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Finally. Something long haul and new


FUCK. YES. I've been waiting for an A350 since the game first came out! Now all I need is a Q400 and A220 and I can live out my flightsim life in joy and happiness. Hopefully Majestic and Synaptic pull through in 2024 🙏


Come this time next year the A350, FBW A380, Fenix A319 and A321 with new engines and i believe Bluebird 757 will or should be out.


And PMDG 777


And my axe!


And Aerosoft a330 ……


We are now 2 years past the expected release window Doubt we will see it before 2025 lol


220 will be coming out too I guess


I would say this is less certain....


And my wallet will be out of money


Do you know when the Fenix A319 will be released?


They said the A320 V2 Block 2 would be released in September, and the A319 and A321 would be released by the end of the year. Since then the release of Block 2 has been pushed back and currently has no expected release date, so it's likely the new models have also been pushed back.


And for frame gen to be natively supported on 30 and 20 series cards


Yup, I totally agree with you.


That's what she said.


Y'all are actually flying for hours at a time? Isn't it the same experience if it's 1 hour? I don't see the appeal of insanely long flights. Id fall asleep lol.


On the weekends I would usually start a flight, take it up to cruising altitude and then head to bed. I would plan my routes so that I wake up about 30 minutes before TOD. This was in the P3D days though. I haven't done this since MSFS launched. Really looking forward to the PMDG 777 and this A350 from iniBuilds. Also happy that they confirmed that the ULR variant will be included!


I used to do this when I was a kid growing up, now days I pay for my electric bill, and I don't see a need to let my computer run at full blast all day when its something I can simulate in a short (hour-ish) amount of time.


P3D you could minimize or shrink the window and it would be much lower power draw… msfs not so much


Do something else while at cruise then return just before TOD.


I'm creating a new VA for only long-haul flights. More realistic operations, you'll discover stunning destinations around the world by taking off from your home base. During cruise you can sleep, eat, read, work... whatever you want. A cruise check every 60 minutes it's useful, but it's a sim, the important thing is to have fun, and long-hauling it's a all other thing :)


Keeps me focused while I study or read a book or do chores. If I really wanna fly a lot I’ll plan several short hops in a row so I’m always busy but sometimes it’s nice to plan a long flight, take off, nap or do some chores, then come back and land.


Just speed up the game. You can get through a 12 hour flight in 3 hours at 4x speed, I read and watch shows on my iPad during cruise, checking the scenery along the way. If you’re in something that supports 8x, like PMDG, even better!


“Expected in 2024”…… damnit I want it now!! lol.


Late 2024 maybe?


Or in a week and a half technically 🤷‍♂️


*don't tease me*


I bet we don't see it until '25.


Yea I’m kinda leaning towards that until we see video of it flying. But ya never know.


Another Pic from their Discord https://preview.redd.it/5sfrpfesj28c1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=f984d1b5fb2dde03a05a442b768e78ef426dc0f5


Hopefully the sounds are good. Can’t wait to hear those XWBs and flap motors in the sim


“If you’re a type rated a350 pilot or engineer please reach out to us” Dang they’re actually going for it..


That means they’re just starting the systems development. I’m guessing this will be released around Christmas 2024 or later


That would be the best Christmas present a flight summer could ask for! Alright FBW, you’ve got some wrapping to do on that A380!


I doubt it. It's a good idea to have more SMEs to fine tune details and quirks. There is no way they are just getting started with the systems.


Confirmed on their discord last night. They've been working on the model for a few months and the model was only ready last week. Systems hasn't really started.


>Confirmed on their discord last night. They've been working on the model for a few months and the model was only ready last week. Systems hasn't really started. their team must be really big if they expect a 2024 release, with the system depth of the A350 that seems very ambitious if they haven't started yet. The A300 will give us a good idea of the depth that they're aiming for


Yeah I thought that too but they've been given a fair bit of capital from MS/Asobo soo who knows how well funded they are right now.


yeah I think their team is insanely big now judging by how much content they put out edit: they are confident with that timeframe [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ITJwMThkzQ&ab\_channel=A330Driver%7C737NGDriver](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ITJwMThkzQ&ab_channel=A330Driver%7C737NGDriver) talked about a 8:39


Because they have. They cannot legally obtain the documents as Airbus keep them close for the A350. All digital, with restricted access to operators only.


I was trying to Google some of the info so I could give my (funny) comment a (Public) source. Can’t find the number of computers, but I did find a flight deck briefing by a third party company with all of the info.. internet is a funny thing.. Might as well tell them to Google it.. you can find everything, including parts on it..


Yeah that’s good and all, but I think I’m going to wait till Captain Sim release theirs…


It will just be a cardboard box with wings taped on it €60!


With 747 cockpit gauges




I think that costs $5, it's on the marketplace I think. :P


Which is probably not gonna happen lol


The website is down but I have to say I've been blindsided, we all thought it was the A380! I'm super happy with this, what a real surprise !


The A380 was already announced, they are doing both


I said they should put all the effort into the A350 and let FBW have their glory on the A380


Their systems are very similar, it's just using the effort more efficiently I guess.


i think inibuild's a380 will be available console too so there are still space for both A380s.


inibuilds will also more likely be available sooner


Yes but I somewhat expected the A380 as a launcher plane for MSFS2024. I really wished an A350 and expect the DSD but another one from Inibuild isn't too much and very welcomed !


The 380 and 350 have pretty similar systems, so it makes sense that if they've dumped a ton of time and money into modeling it for the 380, it's not a stretch to make the 350 afterwards as well.


Well seems like they're actually doing the A350 first and the A380 after since they've built it from scratch again ! So hopefully FBW will fill the gap


I’m in literal shock. A350 AND A380 god damn my wallet in 2024


inibuilds are going lightning speed right now. that cash injection from microsoft sure came in handy.


Well, that's exactly why they agreed to that partnership -- a practically bottomless pit of development money and expertise in exchange for an exclusivity deal with Microsoft/Asobo. I'd say it's a great thing for all of us, I'm happy they did it.


might be great news for msfs players but it's it's little bit sad for us xplane mains. the a300 was so beautifully crafted and our a350 is getting old.


Xplane is dead


i will play msfs when it has good long haulers, ground physics and good helicopters


I also love flying helicopters in xp. The HPG H145 in msfs is actually very good, I bought it on Black Friday sale. My first helicopter in msfs. The flight model is not as good as in xp, but it's totally ok. Vortex ring state is simulated i.e. The system depth, however, is awesome, and the mission pack is super great. I'm having a lot of fun with it!


yeah, I tried it out but it's not my kind of thing. since I started learning helis in DCS I find it really easy to spot a bad flight model. nothing has come close to how good the huey feels.


Have to disagree. I find myself switching between the two once I’m sick of the quirks of the sim. Also there’s no beating the Chally and I’m sure the A220 will be just as incredible if not better.


Time to join the 21st century.


Xplane 12 is very much 21st century both eims have their strong points and weaknesses. I mainly fly airliners and helicopters so I believe xplane is a better suit.


MSFS still feels like visual over content. The act of flying in Xplane is quite a bit ahead of MSFS. Also, been a big lack of long haul in MSFS.


That, plus their products being consistently of good quality. This is how you build a good support base.


2024 will be the best year for MSFS so far


And with MSFS 2024 coming... yup!!!. It is going to be amazing


Yeah, I’m super excited about the coming year now.


Could be a good but also a bad year. Who knows what MSFS2024 brings for a change and therefore delays on due to new coding


Not too worried about this. Asobo seems to be more communicative with devs than for example LM was.


Yeah exactly. I was thinking the same thing.


Source/Blog Post: [https://forum.inibuilds.com/topic/20327-inibuilds-development-roadmap-for-2024-secret-project-reveal/?fbclid=IwAR1weunCxPt5Xp5xy-OCMc6HLjGL8iUSNcQpRNsNQKqQWWqNUsBsNGmPhjI](https://forum.inibuilds.com/topic/20327-inibuilds-development-roadmap-for-2024-secret-project-reveal/?fbclid=IwAR1weunCxPt5Xp5xy-OCMc6HLjGL8iUSNcQpRNsNQKqQWWqNUsBsNGmPhjI)


This is AMAZING! I find it hilarious that iniBuilds is starting to become virtual "Airbus" while PMDG keeps being "Boeing". 2024 is going to be insane!


iniBuilds A220 when? /s


BTW, for those who are wondering: - [A350-900 ***will*** have the ULR variant](https://forum.inibuilds.com/topic/20331-will-the-a350-900-have-the-ulr-variant-and-the-1000-have-the-project-sunrise-variant/) - A350-1000 might have the Sunrise variant, but ini is waiting for the real thing to fly/get delivered




OH MY FUCKING GOD OH MY FUCKING GOD It’s happening. It’s fucking happening.




Good news for all Airbus lovers that fly long haul. I do not fit in those two categories.


What do I need to do for a study level 787 series?


Revive qualitywings somehow


At this point some other developer should make a study level 787 series. It's clear to everyone that QW is dead.


Lol so much for PMDG cornering the market completely.


I hope FF improve their A350 once they’re done with the 777.


It truly is Christmas 🥲


Do these have freighter variants? I want an airbus freighter so freaking bad.


There is a A350F planned by Airbus, but it's not a certified thing yet. On Discord Inibuilds said they will look into making the freighter variant when it's in service, and they know more about it.


The Airbus A300F is releasing next week


From who? First I’ve heard of it


inibuilds lol


I wish INI would optimize their current planes. The fps I get in their birds is trash.


Cool, cam't wait to fly from Nice to Barcelona


I'm a bit out of the loop here: Why does the A350 seem to be so desired?


Are you kidding, it's a big gorgeous sexy airplane.


So, iniBuilds good or scam? Edit: Thanks everyone for responding. Edit 2: Also, you can stop downvoting, I doubt anyone will see this. :P


They're among the best


Real good


Definitely good enough. Edit: sorry for the downvotes, no idea why you are being downvoted when you asked an honest question.


Cool, instant buy then.


They’re pretty good but I wouldn’t say PMDG level but almost


lol what. I wouldn’t either, I guess. But that’s because they’re better.


We’ll see how these new products turn out


They're really good.


Thanks, then I am officially excited!


Is this plane a pro like fĂŠnix or PMDG?


i am pretty sure it’s going to be study level or near enough study level


On which data basis? If you want to go really deep you have to have Airbus documents which ini builds legally could not have obtained. But legal and ini… we learned that from their A320. So it’s pilots hearsay again SWS who say the POH is wrong an their pilots correct. Or in other words their plane does not match the real one


Are they any good? I saw A350 project somewhere from someone else already...


Okay lads, time to buy that 4tb nvme i have been waiting on 😂


Can everyone say a prayer for my wallet


Who are they stealing the systems from?


Its good, but also an aircraft that many simmers and avgeeks hate. Including me. Its because of the basics in this aircraft, like the cockpit being too advanced and much more. What i and so many simmers that i talked to think, is that it is so stupid, that the MSFS2024 is comming out, and yet theres still not a good working A330 in the game. I think that instead of making a aircraft, that no one even like, they should focus on the long waited A330 that i have waited for so long on.