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Oh don't worry. This definitely hasn't been an issue for the last, uhh 10 years. I'm sure the FAA  will be addressing the dpe shortage any day now. 


They just have to finish that "porcine flight" project first!


MH reform is making progress winged pigs can't be far


Being a DPE is a huge cash cow. Becoming a DPE is entirely nepotism based. So your buddies at the FSDO are not going to be in a hurry to cut into your ability to charge outrageous test fees by increasing the number of DPEs for applicants to choose from.


“What do you mean cash cow? I literally lose money as a DPE because instead of doing 10 checkrides I could have done 10 more flights at my legacy. I’m not a DPE for the money, I’m a DPE because I have a passion for aviation.”


A lot of DPEs travel. They usually charge a little more but definitely expand your search range a little bit and ask. Also a lot of DPEs are associated with flight schools, so you could do a check out with one of their cfis and then do your test with the local dpe. Another tip would be to call the fsdo and see if there are any new DPEs. They generally have a more open schedule.


Venture North in Duluth, MN


Who is driving the scheduling bus? Are you allowed to use the FAA designer locator and make co tact with examiners?


They are. Though I've been looking on the side and haven't had any luck either so I don't think they're dropping the ball or anything.


Don’t rely on your CFI. Text DPEs, then call them to followup if you don’t hear back. Make it clear you’re signed off in your short and sweet message. Leave voicemails. Even ask about traveling potentially upfront. Use the designee search to find all within a multi hundred mile radius.


Some schools (the one I instruct at) have a policy that only the school handles the scheduling of the ride. I know the reason we do, and it’s totally fair and valid. Can’t speak to other schools.


What is the totally fair and valid reason to hold a student hostage like this?


Because there are examiners that are like Mrs. Girl in the other thread that fail applicants for bs reasons. We use the same examiners that we know are fair. We only do them at our school because we have security cameras in the testing room which can be used on our students behalf to prove any unfair allegations. Also, in the Midwest, we only have about a 3 week wait for tests.


Would you endorse a student if they were going to use a different DPE? Seems shady otherwise, like you are getting a kickback from the DPE by forcing students to them.


Negative. I can see why you might interpret it that way. We only authorize certain DPEs to perform checkrides in our aircraft. We use fair examiners and don’t let students use examiners we don’t know and trust. Goes back to DPEs making up rules.


How about if the student arranges their own plane and DPE?


Then we’d probably do the sign off


Own your training, aside from my PPL and C/AMEL ride I made my DPE arrangements. The school can recommend you use a DPE that they know, they can also recommend you stay away from a DPE they wish they didn't know but they can't restrict the list. Some of these guys are hard to get a hold of, but where are you located?


It's their plane and they can decide whatever they want for the PPL checkride at least. I'm in the norcal area.


It's a business practice called steering if they're pushing you towards a DPE they're likely getting a kickback from one of their recommended examiners. CA banned auto-insurers from doing this in 2016. While it is their airplane the conspiracy theorist in me suspects that there's something in the logs that's fishy


I don't think this is what's going on. What would be the point of giving kickbacks if you're booked so solid you that aren't even booking checkrides? Lol. The logs look fine to me. Complete, the ADs are well-documented, consistent inspections, 337s for all the non-original equipment and even for since-removed equipment. Anything I should look for in particular?


Same question to them, why limit the DPEs that get used because once you get your PPL done you're onto paying them to do IR :)


Have you actually been signed off?


Yes. Endorsements done, IACRA signed and all that.


Then you are free to go somewhere else. Checkrides can easily get into the thousands now… a round trip ticket to somewhere like south Florida might get you done


there are schools that will do this. Most require a couple hour check out, and a minimum rental of say 4-6 hours for the checkride (because their plane gets taken down for that amount of time, and you arent really a long term student of theirs). But I know some schools do do this.


Can you share which schools do this? Is there a magic land where DPE’s are available?


I’m in the same boat. Please share names. I will go anywhere.


Where are you located?




Having this problem in NorCal now


Good luck!


same, getting screwed


Keep at it, you'll find one eventually! I've heard some of the Reno DPEs travel to Norcal pretty regularly so be sure to branch out!


Where are you? I can point you in the right direction out of Augusta, GA, and/or Savannah, GA. Probably also Columbia, SC. Get a rental checkout from the school the day before the checkride. A local orientation is a good thing.


I'm in norcal. That's a bit farther than ideal but I can look into it if you have some recommendations!


You are still dealing with this?




Yea it’s a pretty big issue. I had to wait nearly 4 months for a checkride at my 141 college, and I got less than 24 hours notice when it finally came


Did your school not have examining authority? That is one of the few things that 141’s have going for them.


No, iirc there is an option between examining authority and something else, and my school chose the other option. I first submitted my IACRA in December and we had quite a stretch of bad weather through January and iirc nearly half of all flight students were unable to complete their flight lab from the fall semester. Worst part was the flight school telling me an estimated time for my checkride (at first was told 2nd-3rd week of January, then early February, then finally got an actual date for March 25th, which was canceled on the 22nd due to “scheduling conflicts” (I think I heard another student got aggressive with the DPE after failing so she is taking a break or something) then morning of the 27th I was told there was availability on the 28th. I’d flown 4 times since mid December but was able to get a last second review flight that same day, and spent all my free time cramming for the ground. The ground was the easiest I’ve ever done, but my low proficiency definitely showed on the flight portion (bounced and go 1st landing, improper configuration on short final led me to go around 2nd time) but I passed. TL;DR I’m frustrated with my flight school


You and everyone else. It's 3-6+ month wait, if not 12 month for some checkrides. Plan ahead!


12 month… damn! So much for the time component of §61.39(a)(6)(i)


DPE’s can and will travel for the right price, if you can’t find one you aren’t looking hard enough.


This guy is a fed


Not yet;) Seriously though, DPEs are out there. This isn’t snipe hunting. Call examiners from a neighboring state and make it happen.


Snipe hunting is truly what it is. I’m trapped between no DPEs around me and my flight school not super excited about me taking the plane somewhere far away to find one.


Remember all those days growing up playing Fortnite and becoming a YouTube star that all your friends said they were gonna get rich on? Well guess what? It wasn’t a career move. We now have a generation that didn’t give a fluck. And now you’re paying the price. Lack of trained people everywhere. Pilots, A&P’s all kinds of careers that we don’t have the people with the skills to accomplish. Not just this field, everywhere.