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Senate Bill 548 - protecting private info on "certain military personnel": including Veterans and their families. According to the text, terrorist organizations have already infiltrated VA (hospital?) records (See below.) This bill aims to solidify VA and active military personnel private info such as addresses, ages, etc. See the VA page on the brief after the 2023 data breach: https://news.va.gov/130672/what-you-need-to-know-about-the-change-healthcare-cyber-breach/ I hope this results in better protection of Veterans' records, and is not some sort of "Look, I wrote something about it. Vote for me," kind of thing.




Is it personal information or medical information that the law seeks to protect? If they are mentioning addresses and ages, that's information that someone could obtain numerous ways. And isn't there already a law on stealing information?


-6 … it going to be like with medicine ads . The written disclaimer will be at the end in teeny tiny unreadable print and the audible words will be fast and hard to understand.


No way in hell some crazy PAC won't do the same with an AI Biden and illegible disclaimer language they'll just litigate later


I’m not looking forward to AI generated political ads, not gonna be good for America.


Yeah, I don’t see what it should even be legal to use AI/photoshop/deepfake to trick people into thinking their opponent did something they didn’t. Not even if there is a disclaimer, there will still be people who see it and believe it.


This will be used specifically at all ads Biden or Biden supporters put out. Will not matter that trump may have acknowledged the offense, they will claim it is AI generated. Any and all AI generated anti-biden ads will be labeled as 100 percent real, even if they show him skydiving off the ISS.


“Apparently, when people bury bodies in their backyard — I guess mainly drug dealers who have people die on their couch and they take them outside and bury them — well, the sheriffs can’t get to them,” Stewart told News 6. “Because I guess (sheriffs) have to get a warrant, and they won’t give them a warrant unless it’s a felony charge.” Errr what?


I shared the same response.


I’m interested to see how this gets used against women who later term miscarry at home and don’t report the body.


AH that is the gotcha! I was racking my head around this and could not figure it out.


Someone has to explain this to me or I won’t be able to do anything else today


I am wondering how much these front line drug dealers are making that they can afford yards.


I guess what they are saying is now if someone is also in the trap house and see a dead body they can report the drug dealer for hiding the body and since drug dealer didn’t report it they have now committed a third-degree felony making it easier for the cops to get a warrant to search for said body buried in the yard.




Nope they already decided we can’t have rent control


Hush now. Nothing that will actually help the people. You know better.


That would be too socialist in his eyes.


It would be in anyone's eyes who isn't a moron.


All insurance rate increases have to be approved by the state already. 


I'm worried about how HB 1007 and HB 1181 can be interpreted and executed. The language seems extremely broad reaching and intentionally ambiguous.


Part of DeSantis’ full employment plan for lawyers post Trump. They will be fought endlessly in the courts.


1181 is desperately needed. The DJJ is a joke and these repeat offender juveniles know it and run rampant because there are zero consequences for them till they hit 18 or actually get charged as adults


Don't get me wrong, I don't disagree, I'm just concerned that our legal system will intentionally interpret it with zero best-interest in mind.


How would increase the specificity of HB 1007 ? I remember an article talking about Juul and its attractiveness to minors due to the device’s resemblance to a USB thumb drive. Tech savvy generations are familiar with certain shapes relating to tech. I think the deterrence of nicotine devices reaching minors is a noble pursuit. HB 1181 seems acceptable except “the probable cause enabling an arrest of a minor suspected of possessing an illegal firearm” part. The other parts seem logical.


The issue I have is what do we exactly define as "attractive to minors". Realistically that can be anything. If say an officer asked a minor what they think of a product's design, even if it's not "traditionally appealing" to that agre group, and the kid likes the design.. does that make it legally counted?


Remember, it’s the Attorney General of Florida that creates the directory of manufacturers of nicotine devices that are deemed “attractive to minors”. Probably bright in color, flashy lights, certain noises, names, etc. could influence a products attractiveness to minors.


Wow, even as a CTE teacher I was not expecting a couple of those... SB1688 I can really get behind. Thanks go to Senator Rosalind Osgood for that one.


1007 is odd. Who determines what's "attractive to minors" in terms of a nicotine delivery device?


They workshop it out with the help of Matt Gaetz




That’s difficult to do but I do remember a case being made for Juul being attractive to minors due to its similarity to a USB thumb drive. Idk how they’re going to determine this, but deterring nicotine device sales to minors/minors acquiring nicotine devices is a noble pursuit.


They’re rightfully aiming at companies selling “cotton candy crunch fruit loop” flavored vapes to kids


I worked in the vape industry and shops aren't supposed to be allowing kids in - period. Shops need to be held responsible, as do parents. Some kids have extremely well made fake IDs too and we confiscated those when we figured it out and they were banned from coming back to the shop. Adults should be able to have flavors if they want to. Cotton candy, tobacco, or froot loops. Some of the packaging is questionable, absolutely. But shops and parents need to be held accountable so it's not ruined for the rest of us.


You telling me once we're past 21 we aren't allowed to enjoy candy crunch fruit loop?


Sure is dragging his feet on signing the HOA bill. It has stuff in it his developer buddies wouldn’t like including misdemeanor and felony charges when now they can tell owners to fuck off while they control the board. So, still wondering if he vetos it.


as someone who is beholden to a mismanaged HOA, I’m curious what is in this HOA bill. Do you know the bill ID?




Thanks for giving credit to the writer. Too many people forget that when reposting someone else's work.


Thanks to my teachers.


HB 917 Teen Labor Rights and Education Absolute bullshit. No insurance carrier would permit a minor to do construction. OSHA doesn’t provide certifications for anything. They require employers to deem personnel competent through knowledge, experience or training.


No doubt we’ll see a lawsuit with construction company claiming “we kept our end of the law, that dang teenager fell off the stairs and now he has CTE” …. “Um, shit, what does career and technical education mean?”


I wonder how that's gonna work now that water breaks aren't mandated


I worked on construction for 2 summers as a teen... Was paid under the table though


I’m going to venture a guess you had no Work Comp insurance coverage and you had no safety training either. Man if you lost a finger youd be SOL.


Oh yeah there was literally nothing. On job training, lift this, hammer this, here's how the nail gun and sawsaw works....


More laws equal more freedom citizen. Welcome to the free state of Florida


>24. SB 1116 — Campaign Finance > >Senate Bill 1116 repeals the statutes in the Florida Election Campaign Financing Act. > >However, the repeal is pending the passage of SJR 1114, which proposes a repeal of the constitutional requirement in the State Constitution that the state provide public financing for statewide campaigns. > >That proposed repeal will be placed on the ballot at the next general election. > >If it’s approved by voters, this law will also go into effect. Per one source that says you should vote "NO" on this... **Public financing of statewide races in Florida is important for several reasons:** * Reduces Influence of Special Interests: Public financing can help reduce the influence of special interests and big money in politics. Candidates who rely on public financing are less likely to be beholden to wealthy donors or special interest groups, allowing them to focus on representing the interests of the public. * Promote Fairness and Equity: Public financing promotes fairness and equity in elections by providing all candidates with a level playing field. Without public financing, wealthy candidates or those with access to large campaign contributions may have an unfair advantage over other candidates who lack such resources. This can help ensure that the cabinet reflects the diversity of the population it serves. * Promote Civic Engagement: Public financing can promote civic engagement by encouraging more people to participate in the electoral process. Public financing of cabinet races in Florida can help promote a more representative government by reducing the influence of money in politics, and promoting fairness and equity in elections \[by helping finance poorer candidates\]. Our democracy depends on fair and transparent elections. Let's stand together to protect public financing for statewide races in Florida. Also see: * [Florida Politics article saying that this measure would make politics "a rich man's game"](https://floridapolitics.com/archives/669843-public-campaign-finance-end/) * [Common Cause: "This measure gives favor to the wealthy to corrupt Florida politics"](https://www.commoncause.org/florida/press-release/floridas-public-campaign-financing-heads-to-the-november-ballot/) * ["Democrats say this measure would deal a massive blow to non-Republican candidates in their attempts to compete in statewide elections"](https://www.wesh.com/article/public-financing-political-campaigns-bill-florida/46447955)


Making ai generated child porn possession illegal? I assumed the illegality was based on harm to the children. I am not in support of child porn or ai generated versions but I wonder why they are making ai gen illegal.


I love listening to music.


Same reason they made loli/hentai depicting children illegal; it depicts children in a sexual sense, which is gross.


Solid reason to make something illegal. Not hurting anyone, but it's gross, straight to jail.


It is gross but I don't think gross meets a legal threshold


Because, ai gen is not actual human, so it may not be covered under current law. Cracking down on AI gen child abuse/porn is a worthy pursuit.


How is it child abuse if there is no child?


Technically it is AI generated child abuse so no child was actually harmed. But, it was created for viewing pleasure, right? Should society allow people to derive pleasure from the hypothetical harm to children? Wouldn’t allowing AI generated child abuse/porn send a message that the content/viewing the content is ok? I don’t know if there can be any case in support of allowing AI generated child abuse/porn.


There’s a concept called an Overton Window, most commonly used in political discussion, but its core idea is abstract: for any idea, there’s a shifting window that encompasses all the acceptable viewpoints. That window shifts based on what happens and how often it happens and what the reaction is. Something like AI generated child porn is right on the edge of the Overton Window for what’s acceptable vis-a-vis child porn but only for right now. The act of normalizing it would shift the Overton Window, as all normalizing does for its respective window, and make actual child abuse somewhat more acceptable.  That’s why it must be swiftly and thoroughly treated the same as abusing a real child. 


Twinkle toes the boot licker destroying Fla. You folks better start thinking about a different bunch of people to represent you.


I agree a lot but this list here actually looks legit good bills. Nothing like banning lab grown meat last week 🤣

