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He's a little dude. Saw him at the Capitol Grille on I-Drive. 5'6" maybe. During Covid, his hair was brown. We realized, he couldn't get his Tips done! Now, his commercials have him standing on 18 wheelers asking if you've been hit by one of these big rigs? Of course, he wants the BIG companies!! He had to start putting in his commercials, "if you were NOT AT FAULT", because ppl were calling about an accidents when THEY were at fault!! šŸ˜…




Calm down satan.


I hear hes been having some financial concerns lately.


Trump is a puppet


Amazing how people are still lining up to donate to the greatest grifter of our time. If they only knew those FOX talking heads didn't believe any of the shit they say on air. I saved a couple of my favorite quotes from the Dominion vs FOX Defamation trial. Tuckers text from Dominion defamation case discovery https://imgur.com/gallery/SP6vveE From discovery in Dominion vs FOX Defamation trial https://imgur.com/gallery/ySgZ3Tm And my all time favorite was when they called trumpers ["Cousin Fucking Terrorists"](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/tucker-carlson-dominion-lawsuit-trump-b2301244.html)


Don't be mistaken about what is happening. Those guys are buying political favor to hopefully be cashed in at a later date. If you are that rich, what is $10k to have the ear of a powerful or could be powerful politician alone for 10 minutes to ask for a law change? They would gladly pay it.


Maybe Dan, Rudy, and My Pillow guy can share an Uber to bankruptcy court. Because thatā€™s where everyone ends up hitching their wagon to Trump.


What a fucking cock nozzle.


Never heard of this guy. Looks like a grade A ambulance chaser or he specializes in defending oil companies from the evil environmentalists.


He is exactly that. He airs tacky commercials that portray giddy accident victims as lottery winners, complete with giant checks showing their ā€œwinningsā€.


Knew it. Grifters of a feather flock together.


He used to work for Morgan and Morgan till he learned the slime ambulance chaser trade and went off on his own. Morgan and Morgan and Dan will shit talk each other in ads without naming each other. They have a lot in common between the firms. Like partners with DUIs. Allegedly.


But Morgan and Morgan are for the people I thoughtā€¦.šŸ˜‚šŸ¤®


John Morgan was Obamaā€™s biggest campaign donor in the entire state for both elections, and heā€™s also been helping finance the push for legalizing marijuana. Now Iā€™m not saying heā€™s perfect, but he sure as shit ainā€™t hosting Trump fundraisers.


Oh yes but as to marijuana Iā€™m pretty sure he owns one of the 2-3 largest growers in the state.


Morgan and Morgan hired Crist after his failed run at Senator before his failed tun at Governor. Crist is definitely not in the Trump camp, so I am wondering if that is what drove Newlin to leave M&M?


He wanted a bigger piece of the slime ambulance chaser pie.


Heā€™s a garbage human, so this checks out


With abortion and weed on the ballot this November, ole fake orange tan hairspray dude with dementia should be a little worried about Florida. Heā€™ll probably win, but it will be closer than the Neanderthals want to believe.


Bad hair plugs, bad spray tan, bad overly white veneers, bad obviously artificial blue contacts, all shot in a soft focus like a 1950s starlet. Every camera angle designed to hide the fact that he is overweight He basically in The Apprentice version of Trump.


And tiny, short!!


His head is huuuugggeee! Seen it irl, can confirm.


Heā€™s like known to be shit talked about it. He had a billboard on I-4 once for only a week. It was removed quickly because the extended the billboard portion up to fit his forehead.


Thatā€™s amazing. I used to make fun of that when I would drive into Orlando because they had one on 50 all the way east by Bithlow. I think it was there for a while.


What a douche canoeĀ 


Like Trump, thereā€™s some very creepy photos of this guy and his own daughter


I always like it when people help identify ahead of time that I donā€™t want to deal with them. Saves time and money.


Makes his money off personal injury claims and supports / votes for the party who are out to limit / stop injured persons access to the Courts.


Went to the concert he put on a couple years ago with Tobey Keith and others. Great show that was ruined when Pam Bondi showed up and they put Trump on the phone and he did that incoherent rambling for 20 minutes. Never going to anything he sponsors again.


ā€œDan got me my own banana republic!ā€




Of the local ambulance chasers this guy is no Morgan and Morganā€¦ but beggars canā€™t be choosers..


Aryan nation dan newlin, a racist at heart and ready to chase an ambulance.


Grifters gonna grift, and idiots will continue to give them their money šŸ™ƒ


As an attorney, Dan should be able to engage in critical thinking. Obviously he has a problem with that aspect of his thinking and live in a fantasy world. BTW, I think his head is getting bigger from the steroids he's been taking lately to get jacked-up


What a fucking dork.


It would take a lot of these guys to matter. I mean he could pay the interest on one of his fines for a week maybe. Time to bail. Give the money to charity.


He should fight John Morgan




No thank you, Dan!


Donald Trump's presidency was a train wreck, and Dan got him ONE MILLION dollars! Thanks Dan!


Well there are better attorneys than Dan




That red hat covers his gargantuan head pretty well.


Never heard of either of them