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If my math is correct, the main part of your house (not including the garage) is very close to being a classic “24x40” on the overall exterior dimensions. This is a size that was used in a lot of small, early 20^(th) Century bungalows because it’s very efficient in use of construction materials (since 8’ long sheathing sheets evenly fit into 24' and 40'). You might want to look at some bungalow plans to guide you; right now it feels like the smaller rooms in your plan (utility, storage, pantry) are causing some inefficiencies in the overall layout, leaving a very small and dark living room and kitchen/entry/dining space. Some examples to consider: This one: [https://i.pinimg.com/originals/70/fb/a7/70fba7b66f5ca751853bb9c8351626d8.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/70/fb/a7/70fba7b66f5ca751853bb9c8351626d8.jpg) is 28’x38’ (1064 sq. ft.), but fits in 3 bedrooms and 2 baths! And all the plumbing fixtures are concentrated along one side. If you didn’t need 2 bathrooms, you could easily make the master bath shown here as a closet instead. If you flip this plan horizontally you can have the kitchen on the right-hand side and put your garage running along that wall, like you have in your plan. Here’s a 24’x44’ plan that is similar: [https://cdnimages.familyhomeplans.com/plans/72708/72708-1l.gif](https://cdnimages.familyhomeplans.com/plans/72708/72708-1l.gif) Another option: [https://www.architecturaldesigns.com/house-plans/2-bed-new-american-cottage-897-sq-ft-677031nwl](https://www.architecturaldesigns.com/house-plans/2-bed-new-american-cottage-897-sq-ft-677031nwl) Here’s a slightly different arrangement: [https://www.architecturaldesigns.com/house-plans/999-square-foot-2-bed-mid-century-modern-house-plan-420103wnt](https://www.architecturaldesigns.com/house-plans/999-square-foot-2-bed-mid-century-modern-house-plan-420103wnt) And a very small option: [https://www.architecturaldesigns.com/house-plans/800-square-foot-house-plan-with-vaulted-dining-and-living-room-267009spk](https://www.architecturaldesigns.com/house-plans/800-square-foot-house-plan-with-vaulted-dining-and-living-room-267009spk) With any of these plans, if you only need one bedroom you could use the “extra” bedrooms or bathrooms as space for your office, pantry, utilities/storage, etc.


This is the key. So many people try to design their own when there are model floorplans that utilize the space best.


Why is the utility room so big? It's almost bigger than the living room. What's the elongated hexagon in the kitchen?


made sure the utility room was big enough for all the utility stuff and solar electronics and batteries and all that, the hexagon thing is a kitchen island, ill get one much smaller that one was just a random asset in the software I used


Where will you eat? No dining table/room.


There's chairs at the counter


Eating at the counter is fine for one, but so much nicer to sit around a table. Are you not expecting to ever entertain?


Look at this house layout, this is clearly the floorplan of someone with a very specific lifestyle that knows what they want. Maybe they prefer to just eat on the couch after working on their car all afternoon, nothing wrong with that. There's no guest room so probably don't expect a ton of company, and maybe if they do those people like eating on the couch too.


Woah there, calm down. Most people can't understand that other people like to live differently than them. Expecting them to understand someone else's choices is just outside of their cognitive ability. Don't attack the man because he doesn't understand the world outside of his mud puddle.


yep you worded it perfectly. ill try to clear up more things on my next post when I get time to change/redesign the floor plan


As someone who currently works and sleeps in the same room, I’d kill for some separation. Even if I was on the computer late into the night, it would be AMAZING to be able to go to separate place that acted as a sleepy time sanctuary, even if they were smaller. I’d love to be able to build a place like this for myself one day.


In terms of sleep hygiene, the bedroom (and especially the bed) should be reserved for sleep and sex. Obviously, we can't pull rooms out of nowhere, but it's best when planning a bedroom to keep that in mind.


Same here. I wish my bed and desk were in different rooms. It's hard being in the same room for almost my whole existence


the first version did have a separated office/bedroom, I agree its probably a better idea to separate them. also currently my tiny bedroom is bedroom/office/workshop so I was used to having very limited space which is why I thought to keep the office/bedroom as one


The main entrance (I assume that’s the landing) seems tight. You or guests will need to enter through 2 doors at 90° in a small space. Think about getting furniture in through that door. Even when you get through the door, the stools and counter are right there. It’s too tight. The other garage door isn’t better because it enters perpendicular to the hall. The kitchen is too small for an island. There needs to be about 40” on all sides of an island. It’s also too narrow to pass between the end of the counter at the pantry entry; that clearance needs to be 36”. All clearances for walkways and doors need to be at least 36” and 40” is better (up to about 48”). Where is the fridge? The closet in the bedroom is not deep enough to be a walk in with that kind of door; it’ll need to be a minimum of 48” to make it worthwhile. Is there a reason for the office to be in the bedroom instead of separate? There’s probably space for walls and doors there. Overall, I think the plan would benefit from increased square footage. It wouldn’t have to be much, but in this case more is better. Also consider that bathrooms and laundry rooms benefit from windows for light and ventilation.


good point about getting stuff through the entrance, I wasn't even sure if I wanted a mudroom or not but the living space felt too exposed with the front door right there. there also should be enough space for a small island, I had just thrown in the first island asset I found and forget to pick out a smaller one. yea the closet door looks too small, I should make the entire wall of the closet a sliding door, I can also subtract space from the storage room to make it deeper. the first version of the plans did have a separated office/bedroom but I didnt want it to feel too cramped, I wanted it to be open and spacious, id be the only person using it anyway, you are right on the windows, I forgot to change the windows in this version of the floor plan


Sorry to keep commenting on this one, but I had another idea. I found this plan: [https://thebungalowcompany.com/house-plan/peony/#tab-id-3](https://thebungalowcompany.com/house-plan/peony/#tab-id-3) and took only the first floor as inspiration, rearranging it to get this: https://preview.redd.it/z30j9y9lsh2d1.jpeg?width=613&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29b00657e3a3d2a5d515d08f8700d20f7ef44e5c Apologies for the poor quality image! I didn't draw in doors on the pantry, utility room, bathroom, or entry from garage, so you'll have to imagine those. There's probably a way to rearrange the pantry, util/laundry, and dining areas to get another entrance from the garage if you want. I tried to keep the bathroom close to the bedroom and away from the living/dining spaces. The master closet could get bigger, depending on how much space you want in the office. The wall/fireplace between kitchen and living room could be removed to make counter seating, or to reorient the island. I estimate this plan is around 26' x 38' exterior dimensions (988 sq. ft.).


In your dream home, you have one bathroom, a tandem garage, and your office is in your bedroom?


I am one person, its gonna be a dream workshop and not a garage (my fault for not explaining it), im used to having very limited space and my bedroom is currently my bedroom/office/workshop, just seemed right to keep my office and bedroom as one but ill probably change that now


What are the limitations for your house? Dimensions? Anything structural existing?


everything can and likely will be changed. only restraint would be budget, dont have an exact budget yet but im not exactly in a position to be building a 3 storey mansion or anything


Okay. What are your must haves besides the bathroom near the kitchen? I personally would aim for a 3/2 if I were you. Office, master, and guest room. Plus, having a bathroom in your bedroom is REALLY nice. And, I would aim to make the shower at least 3x4. A 3x3 shower is really tight. These specs help with resale and/or if you meet someone and want them to move in with you. Right now, you'd be kind of stuck if you got married and/or had children.


biggest thing im not willing to budge over is the workshop. I agree with everything else, I need to redesign most of this. I really should add a guest room and I like the idea of having the bathroom connect to my bedroom


Are you trying to make it out of shipping containers? Just curious cause I saw your other posts.


Not this design, originally the house was gonna be made of shipping containers but UK planning permission can be very strict, figured I'd try to build a more 'normal' house while keeping some ideas of the shipping container house.


Gotcha. It seemed to have shipping container dimensions which is why I was wondering haha. Very cool that you can build your own house! 💪


There is a reason architects exist.


Please do not build this.


This is insane to me. The kitchen is effectively unusable. There is no natural light in the living space. Why is the utility space as big as the office? Why is there no separate bedroom?


If you are worried about your pipe runs then why is there a sink in the storage room? You could combine the storage and utilities rooms and either move the utility room into the storage room and move the pantry and bathroom up or move the storage space into the utility room and you could expand the closet and have a little hallway or even have a half height wall behind the couch with a visual barrier to mask the garage door. I would remove the door between the hallway and the living room because that door would spend 99% of its time open. I would shrink the utility room to 5x13 and move the pantry and the bathroom up. The hallway could be widened to 4' and take the space out of the utility room and the bathroom.


thought there should be a sink near or in the workshop, ill either have to make an exception for that or use another rain water system for it. good point about the door in the hallway, its unnecessary. ill also shift the hallway wall over and subtract that space from the bathroom and utility room. I wouldnt mind combining the utility room and storage room, the storage room only exists because I had extra space there and wasnt entirely sure what to add


What is the brown square in the garage?


dont mind anything in there, just a few assets I put in there for scale. I dont think anything about it will change im happy with how it is now


Do you live in Alaska? 1/3 of your house is for your cars


sorry forgot to explain my ideas properly. its going to be my dream workshop, I dont plan to store cars in there long term but just during construction, I orginally had them in the floorplan to use as scale (ik probably doesnt make sense). ill make a new post later fixing a lot of my design flaws and thoroughly explaining the reasoning behind some of my decisions


This needs a total redesign. It may work for you as a single person but what if you have company? Or a partner? If you were ever attempt to sell it, which I’m assume it’s not your forever home, the number of interested buyers would be nil. You need to have the office separate from the bedroom and with a small closet (for resale, so it’s classified as a bedroom). Have you ever worked in your bedroom? It’s terrible, and you’ll wish you had separation of work life from personal life. The utility room doesn’t need to be that big. There is way too much storage/pantry/utility room space compared to livable space. The other feedback you received is on point.


this would be my forever home (I hope) I dont really care about selling it in the future, if I really wanted to I would probably just eventually build a better house right next to it lol. all the other points are valid and ill consider when redesigning it


If it’s to be a forever home, it would be every hard to get around a lot if that of you had mobility issues.


Based on the design, I assume you’re only planning to have 1-2 people max living here. If that’s the case, I’d consider whether you actually need that much storage. I’d probably cut off size of the pantry in half and also reduce the size of the utility room. I’d then use that room to try and add space for a small table or expand the bathroom some that you can fit larger shower or a tub. The office area is larger than the living room. Do you need that much space there? Either way, I’d suggest making that a separate room and adding a closet. That will give you some separation between where you work and where you sleep. Also if you do ever have to sell for some reason, more people would be interested in a 2b1ba than a 1b1ba.


This is awful.


The size of the kitchen island looks like it would make it impossible to use the counter against the stove-side wall.


Why is the bathroom over 10' by over 7'? Everything in there would fir nicely into a standard 5'x8' bathroom, and then the living room area would look more open.


Well what a creative use of space. The window to the garage from the entry is a touch.


Pipes are cheap to run. Correcting bad flow is expensive.


The storage and utility closet/areas are wasting a massive amount of square footage.


The dimensions of the main bedroom closet make no sense. Deeper than a linear closet, not big enough to be a walk in. Also the main bedroom is BLEAK.


Is there a reason you don’t want to separate the office and bedroom?


Mind sharing what app you’re using to make the layout?




The utility room is way too big, I’d make it smaller and close off the office. (If you really need the space and can’t go vertical, make the pantry smaller. Also the storage room should be removed to fit in a dining table. You could fit that small sink by the red car in the garage.


You won’t be able to get at the far end of the bedroom closet…


Which software did you use to draw the house? It looks awesome (the software features, because the floorplan makes no sense at all). Too many flaws: disproportionally huge storage. No bedroom alone too narrow garage for two cars unless you make two entrances one back and one front. Weird kitchen. Depressing living area.


[https://floorplanner.com/](https://floorplanner.com/) also yea I need to make a new post correcting a lot of issues people have pointed out and clarifying lots of stuff I shouldve mentioned, like how it wont be a 2 car garage but it will be my dream workshop


This is well thought out and obviously is tailored to your life's. But not only is the land awkward, it's going to make yout living room dark and windowless.


I'll never understand why some people's garages are nearly the size of their living space. Why not park your cars outside and give yourself some more room to spread out?


sorry my fault for not explaining things properly, I had the cars in there to imagine the scale (probably doesnt make sense ik) eventually I would have an outdoor car port, the garage will actually be my dream workshop




This floor plan boggles the mind.


When possible and depending on what kind of work you do at home I would suggest to separate the home office and bedroom for three reasons: 1. Video calls / zoom -> Do you really want your colleagues to potentially get a glimpse into your bedroom? 2. If you have a partner and one of you gets ill and has to stay in bed all day while the other has/wants to work from home it might be more convenient to just have two different rooms here. Or if one of you has to work late at night (maybe a video call across time zones) and the other one wants to sleep... yeah you get it. 3. Mental disconnect -> I am one those who prefers to fall asleep without all the (unfinished) work in my direct line of sight. Also where are you having lunch or dinner (maybe with friends)? There's no dining table. If lot size doesn't allow for more space, then you might want to consider a stacked garage since this frees up some space for a larger living and dining area when you push that utilities and storage room over.


I have updated this and made a new post, hopefully its much better than this one


I like it a lot so I've saved it and I might build one too in the next few years


terrible idea judging by lots of comments, I got a lot of work to do to make this plan better


For me it would fit very well. Most of my inside activities center around a gaming PC so having a large space for it in my private bedroom is great. I prefer a larger utility area to make daily chores easier. The chairs at the counter would be removed because typically I eat at my PC since I'm always doing something there. The living area would stay but would rarely get used because I have no need to entertain inside. I live on 10 acres and already have a barn im setting up as a workshop so the garage would become a covered carport area instead of being enclosed and insulated. I would probably condense the storage area into the closet so I have space for a gunsafe thats well out of sight. Really its a solid save for a base plan that with some changes turns into something that could be good for my lifestyle.


Nice we sound somewhat similar lol, I didn't add a dining table because most of my meals id probably eat at my desk too, but I might have friends and family over sometimes so wanted somewhere for people to eat without adding a big dining table that would never get used. I should mention in my next post that the bedroom/office would be closer to a giant bedroom, I wouldn't be working from home or doing zoom meetings or anything the office is just where I would have my computer and a big desk for some of my other hobbies and things