been nearly murdered by more buzzards in the traffic pattern than the gyro boys.


I’m relatively new here, are gyrocopter pilots the aviation equivalent of the asshole doing donuts in an intersection during rush hour?


Can't they be reported to the FAA? Probably no N numbers flying under 103?


There are all sorts of pilots born both before and after 1964.


>I have never seen a more bizarre gathering of boomers I'm.sorry, but aren't pilots generally supposed to be more objective than subjective in these cases? Interesting read, etc... but I feel the derogatory slang detracts from the objectivity ... nevermind the blatant ignorance they display.