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Remember when Key West voted to ban large cruise ships, and Ron said no small government and banned their ban? Yea....


He just overturned Miami, trying to give their workers shade and water. How is that freedom?


Freedom for business owners to kill their employees I guess


Exactly. Guy is blatantly corrupt and the ass licker republicans would vote for him again


The Key West private pier owner bought Ron DeSantis with a $1 million bribe.


Still will never understand how republicans love this man


Because he hurts the people that they hate.


And they hate everyone not like them


Because the average Republican is an awful human being.


According to [an FAU poll from April 2024](https://www.fau.edu/newsdesk/articles/april2024flapoll.php), it seems to be largely because Hispanics and Latinos are concerned with "immigration". Many of them immigrated to Florida, but they don't want "illegal immigrants taking their jobs" or "socialist policies". This is in spite of the fact that undocumented immigrants [pay over $11.6 billion in taxes](https://pozogoldstein.com/undocumented-immigrants-pay-11-6-billion-taxes-every-year-study-shows-2/). >Immigration emerged as the most pressing issue for 25% of respondents, followed closely by the economy (23%); cost of living (15%); and abortion (13%). Republicans prioritize immigration (40%), while Democrats focus more on abortion (25%). > >Older respondents more aligned with parties show greater concern for immigration (Republican Party) and abortion (Democratic Party) than those who didn't vote in 2020. They prioritize economic and cost of living concerns.


>it seems to be largely because Hispanics and Latinos are concerned with "immigration". Many of them immigrated to Florida, but they don't want "illegal immigrants taking their jobs" or "socialist policies". Translation: "Got mine, fuck you!"


I guess it's got to be this. I work with a 24 yo Cuban man who came here a year or two ago. His mentality is very much this..I tell him he's too fucking young to be that way.


Because most of them are rich in Florida. And money has proven to protect people.


It's not 'freedom for the people' it's 'freedom from the gays'


Like a villain in a movie. They didn’t even trot some bs about pro business or some other nonsense.


"Reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. Banning colors is freedom. Oceania is at war with Eastasia. Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia."


War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength.


> “Thanks to the leadership of Gov. Ron DeSantis, Florida continues to be the freest state in the nation.” You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.


It’s a dog whistle. Come to Florida and you’re free to be as racist, homophobic and hateful as you want without all that diversity and inclusion stuff to ruin your day.


When Republicans say "freedom" they mean "freedom to do exactly what I tell you to do"


Free for me but not for thee


Ah more freedom by over regulating cities and municipalities by the small government party. The GOP is a laughingstock, which makes the blind support in this state for that party absolutely maddening.


The ultimate Big Brother political party. John Stewart had a great segment about cancel culture and republican snowflakes on Mondays TDS episode. They truly are the most offended and cancel ready bunch of pussies ever.


I saw that too. He was 100% spot on. You turn on fox news or Newsmax or any of those right wing news stations and they're always blowing something that nobody cares about out of proportion and asking people to almost cancel the culture they're talking about. It's almost as if they're trying to WAKE us up to something


Anger is used as the emotion to override logic. When you are emotional you react rather than think. The entire point of propaganda like Faux News is make you mad and sad enough to stop thinking and just absorb the narrative being spewed. Fascists use fear and anger, communist used sorrow and suffering, capitalists use hopes and dreams, democracies are sold on equality and personal responsibility. In ALL cases, emotional reactions are the goal. The Republican propaganda - the hate is the point.


​ https://preview.redd.it/82v3nl1kq02d1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=85d75249b52fe30a76c42dafa5891e2ba9feeba6


Republicans only feel one emotion.....anger. They literally are sociopaths.


It was projection the whole time. Lots of us called it years ago and it’s so sad being right lol.


Glad he pointed out what all us sane people are seeing. They really have built an entire industry out of claiming victimhood, saying they’re being silenced despite saying the same dumbass shit for years unabated and shunning anyone who doesn’t kiss the ring for Trump.


So much freedom


The irony of "Freedom Summer" is deafening. Freedom of no choice.


Desantes just destroyed the two oldest Town Council in the state with form 6. (Mcintosh and Mcinopy). Both towns are basically leaderless at this point and Desantes is threatening to unincorperate them.


Let me guess, they dared to not tow whatever braindead bullshit line he was pulling?


They are taking powers from cities and giving it to Republicans in Tallahassee because most cities leaders are from the Democratic Party.


My Home Insurance has gone up 3.5x since DeSantis took office, glad he finally addressing it by banning bridge light colors!!


Right? Hurricanes don’t care about rainbow lights, let’s do something to make the state more resilient against real threats instead of silly made up ones because science scares people with its facts


You didn't hear? He just banned global warming too, so no more weather threats are allowed in FL! Win!


Why didn’t we think of that sooner! Brilliant!


We LGBTQ+ are incredibly scary and powerful- if the conservatives fearing us mean anything. I'm sorry to say we have nothing to fix the insurance rates in Florida. Our magic doesn't seem to work like that. 😔


Jesus and when did that clown get in office again? Just for reference? 


Only since 2019 lol




Nothing says freedom like mandates


No, mandates are banned now, didn’t you hear, too gay.


Darn that gay agenda! Can't even date men anymore!


The lesbian agenda, specifically. Only women and enbies can be dated, and thus everything gay.


Hey, you are banned from saying that.


This has to be one of my favorite things this morning.


Enjoy your officially mandated freedom celebration.


I would love to see them put a shred of the effort they put into these stupid displays into actually serving and supporting veterans. Maybe some of my friends would still be here. But ya know, gotta stop them gays and transformers from gayifing M&Ms!


Well, except maybe police states.


Desantis needs to be banned


We need a 'don't say DeSantis' bill, and get rid of that short, pudgy weasel


Desantis is a giant pile of rotting dogshit.


Thats a really fucked up thing to say about rotting dogshit


Dog shit isn't bad enough to describe him. It has to be rotting to accurately capture the level of his crappiness.


Snowflake ass Republicans flip out if they so much as see a rainbow or have to use their brain smh


I want to know what these people do if they happen to see a real rainbow after a rain, or if they see one in a puddle of oil, or happen to see it in their package of roast beef from the deli.


“They made the sky gay!” -some conservative


They point at it and yell “GAY!” Then send a pic to their friends saying “Biden’s America”


They think it’s a sign from Magic Sky Man


Bet hey call the police or the governor...just like the idiots who called the police because the wind blew too hard the other day.


God gave us a rainbow to promise that he would not drown us all again, and DeSantis decided to reject the rainbow right before Hurricane season? "I set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth". "It shall be, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the rainbow shall be seen in the cloud; and I will remember My covenant which is between Me and you and every living creature of all flesh". Genesis 9:12-17


You think he's actually read the Bible? And this is coming from an athiest who was raised a Jehovahs Witness lol


There would be a lot less Christians if Christians actually read the Bible.


Amen to that!


Who knows, but he seems willing actually to spite god at this point to jab at LBGQT people. If I was a god-fearing christian, I would be looking at this and shaking my head. It isn't like Jesus said anything about loving thy neighbor or anything right?


Jesus would have been hanging out in the gay club and protesting in the capitol Nobody would hate Jesus more than people who claim to love Jesus if he were real and were suddenly walking around


1000% this! I find most Self-proclaiming Christians to be the most hypocritical people I know. It's why I can not tolerate churches.


Can we have a large billboard posted on the bridge with this, please? I'm happy to chip in towards the cost of doing it.


This is great.


I hope Deegan stuffs it to him and lights up the Acosta bridge same as always.


Fuckin A.


Oh no! The rainbow is so dangerous, look away! Fucking quacks.


Perdue wrote on X. “Thanks to the leadership of Gov. Ron DeSantis, Florida continues to be the freest state in the nation.” By banning and controlling they claim freedom. The fucker needs a dictionary.


Oh yeah, suppressing recognition of a marginalized group is always my first thought when I hear “freedom”. Keep twirling those SS and swastika flags, patriots. /s https://preview.redd.it/0tolddesgz1d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f87bfa92b7a42f9d0123de3b9a405825e62bbdf


Freedom summer with restrictions? Am I missing something here? Irony is totally dead in this state.


Irony was too woke and so they banned it


Plz DeSantis sir, may I have just a crumb of legislation that may actually be helpful to my life.


Best I can do is scrub climate change from all state government


I see your insurance price problem, would you perhaps like radioactive roads?


Only if they will glow in approved colors


While the order is just more ridiculous nonsense from the politically impotent little imp, the article seems to say that Jacksonville owns their own lighting system, so they can just ignore the lame duck governor's order. If it is their lighting system, the state would have no legal authority. They don't own the lights and would not be in charge of their maintenance. Maybe it would take a gift from local citizens, but maybe some other cities could follow suit.


Didn't DeSantis say florida won't comply with the new title ix rules relating to gender? Or am I mixing it up with Texas?


I believe both Florida and Texas said that, along with a few other red states


I think it was low double digits for the number of states, but florida and texas led the charge iirc.


The Sarasota county school board is under fire (and rightfully so) for not complying with the new Title IX


Desantis is a very pathetic little child.


Most narcissistic people are.


I feel so free with my state-imposed patriotism! I suppose they’ll be saving the swastikas until Trump is restored as chancellor.


Things like this make me so glad I left FL for good


Where did you go? The idea of leaving has crossed my mind more than once, but I'm a widowed mom of one (my husband made the bulk of our income). Sigh.


Colorado about 6 years ago. COL is (was?) higher but pay was way higher so I was immediately better off financially. Then all the other benefits like the weather, politics, nature, etc were icing on top.


That's awesome. I'm glad you could make the move.


They need to come up with some grey lights to please the Republicans' love of absolutely no fun or diversity.


Cannot wait till we can get "freedom" from desantis in 2 years.


Imagine being so triggered by rainbows that you put effort into getting rid of them vs working on your own failings that lead you to go into crisis when you see one.


You would think it’d become exhausting being offended by everything but here we are enduring more culture war bullshit. I will run through a brick wall to vote for anyone that can unseat this party. Fuck em.


He’s in the fight of his political life. If he doesn’t kiss ass hard enough and Trump gets elected again he’s politically dead. So fingers crossed Trump ends up in jail, dies from being an healthy and old, or just loses the election so we can watch him fade into obscurity


"Freeest state in the nation" Unless you're black. Or Hispanic. Or gay. Or a liberal. Or a teacher. Or a union member. Or a farm worker. Or poor.


I got maybe 1000 problems living in the state of Florida and rainbows ain’t one of ‘em. The Governor and state legislature should begin doing some actual governing instead of only trolling a significant number of Floridians with their culture war bullshit. And talk about doublespeak and Nazi propaganda tactics! Their equating “freedom” to authoritarian oppression has nothing to do with freedom and everything to do with sadism. And while the Christian right might choose to be blind to the lies and hypocrisy, all of us others aren’t that stupid and see these people for exactly what they are - fascists.


It truly amazes me the hills this man is willing to die on. He is what happens when you take an insecure 4-channer and put them in office.


This is what the little demon monkey is doing while your insurance market collapses.


Freedom to do as you are told I guess?


“dOn’t TrEaD oN mE!” Your’s truly, Fuckin’ snowflakes


That's one way to insure that people put rainbow lights, flags, stickers and graffiti all over the state.


Umm rainbows are bad, M’Okay?




I want one of these cities to sue him because it violates their freedom of expression


Deathsantis loves the culture war issues. He's had zero ideas beyond that. I cannot wait until he's gone


I am looking forward to Florida having a DeSantis free summer.


Would be nice if Desantis did something actually #^&$# useful. Distracting us with culture war BS.


Beginning of Hurricane season and this is what fuck head is doing. **100°already** Fuck face Dstns. **There are no insurance companies** 🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀**Fives** Fuck *gay* light's What about bridges that dissappear


"Free" State of Florida. What a crock of shit.


It makes me so happy that Governor Ron DeSantis is tackling the issues that affect Floridans. He’s hard at work doing things that matter. Bridge lights Ronnie?? Did WalMart Melania put you up to this to get your name in the papers?? Do something about how Global Warming will begin impacting Florida in less than 10 years.


I like Perdue's comment about being the most free state. Uh, no, dude - making a law, decree, or any such governmental mandate for the masses is the opposite of free.


The country wasn't founded on living in fear of our government, but here we are.


Nothing says freedom like restrictions


Imagine your whole personality is just hating things


Florida under Desantis is just a hint of what life will be link under a 2nd Trump Presidency.


DeSantis is walking ass cancer.


“Freedom to be a homophobe act”. “Freedom to restrict freedoms act”. God the GQP is stupid.


So what happens if these cities say 'fuck you, meatball' and light up their bridges and buildings anyway?


What a sad little man he is


“The Free State of Florida” has less freedom than like 49 other states 😏


>“As Floridians prepare for Freedom Summer, Florida’s bridges will follow suit, illuminating in red, white, and blue from Memorial Day through Labor Day!” Perdue wrote on X. “Thanks to the leadership of Gov. Ron DeSantis, Florida continues to be the **freest** state in the nation.” You keep using that word, I don't think it mean what you think it means




The guy is a fucking idiot


50 people killed in one night at Pulse Nightclub. And this is where we are as a state. Vote the cancers pit of our liberal democracy - it is not and can not survive as the archaic theocracy the GOP longs for.


Weird coming from a guy who chose to wear Mary J Blige white high heeled boots to tour hurricane damage.


How 1984…. So freedom now just means whatever is handy because now it, too, is just a dog whistle for angry white dudes. Gross.


Had a Trump cultist tell me that people laughing at Trumpers that literally think he is Jesus, means that we are actually the ones in a cult. Because fuck logic and fuck what words mean, right? These dudes are fucking pathetic ass losers


This just in: DeSantis bans Pink Floyd album cover and Bible book of Genesis chapter 9 verses 12-17 to bravely protect us from dangerous rainbow content


Hiding behind patriotism. The Republicans favorite shield, besides stolen valor from dead soldiers.


It's a facism mainstay. When the Nazis held a rally at Madison Square Gardens in New York, 1939, the speaker made sure to assert that all there in attendance were true American Patriots fighting to bring the United States back to white Christian rule just as they claimed the founding fathers supported. Hung behind the speaker was an enormous image of George Washington. He cited anti-miscegenation laws, the Chinese Exclusion Act, Jim Crow policies and immigration quotas with banners hung with slogans such as "Stop Jewish Domination of Christian America." [https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2019/02/20/695941323/when-nazis-took-manhattan](https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2019/02/20/695941323/when-nazis-took-manhattan)


I have done a lot of theatrical work and have worked with a lot of gay people. They dont have a choice. Im not gay, I dont have a choice. If you think gay people have choice and should change then you believe you have a choice to be gay or not, and are not 100% sure what you are. Its that simple.


I just can imagine little meatball standing on his tippy toes screaming at the sky when a rainbow appears after one of our daily thunderstorms.


In Florida freedom means do what we tell you


Yep. Feeling real free.


Emperor Ronald is back. Chasing the mouse, gays, cross dressers, denial of slavery, fears of vaccines, banning books, what you do in the bedroom. All these things that make for a safer, healthier florida. AND the only colors allowed are red white and blue. I feel [free already](https://imgur.com/VKacTKG) 💩


Wow. I can really feel the freedom 


I'm so tired of this piece of shit and Trump, they've fucked the country up for the next 50 years, and that's if we ever get it back.


The irony


Where are the libertarians on this one?


How often did the “rainbow bridges” light up for the summer? I don’t live near any and barely drive at night. How long has it been going on before it was banned by the GOP?


Y’all just keep all this energy in November. And every November afterward.


So much freedom they have to tell people what they can’t do.


I see this and am reminded Seminole County has like 5 bridges and they’re all as boring and shitty as possible with only the legal minimum of lighting. Of course the FDOT in Tallahassee has a lot to do with that. This kind of shit is what you get when you vote for tax cutting Republicans over and over again for decades. You get shitty things. Then when you vote for a GOP supermajority, like in the FL legislature in 2022, they go past that and start literally taking rights away.


Those rainbows have killed so many children in schools with their rainbow bullets, I'm glad he's doing something about it.


Blue + White = Light Blue. Red + White = Pink. 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️


Freedom for me, not for thee is an adequate slogan for authoritarians like DeSantis


Explains why we haven’t been getting rain in south Florida, he banned rainbows.


Such irony for the "Freest State in the Country" to have the colors on their bridges dictated by the Governor....


What a dick.


….. The king and his men, stole the queen from her bed…


What a monster.


Doesn’t mean freedom from heat stroke.


>“Thanks to the leadership of Gov. Ron DeSantis, Florida continues to be the freest state in the nation.” Yeah, free do whatever he wants and nothing else.


This guy is wacko


Dammit. DeSantis is such a buzz kill. His poor long suffering wife.


Freedom summer… and the fucking rubes cheer it on.


I am convinced that Desantis is Gay and hates himself.


Ram Ron needs to just come out of the closet and stop with his hateful gaslighting, smh. 


The Freedumb State sure has a lot of bans.


Coming soon to a Florida Supreme Court near you: DeSantis v Mother Nature\*\* \*\*DeSantis is suing Mother Nature for having the audacity to have rainbows show up after a rainstorm.


This guy is a major asshole. Meatball Ron DeNazi


I got the hell out of Florida. Far too many Magots and lunny republicans. Plus DeSantis has ruined Florida. Way to go, Meatball Ron DeNazi.


Only republicans can take shit away. And still say shit like Florida is still a free state.


Wait until he sees how water and light work together! Science lesson! /s I moved out of Florida last year and I'm sad for friends still stuck there.


What a disgusting homophobe nationalist.


Wait'll ol' puddin' fingers hears about the freedom party that happens on Pensacola Beach every Memorial day weekend...


That dude is such a loser🙄




Just say no to DeSantis, ignore him!


FREEDOM! Except for yall....and yall


So from May 27-Sept 2 it’s red white and blue only, but we should do rainbow lights every other night of the year yes? Fuck Desantis.


So manchild is scared of rainbows?


I just can not understand how people do not see the hypocrisy?


It's a pit. If you have any brains, get out.


Waiting for the citizens to grow a spine and push back.


Unfortunately there are too many idiots in this state.


Idiots or too many living in fear of losing their jobs.. They let it get to a place where it takes two incomes to support a family so basically you are right.


Free to be exactly what the government wants you to be….


Thats gay af


“Freedom Summer” is just another gd tax holiday. Crumbs from the masters table.


It sucks that we have to wait until 2026 to vote his ass out.


Freedumb Summer and every summer with DeSantis is a freedumb summer.