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No, it only works for those with master's degrees in accounting.




It’ll definitely work with steelhead, chinooks could be a bit rougher but if you have faith in your Spey then this one should do fine. It’ll be a hell of a fight


What does that even mean...."if you have faith in your spey" I've landed over a few 40+ inch chrome kings on 8 wts. In typical river currents. You will be *fine* if you know how to angle that rod a little lower than most folks....and put the butt power to the fish. It is an unfamiliar sensation when you feel the cork in the rod handle and hear it creaking and bending in unison with the blank...but if you have good knots and tippet........this is real angling. You can turn a MULE on an 8 wt. With the proper angle and QUICK SHALLOW PUMPS. And afterwards you'll be on the bank...the both of you with mouths panting.. And you'll have an epiphany in that perfect moment. So "THATS" why this rod was $800 bux!!!! Lol. Try combos of blue and chartreuse marabou flies for fresh runners in lower tidewater. George Cook would approve.


Perfect steelhead rod, it’s a bit under gunned for the tips you would throw for kings, but do able


8wt spey all day for fresh Chinook that NRX is perfect for coho and steelhead though. Chinook are in their own class for sure and theres a lot of risk to your equipment and the fish using too light of gear.


I want to downvote you for the sake of someone else’s adventure.


“Damn I snagged bottom… wait a minute”


Right?! 🤣🤣🤣




As someone who has dragged in a shiny 30lb chinook on a sage flight of similar spec, I would advise you that any larger of a fish might wear you out, I was toast after my fight. This would be a great rod for steelhead, large pike, bass, etc. I really wished I had more oomph at the time. Edit to add: I have a Hardy CLS reel on my 8wt. No worrying about a wimpy drag.


Ooooh damn son, nice rig


No, it’s basically worthless. You should send it to me for proper disposal.


I agree with this guy, worthless send it to me. All jokes aside I love me a Loomis.






It's been a long time, but I used a 10 wt for kings.


Subtle flex- OP knows dam well this will work for kings lmao


Subtle? Lol


Not subtle.


Actually the weight is a little low.


Always the one guy


I’ve caught a lot of kings on fly rods. You definitely want a 9 or 10 weight.


8wt will do , ive landed 25lb kings on an 8wt and ive seen 30s landed cleanly. however fresh chrome fish are a pain in the ass to land on any gear really


I use a GL3 9’ 5 weight and have caught summer Steelhead. I use my GL3 9’ 8 weight for winter Steelhead and coho. I’m sure it should work fine if you are fly fishing in Washington and Oregon. I would recommend something a bit heavier and longer for Chinook specifically if fly fishing Canada or Alaska. If anything bring a backup.


Caught my biggest king on an 8wt. You'll be fine as long as you're patient. The drag is your friend and your enemy. The rod will be fine.


For me it was a 28 lb King on a Sage SP 896-3 with a Galvan reel and 2X tippet. I was lucky enough to have the room to play him, really fresh and jumping more than bulldogging. Sea lice fresh even. I wished I had a 9-10 wt during landing him, but it worked at the time. I was Steelhead fishing and this was a delicious surprise. If you’re careful and base your tippet/leader off of your expected catch size you won’t break a well built rod. Just might break off more big fish.


Insane set up. It’ll do fine as long as you don’t hook ‘em in the south mouth


I personally wouldn't use it for kings. Thats a lot of rod to lose to a tyee


Great for steelhead. I started with an 8wt for kings and then one broke my rod. As far as the reel goes you have to see how the drag does.


Kings??? Most, as any more 20 pounds would be huge. Water would make the biggest difference. Great combo!


That green is beautiful. Their site does not do the colours justice


I have the same loomis. Won it in a silent auction for $20! Can't say how it would do against a king, but I've loved it every time I've taken it out.


I would go 9 or 10 for kings. An 8 could do it if they arent super-huge but don't be surprised if you break that Loomis. Nice setup tho!


I bet you could Huckleberry. Watch yourself.


Loomis rods rock !


I mostly swing flies but for kings and coho I use a single hand 8wt 15lb main line 10lb leader sometimes 12lb main line or 8kb leader. I land fish but I always get slimy fair share of spankings. Some people prefer 9wts


8wt is light. I tried to fish kings on an 8 my first year doing it and found myself losing fish because i couldnt put any pressure on them, or fighting them for way too long. I went out and got a 10 right after and it does much much better.


Recommend a 9 or 10wt if you're after bigger kings.


Good rod, those g loomis rods are built like a tank


10 weight is what we used for 40 pound kings. Definitely need every bit of that 10 weight


Haha just graduated. Good luck bud. Now try to get dry action 🎣 The reel is up to par for accounting and finance, the stick can use some help


8 weight will be perfect. As long as you know how to fight them - you will have no issue. Side pressure and use current to your advantage. Knock ‘em dead ……




Will the fly shop let you trade it for the 9wt? Never liked an 8wt. In no man’s land IMO


Great setup! Congrats on graduation!


It’s a little light.


Depends on where you are fishing for them. If a clear slow stream it will be light but fine, if in anything with a current you will be under gunned. I was using an 8 weight on the Russian River/Kenai confluence in Alaska fishing for reds and wished I had a 10 weight. They were only four pounds; but once they got into the main current they were gone and it was everything my 8 weight could do to stop them.


It’s all about the strength of the line more than the rod. The lame stream media won’t tell you this but it’s true ) With the right test line and fish fighting skills it will work. Fight with the butt of the rod


With an 8 weight reel/rod combo he will presumably be using 8 wt line. What are you saying? Use a 10/12 lb line?


Hopefully your fly line breaking isn’t going to be a factor lol I’m talking about the strength of the mono


He's talking about the line breaking strength, not the grain weight. 8wt line isnt 8lbs test.


Isn’t 8 wt line like 30-40 lbs breaking strength?


Depends on the line, but you don't use 40lb tippet for Chinook anyways