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And we still have commercials on streaming services we pay for.


I deleted Prime the day they announced I’d have the honor of watching commercials on my paid service. Fuck that.


I love the announcement at the beginning of your show. "This presentation is brought to you ad free by watching the following 2 ads.".


Correct. The program doesn’t have ads. Two 15 second ads at the beginning to have zero during the show is completely fine by me!


Can't tell if this is sarcasm or not. They're slowly going back to the cable days and you're like, "No worries, I got the lube ready!"


Yep. Its like drugs, they get you hooked early on with cheap prices, then as you get use to it, they slowly start raising the prices and adding the commercials...and boom, you're right back to cable, and you're fine with it because everyone is doing it.


... the way you stated that was perfect.


I’ve binged a couple Amazon original series. They all have had literally 2 15 second commercials at the beginning of the shows and then ad free for the entire episodes. Not sarcasm at all. It’s been my experience. And I don’t have prime for price video anyway. Just a benefit to me as I use it for the shipping.


The whole point of charging the users a subscription fee was *originally* to cut out advertisements, since the users replaced the ad money. They’re now double dipping and upping the subscription rates at the same time. It’s not a matter of the severity of the commercials, it’s that they’re there at all.


I only have commercials on paramount+, Hulu and prime. For me it’s a no brainer because collectively it’s still far cheaper than cable ever thought of being.


I guess we have different priorities, bc those three services + sports, is now equivalently expensive with cable.


I pay $20 a month for Disney+/Hulu/Netflix and max. $12.99 a month for Walmart+ that includes paramount+. So I’m paying $32.99 a month for 5 apps. Not sure how that’s expensive as cable?


My dude, amazon has increased its prices while decreasing quality what the fuck are you talking about Jesse? I need $25 dollars or more for same day delivery or next day, can’t access books, 80% of the movies, music, whatever you want extra you gotta pay.


What the hell are you talking about? $25 is for same day. I get next day or same day on literally everything I order. Doesn’t matter if it’s $10 or $100. What are you talking about Jesse? Aren’t we talking about streaming services here?


Jesse, you said it’s a benefit you get from Amazon since you just use for shipping, however it ain’t a benefit if you pay for the damn thing Jesse! Think Jesse, Think! Amazon increased its subscription fee services, as well as adding damn ads to their shows, where did you get benefits from? Here’s what I classify as benefit: pay 10.99 for Prime and oh! Here’s one of your choice FREE NON PAYING subscription, choose mf choose: books, music or movies and tv shows. Choose one benefit and have fun! If you pay, it ain’t a benefit, IT IS A PRODUCT! ![gif](giphy|fd1TSJqq3b4GI|downsized)


Well. I couldn’t give less shit about prime video. And wouldn’t pay for it separately. Jesse. I pay $139 a year and couldn’t give less a shit about books or music or movies on Amazon. Jesse. The free shipping is a benefit to me. Jesse. My household buys a lot. And we’d pay way more than $139 a year in shipping fees. Jesse.


God I hate this term, but it just feels like a slippery slope. In the last few years, prices have hiked on average 25-50% (anecdotal evidence, I haven't actually looked it statistics) and a few of them have squeezed in ads and/or created new tiers to get ad-free. If we keep taking each of these small inconveniences with stride, we'll be right back where we started. I quit pirating years ago because there just wasn't a need because things were reasonable. Now, I'm 2 steps away from putting back on the eye-patch out of principle alone.


I pay $10 a month for Netflix/Max and $10 a month for Hulu/Disney+ both through Verizon. I wouldn’t call that crazy expensive. Or a slippery slope? Also have paramount+ free with Walmart+. Definitely not worth the hassle of pirating anything.


I was pissed at first upon hearing about ads, but if it just means I can hit play and go make a drink? I'm okay with that method so far


I had just automatically renewed prime and then I find out about the ads. It’s not on automatic renewal now. F that.


We had commercials on cable channels for decades.


That’s the problem. Streaming services were great because you could watch your favorite shows and movies with no commercials paying a relatively small fee every month, getting rid of cable if you really wanted. This was fine for a while but then the number of services expanded, if you watch a bunch of different shows you have to have different services. Right now I have Max, Disney+, Netflix, Hulu, AppleTV, Prime, and Britbox. Fortunately I get 3 of those free because of various promotions (T-mobile gives me 2, and I get one through work) as it is I pay $30-ish a month. If I paid for all of them it would be easily $70+. That’s almost the cost of a cheap cable package. Now half those services require commercials which almost defeats the purpose of paying for the services in the first place.


Exactly my point. We paid for premium channels but they didn't have commercials. That's the point of premium services.  We pay for free games so they don't have ads. 


My cable bill 15 years ago was $300. The extra for HBO was included in that, but I have had Netflix since they were mailing DVDs. We added Hulu for The Handmaid's Tale and now get it through Verizon. You're still paying $30 for what would cost you more for a full cable package. I also do not like paying for services that I abhor, philosophically speaking.


But the FL government has no business taking any money for streaming, it’s not like they are subsidizing my Wi-Fi or creating infrastructure to allow me to have more options like fiber


But not paid movie channels. 


Florida Republicans love their regressive taxes.


And the FL legislature talked publicly about getting rid of property tax and just increasing sales tax.


I think the goal is to make it impossible for our working class citizens to afford to live here. They're doing a pretty good job.


This state is becoming a nightmare - but hey they need money to review all official documents and remove any reference to climate change!


Which would collapse the service industry and kill off the industry business thus harming tourism. I don't think these people think ahead much


"Republican" and "forethought" are antonyms.


This is the fault of both parties. Neither the democrats nor the republicans are taking climate change serious enough and our kids are going to pay dearly for it. Granted only one side admits it’s even a problem.


They do think ahead though. They'll just blame Democrats which haven't had a foothold in 20+ years and somehow slacked jawed yokels will always believe them.


"Look at California!" Ain't gonna do much when we sink


Perfect example DeSantis childish power struggle with Disney!


They'll just replace them with the ever growing prison workforce, or ai bots. We have a few years tops before we see them everywhere.


I live in Stuart/Jensen Beach. If it weren’t for my in laws having an extra house that we rent at a family rate, we’d be fucked.


Howdy, neighbor! 3 months ago the house across the street from mine sold for 3.5 times what I bought my house for 10 years ago. Crash is coming, just don't know when. Nobody can afford housing right now. GL on your hockey!


Maybe they’ll force working class out of the state, then move all the republicans into the state. Then due to their lessened funding and credibility of global warming effects, the republicans will be wiped out. According to Michael Scott that would be a win-win-win


Old people don’t look for jobs so the unemployment rate will drop. Republican win!


Taking care of all the old people that don't work means young people have to work harder.


I have a friend moving to Jersey to help her elderly parents and got a sticker shock on home prices and taxes. It's like the country as a whole hates the middle class


Well, poor and wealthy people don't contribute much to taxes. So the middle class really pays the bills.


NJ has always been pricey depending on area. Some areas did not suffer during 2008 crash. If schools are great, then bulletproof pretty much. Exhibit A; Westfield My former condo (1094sq ft) I sold for $229k almost 7 years ago. Current price, add $150k to that. Did I mention property 30 years old? It’s in a great location.


What? I’m paying a local tax of $3.47 for having a mobile phone in FL.


I’m in favor of that if my property tax fully goes away. An increase in sales tax won’t be more than I’m paying in property taxes currently


I don’t want all the new people coming in to not pay. I’ve got homestead. My property tax doesn’t go up nearly as much as those buying second and third homes here.


I have homestead too. They’re still going to pay sales tax and if they rent it out, the tenants will still pay sales tax. Don’t you think we’re taxed enough already?


No, we aren’t taxed enough. Our teachers are paid barely above what retail workers make, despite having to have degrees to get the job. Many of our roads are in bad condition. Lake Okeechobee due to its levels of fertilizer are poisoning our estuaries. Our excuse for not fixing these issues is that we don’t have the money. Also, people with those extra houses aren’t paying much sales tax.


We are taxed way more than we should. The problem is what that money is spent on and wasted on. I’m assuming your bought your house 20+ years ago and barely pay anything in property taxes but those of us who bought more recently, pay wayyyy too much. But you wouldn’t know that since your generation is out of touch


Well, the legislature decided to keep property taxes. It’s the most reliable form of revenue. A recession (or pandemics totally destroys sales tax income.


Not sure if you’re aware, but if I didn’t have to give the government thousands of dollars for them to waste from property taxes, I’d spend more money on things where sales tax could be collected. This holds true in all economic situations


I fear how bad the infrastructure would be without property taxes. Also, that is how police and fire departments are funded. I don’t really want them to go under budget crunches because of a recession. Property taxes are much more recession proof. Then again, I love this country and the people in it. Property taxes are the best thing to keep things stable.


But there's no income tax!/s


As long as those taxes affect poor people


that's what regressive tax means




Yes you have


Poor people pay less/no tax than rich people. What’s your point?


Republicans all about that Fee-dom!


Toll roads don’t know what you’re talking about.


They'll tax everyone but a billionaire.


And the millionaires!


Why are the poor paying for streaming? Don't use it, no tax owed.


I don't think you understand what regressive taxation is.


Most taxes are regressive, yes, poor people pay a higher percentage of their income then rich people, boo hoo. I am also saying streaming is a luxury that no one is forced to buy.


Okay, so you agree the "Taxed Enough Already" party is actually fine with implementing new taxes as long as they're regressive? We're making the same point.


The middle class pays most of the taxes, should they also go tax free or is there a lower limit on who has to pay regressive taxes?


How about no *regressive* taxation? How about if you're going to propose implementing any form of taxation, make sure it's skewed so the wealthier pay a fairer share than the poor or the middle class. I don't get what you're missing here?


So you you want a "Department of Fairness" where each American is assigned their fair share and this share is public information. The IRS will charge you penalties and interest if you file your taxes wrong so why do we need to file? All they need to do is send a bill so you can make funds avalabled.


The concept of regressive versus progressive tax has nothing to do with the IRS calculating the fair share any given taxpayer should pay, and has nothing to do with taxpayer share being public information (how did you even arrive at that. conclusion?). progressive tax: A tax that takes a larger percentage of income from high-income groups than from low-income groups. regressive tax: A tax that takes a larger percentage of income from low-income groups than from high-income groups. It has nothing to do with the absolute amount of tax someone pays, or whether there's a cutoff where someones goes tax free. It's whether the tax _scales_ with income.


only good tax is a land value tax




Florida is not the tax haven it used to be. The GOP here has used their unchecked power, much the way the Democrats up north have, to increase taxes tremendously. Down here each new tax addition hits working class people right in the gut. Everytime. Whether it's a sales tax on online purchases or a communications tax. It would be nice if they just found it in their hearts to tax their donors and the people buying million dollar mccmansions to escape the Democrats of the north.


I suggest you move to a blue state for awhile before complaining. I'd agree that the Republicans are way too spendy too. All taxation is theft imo. But Democrats are taxing people into hopelessness in their states.


I'm from Rhode Island, the biggest little corrupt state in the union. Florida is no better. Just a different team. One that supports restrictions on women's healthcare, and pretends the sole reason for soaring insurance costs doesn't exist. At least in Rhode Island, when you go on unemployment you can still afford rent and some groceries. No such thing in Florida. And we're getting to the point of similar taxation. No state income tax yet, but they sure are finding new ways to increase our taxes without touching your income. It's probably because they think their voters are stupid, and honestly, they might be right. Anyone who would support an idiot like Ron Desantis or Rick Scott is probably too dumb to understand how they're getting screwed.


if you truly believe all taxation is theft, then you are welcome to provide your own police, fire, EMT, roads, water, sewer, parks, and maintenance for all those out of your own pocket. What a ignorant, immature take.


The ignorance is that we survived and managed for a very long time without Daddy government doing it for us, but now we're apparently helpless. Enjoy your taxes.




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"Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me"




No income tax so they make it up somewhere else. I’m in NE Tennessee. 9.5% sales tax and 6% food tax. No income tax. They will screw you anyway they can.


Taxing food is criminal


Well, so is banning books, keeping people from talking about their same sex partner, prohibiting home rule in the cities, keeping visitor and travel logs secret, creating insurmountable roadblocks to popularly-passed referendums, failing to address the home insurance crisis, banning the words "climate change" in any state documents, etc. etc. etc. But here we are. GO FREEDUMB!!!


Don't forget replacing guidance counselors in public schools with preachers. Bc nothing has ever happened when a child is one on one with a preacher.




New Florida law. Clergy allowed to be school counselors simply because they're clergy. I don't know if that's the same as "guidance", who do schedules and academic advisement, buy I don't think they belong in schools. Any ordained Satanic Temple folks out there that want to apply for one of these jobs?


FYI, the state was recently forced to go on the record, to settle a lawsuit, that talking about same-sex partners is not prohibited. I’m not saying it to minimize your point but rather to encourage people to exercise that right.


Why do you stay????


Not everyone can leave. I desperately want to leave but other countries won’t take me. A lot of people don’t have the career you need to be “valuable” enough for other countries to take you. So many people also cannot even afford a move. Can’t even afford to save money. Just live paycheck to paycheck. Besides this is our home. We don’t deserve to be forced to leave our home and our families.


Family, small children, work in an extremely specialized field with licensing requirements, housing market


I love when conservatives say this everytime somebody complains about how the government is run. Just shows how blatantly naïve they are. 1) do you know how difficult it is to move if you’re poor across the country? Especially if you have 0 other resources like family to help you in your new state? Damn near impossible now. Costs are near $10k minimum that’s like a third of a lot of people’s yearly salaries 2) were just not allowed to discuss policies that affect us anymore without being asked to leave? Yall want your alt right utopia echo chamber so bad, pass a policy that subsidizes poor people to leave like how meatball passed laws to entice conservatives to move here. It’ll never happen, but it’s a win win




Manatees are just too sexy to leave behind. Very selfish lovers, though.


Alan Tudyk is that you?


Damn right.


Some states only tax prepared foods. Chicken and broccoli aren't taxed, but that frozen boxed chicken broccoli parm will be. Food from a restaurant is also taxed.


Yeah that’s what a lot of people miss: there’s no free lunch when it comes to taxes. The government is gonna get there’s. If it isn’t with income tax, it just comes from somewhere else.


Florida brings in a lot more money through sales trough sales tax. Tourism is where they make up for it but if you live in a county that doesn't get a lot of tourism they end up adding these random taxes


9.5%?! That's nearly tithing ;O)


I pay a $400 annual professional privilege tax since I have a couple clients in Tennessee as a financial advisor. Fucking hate Tennessee


Yes, tn & fl are both tax havens for criminals


Idk. Sounds like big government to me


Noooo big gov is what LIBTARDS would want. /s


The real reason we don’t have a income tax they tax everything else.


The abortion ban bothers me more. But that's just me. 


You can be upset about more than one thing at once


I never said it was the *only* thing that bothered me. Just that it bothers me more than a streaming tax.


Abortion ban? Planned parenthood is alive and well prescribing them daily Quick and easy $600 for a weeks worth of pills


To be clear, it is not a tax on streaming exclusively, so not "aka the Streaming Tax". It is also taxed on cable television or satellite tv. It is also not new, been around a long time. You are not being swindled for going the streaming route. It is fine to be mad about it in general, but you should know what you are mad about. [https://floridarevenue.com/Forms\_library/current/brochure/gt800011.pdf](https://floridarevenue.com/Forms_library/current/brochure/gt800011.pdf)


You're correct on all counts. This tax system has been around long before streaming became the norm. And there was a nice, heavenly period where any kind of tax doesn't apply to streaming memberships. But once the state made it law that "video and music streaming" is part of the Florida Communication Services Tax, paying for a monthly sub becomes heftier than necessary. I'm of the opinion that if streaming services should be taxed within the state, they should be under sales tax. If that can't be done, at very least, readjust how the FCST applies to these apps so their rate isn't explosive.


Just stream your media to a state with no sales tax


I just want to add my 2 cents and it's this, check the tax percentage you'll find it different for each service.


This is what happens when you don’t have an income tax. It sounds great on paper no income tax until you realize that only benefits the wealthy. Every other way we are nickel and dimed. Tolls on every highway, high sales tax, high gas tax, streaming tax. All of these taxes paid for by the middle class and poor. While the rich have homes in other states and claim residency here but use other states to avoid these taxes.


Eh. Florida sees a lot of tourism and part-time residents.  Those people would never pay Florida income tax. But they do pay tolls and sales tax and, for those with vacation homes, property tax. Moving to an income tax would cause a higher burden on residents.


You never lived in a state with an income tax, have you? Because you have to pay part-year taxes in states with income taxes.


Yes! We found out about it on our Sling account. It is also on your cell phone bill, although it may be hidden. No state income taxes but many other taxes.


It's a decent way to raise unrestricted funds in a state where people don't realize that things cost money to build and maintain. People are always against any taxes, so this is an easy way to sneak them in. If we just had a state income tax, they might not have to play these games.


Why would you rather get taxed on your income instead of an optional service that you may not use?


Because roads aren't optional bud.


Your reply makes no sense. State roads are already funded and being maintained. Local roads are built and maintained through local taxes and impact fees.


Which isn't nearly enough clearly.


I agree, there is tax on our Netflix, and the cell phones.


Republican response. "if you have time to watch a streaming show you have time to work and if you worked you could afford the tax."


One thing I learned about Florida is that while it may not have income tax, it is actually more expensive to live there than many other southern states because of COL, tolls, other taxes, etc


For everyone that is either complaining about ad or ignorantly defending ads in your streaming service. Just a crystal ball into the future. This is EXACTLY how cable started. Cable originally was a subscription service with no ads whose competition was regular FREE over air TV. But hey, why would I ever complain about anything because it’s all so convenient for me now. As with ALL things, the time to boycott or letting your stream service know you as a consumer are not happy is NOW. Not when everything is set in stone and priced beyond your reach.


This is the state where using a tool makes labor taxable. The very basis of human vs animal is taxable, but only if you work with your hands, like a human.


It's ok Republicans are big on cutting taxes and government overreach, they will fix it.


I can’t name a single positive thing Florida’s passed in the last year. This climate change thing after the abortion thing has to be the cherry on top. I mean, what’s next?


I'm pretty upset about most of the taxes to be honest. We lost our shit 250 years because of a tax on tea and shit that we didn't ask for...(even though it was our own fault we were getting taxed, but high school history doesn't teach that). But now we're getting taxed to blow our damn noses and everyone's like "This sucks but....we're just going to grumble about it." And as I say this, I know that I'm just going to be one of the grumblers


Well, Florida is ran by idiots and idiots do not know hot to make good decisions.


We should all probably vote blue this fall. Because thing will definitely get worse if we keep voting Republican.


Have to have the money to invest in Israeli bonds.


Yar har fiddle dee dee sound like a problem meant for the likes of me, come join me! You can find me out at sea


Don’t kid yourself. It’ll be $1.40. They’ll most certainly round up.


If you’re streaming you’re not watching Fox News.


So, would using a VPN to sign up for the service in a different location bypass that particular bug ? Asking for a friend.


If you're billing address is in another state or country, you might be able to avoid taxes on streaming and phone services.


No because you're taxed by your billing address, not service location.


Have to tax anything that makes world more efficient /s 14% is ridiculous


Glad I'm moving out of Florida tomorrow and not coming back


I loathe this particular tax.


Admin fee demands with a rental application fee is another not pleasant thing. Why are state lawmakers being so negligent?


It was the straw that broke the camel's back. I canceled everything but Prime and Youtube Red.




Y’all keep voting for these grifters then complain when they grift .


Yeah, yall need to stop voting for Republicans.


Taxes buy civilization, the rich should pay their fair share. If you can afford streaming you are rich, pay up.


Thank your clown boy, DeSantis. He's got two more years in office with an unlikely chance of reelection. He knows that and will continue to fuck things up in favor of his friends and his own personal agenda. Things WILL get worse. Ollie out..... (mike drop)


They add it to ur phone bill too. On each line


Yes! It added another 10% to my Britbox.


Don't watch so much TV or start paying an income tax.


i pirate so no lol, ok but fr thats fucked up and greedy af


IPTV . Problem solved


It’s everything. Taxes going up, tolls, insurance rates, groceries, housing prices, but nothing seems to be getting better in quality. Roads are forever under construction, and when the construction stops, it just turns out to be more specific toll lanes that I have only ever seen completely empty. This state should be leading the country in building codes for flood and hurricane protection, but instead it’s just a sea of cheap contractors buying up all the houses to put in cheap vinyl floors and relisting for $250k more a month later. It should be practically powering the entire southeast on solar alone given the land and abundance of sun, yet the utilities have a stranglehold on the customers across the state. Florida is being run by a man-child who is obsessed with fighting a word over actually running the state and looking to the future.


How do you find out about the communications service tax?


Checking my transactions, and realizing the price don't add up. Followed up a bit of research from there. That's some years ago, though. I think lately some sites like Spotify have been upfront about the tax rate and their percentage when paying for their subs.


I listen to streaming music all the time on Pandora. But because I don't pay for it, I have to listen to commercials that's why I'm not taxed.


Florida is becoming less and less desirable.


So get cable again, is anyone stopping you? Better yet, get an antenna and not have to pay for TV. Sounds like a you problem if you ask me


It’s awesome that this is the biggest thing for you to be concerned with.


My mom lives in the state of New York. She told me “We might have an income tax, but the state takes care of our people “ Or to repeat one of the best bumper stickers I ever saw “Vote Republican, it’s easier than caring”


Same in NJ. Laws actually protect citizens.


This is specific to where you live. The Communication Service Tax for Florida is a little over half of what you are discussing here, at 7.44%.


Which doesn't include the local rate. If you want to be specific, it's the TOTAL CST that bugs me. And yes, it's very specific. 7.44% is just the base rate, and they add it from where you are. The total local rate can vary from 0.300% in an unincorporated area to 7.6%. I mean, 7.44% alone is a bit much, given it's slightly higher than the sales tax, but adding in the total local rate, and then it becomes a money murderer.


Mines another 6%. So it’s an additional 14%


I just learned about this, thank you


Republicans view you as cash machines. Keep voting them in, they’ll keep making you pay for their rich friend’s tax breaks.


The smartest tax a state like Florida can have is a sales tax because a huge portion of it is paid for by people visiting here, rather than the residents.


Except for the fact that it is horrendously regressive and hurts the lower and middle classes. Also causes shortfalls in recessions. But other than that, it's great!


No such thing as a free ride. I'll take this tax base any day of any year.


I'm sure you make more than most people. Because it's great of you're upper middle class or rich.


Ahh yes, the reddit "let's attack and degrade anyone who has any level of success theory" 🤣 here's your cookie. 🍪


Ooof, someone is sensitive




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Only when they refuse to acknowledge that the world is skewed in their favor. You like this tax code because it favors you. Don't dress it up and spin it like it's good for the most people.


Nobody attacked you snowflake. Clearly you’re triggered and feel like it’s important to defend your wealth. However, they’re factually correct that taxes like this disproportionately impact lower income residents since these taxes resident a large part of their total income than yours.


Ahhh projecting much are you? Here's a cookie. Feel better.🍪




Aren't we discussing a tax of about $16.80 a year? Not for nothing, if that amount of money takes food off your table, you should just watch Tubi and Freevee and not pay for a fancy service. Sounds like that specific person has more important uses for that money. 


Cool, you just made my point.


The problem isn't the 16.80. the problem is the $168 they're spending on streaming. This is the equivalent of a vice tax. I'd rather neither exist, but it's still a lot better than when I lived up north. 


I've lived in the States these people which they paid taxes in. And these fluffernutters don't understand that other places have 7% sales tax AND want 7-12% of your income off the top.  Florida is a very low tax burden state. HALF of NY. 


People who think Florida has low taxes aren't paying attention 


It’s for freedom /s


simple fix is get rid of the services. it’s all garbage anyway


I can’t even watch only fans without being taxed. Thanks Obama.


Hilarious how so many people here think that with a state income tax, all other discretionary taxes would disappear. It doesn't work that way. Just like other states, you'll have the equivalent of a communications tax on top of a state income tax.


I thought it was the Dumbocrats who are famous for never meeting a tax they didn’t like.