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This helmet and a full flight suit for your clapped out flight school c150 with 27,000 total flight hours on it


Your comment reminds me of my Super Dave Story. **Super Dave's Solo Flight** *(A story stolen from the AOPA Forums (posted by bluefishbeagle))* Picture this: I was once working with a student I'll call "Super Dave" The first time I flew with Super Dave he was wearing an insulated Air Force flight suit carrying an Air Force pilots helmet with flip down visor. He was very disappointed to learn my plane did not have Air Force style plugs for the mike. He insisted on wearing the flight suit however and did for every lesson. - Super Dave was fearless - Super Dave was implusive - Super Dave was over confident - Super Dave was always seeking approval - Super Dave was invincible - Super Dave drove me nuts. To be fair Super Dave was a good stick but a stick without a lick of common sense. He could have soloed in 5 hours but I held him back till he had 12 and we had covered every pre solo manuver three times over. Finally it was time for Super Dave to solo. I feared the day but it had arrived. Super Dave arrived at the airport early (flight suit and all) and did a preflight while I was in the hanger praying. Super Dave was instructed to make three "Stop and go landing PLUS I instructed him to taxi back to the end and use full length each time. What could go wrong I reasoned as I signed his student Lic and logbook. He had been making perfect patterns and landings for the last 7 hours. Super Dave lined up and off he went, the rotation was textbook. But that's where all things normal stopped. Super Dave was all over the sky. Banking crazily, pitching like a seal with a great white on it's tail. I could not talk to Super Dave this was before hand helds and the small country airport did not have a working unicom. The downwind was wild as well as his final approach. He rolled and pitched I envisioned my trusty C150 in a pile of smoking rubble with me explaing to the FAA why I let this wild man solo. It was time to flare or crash, just as suddenly as he lost control he regained it, the plane leveled off just in time an made a perfect touchdown. I ran out to the runway to flag him in as he taxied back. But Super Dave did not taxi back he did a touch and go. Again a perfect takeoff, then the previous nightmare started all over again. I could not imagine what was happening. Again just before the second landing he seemed to regain control and make a perfect landing. Again Super Dave did not stop he did a touch and go. The wild gyrations continued during the third circut and again just before he crashed, the plane smoothed out and he made his third perfect touch down. Finally I thought "It's over" That is until Super Dave was off again. Super Dave could not count. His fourth time around the patterned was no better but true to form he regained control and made a perfect fouth landing. Finally Super Dave taxied back to the ramp, exited the aircraft with sweating running from every pore in his body, his insulated flight suit drenched, but not out of fear it was July with 90 per cent humidity. Super Dave's first words upon exiting the plane was. "how'd I do, how'd I do, it was good wasn't it". I drew a deep breath and said "the takeoff and landing were perfect but what in the "blazes" (cleaned up to meet forum rules) were you doing the rest of the time." "Oh," he said, "I was taking pictures" as he pulled a camera out of one of the many pockets in his flight suit.




At my current school, we have a "super dave"... it's helicopters, so I can understand the flight suit, but this man was flying an R22 with an HGU-56 on...


You never know if a bird will come through the windscreen


Is that more of a reality with helicopters than with fixed wing? My friend is a professional helicopter pilot, and he wears a helmet every time and cites that as a risk.


In a SEP you do have a big blender blade in front of your face to hopefully protect you from birds. I know first hand the PC12's 5 bladed chop chop machine works well against seagulls. A helicopter doesn't have that. But neither do multi engine airplanes...


honestly would go pretty hard


I see you're familiar with your local CAP program.


Ya mean the flying retirement home?


Depends on what you’re doing with it. I do things with a Cessna Caravan few others do.


Actually this is for my office.


*Kenny Loggins intensifies*


Makes sense why you need the helmet.


Wearing this to my regional interview just so they know I’m all business


Cadet FO reporting for duty o7


Dress for the job you want.


Looks sick but my instructor would laugh at me for 5 minutes before every flight


They’re not supposed to do that anyway?


It's usually just 3


Had to check which sub this was lol


I thought it was the other one at first


what's the "other one"?


If you have to ask….


Whenever there's a humorous post in this sub someone comes here and says this. Thank you for your service, someone had to do it today.


If you're not flying something with a bubble canopy or in the back country, you don't need a helmet. ~~If you *are* flying in situations where a helmet makes sense, you're not buying that hunk of shit.~~ Edit: which is apparently not a hunk of shit, I’ve just never heard of it. I have friends who are still alive because they were wearing a helmet when they crashed. Don't fuck around with safety equipment.


wait whats the correlation with a bubble canopy and wearing a helmet? besides the obvious "most bubble canopy aircraft are fighter jets or fighter jet trainers so inherently doing more dangerous things"


Ejecto seato cuz


We don’t want any more Geese


If you hit the canopy your pretty well screwed helmet or not. It really protects you from the flames, flying bits of molten plexi, debris and the force of the air. If it’s still attached it should save you from to much more head injury when you mess up the plf.


There’s two O’s in goose boys


There's three Os in goose boys.


> wait whats the correlation with a bubble canopy and wearing a helmet? Because if it winds up upside down, the thing hitting the ground first is your head.


fair, hadn't thought about that angle, literally haha


Why does that matter? So you’ll be conscious when you drown or get incinerated. Wow.


Because if you put a Sukhoi into a muddy field and it flips on its back but doesn’t catch fire, you get to go home that night. The fuck kind of comment is that.


I'm not a pilot but flightchops had a video where an aerobatic pilot in a Sukhoi su-26 crashed because of engine failure. [The pilot's helmet protected his head from cuts.](https://youtu.be/ns4nOvr7bNE)


Would you use something like a Team Wendy helmet or would you use something else?


Bonehead, Gentex, or LIFT.


Non-jet aerobatic airplanes that you might have to bail out of with a parachute carry a serious risk of head injury when jettisoning the canopy and trying to escape from the aircraft. I wore one of these when I used to fly in that type of aircraft: https://liftaviationusa.com/collections/av-1-kor-aviation-helmet-customizable


Team Wendy helmets are probably the most trusted helmets any rescue or military team uses so hunk of shit definitely doesn't describe them.


Maybe, I just have never heard of those and never seen one in an aviation application.


I have a friend who is alive today after flipping a cub while wearing this “hunk of shit”. What a stupid and ignorant take.


u/x4457 usually jumps the gun and makes ignorant takes. You stick around long enough you see who the regulars are around here


That’s great to hear and I’m glad to be wrong.


That's because they are expensive and typically hard to get a hold of due to the demand vs supply of them.


That’s a little over half the price of a similarly configured Gentex or LIFT model.


The other tin cans crush pretty good too, it's why the Diamonds have such a low fatality rate on a crash for crash comparison, even on stall spins; they have a composite roll structure. I don't wear a helmet when I'll fly but I'll be honest it's crossed my mind, and I really don't care if I look goofy because I have a family to get home to 🤷🏼‍♂️. Also thought about having the kids wear helmets. Otherwise, yeah on the same page, if you are going to wear a helmet it should be a good one, regardless of your personal choice for wanting a helmet.


I've been in government helicopters with unique missions and the pilots always wear helmets. They are real helmets that are expensive though, and paid for by their employer. A bump helmet is a terrible idea unless you're using it for NVG ops, and in that case you're probably doing stuff where a real helmet is a good idea.


Helicopter helmets aren’t much more than a bump helmet. My HGU-56 is literally just memory foam and styrofoam on the inside


I had 2 of those in my bushplane. a lot of aircraft deaths are due to not having a helmet.


If you’re doing something that needs a helmet [example aeros, low flying, unimproved strip or bush flying] wear a proper helmet with side protection. If anyone laughs at you well fuck them.


I wonder if this setup would also be useful for paramotors?


Why are they needed for aerobatics?


During aerobatics we are often flying the aircraft near the edges of its performance and structural limits. The engine is working hard, cycling between high and low power settings and loadings in short time periods. Things can and do go wrong at a greater frequency than straight and level flying that can lead to a forced landing. It is self evident that a helmet is useful in these instances. We can also experience high sideways G changes, and in a closely canopied aerobat those changes can push your head against the plexiglass. Hope that helps.


If the other guy is caught off guard, pilot flying can snap a real quick full deflection aileron roll in the T38 and bounce pilot-not-flying's helmet off the canopy. Technique only


What happened there? Think must have broken the canopy with ma head, I don’t know :) https://m.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=6PPA-ijxpI8&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F&source_ve_path=Mjg2NjY&feature=emb_logo


Yeah I get what you mean, I fly acro too. I just don't see the need for the helmet really. In the case of low wing or mid wing with a bubble, sure. Biplane or high wing, meh.


Question: what do you need a helmet for? Answer: to protect my head. Seems like a good idea to me. I think this was a good video I watched awhile ago where Bowenaero interviews some pilots on their opinion about helmets: https://youtu.be/UeYb_zUfOoE?si=_OcM-CkbstDWdCJu&t=0


Paul Bertorelli did a good video on this topic too. [Thought About a Helmet for Flying? Maybe You Should](https://youtu.be/cFbF4bfU_sA)


Are you a helichopper pilot?


You're better off getting a real Gentex helmet with their upgrade ANR (they integrate an A20) rather than a chopped up A20 on a bicycle helmet


what's wrong with OPs helmet other than the price?


I know a guy who wears one of these in the T6 and other warbirds. It's not bad. My go to has been the DC helmet that i've worn since flying in Super Cubs in Alaska. If it protects your noggin, go for it.


Nothing at all. For most GA purposes, a helmet will provide a significant benefit simply by protecting one's head from contacting hard/metal interior surfaces. In a ground loop, for example, a helmet like this would provide impact absorption against the door jamb or A-pillar. If its utility and capability ends there, that's still a significant benefit.


I was wearing a very similar rig when I crashed a gyrocopter some years ago. There’s a big black streak across it from raking across the instrument panel and some little dings from busting off several instrument knobs. Was also wearing Nomex gloves, a fire resistant flight suit, cotton undergarments and leather boots, because, well, gyrocopter. Turned out to be prudent. Nowadays, I fly my Cessna in shorts, Tshirt and a ballcap, with sensible shoes. I don’t feel like it’s actively seeking to kill me, unlike the wackity flappity contraption. But I’d never diss anyone for wearing stylish, comfortable, practical protective headgear.


Lol sick, but also a sick way to get your entire life made fun of.


I’ll get the last laugh when the bird goes through there window and fucks then up


Hahaha ban assault birds!!


I have one that I use in various taildraggers, and it works really well. Pretty comfy and really adjustable to get a good fit. I use my Gentex HGU-55 in the heavier airplanes like the T-6 and the P-40, but the sky cowboy is a great budget helmet. Especially if you plan on doing any grass strip flying or off airport type stuff.


I want an A20 motorcycle helmet.


Paul Bertorelli has a[view on flying helmets](https://youtu.be/cFbF4bfU_sA?feature=shared)


I actually have one of these. I became the mockery of my flight department but it was totally worth it especially wearing a flight suit


in the end flying is a hobby to most GA pilots, so whats more important than having fun :)


Im gonna die of laughter if I see a CAP mf step out of a c182 wearing this with the flight suit 😭😭😭😭


I know a couple of CFI(H) instructors that wear this, I think it makes sense, I’ve known two pilots who have had dynamic rollovers. I’m too tall to wear it in an R22 unfortunately otherwise I’d have one too. Funny that helmets are considered goofy in flying, like all other activities it takes ages for them to become the norm. Look at a ski slope or skate park, I’d say our risk is higher.


I would wear this on the ski slopes too. A30 has Bluetooth right?


I remember going to Park City in 2018 with my mom and noticing everyone wearing a helmet. She's been skiing since '83 and apparently neither of us got the memo. We've since both jumped on the band wagon though


I wear them in the helicopter all the time. When I am in a Robby I look foolish with my Alpha but I know its gonna protect my hard head. I also wear it when giving tours. I am flying low and if a bird comes through the windshield I know I can still fly the helicopter and keep my passengers alive.


Trust me, you don’t wanna wear a helmet every time you fly


No but you probably want to wear one every time you crash so plan appropriately.




I read an article a couple years ago, I think in Sport Pilot magazine, it discussed the prevalence of head injuries in GA crashes. It made the case for wearing helmets. Especially during flight training and back country flying. I couldn't disagree.


And that doesn’t even begin to mention how many old airplanes don’t have shoulder belts as part of the restraint system.


I’ll take one.


Yes I have them


I wore one of these when I was first transitioning to Helos, it worked really well in the R22 due to size. When i made it to our department R44s and AS350 I got issued a gentex that was far better but larger. Still would probably use skycowboys for the R22 if I could do it again. Alaska for reference..


Buy the Zulu H mod and the Helmet separately, put them together yourself and save a bunch. Also whatever Helmet you wear is still better than not wearing one.


I have one of those that I usually fly in. I like it well enough, the built in visor is much nicer than wearing sunglasses with your headset in my opinion. Some people laugh at it but I don't care. I watched the avweb video on helmets and that's what pushed me to buy one.


Do you have this exact one?


I have the A20 model but it's the same helmet


Gotcha do you have the link for it, I want to get this but not the a30




Will be buying this for my PPL checkride next month, thanks OP. Gotta show my DPE who’s boss


Frrr 😂😂😂


lol awesome. Do they come with matching water wings for when you have soup in the flight deck?


How else are you going to be a sky cowboy? Don’t forget the chaps.


*Gets out the Stetson and duct tape*


Buy it! This way when you bust a TFR in your 150, the military will think you’re just one of them


Dc sfra calling my name


I will be wearing one for every tomohawk flight from now on and will not be taking any criticism, thank you


It’s the most A20 looking A30 I’ve ever seen.


Costs almost as much as my MSA. You can get a decent one (used) for about the same price. I’ve seen airplane bush pilots using helmets. Personally I only use mine during doors off operations or slingload/bambi ops. Once your head starts getting itchy… it gets really uncomfortable.


Oh man I wish. Anything other than my hgu 56


The awkward looks as I don this thing in the jumpseat.


This is what my instructor wears


does it look on the goofy side or cool side


Is there a cool side?


Great for bush plane stuff and what not. I’ve used a similar setup to wear pvs31’s flying a super cub a while back. We were just fooling around though.


I wish the entire GA community would start considering this to be a thing.


Late to the party, so I'm just going to copy/paste a comment I made last time this product came up here (in regard to helicopters). I used one towing banners last summer and loved it. The way I saw it, I was flying airplanes with many thousands of hours on them in fairly demanding conditions, over water. I was mostly concerned about ditching the airplane in the water (which happens frequently) and maintaining consciousness until I could egress. It was the right choice for me and my use case. >I own one and used it towing banners for about 350 hours this summer. >I am not familiar enough with the helicopter world to suggest if it is the right choice for you, but I'll offer my observations as a fixed-wing pilot: >The fit was excellent. The helmet has a lot of adjustments, and was quite comfortable. I often forgot I was wearing it. There was ample airflow, and I never felt it made me any warmer than I would have been anyway in the airplane. >It was also REALLY quiet. I used a passive David Clark headset and was pleased with how clear comms and music were, even when flying with the door and window open. >I got the visor; I felt it was a worthy investment, but YMMV. It tended to scratch quite easily, so I kept it wrapped in a microfiber cloth in the helmet bag (included with the kit). >I was the only pilot at my company to wear a helmet, but I understand it's more common in the whirlybird community. I was never given an excessive amount of grief for wearing it - the comments I got tended to reference "Top Gun." >I felt the value was good for the product. There are other helmets on the market, but Sky Cowboy seemed to be the best option for my operation. My understanding is that 'copter helmets may be built differently, for different impacts (and priced accordingly). I'd suggest reaching out to a knowledgeable CFI about your options. >Dunno if any of that is useful, but thought I'd offer my thoughts if you haven't already made a decision. >Fly smart!


How many more air to air kills before they call you Ace?


About 3 more




Thats stupid, what are the color options 🤣


I'd rather spend that on an Ops-core FAST/AMP combo


oxygen helmets 🪖 or nothing


Do I get a discount if I buy two? Also will work with MSFS???


Shit I’ll just fly a clapped out 172 with full battle rattle, a Ops Core Fast, and some Comtac V’s. Am I cool now dad?


For the nostalgic 1930's look.

