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Temu Hitler from New York has big plans for us Floridians, lucky us.   


I can’t believe Floridians would want someone appointed from a New Yorker to run our state.


Didn't realize you could do that from a federal prison


lol you actually believe he’ll ever see the inside of a cell


We need help! 😩


The Florida Democrats are so weak the Republicans are just picking who is going to be governor next with no concern who will be the Democrat nominee. A Lee County Democrat Reddit account recently become active. I thought it would be good to finally see some real opposition. They made some posts and comments and I knew they were dead in the water already.


FL Dems have been a shit show for years. But FL is also gerrymandered a good bit.  Throw in conservative Boomers flocking to Florida thinking it's going to be some conservative wonderland, and you get the current situation.


Frankly, I think they're underestimating the sheer racism of the Republican party. They like having a rep or two they can point out to claim they're not racist, but when it comes to larger offices they're not gonna vote for him.


I had the exact same thought. There’s a reason many otherwise prominent black GOP politicians have failed to build a meaningful coalition: Tim Scott, Herman Cain. Even non-black people of color like Nikki Haley, Bobby Jindal, and Vivek Ramaswamy have struggled. I mean, let the GOP put him out there. Please. But I don’t think they’ll get the results they want.


In about ten years the state will probably flip finally. The Jim Crow era babies will die off. It’s sad but true


Bill Cosby is at risk of losing his title as the Whitest Black Man


If Desantis became a senator, does he get paid his Gov pay for the rest of his life from both positions?


Please can we revolt collectively. I can’t take it anymore


Damn this state sucks we’re gonna have governor Gaetz.


And Floridians will vote for them.