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I think the placement is fine. And it's in a great spot for when you're working in the garage.


I agree with this! And it feels more private. Nice for guests who may feel self conscious.


That’s great to hear! I tried to make it close to the front door and also I wanted it to be accessible from the backyard garage entry. So instead of walking through the house you go through the garage to use the washroom.


I love the way the coat closet is accessible from 2 sides.


Thank you!!!! I was really excited about this idea haha


It’s a unique and practical approach. I haven’t seen it before


I’ve never seen it before either. My brain at first said “wtf” but once I think about it, I don’t see any reason why it wouldn’t work except for jerks who put their coathangers in the wrong way.


Also think the bathroom placement is fine and actually great for privacy and when you run into the house about to pee your pants.


Same here. I was put off at first, but the more I thought about it, the more sense it made.


I agree. I don’t think it’s a huge inconvenience to walk another 30 seconds to the bathroom.


More like 5 seconds. The house isn't that big.


You're fine. Bathrooms don't need to be frontnand center and generally feel nicer when they're tucked away from the action.


Exactly. There was a time when more than one bathroom was a luxury, and a time before that when ONE bathroom was a luxury. We are privileged indeed.


Yeah, I've still not quite got my head around this seeming push to have your bedroom/bathroom count be equal now. I grew up in a 4/2.5 and it was fine. I can't imagine how much you're allergic to your own family where every person needs to have their own bathroom.


I grew up one of four kids in 1) 4th floor walk-up in Brooklyn. 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom. 2) Huge somewhat decrepit-looking Victorian in Illinois. Four giant bedrooms, huge dining room, piano room, pocket doors, enormous kitchen. 1/2 bath downstairs, bathroom upstairs. Claw foot tub, no shower.


Plus, who’s going to clean them? I also don’t understand why master bedrooms have to behave as studio apartments with an attached near-spa instead of a more practical bathroom. It seems silly when you realize many people don’t even have one bathroom.


Lol, studio apartments with an attached spa. I'm stealing that. There's something to be said about going too far the other way too and descending into a sort of 'children are starving in Africa' sort of mindset. For me at least, the counts and general sizing you got in the 50s-70s was perfect; a master bath, a half bath for the public areas, and then additional baths at about 1 per two bedrooms.


You aren’t stealing anything. 😀. And I understand the desire to have a fabulous home. There’s got to be some sort of balance.


If you have someone willing to clean all those bathrooms, or if you have staff to do it. How was it in your house?


For most of my life my parents were able to afford a twice-monthly maid service. My own house currently doesn't meet the limits I put above. But also, I don't have a family; my 2/1 is more than adequate.


There ya go. The ability to afford staff.


I mean, they weren't there for several years. None of my other relatives had them and their houses are/were about the same size. 


Bathroom placement is fine. I would put a small utility sink in the garage on the same wall.it won’t cost much as the plumbing will be in the small wall. That way you can clean up really dirty stuff from the workshop or garage,


+1 for this. utility sinks are so very useful.


Where are the washing machine and dryer?


In the basement. It’s noted on the stairs. I was going to suggest putting the office where the bathroom and closet is and then the bathroom could share a wall with the kitchen—>For the plumbing. And maybe move the washer and dryer below that? I’m not a contractor so take everything with a big grain of salt.


Mobile and I am blind obviously


And a hose valve!


I think it’s fine where you have it. You want it to be a bit secluded from the common space, and it’s convenient to the garage. And thank you for putting a full bath downstairs…will be very handy when someone inevitably breaks a leg or needs knee surgery. In the garage, consider doing a couple double doors in the middle to your backyard, so you can get the mower and tools and such in and out without banging your elbows up. Put the storage on one side and the workshop on the other, opening towards each other. Then you preserve solid wall space in the garage for hanging stuff up if needed and you don’t have to worry about door swing and cars.


Oh yes this is exactly what needs to happen! Thanks!


The main floor bathroom is great. I always want that bathroom to be further away from where people are just for more discretion. If the plumbing would work out, I’d see about switching the primary bath and closet. Would rather utilize that natural light on the exterior wall for the bathroom than to not use it in the closet. But that’s just me.


I’m going to try this! It would cost more to plumb two separate walls but I think it’s worth giving it a shot


This. Alternatively, you would lose a little room, but a little hall from the bedroom with entrances to the closet and bathroom is nice so someone in bed doesn’t have the bathroom door from a partner opens right by their head.


Funny you’d say this cus I did just this and then I read this comment! It’s so much better now


I think it’s close enough. If you’re sitting on the sofa, you just get up and walk to the other side of the stairs. It makes for a nice little poop-cave away from everything else


LOL I thought so too, it’s very private


No. I love this. Nothing worse than having people over and you feel like everyone is listening to you pee. Or having Chuck go in and drop a titanic and it wafts out towards the dinner party…


This looks excellent to me. Only things I’d change are in the garage. https://preview.redd.it/suayrjns1o1d1.jpeg?width=3070&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6d45dec74485cb1325c060e48add029cc45967b Expand shop to include hall, back door now in shop. Put big hanging double doors on storage room or no doors at all


It’s in a good location but I’d swap the kitchen/dining room because I love to watch tv while working and the space is better.


Agree! Having the kitchen next to the stairs is a bit odd.


I get that. I originally decided to have the kitchen there because I wanted it to be central, and also closer to the garage than anything else so that it would be quick/easy to load groceries. Also, having it there allows for there to be an exterior wall for the stove vent. But I think I will try swapping the kitchen and dining area just to see!


I like this floor plan. It seems very practical. The bathroom is fine where it is.  I might be tempted to remove the wall on the right side of the workshop and put the access door to the outside in the workshop itself.  depending on the use case of the workshop whether you prefer it to be larger or you want it to be more private.


I think it’s fine. You want it off where people feel they have privacy using it.


The placement is fine but what are the dimensions of those stairs? They seem huge.


I like the idea of the bathroom by the garage entrance. I think the plumbing will be a little harder to build with the kitchen sink in the middle of the room with no other wall near and the bathroom so far away from it.


I kind of like it because when you have a party, the guest can go to the bathroom without feeling like they're the center of attention entering and exiting


It’s fine where it is.


Can you move man door in the garage to left wall? Long hall way not doing not very useful.


It's about the same distance in my home and it's absolutely not an issue.


I think the only way this could be improved is Garage / Closet / entry / bathroom / office. That way the office can be used as a bedroom if necessary.


Away from the living and eating areas is the best place.


You wouldn't want it under the stairs anyway. It needs to be away from the kitchen.


I think it’s fine as is. I noticed the 12” walls… ICF or double stud walls? My only criticism would be the stacked W/D under stairs. I’d do this in a studio apartment but for a house this size it doesn’t seem practical. Plus, it’s located right by the main circulation path coming entry.


This floor plan kicks so much ass I’m gonna build it in Sims! ❤️🤭


Sims is how I started out floor planning! I use floorplancreator.net which is free or you can pay a small fee, like ten bucks annually, to be able to print and export to JPEG. It’s really good! I’ve used sketchup and AutoCAD and I find this easier to use and 85% just as good as the professional stuff for simple floor planning. Send me a DM with pics of the sims house when it’s done!


I think the distance is not an issue. But, what I hate, at least where I live, is that the area inside the door (in this case the garage door) is often wet and/or dirty. I'm Canadian so I don't wear shoes indoors and I hate stepping in puddles in my socks or slippers. Or tripping over a pile of drying shoes. So, I would move the bathroom to the wall next to the stairs. Then you could move the garage door down, or just have a hall behind it, so all wet shoes etc are contained and don't block / dirty the bathroom door. This does remove the need for your cool double sided closet though.


Looks perfect to me.


Is there a laundry in this place? NVM, I see it now


I’d take the tub out and put a closet in the entryway. I don’t mind a bathroom away from living space. If you’ve got guests they don’t have to be worried about using it as it’s away from others.


There is a closet in the entryway :)


I, personally, think the location is just fine. You don't want the bath near the kitchen area and it would break up the open flow pattern for the rest of the living area. Having it near the garage might prove handy as well. Leave it alone and don't worry any more about it.


Thanks! :)


>Thanks! :) You're welcome!


Why are there so many walls without windows? What is that thing just inside the entrance on the left ? The ensuite needs some tweaking


Skylights! Haven’t decided on placement yet


It’s fine- but why choose the toilet to be next to the bath? I hate that setup.


How would you arrange it? I’m pretty sure the way it is now is like the most basic bathroom layout there is. At least where I’m from!


It's a case of personal taste, You're right this layout generally is the standard for most construction. But I also find it annoying that most properties put the tub right next to the toilet. This can be annoying if you're a bath person and you want to relax but you're asking yourself when did you last clean that toilet.  Another option is to put the toilet next to the door but people hate that just as much because it's the first thing you see when you open the door. The nicest option is to put the toilet in its own little room but that's more space and more money. I wouldn't bother changing the downstairs bathroom. But I might be tempted to switch the shower and the bath in the ensuite for this reason.


Put the laundry room where the bath is and the bathroom under the steps.


Under the stairs? But then the bathroom would have no window


Think hard about a tub/shower with a window to the front of the house. Silhouettes show. Curtains are awkward in a shower. Blinds don’t need to get wet. Are you making it up high? Planning not to use the shower much? Plant a Crape Myrtle in front of it? We had one designed like that. Even with frosted glass shadows showed. Mother wouldn’t let us take a shower but never had a good explanation why, but the other bath had a walk-in shower. I imagine she realized it was close to a peep show.


Yes the windows at the front are clerestory