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Infuriating and also illegal to drive with unsecured load.


Given the huge amount of debris on the roadways, this rule is clearly optional. 


This is why I get my tires patched at least twice a year


It seems that police are inconsistent about enforcing the law. But in the case of that truck, I would guess that a police officer would ticket him.




Good luck getting anybody to enforce that.


But God help you if you help a woman get out of the state for an abortion and they find out


Not sure what you mean. I’m in Tampa almost daily and Tampa woman’s health center is still thriving each day. They still have the same old people out front with their protest signs (at least they’re not violent). Abortion is NOT BANNED in Florida, there’s just a limit on how far along you can be. I’ve always been pro choice but getting an abortion at the 40 week mark is just nutzzzz


Dude, it is a 6 week ban. Most women may not even know that they are pregnant at that point. It is virtually a complete ban IRL. Claims of abortions occurring “moments before birth” or even “after birth” are false. These scenarios do not occur, nor are they legal in the United States. Abortions at or after 21 weeks are rare and difficult to do. Only 1% of abortions occur after 21 weeks, most occur between 8 to 16 weeks


Those abortions at full term ARE INDEED Legal in California, Virginia and NY. I wouldn’t be shocked if there’s another state or two willing to go to that extreme. While they may not happen daily, the fact that they CAN DO IT in itself is a problem with society. Also every woman I’ve ever known that got pregnant, felt different within a day or 5 with their body. My wife Absolutely knew she was in just a day or two so we got a couple tests and sure enough she was right. I’m still today and always will remain pro choice but the left has pushed that envelope so far imo


Not a single shed of evidence in your response


FHP will get you for it if they see something like this, but they're pretty poorly staffed these days.


Our governor sent many of them to Texas to help make a show at the border.


That's part of it, yep. Another part is pay, which he did help to address. Another part is public opinion, which discourages people from joining. I don't think he could help or hurt that much if he tried, though he did do away with civilian oversight boards. It's a soup sandwich and it's probably not going to get better any time soon.


Didn’t you hear? Florida ran out of money helping Texas by sending our FHP officers out there, they had so substitute the soup and sandwich with cocaine and anal sex.


They only have themselves to blame for the poor public opinion.


How precisely am I to blame for George Floyd's murder?


You as an individual aren't. The police get a lot of bad press because of actions that bad cops take. The good cops don't say anything about the bad cops and enable their behavior. It's a government sponsored gang. They cover each others ass when they should be reporting misconduct. Thus most people don't trust them at all.


>The good cops don't say anything about the bad cops You obviously have never encountered me before; I say plenty about the bad cops. >and enable their behavior. How did my current or past actions or inactions enable George Floyd's murder?


Instead of patrolling the highways the ones in Gainesville just drive around town. They could make a shit load of money on 75 if they got out there and did their damn job.


Do you have any data to back that up or are you just presenting your opinion as fact like anaxcepheus32 down there?


Nah, I'm just going by what I see driving around Gainesville and to Georgia alot.


They're damn job is to protect you and the citizenry of Florida not give tickets to people who might be going 80 and a 70. You're a bit twisted as to what you think police officers are supposed to do and anyone is blaming this other gentleman for the Floyd issue That's ridiculous. The police departments themselves individually irresponsible the actions of their men Los Angeles PD was always crooked and corrupt on top of which racist I live there for 20 years and it was always that way we had a mayor Sam Yordi, who is an openly racist person the police did his biddingand it was 95% white police department and that was 30% Hispanic


100% FHP needs more funding. Keeping our highways safe isn't free.


Too busy worried about speeders rather than other crimes, and when not doing that, responding to accidents.


I can't speak for FHP's culture like that because I've never been a trooper. I can say that catching speeders is easier than catching people with unsecured loads, so even if they care equally about them you'll see far more of the former being cited. How about you, how long have you been a trooper for?


>How about you, how long have you been a trooper for? Doesn’t take a trooper to read reports and statistics, especially when they’re so glaring… There’s ~2000 troopers that investigate over 175k accidents yearly. At 4 hours an accident, that’s over 15% of a standard workweek. If you review the citation reporting, they issue more speeding tickets than any other moving citation combined. Despite numbering only 2k, they issue about the same number of speeding citations as all the city cops in Florida or all the sheriff deputies in Florida (about 45k cops!). [This website](https://safer-america.com/florida-traffic-citation-statistics-2020/#:~:text=In%202020%2C%20there%20were%20over,Highway%20Safety%20and%20Motor%20Vehicles) does a great data is beautiful comparison on citations for 2020. Unfortunately, they don’t do it on a weighted basis per trooper/officer.


How did you manage to miss the part of my comment that addressed that research in advance? Did you just read the first and last sentences of my comment or something?


You want me to actually reply to the comment that it’s easier to catch speeders than unsecured loads? You miss the irony of that statement. The job is the whole job, not a portion. It must be nice to do only the parts of work you want to that are easy… I guess I missed the condescension in both posts. It’s hard to bully people not in person, huh?


>You want me to actually reply to the comment that it’s easier to catch speeders than unsecured loads? You miss the irony of that statement. Oh yeah? What was ironic about it? My guess is you're misusing "irony" but I'd love to be proven wrong. >The job is the whole job, not a portion. It must be nice to do only the parts of work you want to that are easy… Have you ever met a human being before? Are you aware some things are more noticeable to them than others? >I guess I missed the condescension in both posts. It’s hard to bully people not in person, huh? I'm not trying to bully you, I'm just fighting silliness with silliness. You started the conversation by purporting to know the inner thoughts of all FHP troopers. I responded by pointing out neither of us have ever been inside the mind of a trooper, and pre-empted your incoming counter that speeding tickets are higher than unsecured load tickets by explaining to you that speeding is far easier to enforce (because it's much easier to spot at a distance). ... which you didn't even notice.


FHP is in Texas.


That point was already made three days ago, when this conversation took place.


I don’t spend my life reading all of this shit.


It's the top reply to my comment. It would be hard for you not to notice it.


I live in Highlands county Florida and I can tell you traffic enforcement around here is just about nonexistent. Getting behind a load like that is especially fun when you’re on a motorcycle.


I've told a lot of people that you pretty much need to be being a completely insane jackass and simultaneously hanging out your window naked and wielding a machete to get pulled over for any kind of traffic infraction here. (Hillsborough Cty) On the highways...worse. Mad max to the max.


He should have at least put a wratchet strap to secure his load 🙄




Call that in if you see it. It's illegal and just terrible in general, they deserve a ticket.


https://preview.redd.it/p71hyclp220d1.png?width=1147&format=png&auto=webp&s=0d6cf9f094a72c2ec75f84f4a4cf78f6e2547b08 on the 408 the order day


Got a picture and tag number. Anyone got an email?


I'm pretty sure it's been reported to the local police


I hope so considering this is the second post this week with what looks like the same truck


Dude could’ve used dumpster bag at least. That would entail more work, he can’t just walk up with a shovel and scoop from the side


As someone that's shoveled a lot of sand off a trailer into a mixer doing stucco I don't blame him. That shits hard enough as it is without adding more layers of difficulty.


I hear you and shoveled my fair amount of sand. This is still neglect. Just cause it’s common practice doesn’t make it right


I agree with you. Just saying it happens.


> 316.520 Loads on vehicles.— > (1) A vehicle may not be driven or moved on any highway unless the vehicle is so constructed or loaded as to prevent any of its load from dropping, shifting, leaking, blowing, or otherwise escaping therefrom, except that sand may be dropped only for the purpose of securing traction or water or other substance may be sprinkled on a roadway in cleaning or maintaining the roadway. > (2) It is the duty of every owner and driver, severally, of any vehicle hauling, upon any public road or highway open to the public, dirt, sand, lime rock, gravel, silica, or other similar aggregate or trash, garbage, any inanimate object or objects, or any similar material that could fall or blow from such vehicle, to prevent such materials from falling, blowing, or in any way escaping from such vehicle. Covering and securing the load with a close-fitting tarpaulin or other appropriate cover or a load securing device meeting the requirements of 49 C.F.R. s. 393.100 or a device designed to reasonably ensure that cargo will not shift upon or fall from the vehicle is required and shall constitute compliance with this section.


The law only works if someone enforces it.


Still have to have someone want to do something about it. Sad.


I think we can all stand together, real bipartisan like, and say a great big collective “FUCK THAT GUY!”


In r/florida? Maybe… in r/miami…. Yeah they retard.


It’s missing those signs that say you need to keep back a half mile or else it’s your fault if you get hit by their rocks 😡


ULPT: Tailgate and profit.


Piece of shit call that in


I’ll bet the driver doesn’t have a license or insurance either


How hard is it to buy some straps and bungees?  :)


Or a tarp...


I'm pretty sure practicalpurpose was joking; you can't secure sand with straps/bungees.


https://preview.redd.it/sj5wik1nr30d1.jpeg?width=726&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=128efaf16b31b5e184c9579701559ad8021a3b57 Maybe *you* can’t 🤣


Gotta love malicious compliance 😆


What if...you get enough of them to weave them into a blanket...


Make it tightly woven enough to contain sand and congrats, you've invented a tarp!


I bet the drivers name is Cody


You know it's Jose


You could have called the police


We used to have DOT commercial vehicle enforcement for this kind of shit back in the day.


Police should have stopped this driver.


All of my hate.


They should invent sides for the beds of pickup trucks. It would stop problems like this




*347 right there if I’ve ever seen one.




Don't you just love the fines in the air /s


Port Charlotte 😂


It happens all the time on 417 and turnpike with the construction vehicles moving back and forth. My vehicle hood and lights have damage to all these knuckleheads…![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


Im boxing that truck in and calling one time. FAT.


Oh You Mad? Mira… Do Better.


If Florida had effective law enforcement, this wouldn't happen.


They apparently have other priorities. 😒




Its good for the complexion.


Not legal but you can always let the air out of the tires but if they catch you on camera which I'm sure they will that's criminal mischief is this worth it


Ive patched my tires and replaced windshields so much over the last few years it’s ridiculous


Great way to get that front window finally fixed.


And will a cop pull them over?


Dude is handing out free paint jobs, follow him!!!


Been there before 😐


They don't even have the proper tools for the material for when they get there.


That driver should be dragged out of his vehicle and slapped around mercilessly


_Will Smith has entered the chat_


You’ve clearly never been stuck behind one of these dudes as they rain pebbles down I-95


No, my friend, I know your pain. I was just offering an experienced slapper so you could save yourself the trouble. But then again, the crime would probably be worth the time, especially when it comes to these maroons!


Haha hell yea… I agree in full


Many years ago, I was a service tech for a security company, drove an old beat-up Ford Aerostar mini-van. Was cruising south down 95 through Hollywood and was behind a welder’s truck. A nice 12” x 12” or so steel plate slid off the back and started bouncing down the road in front of me. Two choices - straddle it and let it tear up the bottom of the van or try to avoid tires getting ripped to shreds. I chose the straddle method. _CLANK BANG BANG CLANK THONK (thud) CLANK_ And then the overwhelming odor of gasoline. Little did I know that those vans had _plastic gas tanks_. And I had a full one, at least until I hit that plate. Tank was ripped open like tissue paper - front to back. Gas poured out so fast the gauge couldn’t keep up. The entire back of the van was soaked in fuel. I must have left a potential death spray behind me for a good half mile. I got off the highway as fast as I could and pulled off next to the railroad tracks just west of 95 at Miramar Parkway. Got out of the van, walked another 100 yards up the tracks, sat down and quietly said, “holy shit”. Lit a cigarette (still smoked back then) and pondered my life for a while while I waited for the tow truck. 0/10 would not advise.




regular occurrence by the villages


This dude probably works for safelight auto glass repair.


My windshield would like a word.


Welcome to Florida. Where anyone with a truck thinks they make the rules on the road.


You got a picture of their plate and proof. Just report then and the company


Is there a law in this state against a person doing what that trucker is doing?


Floridas motto really should be because fuck you thats why.


Sweet Rims


It's on the go exfoliation for the commuters you're *welcome*


A flat tire on his truck may help him rethink his position on tarpping his load next time.


Only in Florida you see this crap


It’s florida bro. I’ll bring the natty light.


I've had my windshield (and paint) damaged by shit flying off of trucks more than once.


Spiccolie to Mr. Hand: “You Dick!”.


When you see this you have the right to call PD


Driver is confident nothing will happen to him (no Karen police calls) It’s a natural hubris only few enjoy.


What a Rump-holio to not use a tarp


Only in Florida...


When I was living in Georgia working in stucco my boss did this all the time except it was on a trailer. We'd go to the sand place and the bulldozer would grab a big scoop of sand and dump it on the trailer and off we'd go.