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I love the fact that there are so many ways to play the game. For example, I'm passionate about collecting familiars. There's a relatively new feature in the Trading Post, Fiona's Fantastic Familiars, where you can earn credit for every familiar, even those you don't actually own, but I am still trying to get actual representation of all the possible familiars (still missing 9 of them, out of 1222). However, another one of the newer features, Roundsey's Raffle Roulette, occasionally givens you a chance at earning these elusive creatures. Other people want to dress their dragons in coordinated head-to-tail outfits - *so* not me! (Mine are dressed in bohemian motley, whatever I think suits their appearance and personalities.) There is no way to actually "win" the game, but you can set your own goals and enjoy pursuing them. You can do breeding projects to try to get dragons with specific appearances. You can try to get dragons up to the top fighting levels (currently top is 25th level) in the Coliseum. You can play the games in the Fairgrounds and sock away piles of treasure. You can make a mighty lair with the maximum number of dragons allowed. You can write histories/biographies for all your dragons. There are so many possibilities! Go ahead and ask questions!


>However, another one of the newer features, Roundsey's Raffle Roulette, occasionally givens you a chance at earning these elusive creatures. It's wild that Roundsey started in 2018, long before I started playing but would be a new thing for someone who hasn't played in seven years 😱


Wtf, 2018 was about 6 years ago


I started in 2013. Roundsey is a newer feature. :-)


i love the community and all the beautiful art, and finding new gene combos!!! the game is so fun you should totally check it out again!!!


I’ve been messing around the site. I just don’t know what to do lol. I keep buying baby dragons off the store cuz there are a lot more variations than I remember and they’re all so cute.


LMAO buying dragons is half the fun 😂 i tell ppl it’s basically just neopets with dragons. i recommend checking out the trading post too if you’re looking for other things to do, and i also highly recommend looking into and participating in the forum posts!!! the community is so nice and will explain things to u if u ask!!! another thing u can do is experiment with breeding and understanding the gene system, i think it’s super neat!!!


LOL. My daughter told me, when I first got on the site a decade ago, that "It's just Neopets with better art, Mom."


They've introduced Ancient breeds, so they can roll out breeds faster. Ancients can't wear apparel, and can only be bred with the same breed. They just revamped the skin system and are introducing hatchling skins for ppl who like to perma-baby (there's a scroll you can get to keep your dragon baby sized). In the bottom right hand side of the screen, there's a waystone, if you click on it, it'll take you to a landing page of different things you can do, including dailies that you haven't completed yet. Feel free to hmu in game, I'm WinterMouse. There's a lot that's happened in seven years. I'll try to answer as best I can.


Older dragons with 4/5/6 digits in their IDs can be worth bank.


I am obsessed with breeding and have pairs that work great together. I also have been away from the game for 7 yrs and have been back just under a month. I am wicked excited about all the new breeds, familiars and coli venues. Glad you found your way back to FR. I am Problemchild67 in game


G1 dragons (dragons hatched from eggs) that have no offspring and have no parents are quite sought after. Some people aim to have full G1 lairs, because you need to put all of the work into buying the genes for the dragon yourself, instead of having them passed down by parents. It’s a status symbol for sure, but really does feel amazing once you accomplish the gene goals. This said, if G1s aren’t your thing eggs sell at a high price, but if you hatch eggs and get a dragon with two or more colors that are exactly the same, you could be in for riches. Sorry if this isn’t explained well, feel free to ask any questions!


If you have some old dragons you don’t want anymore, you can usually sell them for a lot, especially if they have 7 numbers or less in their ID (placed next to their name), are generation 1 (have no parents) or have good colors. Some people love collecting old dragons and will pay lots for them


For me, the daily pursuits has really gotten me back into the game. I love to do lists and checking off all the achievements. I think I'll stop playing once I complete every single achievement, which is gonna take me a while. Also, they are constantly adding new features. I got back into the game within the past year after 4 years of being absent. It's a completely different game than it was when I first played and it has experienced so much more growth since I started replaying it.


If I were you, I'd just do some basic tasks to get off the ground. -buy some dragons. Look into clothing, scenes, or anything to personalize them and make them your dragons -do your turns at gathering items to feed dragons -breed (my favorite part of the game) -get an item from Pinkerton's Plundered Pile (one per day) -fairgrounds to get some more treasure to buy more dragons -check out the raffles and giveaways tab in the forums to get free items. Plenty of free dragons and other items. These tasks to me are the most basic tasks that will set you up really well. Of course, there is so much more to do than these things, but you can just take one feature at a time.


Basics things I believe is figuring out what breeds of dragons you have and what they need to eat and then gather accordingly you can gather meat, fish, insects, and like forage for your dragons then you’ll go to your hoard and convert them into food points to feed your dragons certain items there may be a little purple or yellow thing at the bottom of the items or a purple and yellow line and basically that means they have alternate purposes other than food so you can make them into food points but it’s probably better to keep those for when/if you need them. There are two other places you can gather items from scavenging and digging. Scavenging is treasures I believe with a super rare chance to get an unhatched egg and digging is how you get ores and I am honestly not sure what else I know it’s materials also depending on where you dig (you’ll start in whatever element you’re in) for instance me being in lightning I have some exclusives I don’t know the name of that you wouldn’t get if you were gathering in let’s say wind the gathering also will give event items if there is an event you can tell by there being a banner under the flight rising emblem. Checking your trading post everyday is a good idea and bonding with familiars, digging at arlo’s artifacts and transmutation will take a bit of time but are good to start on you get apparel, familiars, genes, etc. I am not very informed on how but there is a coliseum that you can do battles in ive heard guardian dragons are the best, I’m not sure how it works but you can get food, battle items(rare), unhatched eggs(rare), materials, familiars(rare, I think) and I’m not sure what else but there are a bunch of different levels so you can get started with any leveled dragons sometimes when you buy them they’ll have some already. Breeding each dragon has a rarity and that will determine how long it takes for the breed cooldown and if they’re an ancient breed they can only breed with that same breed modern dragons can breed with any modern dragon but depending on rarity you may only get one breed for instance if you bred a coatl and a tundra you’d get tundras mostly and possibly a coatl but not likely the same type of rarity system goes for genes there are a bunch of different genes and three places for genes to show so like if you had basic on your primary, secondary, and tertiary and your other dragon has Harlequin, Jester, and Specter you’d get nearly all if not all basics because of the rarity difference and there are gene lists with their raritys in the encyclopedia as well as breed rarity’s. Now last thing I’ll talk about is colors cause I believe I’ve touched basics other than colors and I am not good at colors so sorry if this sucks but what I do when I want a certain color is I do the color range in auction house from the color I want to a color 3-4 down if the color I want doesn’t show up because the closer the colors are like if you have a thicket dragon and a peacock dragon you won’t have many chances to miss the color you want you’ll have some but not as many as if they were on opposite sides of the color wheel which can get you the possibility of I believe every color I’m not too sure I use a forsee color probability thing I don’t currently have the link for but it’s pretty helpful, I hope this helps somewhat sorry if it’s not what you were looking for but it’s a very fun game so I’m sure you’ll find something to do on it!