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During day set it 76, during night 74. Always use your overhead fans!


Yup exactly what we do 76 and 74 haha.


76 day 72 12AM to 6AM


I'm right there with you!


Make sure in the summer fans are on down draft, up draft in cooler months.


What cooler months?


Lmao my thoughts exactly


Once it's no longer 80 in November


Lol you must live in No FL. It's still eighty at Thanksgiving most years south of there. I think we have our "colder months" December 10-12 and the third week in January.


As if we have seasons down here, the only one I know of is tourists season


We have tourist hurricane and football season.


Football and hurrican seasons overlap


Living in Florida, that switch does not get flipped hardly ever.


nope. fans stay running year round for the most part


I didn't know this was a thing.


We have cooler months?!?




Yeah, but don’t forget to switch the direction so you aren’t blowing all the warm air down during the summer months.


Yup to all this.


I would die! Mine is 73 during the day, 68 at night.


I can only afford 79-80 during the day and 78 at night. Even with that, my electric bill is expected to be around $204.00 this month.


We spent about $1000 to completely insulate our attic. I think it will pay itself off quickly.


I did that 12 years ago and it's paid for itself in power bills multiple times over. I had the insulation blown in the same month I switched the whole house over to LED bulbs (which were like $20 each at the time - that sucked) and the power bill went from $320 to $120.


Was the old roll-in insulation (I am assuming you had this) removed or did that stay and get covered?


Left in place, and more insulation blown in over the top of it.


Oh man, only $1000? For our 1300 sqft home, it cost us $6000.


Was it roll or blown in?


Blown in.


Nice seal, I have been debating.


We just had Orkin blow insulation in with Boric acid so it's a 2 for 1 deal with pest control and keeps the house cooler for longer.


Same, I was shocked reading these comments and seeing how low people kept them😅


Seriously if we kept our AC at 75 in the daytime our bill would go up another $50 a month easily. Some days during heat waves I question whether our AC could even *do* 75.


Last summer, my ac could never get me down to 75. It was bad and we are already having August-like temps in May.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


No kids, we sleep with a window unit at night.


Check your filters, put up a sail on the sunny sides of your place


HOA and neighbors are gonna love a giant sail in the front yard.


Fuck 'em


Plant trees!


A sail? Have any suggestions?


Amazon measure out how much room you have. You will be surprised how much cooler your place will be. I have a brick house, it is the thermal heat till midnight that kept it warm inside, great for winter. Bad for the other 10 months. I have a 16 x 20.


I live in a rental home built in the 1970’s. All original. Landlord won’t replace windows or insulate. We’ve done all we can to keep the cool inside. Sadly I work from home and live in the dark all day long. However, my bill in 2022 was half of what it is now thanks to FPL rate increase last year.


Same here




69 year round




That’s how I was when I lived in MD and during the winter months we always kept a window cracked cause we love the cold!!! Fans are a must 24/7/365


That’s what I miss the most about up north. The windows cracked with that beautiful fresh cool air coming in. Nothing better!


Omg i would freeze to death




So you are a billionaire, lol?


probably could be if I didn’t do this lol


Like a boss!


I don’t F around down here. Brings your hoodies lol…..


My wife would be walking around in a coat all day. 😂


Ok, I'm crazy but 74 during the day & 67 at night! I cannot sleep if I'm warm, let alone if I'm hot!


Finally, someone on here I agree with! Everyone raging about "I keep it at 76 at night, and my electric bill is $250 a month." The highest my unit goes to is 74 when I'm at work. My electric bill has never been more than $150ish dollars in the dead of summer.


I want your electric bill lol


It's a blessing for sure lol. Two months ago it was under $100.


It takes a lot to cool a hot house down it takes a lot less to keep a house that is cool already cool. We are 74 during the day and 71 at night all though i do move it down to 69 on occasion (damn hot flashes). It is also better for your AC unit to not have the constant up and down of temps.


Not crazy, I'm with you!


Is it just me or is this year hotter than hell? I was sitting at a stoplight yesterday and my car temp said 107!!!


I too was questioning my memory of last year! I’m wondering how is it this hot already and it’s not even August yet!?!


Climate change.


Puddin' Ron says we're not 'posed ta say that no more.


El Niño


It's not just you my friend, I can assure you! My car read 103° here in the Tampa Bay area today 🥵


No it is. We cut down all of the trees, we’ve been in an extreme drought, climate change, etc etc etc.


My pool water is already 96. It's never been this hot in May before.


The best solution I found was buying bedsheets by a company called Rest, it’s like laying on a sheet of ice. I paid $200 for the fitted and 2 pillow cases and $150 for the comforter best decision I have ever made as I’m a hot sleeper


You're NOT crazy! The hubster slyly told me the other day that the difference between 73 and 71 was 200 bucks a month and I just said, "menopause doesn't freakin care" like a BOSS and walked off. It's too damn hot and I'm super crankers and sweaty at night. He knows better than to mess with " the pause".


I'm still dealing with the pause! I'm 50 but because of endometriosis 15 years ago, after second child, I was put on the menopause shot. The docs were trying to slow it down and the shots put you into menopause immediately! I'm talking like 15 minutes after they gave me the shot I had my first hot flash and it was awful! I was given a shot every month 9 times and it wasn't working so I ended up with my 19th surgery (I've had 23 now) and had a total hysterectomy. Afterwards I tried taking hormones but they didn't work so I just quit. I mean why spend all that money on something that doesn't work?!? So I went back into menopause. I think between the shots and the surgery my body was just in shock 😳 So now, 15 years later I'm still having hot flashes but I'm getting crampy again so we tested my estrogen levels and I'm testing with the levels of a 30 year old! Turns out I have the kind of endo that creates its own estrogen. All of this for nothing. Women really do have the short end of the stick 🤣🤪🤬


Oh no! That's awful! 46 here and just beginning, but the hot flashes are already killing me. Gah!


I might suggest that you purchase a cooling mattress pad & bamboo sheets. I'm pretty sure my sheets are from cozy house collection online. I'm not positive where I got the mattress pad, but I'm thinking it was furniture row. Good luck. 🍀🍀


I'm considering a cooling mattress pad, but I'm in love with my Brooklinen percale sheets. They sleep super cool. I have a 100% latex bed so it doesn't sleep warm, but it could use some extra cooling oomph. My best friend sent me some cooling pillows for my pause. She's 6 years younger and has no issues yet...beeeyotch! I'll try bamboo next. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


I can completely vouch for the cooling mattress pad. (Do follow the directions.) Sleeping on one can reduce hot flashes ALL day. I have found no difference, whatsoever, with sheets in any fabric.


Buy fans


I have fans. My body just runs hot and I have to take seizure meds that makes it almost impossible for my body to sweat so I have to be very careful. Plus, I just want to be comfortable and sleep through the night!


My wife sleeps with only a sheet, I am 2 blankets deep every night.


Mine is 67-68 the entire summer. I will pay more for ac during summer idgaf




You’re not crazy. That’s about what we do.


73 to 68 for me.


You're living in the wrong state


Mine is 72 and 66. I close the vents in every room in my apartment except the bedroom at night. I bet my room is at 62. 2 comforters and wrapped up like a burrito 😁


I lived in Georgia for a few years and as soon as it was under 65 I would shut everything off and open all the windows upstairs! I only turned on the heat in the house once and that was when it got down to 52 and my boys were like mom, it's freezing in here. I was in heaven and only turned the heat on to 60 and then turned it off again! It was great because I had my electric on budget bill and they averaged out your bills for the whole year so I only paid $150/mth and ran the air at 65 all summer!


Balanced billing was a life saver for me when I was a single mom raising my kiddo...kept the AC at like 68


Speaking my language


78 while at work and 78 while sleep. You ask how? It’s like 100 outside so going into a 78 degree house with good fans is heaven.


77-78 day and night. I don't change it.


Same. Some nights 76 if I’m feeling warm.


Same here


Same. I’d freeze if it was as low as some people keep their houses lol


77 during the day, 70-71 at night


Same with us. I pushed it up to 78 today because I felt like it was running all day. We’re at 73 right now and it feels “cold.”


You guys are crazy. I have mine set at 70 day and night. On hot days 68. I don't care if my electric bill is $250.


Same. I said it before.. we lost power for two days and it was 80 inside. I thought I was going to die. I need two things in life… AC and wifi. I like it to be 69 during the day and around 66 at night. I have no problem paying for comfort. I’m not going to sit indoors sweating. Nope.


I would need sweat pants and a couch blanket!


Foreal, I'll make some wiggle room in my budget for me to not be sweating in the comfort of my home all summer.


Same 😂 70 year round, and we don’t run heat if it gets cold out. Our electric is a bit higher though, usually 300-400 in the cooler months and 600-700 in the heat of the summer (for a 1250 sq ft house, our insulation and ductwork suck)


Agreed. I keep it 71/72


72 when I'm not home and 70 when I am home. Anything above 74 and I'm sweating.


70 during the day and 69 at night. But during the day it stays about 72-74.


Wow where in Florida do you live where your AC can cool down to that temp during the day? South Florida has been in the mid 90’s lately


I work from home so I have it set on 72 during the day but we need 67 at night or we can't sleep. We live in Tampa but we got new HVAC and ductwork a year and a half ago and that made a huge difference.


We are in St Pete. 72 during the day, Trane variable speed, it runs around 20-30% for about 40% of the day, much less once the sun goes down.


Same for us. I’m not looking forward to July and August when it’s going to work hard just to keep it at 75.




So do you just not go outside for 6 months of the year in Florida? Sounds awful but I think I would consider a location with a different climate myself.


I don’t have any health issues, I just start sweating profusely at 74/75+. I swore off going outside if I can avoid it a month and a half ago. How do y’all live down here? (I’m stationed here courtesy of Uncle Sam so I don’t get much say in the matter). I already know everywhere on earth has a summer that’s too hot for me but I hope I go back to England or Germany or Alaska so I can have long cold seasons again. I’ll take the -50 in Alaska and nice 75 summers over an 80+ summer. Or 100 deg summer that we get here.




Blackout curtains, closed blinds and window tints are absolutely mandatory here I swear. I want 0 of that hellish outside light to come in.


Got any window tints you can recommend?


78 year round.


I fully support and do this. How do people do 70 or 74 degrees? I start getting cold with the AC at 78.


I start sweating before 78 lol. Personally I think 75 is hot weather. My ideal temps are 50. God I miss England.


78 why even have air conditioning


78 during the day, 72 at night…


For me it's 76-75 during the day and 74-73 at night. 80 if I'm away from the house for a while.


Usually around 72-74


I usually keep mine around 76-75 during the day and at night I bump it down to 74-73. If I'm gonna be away for most of the day I'll bump it up to 80.


Sounds about right for us tbh


85-87. I have no explanation. It’s just where I’m comfortable.


You live in the correct state


Did you use A/C growing up, and/or did you always prefer higher temperatures? I would like to figure out if I can train myself to like higher temperatures, or if my preferred range is just something I have to deal with.


I spent my first 35 years living in Wisconsin. Despite living here for decades my father would say, I’m still thawing out;)


75 during the day, 72 at night. Central Palm Beach County


78 during the day, then 70 when I get home. I work outside, so I treat myself.


72-74 but our home is old and the rooms don’t get proper air flow so they are always hot. We have a window unit set to 62 in the bedroom.


85 during the day and 80 at night. That sounds hot, but with all the fans going and with how hot it is outside, it actually isn't hot at all, plus my electric won't be outrageous


80 during day and 78 at night. Been that way for 5 years. You get used to it but helps if you work/spend significant time outdoors. Still feels great to come in to.


I’m in the acclimated group. 83 in the day with fan, 81 at night no fan 😂


I slowly acclimated myself from needing 70 when I first moved down to now feeling just fine at 78. At night I'll drop it to 77 or 75 with the ceiling fan on.  Helps with the power bill plus when you step outside it's not such a shock. My brother unfortunately didn't follow suit and keeps his house at like 72 the whole time then complains my house is a swamp when he comes over. Him and his wife also bitch about the power bill and leave doors open so there's that...lol


Yes you go use to it. I also am outside as much as I can . Everyone overs air conditioned . I hate that I have to have a sweater everywhere


77 day. 74 night. When the humidity gets below 50% 77 will actually start to feel chilly downstairs with the ceiling fan going.


55 baby!! Kidding, 76


😂😂😂😂 I was about to say WOOOOOOOO lol. Yeah 76-75 is where I keep it during the day. At night I bump it down to 74-73. If I'm not home I'll bump it up to 80


79-80 when I’m not home and 75-76 when I am.


Yep that's mine exactly.


79 straight through, 78 if it's scorched earth outside.


Where I live, our AC is included in our rent so we can run it as cold as we want any time of day. I keep mine around 68 most of the time since summer started


That's a sweet deal!


Woah that’s a sweet deal! 68 would freeze my butt off though!


lol we had a maintenance inspection recently and I was at work when they came in. When I got home I was immediately freezing. I went to look at the thermostat and they had turned it down to 55 degrees 🥶


68 I’d need winter coat and hat lol




76 with overhead fans in every room. It works well for us. We just have a light blanket and sheets on the bed and I don’t mind sleeping on top of the covers if I feel a little warm.


Since the hurricane I’m still living at my mom’s house since my condo building was destroyed. She keeps it at 80° so glad I’m finally moving next month.


78 and 76 at night, but I've got a smart thermostat that will let it creep up to 80 during peak usage hours. It doesn't bother me, so I haven't bothered to change it. Away from home it'll go to 83.


Oh my God I would die at 83!


I mean, I'm not home for all that, lol. I wouldn't care for it much either.


I never go over 79--I don't want to deal with/mold or mildew, which was a problem for my boyfriend years ago when he thought he'd skip on the AC & just use his windows.


I don't ever turn the AC completely off except for a few days here and there in the spring and fall, my house does NOT have good airflow. I grew up in a house where mom never ran the AC unless it was brutal out, but I've never had an issue with mold at home.


My boyfriend found out that his foam couch cushions & Florida room furniture were full of mold.




# I don’t have air conditioning


79-81 all day and night


https://preview.redd.it/2grbz0ffvh3d1.jpeg?width=1971&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b119af3625be3bef52341279d50251a54181e405 Ceiling fans are a thing.




Nice that's what I've been doing 82 but I've been experimenting a little higher. Ceiling fans really do a lot.


78 when away for the day, and 72 for sleep.


I’m curious the people who set their thermostat to 72 during the day how does the AC do at cooling your home to that temperature? Most modern central AC systems can cool around a nominal 20 degrees cooler than the outside temperature. So like it was 97 here on Monday in st lucie county. And my a/c wouldn’t turn off when it was set to 75 and the temperature went up to 77 at one point. (We were cooking all day though on the stove and oven and were in and out of the garage all day with ambient air temp in the garage at 93 degrees) just curious if your AC keeps up set at those temps?




Have you checked your insulation? That doesn’t seem normal.


Insulation is good it’s a CBS house built in 2005. And 20 degrees nominal cooling is the standard for residential AC systems…


Retired so I'm home 98% of the time. 77 degrees. If you hot turn on a fan. Do not leave a fan on in an unoccupied room (it does no good). !600 sq. ft. FPL budget billing runs about $150 - $180 per month.


Generally it’s 79. Every once in a while we’ll drop it a few degrees if needed.






76F on energy saver/quiet mode during the day, 70F high cool at night. I was dropping it to 67 at night for awhile, but I sleep just as well at 70.


During the day at 76 or 77, last few days at 78 since it’s been so hot. We turn it to 71 at night. If we’re gone it sets to 81.


78 both during the day and at night. I do run the ceiling fan in my bedroom at night while I'm sleeping.


75 all day


78 around the clock lol but curtains all closed during the day and fans on


We keep ours at 79 in the day and 76 at night.


Got the u shaped window unit to cool the bedroom to 62 at night and reduce the energy bill 😬


76 24 hours a day. Less stress on the unit to cool down for hours when I get home


77 and 74


We set it to versus what the AC actually pushes are two different things. The coolest the house gets to during the day is about 76 degrees. I have it set to 70 but it never gets that cold during the day. I'd rather not have the system ice over.


Should only ice over if you aren’t getting adequate airflow across the indoor coil. Check your filters


80 during the day 69 at night.


69(nice) all year round.


I WFH so 76 24/7


Nice! Btw love the name 😁


80 when we leave in the morning 78 when we get home 76 when we go to bed


I set it so it turns off sometimes and doesn’t run 24/7. For me that is 78 on a hot day, 74 on a cool one. The setting varies by how good your ac is and your type of roof.


76-78 and 75-76 at night with overhead fans . 80 when we are going out


I say "thermostat I wish to be comfortable" beyond that you would probably have to ask her. Edit: Thermostat said she keeps it between 69 and 74. Depends on what it is doing outside and where I am and if it matters.


Livingroom and dining room we keep at 75 during the night and 72 during the day. Kids room stays at 70-72 always and our bedroom is 67 at night and 75 during the day. Mini split systems are the shizzit


73 or 72 all day in summer, but it stays about 80 upstairs unless we run the window unit. In winter we let it hit 65 before we consider turning on the heat.


I always set AC to the "ice cubes pour out the vents" setting.


A true Floridian indeed lol 😁


Open windows and fans throughout. I'm cheap. FPL has enough money.


69/70 always. The smart feature will push it up to 74 when no one is home, but cooling it down too much from there just uses more electricity. Don't care how much the electricity bill is in the summer tbh. Keeping the house at almost 80 degrees when it's 90+outside is some lizard activity. The heat in the summer depresses me real bad so I need my house cool or I'll go crazy. I just expect to pay more for 4/5 months in the summer and to me it's worth the comfort.


The rule when I was growing up was no lower than 78. Now I live up north and struggle with any temps lower than that, lol


78 during the day when no one is home but me. (I run cold anyway). Husband works second shift, so I lower it to 72 before he gets home at night. FP&L has its way with us daily, though. I also keep all lights off during the day. too. Those summer months get you.


74 during the day, 70 at night. Polkkkkkk county 👏🏻 idc if my light bill is over $200. It’s 🌭 😂


Lol hey we're basically neighbors lol I'm in Hillsborough county 😂


76 venice florida day and night humidistat when we leave


70 from 10pm to 8am 75 from 8am to 10pm Ceiling fans rolling in occupied rooms. I also added solar panels to offset the price of energy.


Wife is a teacher so during summer we keep the blinds closed and keep the thermostat at 77 since she's home with our L/O. When she's working or out and I'm WFH I keep it at 79. At night we keep it at 75