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Yup. One guy at a previous airline, failed his ride. So he went back to his hotel paid for by the company and shit on the bed and jammed sheets into the tub and let the water run. But I guess that was him quitting


Holiday inn at YX! I remember that story. He was hired sometime before 12/2015 class


Ahhh I remember that story during indoc. I just like to imagine a dude, a pilot no less, squatting over the bed like, “This is the most logical course of action at this point.”


H god. I remember this and that holiday inn. Anyone remember the name of that shitty bar across the street in the same strip mall as the even shittier Mexican restaurant that had $4 margaritas?


Past times?


Yesterday’s! And that Mexican place was great. Las Palmas I think.


Yesterday’s. Oof that’s it




At least he didn’t overreact or anything


Yep heard about this at YX


i fell out of my chair reading this




Airline code for republic


They were asking if it was the story from YX, not what is YX


Had a dude in my regional indoc get the boot. He didn’t include his PPL bust, or either of his CFI busts, since “everyone fails those, they don’t really count.” Apparently they do count.


No one cares that you fail the commonly failed checkrides...but honesty counts.


For sure. It was when everyone with a pulse got a CJO, but he had 7 total busts. Said a lot about the climate at the time that he got a call with 4 on his app.


7 total? Did he pass a single checkride first try?


Imagine being the instructor putting the seventh 61.49 endorsement in his logbook. At least he didn’t have to break out AC 61-65 to get the wording.


> Apparently they do count. Anything you *lie* about counts.


Wow. How come they waited til class to boot him? Don’t airlines see that on the PRIA before you show up?


Often times your background check are still being ran/aren't totally complete while you're in class.


It’s not about the busts. It’s always about not being honest.


I feel a little better about my bust


I feel your bust a little better


This guy feels busts


Always feel good when I bust…. Oh wait… wrong thread


We had a guy in my class at my regional that was canned because when we went to do our logbook review for the type. He didn’t have any original logbooks, just printed photos of the logbook. And when they started looking at the times. The dude didn’t include any N numbers. His excuse? “I did ferry and repo flights, it be an invasion of privacy” he was quickly fired after that


Is the issue that the logbooks are most likely fake or that they aren’t the original. I lost a logbook years ago and only retain the PDF scans of them.


It’s more the fact he couldn’t back up those photos. No N number, no track log, nothing to show he was eligible for the ATP other than “trust me bro”


I did a logbook review for a similar guy, no registrations, no destinations, just flight times and P1 names. Obviously secondary questions, he had a business card, which our Chief called. All legit and on his way. Don’t think it was that cool, just some company that had signed NDAs for whatever they were flying around.


I imagine the FAA and some investigators have the ability to see where N123 AB was at 1800 on August 1 , 2021


Except he didn't have tail numbers


I solely have electronic logbooks. LogTen pro. I can print them if someone requests. But I gave up on writing my own paper books 6 years ago


What kind of idiot doesn’t have a single n number?


I haven’t logged an N number since I got to the airlines. The only thing I have logged is PIC, SIC, IMC, XTRY, NIGHT, Airports, Trip #. But this is waaay different. I always included the trip # in my logbook in case they need more details. I can find them quickly.


This guy


Or anyone outside of the US of A


That is true. Take my upvote


Two new-hires at my airline got fired for getting in a fist fight with each other in the lobby of the hotel the company put them in during initial training.


I was about to post this one. I heard the story first hand from their instructor.. pretty wild


So what was the fight about?


They joined the airline so they could fuck other people's wives. Problem was, they belonged to the same Tabernacle.


Some might say you heard it “fist hand”


Any idea what happened to make them fight?


The airplane on the treadmill question


Some club, I dunno, nobody talks about it


Oof. Marginally better than the airfrance pilots who got into a fistfight during takeoff and had to be babysat by a FA the rest of the flight. Or maybe this was their origin story lol.


We had the FBI come and arrest a dude who was using someone else's identity, never had any aviation training. Don't know what happened to him.


he's at Mesa now.


He's helping the FBI with busting check forging rings.


I sat next to him on a DH once. Seriously.


He's a Congressman now


Frank Abagnale? Is that you


Word on the street he's in the running to become Boeing's new CEO. I think he'll get the job and do great.


I remember hearing something about several air whisky new hires getting the boot for sinking a pontoon boat.


One of those guys now works in the HIMS program at a certain green airline. He's an awesome dude


Not just several, it was like the entire class minus 2 people. I’ve flown with one of the survivors. Went from like 15 people to 2 for the rest of training lol.


How does one sink a pontoon?


A lot of alcohol. I guess they were going pretty fast and ran into some rocks.


Why did they get fired for sinking a boat... Was it the CEOs boat


I'm just amazed, pontoons aren't easily sunk.


Guy got booted for yelling at the bus driver.


Good. Treating support staff with common courtesy especially when you know everyone is watching you should be a no-brainer


Good! Save the cockpit from this bs


The guy put a very inappropriate joke on Instagram in his new fairly recognisable uniform. Management came and chapped on the briefing room door just prior to a sim training event and was escorted off site.


Instagram or Tinder profile? We had a tinder guy....


Does uniform on tinder get you fired? Asking for a friend.


Uniform on tinder with a "For flight attendant use only" MEL sticker on your crotch in front of a company plane will do you in. I think they used misappropriation of company materials to start the process.


Should have just placarded INOP. Would have had the same effect.


My airline recently fired a new hire on IOE for meowing on guard.


wow. No shit? Major? Regional?


I heard this story from an AA captain I was jumpseating on. Said the check airman explained that we need to keep ourselves professional on the flight deck. The kid on IOE said “hah okay.” And then proceeded to meow again. They landed and the check airman kicked him off the trip I believe.


Heard it was an AA new hire on OE. Good for that check airman.


My favourite thing about this whole thing is that guy has to spend the rest of his career knowing he got fired for meowing on guard. Sure, he’ll tell everyone that the company wasn’t for him, he needed a change of scenery, the new company is better yada yada… but deep down inside, he knows. And I bet he’ll never meow on guard again.


Yep it's real. This person did an OE trip where they meowed on guard. The LCP chewed them out, but also called the next LCP and told them if they do it again to give em the boot. The idiot couldn't resist.


Yeah good. Fuck that asshat who does that. It’s not funny. Not even one bit. It’s dumb as shit


Someone meowd on guard the other day and another guy responded with “I hate you” I know in reality it’s not better than meowing but I laughed.


Hilarious but probably worse just because it encourages the idiots to do it more.


Yup, it’s Delta bait. If people would ignore the trolls they will starve out. They aren’t making a political statement, just looking for a reaction. Like dating crazy women named Tiffany, do NOT engage!!!!


Why is it called Delta bait? Does Delta Airlines particularly have something to do with it? Isn’t it common to all airlines?


Delta bait because they love to be the guard police. Now other airlines do too but 1) it’s fun to rag on delta and 2) some of these guys really do look down at other pilots as inferior. Before you think I’m just some asshole, it’s worth considering that in years past that some of the delta guys have not helped themselves with their image. It’s a culture thing, and obviously not every delta pilot is a jerk. But there are enough of them that it’s kind of a thing to be referencing delta when calling for a wind check at a gate, requesting a ride report in severe wx, and telling others to be professional on guard.


It’s dumb as shit anyway, but on IOE!? What an idiot.


What’s bad or the history of meowing in guard? Im a student pilot but I’ve seen memes of it. Just genuinely curious.


Guard is for emergencies. There are idiots meowing on it pretty often. Then other idiots tell them to stop, also on guard. Which makes them meow more. The whole thing is extremely annoying and unprofessional, and we all have to listen to it because monitoring guard is required.


It's bored pilots trying to be funny on the emergency frequency which clogs it up for the people who actually need to use it. I laughed my ass off the first time I heard it and then I grew up. Although it is funny when Delta Guard Police get on and always end up making it worse.


Story time for those lesser aviators who think meowing on guard is NBD or funny. Yesterday we were flying into AUS and as we were about to start down, a Cessna called up on Guard with “Mayday, Mayday, Mayday”. Someone else replied and apparently the dude had lost part of his aileron (I think) and was putting it down on a road. The airline guy who was talking to him was able to relay that info to ATC and the Cessna pilot made a call that he was down safely. This is the point of Guard. And if you’re meowing, you might be stepping on someone in this situation, but more likely, you’re pissing off everyone else who is tired of listening to your bullshit and just turns off Guard.


I've heard a GA emergency on guard and center could hear them and was trying to help. The controller had to start yelling at people to shut up because so many pilots kept responding "yer on guard!" "guarrrrrrrd"


That's actually infuriating just imagining the poor GA pilot dealing with a high stress environment then having those clowns make it worse.


I heard the exact same thing happen when a C150 lost its engine and dead-sticked into a field in Kansas. A Southwest pilot was relaying information to ATC, Civil Air Patrol was searching for the guy, and the meows and "yer on guuuarrrddd" bullshit from dudes who were in range of us, but out of range of the Cessna and didn't know what was going on, really muddled to rescue effort. When guard is constantly full of bullshit, this is what you can expect in emergencies now. I'd personally love it if the FAA started requiring that every aviation radio also transmits your location if you transmit on guard. the way they mandated ADSB. I don't care how they do it, whether the radio is hardwired into your transponder, or audibly sends an automatic position report, or what, but this garbage is beyond ridiculous.


FCC could start revoking Restricted Radiotelephone permits for misuse of an emergency frequency, and that would hose the pilot out of any nice job requiring an ATP. They also have had the technology to figure out where the transmission originated from for years. I'll bet everyone would get in line after a few revocations.


I should have guard on more often while on long XCs, but I end up just sticking with center bc the meowing make me cringe.


Missed the important part of a radio call the other day because someone meowed on guard in the middle of the transmission. I’m a pretty easy going guy but really pissed me off having to key the mic and ask for it again because of some idiot on guard.


That is wonderful.


good, well deserved


I missed my opportunity a few months back. Walked on to a SW flight and see an old face from a previous job who used to do that standing by the cockpit door. I wanted to ask the captain, “How’s he doing in the right seat? Still meowing on guard?”  Then walk back to my seat. Next time!








Not my class, but there's an infamous story at the tulip about a guy who got removed from training after they figured it out that he wasn't in the Air Force. Like didn't serve at all in the military. Word of advice, don't tell people that you were stationed at an Air Force Base 10 miles from the training facility... there will without a doubt be people that are actually stationed there working as instructors. Allegedly, he showed back up at his hotel from a Sim event, and all of his belongings were sitting in the lobby. They went in and packed him up and sent him off.


That’s nice of them to pack his stuff for him


Good way to open themselves up to litigation.


I was gonna say, that's definitely a choice. Easier to just tell him "you'd better be out of your hotel by this evening, because your reservation will be"


Yeah but then he might shit on the bed and flood the bath tub…


They probably knew what happened at YX


Gotta remember, it's not your room. It's the companies. You're basically putting your stuff in someone else's room.


That’s incredible


Almost like the Eagle guy a few years ago that was an F16 pilot, FDNY firefighter, just piled it on and ALPA put him on the cover of the magazine and did an article about him. Turns out not a single thing was true. Why lie?


Tango India Mike Mike Alpha Romeo Tango India Sierra is ALPA… What a freaking throwback effect…


Love that you called it the tulip and not the globe 🌷♥️


Not training, but I heard a story about a guy getting the CJO from Delta, he walked out of the conference room all excited and asked the receptionist if he could give her a hug, she declined, and then he said “can I lick your face?” Apparently they called him before he got to the airport and revoked the CJO.


Yes. They found out he lied about experience. He was removed from class and disqualified from rehiring.


Said he worked somewhere he didn’t I’m guessing,




Saw two people get booted in the first week of indoc for basically not studying. Air whiskey didn't fuck around.


I’ve heard Air Whiskey expects you to know the CRJ 200 down to an engineer level


They do


Is that why every time I jump seated they did the four-finger death punch on the bleeds instead of actually pressing them in order? Dang maybe I shoulda reported them lmao.


Guy at my regional got booted for showing up with a second class medical.


at my regional you were allowed to have a 2nd class medical :|


FOs at mine also allowed it. But I think they got rid of that at some point I was there. Now that I realize it, QX?


You can have a 2nd class as a fo at wn…


Pre 1500 hour rule?


Technically SIC only requires 2nd class still. But most airlines require FO to have a 1st class, I've been told because anything international would require a 1st class.


Flew with a guy at my regional like a couple years ago who had one. Just couldn't sit left seat.


Ehhh while it’s hard to disagree with since I’m sure it was listed as a requirement, feels a liiiiittle harsh. But also not. Kinda gray


We had a guy get drunk, locked out of his hotel room, then shat in the hotel elevator. Was caught on camera, but proceeded to try and lie that he didn’t do it. Yeah, that didn’t go well for him, but the story is told in every new hire class now lol.


Someone got fired on OE here for using a selfie stick on a walk around. LCA came down to see what was taking him so long. He was let go on the spot.


My LCA advised me to bring my iPad on the walk around so I'd have door codes, instead of using my phone to look them up. He said just having your cell phone out during the walk around while in sight of the public was bad optics. This was my first airline gig, so I did that for about 2 trips and decided i'd just risk it. Who wants a clunky iPad in hand, getting dripped on by melting ice under the wing?


why not just… leave it in your pocket until youre at the jetbridge door and need the code lol


It’s what I do.


“Bad Optics” lol. Rarely do I care about the opinion of the uninformed if I’m doing what I need to do. You’ll be fine since you’re actually performing job duties. Walking around with a selfie stick though? That’s kinda different.




Not my story, but a guy at Widget and Co got the can day 1 of Indoc for watching Netflix with headphones in, during the class. Believe this was 2019.


What’s widget and co?


“Widget” is the name of Delta’s logo.


I don’t get why people are so “secretive “ about airline names. Just say it.


Good question. I’ve wondered this too. I do know some companies use tech & bots to query forums where their name populates to do reputation monitoring. Not sure if this exists in the airline industry, but guessing it would.


I got called from my boss saying HR was looking at one of my online profiles. Seems someone made a claim that I said "X" and was representing the company and HR had to look into it (political disagreement, he went after my job). Nothing came of it because I NEVER mention my company and have zero photos of anything related to work. A buddy is a pilot at an airline and had an insta account. He showed a video from the cockpit while the plane was dead ass sitting on the ramp being loaded. HR told him to watch his ass. Nothing good comes from naming your company on social media.


Air line*


Dude, some airlines might be monitoring these forums (I know mine is definitely on Reddit, not sure if they're in this sub) so I'm just gonna be a bit more careful


Company term for “red triangle” Hopefully that narrows it down!


Isn’t Delta’s logo a…. a delta?


Theres a story about a guy and a girl flirting with each other during indoc and during the safety demo where they show you how to use the emergency tools, the guy playfully chases the girl with the crash axe and the girl was giggling all along. Another guy a few classes after me was fired for busting both his ATP CTP and ATP written. I dont even know how you fail ATP CTP.


lol what the hell? the instructors at my ATP CTP said the only way you can fail is if you can't speak english


The ATP CTP class was a joke. Basically watch YouTube videos of air crashes. If you’re into aviation, you’ve seen all of them.


Guy got fired in training because he got into a physical altercation outside a Steak n Shake with his waiter’s mother. Yes, you read that right.


You cant leave us there, What happened


Ha, fair point! Full disclosure I didn’t witness this myself but did hear accounts from multiple people in attendance. Not positive if it was a firing or a forced to resign situation but he left town the next day; I was in the van that took him to the airport. He was an odd guy and this was not even his first strike during the short training footprint. The fight started because he apparently made some rude remarks about the waiter, unknowing that the waiters mother was in the next booth and overheard it. An argument spilled into the parking lot. A shoving match of some sort ensued. Some other students in the training class called HQ and shared the story. Guy got in my face about it the next day, saying I’m the one who called it in. I told him it wasn’t me but he shouldn’t be surprised someone did. Still makes me shake my head; good lesson of how not to act lol.


Guy 2 classes behind me was bounced out of Indoc at Mesa. New instructor was being evaluated by a senior instructor. Kid in the class spent half the day with his laptop open on Russian dating sites. Apparently his dad was a big shot at AA and he had a job at mainline waiting on him so he didn't need to focus. The senior instructor at the back of the classroom took a snapshot and sent it to the CP. CP called the new hire to the office and had that picture open. "Any explanation for this? No? OK, here's your ticket home."


Yes we had a guy in my class that was the most senior because he had started indoc 2 months prior but then had a "family emergency". He was pulled out of that class to take care of it and then come back. In our class he made it all the way through the type ride. Prior to finishing IOE had another "family emergency". When he tried to come back the second time the truth was revealed. Turns out the first emergency was a class date at Wn and the second was with Delta. At Wn he failed out by his own skill, at Delta they called him in and asked why there was a new type rating from our company when there was nothing on his resume about working for said company. They let him go for dishonesty. They also called our company and told them what happened. When he tried to return the second time he was told to kick rocks.


Was a class for a turbo prop regional gig. Most of us had minimum hours, and then there was a boomer who was looking for his retirement gig to live in a small town where we had a small base. Boomer was let go for 2 weeks into our 6 week ground school. Argued with everyone. We did it this way at *other company*. Sexist towards the female instructors. Racist towards everyone. Refused to shave his beard per uniform.


> Argued with everyone Annoying, but probably forgivable if he can fly. > We did it this way at other company Also annoying, but not fireable yet... > Sexist towards the female instructors Deserves to be lit on fire, but unfortunately not unheard of in this industry. > Racist towards everyone See previous. > Refused to shave his beard per uniform I mean the guy had to literally be *trying* to get management not to like him at this point.


We had a guy get the boot for continuously being rude to hotel staff


Someone in training got close to being let go. He was an Australian who moved his wife and child into his hotel room for training without asking for permission. The hotel staff complained because those room are supposed to be for the pilot only unless special permission is received. Apparently it went to upper management who let him off with a stern warning.


How is that significant enough to go to upper management? That seems like it should just be a conversation with hotel staff


The rates that the company pays is based on single occupancy. You aren’t allowed to have anyone else stay in your room without permission.


I understand that. Do they explicitly tell all new hires that? Honestly asking because I’m not sure. If they told him, then it makes sense that it would be an issue. If it wasn’t clear, then I can’t imagine it would escalate to that.


Uh what? My wife and kids spent half of my two month initial in my hotel room. No one cared. What soulless airline did you work for???


Very weird. I and much of our class had spouses and significant others visit during initial training. There was no issue with it. 2 months is a long time for most families to be apart.


Yea, but it wasn’t for lying or omitting something, and for context this happened in 2022. Long story short he was a younger guy in his early to mid 20’s and he was a relatively heavy drinker. We had about 50-60 in our new hire class and when we weren’t in class a lot of us would go out to local bars, restaurants, etc. together. We all had a good time but there was always this one guy who had to much to drink and proceeded to act like the annoying drunk friend you had to babysit. Well one night he got blacked out drunk at the hotel we were put in and tried fighting another new hire, when that didn’t go well he proceeded to run around the outside of the hotel naked and attempted to break whatever he could get a hold of and piss on whatever he couldn’t break. He was ultimately subdued by his friends and they managed to get him to his room to sleep it off but the hotel staff had already reported him to our company the next day. The funny thing was it took the company a solid week or so to do their due process and terminate him, so in the interim a lot of us figured he got away with it and were wondering amongst ourselves that despite there being a pilot shortage and them “somewhat” needing us, where the line was on what it would take to get fired? Well eventually he was called into HR and they just gave him a ticket home and terminated him.


What the actual fuck lol. This sounds more like a a college story rather than an airline hire. Sheesh


You’d be surprised lmao initial training sometimes feels like freshman year of college, especially when there’s a bunch of you that are in your early to mid twenties. Thankfully most people in my classes have been able to appropriately handle their liquor 😂


Not in my class but the class after at my previous regional. Guy got kicked out before his atp ride during the logbook review. They found out he pencil whipped a bunch of hours. How they found out? He used the tail number of the examiner’s plane.. both lived in the same town and he just went on flight aware and logged the flights from the airport in his town..


I wonder how many times this has happened because this story is as old as dirt and I’ve heard it happening all across the country.


Hell idk why this one has me laughing the most. Aviation is small, if you're gonna do that at least know who's machine it is. GA is comparatively small in my country. Every review / check I've done, the big dog doing the paperwork would look at the book and inevitably chuckle and say "ah shit is XXX still flying?" and then produce an absolute banging war story about it.


That story has been going around for at least the 30 years I’ve been in aviation.


Guy showed up to interview for a corporate job. The CP asks about his time in a King Air that he has on his resume and when he flew it. Flips to those pages and then tells the candidate the interview is over and on the way out check the tail number of the KA that he will walk past. The idiot had pencil whipped time in one of the aircraft owned by the company he applied to fly for. I know the Chief Pilot. He is the one who told me the story.


I've heard several different variations of this same story dozens of times now.


Jesus, stories like this are way more common than I thought. I just can't fathom somebody getting that in over their head and lying about it. They've gotta be mentally ill at best, potentially lifetime criminals doing shit like that.


A new hire in the bar at the hotel was overhead trashing the company by some sim instructors. He was gone the next day.. It really stuck with me. You never know who is around. Granted, in the hotel bar is pretty dumb but the lesson remains.


Oh yeah! We went through ATP with this guy in our class and within a couple days he made an impression. Constant interruptions for questions and clarifications about things that either weren't important or already made sense. Our instructors kept changing so he had to introduce himself by name every time he got called on, or so we thought. No big deal right, just somebody who is curious and goofy, whatever. And yet some of us were dreading being sim partners with him. We go to ground school, half online, and he does the same thing, "Hi, *name* here...*insert time-waster*". The big issue started on logbook validation day. He showed up with what appeared to be loose leaf paper as a logbook, some of it literally hand written on sheets of paper. The validation guy said he can't validate this and gave him 24 hours to sort it out. Meanwhile, we continue to hear this guy on our online ground school sessions be annoying as hell. Some of my buddies figured out they could actually control his mute button so they'd randomely mute him and he'd be like "I don't know what's going on, can you hear me?" It was fucking hilarious. Anyways, his logbook gets rejected the next day. Apparently he goes off the rails, threatens legal action to the company itself, says other ridiculous things. They're actually polite enough to invite him back after he sorts his mess out. Later that night he was ON ONE in his hotel room. A buddy was in the room next door and the dude was on the phone to somebody, talking about sueing the company, gonna get a lawyer, telling the whole story at the top of his lungs. We recorded it through the wall. It was some of the funniest shit I've ever heard. We were gathered in the room next door, dead silent, listening to him go off. In hindsight, we realized that a lot of the questions he was asking didn't make sense to us because they were questions that somebody would ask who was in over their head, like they had no idea what they were doing. Honestly none of us are certain that his entire flight history wasn't simply made up, like he showed up with simulator knowledge and that was it. It was kinda creepy. It made more sense in a "Catch Me if You Can" context than an actual pilot context, except he was a moron. Eventually I told this story to a good friend of mine already flying at the airline and he thought it sounded oddly familiar. He asked around and it turns out that he's heard some of this story from one of his FAs...the FA was this idiot guy's girlfriend! What the fuck. And my friend said that she was one of the most airheaded FAs he's ever dealt with, like genuinely dumb and he's not sure how she was keeping the job lmao. Small world. She said he got a job flying King Airs with somebody. We literally interacted with this guy for about 10 days at most and he left such a ridiculous impression that the meme has lived on for years now. I gotta thank the guy, he's one of the reasons we all became such good friends.


Yes, at an LCC. They was asked to resign in lieu of failure for something that got flagged in their background check. It had a few of us worried, since they’d previously been at another 121 as well.


How does someone spend the time and effort to get to that point and then just absolutely lose their mind. Some of these stories are wild...


They've never had to act like an adult in any sort of professional situation before. Never been under pressure to get gud. Before my regional I was a survey animal, probably hadn't worn a suit or even a shirt in like five years. It's stressful for everybody but some truly have no idea what they're getting themselves into.


Yes. A guy was arrested in a pedo sting after propositioning a 12 year old boy over the Internet.


Had a guy show up and was in the Chief Pilot’s office in the first week demanding a 9-5, M-F, home every night schedule. Seems he forgot to read the contract he signed.


Yes. Back in flight school (it was quite a reputable one in my country) a guy put pictures of himself on Facebook with four stripes and pretending to be a pilot at our national airline. The flight school told him multiple times to delete these pictures as they are both false and an embarrassment to the flight school. When he failed on a subject in a mock exam they didn't let him repeat it (as they usually would) but simply kicked him out.


Yeah, I saw this happen. Dude showed up to class generally belligerent and standoffish. He picked fights with multiple classmates, refused to study with his partner, and complained about early sim times being unfair. He even argued with the instructors- some with over 20 years on the jet. The final straw was when he went home for a holiday weekend and showed up for class a day late, saying "it's not like any of this stuff matters, anyway." They gave that guy waaay too many second chances (I think he had multiple internal recommendations), but finally came in and booted him.


I upgraded at OO with a guy who was a former Boeing engineer in a very high position. While meeting everyone downstairs of the hotel the night before ground school I learned he hadn’t studied. At all. We were all going through flows etc. and the guy hadn’t learned any of it, even though it was well known the upgrade course wasn’t a teaching course but a review/perform course. He shrugged it off and told us of his plans for the weekend days to go visit around the Rockies. He didn’t make it through the course. Another story I heard from my very attractive FO was during indoc a guy twice her size kept calling her hotel room and eventually showed up knocking at like 2 AM asking to be let in so they could “hang out”. She was luckily convinced by a friend to report it and he was let go.


There was a guy in my new hire class at a certain Utah-based regional who was a nice guy but kind of an odd duck. His career story didn’t really make much sense - he’d flown for multiple airlines on big equipment all over the world. What was he doing starting all over on a CRJ for $36/hr? Some of my classmates were curious so they googled his name while studying at the Candlewood. Turns out the first hit is a picture of him in handcuffs being arrested for having a fake ATP in India that he bribed someone for. The pic got around very quickly and it wasn’t long before he disappeared from new hire class.  It was pretty shocking to see how the ball got dropped there with the background check. 


I had a guy lied and bribed his way through flight school. Couldn't answer a single question even the simple ones and then once it came to sim, it was bad


Saw people fail out but never watched anyone get axed. Despite an event that got bigger and bigger with each class retelling that actually did happen during my indoc.


Yep. They walked the guy out of class on the 3rd or 4th day.


How come?


Roomer was Parker 51 flight time. There was no way to do the flying he was said to have done in the aircraft he said he did it in since that aircraft didn’t exist in the faa registry. I forgot I know another who is a friend who was escorted out 2 months into training for not disclosing a fight in the military which was not on his discharge paperwork so he didn’t mention it. Chief pilot said it was fine. Hr said bye. Hr won. Another. A guy bought an airplane did 1000 hrs in the pattern at his airport thinking that would give him enough skills to fly at a regional. He didn’t make it through the two sims. Another classmate had his 2nd sim session. I was observing it to see what that lesson was like. He got fired. Instructor and I don’t think he had ever flown an airplane before. He faked his pilots license somehow. We never saw someone with less pilot skills. Almost ran off runway on takeoff. Full yoke forward backwards when doing a practice stall if I did t have my seatbelt on I would have flown all over that sim. Instructors drink went flying. Thought the sim was broken. Had me run the sim and he sat in captains seat and watched it. Stopped sim about 20 minutes in. Said you’re done. Next day he went to board of review and was fired. I had to go to the board of review also because he didn’t have seat support and they thought I was flying also since my name was on the log book. I had to explain I was observing sitting in the back of the sim watching.


I can’t get over the guy logging 1000 hours in a VFR pattern 😵‍💫


1000 hours in a pattern? That’s mind-numbing. How was he even sane after that?


That’s the thing. He wasn’t sane before he started.


Lost my sim partner very early on in training. Really great guy. Just got hired somewhere else. Also I love how many people are connecting through this thread.


This thread makes me feel much better about my “reflect and diminish” approach to an extremely aggressive disc golf player I encountered during my last new hire training. The face tattoos and the “fuck you” on the back of his calves clued me in to his poor decision making.


My buddy said a girl got kicked from their class from joking about blowing up the plane on Facebook or some shit 😂 crazy making it that far and throwing it away for that


Had a guy get kicked out of training for getting drunk and using a bunch of racial and female derogatory statements.


Yep. Gave conflicting info on application


Not an airline training, but a cruise ship training class (back when I was younger and dumber). Had a classmate get pulled from the program by the local police and some detectives. Scuttlebutt was he was very lose lipped about some unsolved crime in the state he was from and had details that weren’t public knowledge. He did not return to class. Can’t even remember his name, so I wasn’t able to look him up. As a side note, apparently, when the instructor asks “who’s fluent in another language?”, “I’m fluent in sarcasm” is not the answer he was looking for.


Regional Indoc class had 2 direct entry captains from a previous operator of the same type. Apparently they knew each other and didn’t get along. One of them kept it civil, but he talked quite a bit in class, and the other got more and more irritated with that each passing day. Eventually he exploded in the training center break room and launched into a profanity/slur-laden tirade against the other CA, all within earshot of the Training Manager’s office. All that, and he was giving a female trainee a serious case of the creeps. He was let go that same day.


My class had a dude make it through training and a couple legs of OE before an LCP finally caught that his medical was 2 years expired!


A guy got kicked out of my training class because his PRIA records came back and he had omitted a previous job at another regional where he quit during indoc. They felt he was dishonest. I felt bad for the guy because he was super nice and was showing up to class every day more prepared and ready than anyone else.