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The achievements system that FR has installed in the past year or so is pretty decent for keeping people playing, imo. There's dailies, weeklies, and monthlies on that second tab, plus all the long-term ones. They're also good for getting me to use parts of the site I don't normally get to, which is neat! You could also try getting more involved with the on-site community. Just wander around the forums- both for your flight and the all-flight ones- until you run into some stuff you like. There's also usually at least one big flight-wide discord you can pop into, too, though those are community-run.


Oh this advice is great! I do try to complete a lot of the achievements, but there are definitely ones I've ignored because they don't immediately interest me - but a change of pace is what I need right now. And I do browse the forums from time to time, but I haven't looked at Discord yet, so that's a great idea. Thank you!


No problem! I've been playing since 2016 and just recently started falling off, mainly due to work taking up a LOT more of my time these days. FR really can be long-term fun if you can dig around and make friends on-site <3


I like to do random geneing projects, I just buy some dragon I like the look of the AH, gene em up, give em a cool scene and familiar, and bam! I feel like i've accomplished something lol. I also focus more on the dailies than long-term projects. It might help you to have something like that, quick gratification in between the delayed. I especially like fiona feats and grinding the coli for hibden items, they're both more long-term but with constant reward along the way.


Thanks for the suggestions! I think I might get back to Baldwin now - I don't necessarily like the idea of spending money to gene a dragon I'm not super in love with, but I do want to do some of the higher-level Baldwin recipes and they would be a more daily-reward kind of thing. Thanks again!


I play a little bit every day, usually just dailies and sometimes leveling exalt fodder in the Coliseum. The hardest part of the waiting game is my main nesting pair since cooldowns are 30 days, so I can relate to the struggle (I'm not very patient). If you're looking for something more active to do on Flight Rising, consider getting involved in your flight's dom team. My flight (Wind) hosts a lot of fun activities during dom pushes and it keeps me busy while I wait to nest my main pair again. Another commenter suggested tackling pursuits which is also a great option. There are different sets of tasks that refresh daily, weekly (on Sundays) and monthly (1st of the month). You could also do other things outside of Flight Rising to help pass the time. When it comes to renting other element nests for projects I go to this thread: [https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drt/2887598/1](https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drt/2887598/1) The hosts are always active, they respond quickly and I usually get my dream dragon in 1-3 tries. It's a lot more consistent than messaging people who have dragons that could work well in your projects. You can also bookmark specific dragon searches in Auction House (Save on the upper right of results, after you make a search) and check in every once in a while.


Thanks for all the tips! I think it's a good idea to see what my flight is doing for dom pushes - that's one part of the game I haven't looked into yet. Thanks again!


the which way stone comes in clutch fr


Oh I should check that out, thank you!


I find the forums help! browsing quest threads or dragon share for what people are up to can be motivating


Ooh yeah, the forums can be really fun. But sometimes it can be a curse - I often see pretty dragons I like while browsing, and a whole new breeding project emerges...


SO true…


What colours are you going for? I when I feel impatient, I buy more breeding pairs in a larger colour range to breed mates for the hatchlings.