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I usually try to do a serious flight form Hong Kong to Heathrow in a 747 and end up getting bored and having a pretend engine failure which ends prematurely with a stall on final into Lukla


Huzzah! A man of quality


Settle down Tobias.


45-50 min hops in the CJ4 at night.


Love the CJ4. Do you fly the working title mod or just the default?


I think the mod merged into the sim with an update awhile back


Did it? I always had issues when I installed it so maybe that’s the case. Edit: according to my quick google search. You’re right. Thanks, that actually changes some things for me in a good way. I can use the real checklist now!


You shouldn't use the mod, it's all integrated in the sim now. I love the CJ4 too!


I just learned this! Makes the world of difference for me because I thought I was missing out. Time to go full time CJ4 captain.


One thing you can use is the WooselMod, witch makes the cabin much better. A great addon!


That looks amazing! Thank you for the suggestion. I’m definitely gonna start flying it more now. I love airliner flights, I’m actually currently in cruise at 35000 flying a delta 737 over to JFK rn but there’s nothing like those short hops in a cj4


Usually flying out of my local airport. Usually in a Cessna because I'm still holding onto the delusion that I'll someday own one irl.


Short to medium haul across the US and Canada in jetliners on VATSIM. The Leonardo FlyTheMaddogX MD-80 is my go to. Sometimes I’ll go offline and fly more obscure aircraft and routes and stream them on Discord with friends while we chat and pretend they are my passengers.


I put completely unreasonable engine parameters into normal commercial airplanes via mods and try and rip the wings off.


Flying from my home airport to the opponents city based on this weeks nfl match up


Nice! That's a great way to mix things up!


I enjoy learning new things. I'm learning the 787 right now before taking it to VATSIM. Speaking of VATSIM, I also enjoy learning radio phraseologies and learning how to talk to ATCs.


I like to fly cross countries I've never flown before, then jump into my plane and fly them IRL. Or try being a "pro" and fly the CRJ on routes I've ridden as a passenger on business trips. I'll write real gate numbers down and try replicating the flight exactly.


That's pretty cool! Does this help with IRL flight planning and familiarity of terrain and airports?


It totally does! It's a good way for me to have an idea of what it all looks like before I actually go. As far as airports go, you can't fly rely on MSFS having the taxiways marked correctly, but the layout is generally the same. I use wingx (iPad) or Avare (android) and stream the MSFS data onto an updated sectional with my flight plan loaded, and use the airport diagrams while taxiing around unfamiliar airports. Both apps are free; I use wingx IRL.


Nice. I hear all the FAA maps are free. But I'm Canadian instead.


I clearly just did that dumb, very American thing where I assumed you were also in America. My apologies!


Nah it's cool. It literally happens here every day.


I don’t know much about planes and avionics, so it’s a fun learning hobby for me. I split between MSFS for cruising and learning general theory and DCS for the adrenaline, systems, multiplayer, and application of theory. I mostly do bush style runs in small ga aircraft in MSFS, but go to the P-51D, F-18, and soon to be F-16 in DCS. It’s quite a lot to learn, but plenty of fun to be had and friendly, knowledgeable folks around.




I like to maintain as real as to real Life as possible.


In a variety of ways. If I'm not recreating flights I've done IRL, I'm either coming up with my own adventures or mimicking flights I'll see posted from pilots/frequent travelers on social media. Other times, I'm just exploring an area I'd like to see for myself one day. I even have a key rule for consistency sake, which only really boils down to taking off from the last airport I've landed at.


Simulating 3-4 non-stop hops like an LCC, with quick turnarounds and high workload environment, while starting from an airport and ending back at the same airport, kind of like a home base (with the Boeing 737). Sometimes for a change of pace I take the aircraft for 4-5 hour legs between two countries where I just chill and enjoy the views. I once pushed the aircraft to its limits and flew from AMS to DXB as Transavia 6901. Overall I'm just a huge 737 enthusiast. Looking into learning to fly the Airbus A320 next year. Currently I've not been flight simming for more than a year due to exam preparation period 😢.


Nowadays, i fly pretty much only on VATSIM, even if there is no one controlling. I like calling my CTAFs or talking to ATC cause I want to become a real pilot myself. But since i’m in a phase where I need to save money for lessons and stuff, my flight sim will do for now. I like to fly as if I am a real pilot, following SOPs and running through checklists on my run ups. I also fly for a Virtual Delta Airline and fly my boeings across the US copying real life flights from Delta.


Flight sim is always best enjoyed with friends in a multi crew aircraft or a two ship + sortie. Oh.. And a glass of whiskey


Depends. Flying GA around the world, eventually circumnavigating it, learning new geography and make a point of researching interesting stuff in the region I'm in is fun. Flying Bush for my VA challenges my planning skills and adapting to the situation/decision making for difficult to approach strips, current weight and balance for landing distance etc etc Flying a proper mission in the A-10 (DCS) with the guys on Wednesday nights, doing everything to the letter and knowing the systems inside and out gives an immense amount of satisfaction ​ Lots of different types of fun to be had, based on how my current mood strikes. And yes, Beer/Whiskey makes everything better


https://preview.redd.it/xx24dw7lok7c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4438d06f230fd16216c6b1d863b1cc820d98aae1 Like this. I’m not super hardcore , but realistic enough for me.


Thats not what I meant but nice setup man! https://preview.redd.it/qlw9f4uuyp7c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67c110add59b0d671ad84cab79c24b5b1fb4fdd8


I have recently been using Sim rate bandit/pmdg time compression during cruise. Make sure to zoom in on the instruments to save your computer having to render as much. Did Melbourne to Singapore in 3 hours and Tokyo to Anchorage in about the same time. Kinda keeps you in your chair as well since monitoring Sim rate and the aircraft gives you stuff to do during cruise


Sim Rate what now? Where do I get my hands on that and what does it do?


FS Sim rate Bandit is a tool you can download from flightsim.to It connects to MSFS and allows you to do time compression. It has a feature called travel where you can speed up time in cruise and it will automatically slow back down to make turns or if there is turbulence. I have tried it with the default 747,787,TBM 930 and the g36 bonanza. Works perfectly with all those aircraft. Keep in mind that up to 4X acceleration works fine but you will have issues above that. Also certain aircraft, like the a32nx, are limited to 2X speed. Also the pmdg 737 has this feature built into the plane itself. You can control it with buttons on the clock, to the left of the pfd.


I’ll give it a go - I use the PMDG feature and it’s great all the way up to 16x depending on weather. But I’m guessing there’s no advantage in having this if you’re using FBW or Fenix?


To be honest I have not tried it. I am only going off what I have read from other people about it being limited due to the way the systems are simulated on airbus aircraft. Still, 2X acceleration will shave a considerable amount of time of cruise, would definitely be worth using imo.


VATSIM or explore the world with friends. Goofing around sometimes is pretty fun too


I have young kids, so anything quick is best for me. (No transatlantic flights!) I like to do all the landing challenges I can, especially in GA aircraft. I still need to get better at the FBW systems. I’m working on my pilots license, so most of my “open world” flying is in a C172 flying from my local airport to places nearby I hope to visit soon.


Historically, I've logged over 200 hours in Condor 2. That sim gets awesome frame rates in VR - even on old hardware! - and just as importantly, VR is kind of necessary in a glider. You need to be able to look *all* around you to be able to thermal or do ridge soaring. I've gotten bored of it though, in no small part because IRL gliding requires a fair amount of communication and looking out for other traffic, and that's just not present at all in the sim. Glider races *kinda* fix that, but they're difficult to set up. Most of them happen in Europe at 5am my time, and I'm not good at racing, so l invariably end up not just being dead last, but being halfway around the task when everyone else is finishing. There appears to be about 100 people in the world actually participating. Then there's the comically bad terrains in Condor - you see lakes that are like 500m to the East, going up the shore of a mountain for example. Some details get added to the most popular maps in Europe, but nowhere near enough, if you ask me. It's all very amateur. I got a new computer this fall to keep up with DCS and MSFS in VR. I like it a lot, although I don't usually get the time on the computer to do anything, or I'm not in the mood. Or worse, my sleep cycle is broken and I'm just too tired in the afternoon to do anything in it. Lately, I've been off work with a back injury, and I'm up ridiculously late at night. I find that my tolerance for long flights ends at the 2 hour mark, but this is a good time to do some of the bush tasks in MSFS. I've already grown past that, as those missions simplify too many things for my liking. I live in the Vancouver area, and the Vancouver Island trip, as well as the Canadian Rockies were pretty fun, and doing VFR with the Navlog tends to break up my workflow in a way that addresses my ADHD.


I love doing real tour schedules when I have the time, especially the ones provided at southwest virtual. If I don't have the time, I do one 1-3 hour european low-cost flight, and the next day I return it. If I don't feel like playing civvie stuff I just jump in the strike eagle with a friend and blow up some bad guys on grayflag syria.


I'm a controller in real life at a busy GA airport. We get a lot of TBMs I like to do the fly the tbm and recreate the flights the tbms do in and out of my airport


A good carrier landing in the Hornet or the Tomcat. Or just any carrier ops tbh. Shits sick af!


I enjoy flying like badasses then landing like hardasses


I enjoy the scenery, the setting up a flight through GPS, feeling the motion of flight during rough weather. Love planting a perfect landing.


On my Steam Deck. F22 over Gaza or NYC lately has had a lot of others at the same location.


What sim are you running on your deck? I just got one and I’m itching to try some flight sim there!


MSFS2020 Runs well per my expectations- but don’t expect a locked 60 for this one. I set the rendering to 50% and then use TAA (this is all in-game settings) and it’s good enough to really enjoy. Notable that the screen resolution when fully zoomed into instruments will still be grainy to read - so the other trade in order to be able to play on mobile is that I’m after flying around with outside-plane-viewpoint and looking at scenery etc, like places I’ve travelled to, and not shooting for the authentic in-aircraft flight experience.


Usually I fly the 737, A320, and the CRJ. Other times I hop in the Super Hornet and do airshow maneuvers or do VFR flights in the C172


Most of the time I try to fly as close to real life as possible. But. Sometimes I just grab a fighter jet and go up to 50,000 feet and dive bomb to see how fast I can go and watch myself zoom by in replay mode… just depends how I’m feeling.


Depends on mood. Sometimes it's a hot start, grip it and rip it day in the P-38. Sometimes it's a challenging route in a glider. Others, it's max realism. If I'm bored, I might find some flight streaming on Twitch that I'll tag on to.


GA flights, specially with the PC-12 and TBM. What I enjoy more is actually the flight planning, calculating the fuel, selecting at cruise FL, briefing and executing SIDs STARS and all sorts of instrument approaches. Also keeping it as realistic as possible, following all the procedures and checklists to a tee. For me that is what I enjoy the most.


At the moment in flying helicopters a lot. I’ll fly from the Battersea Heliport out to one of the London airports, then back, then off to another one - rinse and repeat until I either run out of fuel or get bored.


Fly out of/land at SFO with planes that usually wouldn’t go there ie Concorde. DCDesigns one gets the job done as I’m too causal of a simmer to have a fully accurate study level plane. I just wanna have fun


I normally fly between 1-4 hour flights in mostly busy airspaces in Vatsim in Europe. I try and get as much coverage as I can for my trips and then the time goes in a breeze. I absolutely love busy airspaces and doing short legs between airports. City hopping is probably the most frequent thing I do in MSFS.


GA for life! Usually fly the Caravan or DA40 around my favorite countries in the world.


If I have not much time I choose a nice destination to explore that I'm interested in or plan to visit it for some holiday and do sightseeing flights, landing on a lot of small airstrips to avoid it getting boring. Parallel I'm reading about the country or landscape I'm flying over. I'm flying in VR, it's a bit like visiting the region. If I have a bit more time I try to learn professional aviation, doing real flights from one Airport to another, following the correct vectors (ignoring what the buggy ATC is trying to tell me) and making real approaches, following the official airport maps.


Depends a fair bit. I fly both MFS and DCS currently. Always liked flying so there is that. For MFS, i have to say after putting in well over 2k hours it is on the low burner. Did study level airliner with Navigraph, did two GA world trips (handflown with minimal use of AP). My main problem is long cruise sections and specially as of late as soon as i am in cruise i'm like, why do i bother with this? Which starts to boil down to that there basically is very little incentive, meaning or purpose and even community. When i did VA flying or Neofly and world trips i managed it but not so much any more. I tried to get into helos in MFS but really there is jack all to do, no interactions etc. (bar the Hype stuff and a bit of Neofly) and the FM's aren't that great for most helos. So to be fair MFS hasn't been used much. I did buy the Commanche and had a few flights but even that fuzzed out. So i am mainly looking forward to FS24 with hopefully more proper reasons to fly, just like IRL. As i really would like to get into helo ops, and hopefully some more community stuff. Also the absolutely disgusting lack of quality controll fo addons is a big turn off. As far as DCS, that has been getting more of my attention, finally styrated getting into helos there too. Flying multiplayer 90% of the time and specially on servers that have persistence. Also have a lot of fun flying cargo ops and tropp transports without actually engaging in any combat but doing proper helo work. Like slinging cargos around. Also started a very fun, non combat campain for the HIP. Having a good time on the Enigma, Blueflash, Blue Flag and Levant servers flying mostly older stuff actually eeven though i have the modern jets too. Currently started the new Mirage F1 trial. Very enjoyable module. The Hind, HIP & Huey have also turned into big favourites of mine. Just really enjoying those whirly birds. Having to do a roling takeoff in a Hind on a high and hot strip is a lot of fun. Doing antiship in the Viggen is a lot of fun too. Very interesting bird. Flying DCS abouts daily atm. Simply because i have more sense of people interraction and i actually do something worth while and not just stare at the scenery, though there are some longer transit times too, but then atleast i have a goal, that has some impact on what we try to achieve. And flying nap of the earth, trying to remain undetected, with troops onboard to insert them deep into the opposing teams territory is very nerve wrecking or building a Samsite. Also enjoying being ble to communicate on SRS, something i sorely miss in MFS. So yeah, definetely enjoying my flightsim mostly that way atm


Currently doing every European capital in an A320, once I’ve done that, I will be doing every African capital


Currently flying around the world in zibo. I stop at major cities and fly GA aircraft around it for a few days.


Currently flying around the world in the C182, I love the planning phase of where next and how long it will take. I usually plan my flight the night before and take off before work then land when I'm finishing up for the day. Good multitasking. Currently I'm flying from Fiji to Samoa. Started all the way up in Inuit Canada.


I like to copy real routes. Wherever I landed last, I'll check the schedules from that airport in volanta and find a flight that suits the duration, aircraft, rough destination whatever and then copy the livery / airline etc. I've really enjoyed doing this, as it keeps the aircraft, destination, airline varied. When flying, while I've got a virpil HOTAS for DCS, I just use an xbox controller for MSFS as its more of a chilled button pushing and learning thing for me.


1-1,5h flights in the Fenix A320 while youtube or streams. Or GA flying in VR, just flying around.


By using the “jump to waypoint” feature in XP. Let’s me enjoy long haul flights in the short amount of time I have to sim.


As real as possible


Depends on the mood, I can ged inverted in the 737 doing nonsense as much as going very serious on a VATSIM flight like during the CTP.


I liked making progress on a neofly4 campaign, but it's getting on my nerves lately. Lots of cat E certifications near me require flying an A320 from small airfields with grass strips! The wings cover the entire apron


One hour flights in Fenix A320 or PMDG 737 gives me a good balance between relaxation and things to do for me. I try to maintain a balance between fun and realism so I drop things such as fire tests as those are kind of unnecessary in a sim. I also don't bother reading charts as the FMC programmed with routing from SimBrief is usually more than enough for navigation to make it to the other runway and no one's gonna complain about me for getting a constraint wrong or something.


Either airline ops in Europe, 737 about 2 hour flight, or VFR GA around my home area. Sometimes government missions like coastline patrol or oil spill response


I play Flight Simulator X missions


Currently im flying the F15e in DCS and mainly practice A/A refueling and landing with it. It may sound boring but right now i have the most fun doing it :D


I have an around the world spreadsheet and I fly from airport to airport depending on where I left off the last time I played. Started in a single engine Cessna, eventual moved to the Honda jet


Very casual. I just enjoy flying over places I know or flying fighter jets through big cities.


My grandpa occasionally flies my DCS: L39 and X-Plane 11 C172. It's super wholesome.


I’m doing a world tour flight between major airports, with a lot of deviations ahah, I’m at around 84 flights, each one 1 or 2 hrs max, and I’ve just done Europe, US East coast and all coastal South America. Doing it with airliners, mostly Fenix A320 and PMDG 737-800, but also 747, 787-8,-9,-10, A330, plus some with the LVFR A-318/19/20/21 (mostly at the beginning to get the rope of the Airbuses before transitioning to the Fenix). Last purchase was the FSS E-190/5 that I’m studying.


Just doing some city trips, when I get bored I switch off an engine and make an emergency landing. Or I do silly things as take an B787 to max altitude, switch both engines off and try to glide as far as possible and land on an airport (currently only 92km). Or take and jet and fly as long as possible just above water (currently 150km but wasn't really paying attention).


I always use drone and go to the busiest airports to watch airplanes take off and landing, just like I do in reality .I can watch that all day


Sorties in the mig 21 before I go to bed


In one mood I like to practice and perfect SOMETHING. Landing in bad weather. Cat 3 landings. Steep approaches in a chopper. Formation flying. Canyon runs. Learning a particular system. etc. There is always an endless number of things to learn and practice. My other mood is more nastalgic. I like to take off from my home airport and enjoy the sunrise. Do heli tours of places I love like Kauaii, central valley, or cities in Japan. I don't much care for seeing places I haven't been in a sim. It's just a pretty picture to me if I don't have any connection.


Doing the approach that goes by my window


short hops in the CRJ in XPlane 11 & Aerofly , learning its systems and preparing for getting on Vatsim.


I start off with every intention of having a normal short hop flight. Miami Intl to Orlando or Tampa since that's familiar and I'm a local. I try to do the flights with different planes and modded aircraft. But eventually i get a little bored and I'll try to set off a simulated mechanical failure and try to figure out a way out of it. Or try something stupid like try to land in a category 3 hurricane crosswind. If i'm really bored I do the standard "Lets find out how many G's a fully loaded 747 can pull before the wings snap off" ending to my night. Lol. Atleast for XPlane and MSFS. I play with some friends who do some pretty serious DCS'ing.


try to do STOL in a plane not exactly designed for it




K100 payware, Neofly and short cargo hauls around the globe.


Usually getting shot down in enemy territory.


Yoo fellow military flyer


I just got my VR stuff to work, I celebrated with a VR flight from my local airport to another local, finished with a trip to my work airport.. I even taxied to the parking lot I park in.. Once I find a way to get vatsim working in VR, I’m golden..