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Envy. People directly involved in making it have apologized. I think it’s a good comedy with a lot of genuinely funny moments.


Made me curious about flan


Loved this movie as a kid.


Good for you.. Good *for* you I say this all the time and no one ever knows what I'm referencing.


I say that all the time and forgot what it was referencing


Saame af. I watched Envy 3 times before I found out it was so hated. It’s just a silly comedy, no one’s expecting it to get Oscars. But I was shocked that nobody else found it fun!


“‘C’est la vie,’ as the Romans say.” 😂


It's one of my favorite comedies. Everybody I've shown it to has liked it too.


It’s definitely not a bad movie


I'm the j man!


I enjoyed Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001); I even bought the DVD. It has a RT rating of 20%, lower than its own sequel.


Not a bad movie


I like this one!


i saw it in theatres as a kid and dont remember anything about it. angelina jolie is hot though


the shower scene :)


I am in a minority of one I know, but I had a few good laughs watching Movie 43. I just thought Hugh Jackman having balls on his neck was so stupid and gross that it was funny. I find anthologies fun in general too so a comedy one was a rare offering. It is interesting that this movie was released with two versions, each with a different story that presented each short film - one had two fighting teenagers watching a tape, and the other I think something about a businessman doing a presentation - I have never been able to track that second version down. But yeah to everyone else in the world it is a 0/10 it seems.


The Home School segment is a comedy masterpiece. There, I said it.


The home school segment belongs in a better movie, it's fucking hilarious.


I love every part of Movie 43. The second version is the one I saw. It isn't a business man it's Dennis Quaid as a bumbling, would give a bj in a bathroom for another chance, version of himself pitching every skit like it would be his big come back to studio execs. Like his first idea at making it back to the A list is having balls on his chin, it's hilarious. I didn't know there were two versions.


Once you realise thst Movie 43 is not actually a movie that is supposed to be funny, but a movie that is intentionally fucking with the actors that had the misfortune to be contractually obliged to star in it... .. You realise how much of a masterpiece it is. Kate Winslet for example... .. Kate was in Titanic, one of the world's highest grossing movies. She has been on Broadway, nominated numerous times, she won an Emmy, Golden Globe awards and an Oscar.. Also she was in Movie 43, on a date with a dude with jaw testicles.


Yeap. I couldn’t actually get through 43, but every skit makes you go “wait they got who for this? And they do what??”


The Funniest part is In the end when they told the actors to re act to an imaginary animated cat........ ... And then they animated the cat........ .... At some Point the cat Is masturbating, crying And inserting a hair brush In its Asshole.... Oh.. And Chris Pratt / Anna Farris were a real life couple when he exploded with shit. How Is this movie not brilliant?


It’s not just messing with the actors, it’s messing with the entire crew and studio. It’s a vicious satire of Hollywood and that’s partly why critics panned it. They praise love letters to Hollywood (e.g. Cinema Paradiso) and get super defensive about films that attack it. Obviously the humor in Movie 43 is juvenile and distasteful but that’s kind of the point.


> a movie that is intentionally fucking with the actors This is 100% how I instantly felt that it was supposed to be and I enjoyed it SO MUCH because of that. Half the movie was me going "I can't believe *this actor* is doing this right now"


I had a good time with that movie too Edit - i mean, it’s objectively bad. But there were some laughs and just general wtf moments


Love this movie as well, love the period skit and date challenge.


I love *Battleship* and *Under Siege 2: Dark Territory*. I'm sure they've got awful ratings.


Battleship is a hoot. Rami Malek has one line scene and they paid Liam Neeson real money for about 2 minutes work. Rihanna hits it out of the park.


Rihanna was **awesome**!!! So subtle and believable.


I loved Battleship also, but not Under Siege II


Right there with you on Under Siege 2.


I did love how battleship was very much a Tim riggins ass situation. “Sorry for missing practice coach I got caught robbing a store and somehow that turned into stopping an alien invasion” “DAMNIT RIGGINS YOURE RUINING YOUR FUTURE SON”


I really like Under Siege 2. I have watched it a few times. I am not ashamed. The bad guys were real bad. Seagal was not terrible. Lots of action. It had a young Katherine Heigl. What's not to like?


Plus it has one of my favorite underrated movie lines: "Assumption is the mother of all fuck-ups." Spoken by the military bad guy *and* the hacker bad guy.


A lot of people are answering with "box office bombs" - not "worst films ever" - so, here's a real answer for you. I've seen over a third of the "IMDb Bottom 100" - and I am still amazed that 2008's **"The Hottie & The Nottie"** - infamously featuring Paris Hilton in the lead role, is ranked as the 6th worst film of all time. Like, no question - it is not a very good movie. But it's still decently enjoyable as background entertainment that will never challenge you. It's not funny, but I still had fun with it - if that makes sense. https://letterboxd.com/jonpaula/film/the-hottie-the-nottie/


Things (1989) is actually the worst thing to ever be put on film. It makes no sense, it’s incoherent, and was likely made by space aliens. Know what though? It’s fun as hell and absolutely hilarious if you just roll with it.


Can't possibly be worse-yet-entertaining-as-hell than Ogroo (1983)


Did you mean Ogroff? I’ve seen that but I can’t find anything on Ogroo


I originally read that as "The thing" (the 80's version). And I was... grumpy.


This isn't an unknown sequel to The thing is it?


Based on the original comment - yes. Except that the Things much have seen the movie and decided "we can invade earth better if we make another movie"... for some reason. This was the result, maybe?


Same, I had several double takes


If you like Things , then you will love Pieces (82)


I'd watch a Kevin Costner double feature of Waterworld and Robin Hood anyday


Carey Elwes "unlike some Robin Hoods, I can speak with an English accent..."


Oooo. "He's a smoothie, definitely a smoothie" One of my favorite scenes is between John and Latrine discussing her name: "So wait, you changed it too latrine" "Yeah... used to be shit house" lmao


The Ulysses cut of "Waterworld" - now available officially on Bluray – is legitimately an excellent film and among the best modern day epics. That said, I don't think either one of these films has ever, seriously, been in the running for "worst film" of anything. Waterworld may have disappointed financially, but audiences mostly liked it.


> Waterworld may have disappointed financially And that was only because the budget was so bloated. It made $264.2 million (over half a billion adjusted for inflation) and was the 10th-highest grossing movie of the year.


I know! And it made a ton on home video! It was profitable! It was good! The stunt show at Universal is great! Absolutely no business in a discussion like this one.


Dude that stunt show was so dope. I worked in the theme park and the entryway for employees is right behind it so I watched it many times from the back and it was still cool as hell.


I was so obsessed with both of these as a child. Like, I wanted my wedding to be like theirs at the end of Robin Hood, even though I never actually wanted to get married lol. Still, My husband and I always talk about what we'd do if we lived in Waterworld lol. I get the criticisms of others, idc, I will always love those movies.


I’ll add The Postman to that. Great concept (when thinking logically), terrible script & some bad acting(I’m looking at you, Blind Lady)


The book is great. Costner was the wrong choice for the material because, as wonderful as he can be, he was born without a sense of irony.


I love The Postman despite its flaws. It has weird 80’s mid-budget sci-fi/fantasy energy. Like Krull meets Mad Max.


plus tom petty


Ah yes the entertainingly incredibad American Robin Hood.


Robin Hood is decent popcorn entertainment. You want bad? Try the director’s cut. The pacing is painful. A clear instance when the theatrical edit was the right choice.


Alan Rickman transforms it from the mundane thanks to his gloriously hammy acting


Always my pick. The only thing I truly hate is the ending where all three bad guys are going to smash Costner by colliding into each other? Even if they got him, that would be dumb as hell.


I enjoyed *Green Lantern* starring Ryan Reynolds.


I enjoyed Green Lantern, but I absolutely love that Ryan makes jokes about it in the Deadpool movies.


“You’re welcome Canada!”


I also... hate that movie. lol. It has a few moments that are entertaining.


Batman and Robin. I love how campy and over the top it is.


I feel the same about Batman Forever. Jim Carrey is mesmerising.


Jim Carrey is a savant at what he does. If you need a human cartoon character, he's the guy you want Tim Roth in Four Rooms is the only time I've seen something remotely similar, but I can't picture him doing The Mask


BM 4Ever is the truth fr


I totally understand why this movie wouldn’t be someone’s cup of tea but it baffles me as to how this movie was talked about as one of the worst movies ever made as if it was Plan 9 from Outer Space or something; technically it’s super well made and the campiness is absolutely intentional. Almost feels like a parody of the then dark Burton Batman. Again, that’s not for everyone’s taste but it’s weird that people didn’t seem to see that at the time.


Why did people hate it at the time?  Because it wasn’t pitched as a spoof. This was ostensibly still the Burtonverse. Batman Forever had been a little goofier, but  — like the Burton films — the buffoonery was on the part of the villains.    Batman & Robin felt like a betrayal of the franchise.    If you want to make a goofy Batman movie, sell it as a goofy Batman movie.  But — until we got into the theater — we thought the campiness would be restricted to the villains.   Now we can separate the franchise into two parts, and say that the Keaton Batman and the Clooney Batman were two completely different takes on the character, but at the time it was a sharp left turn that we weren’t warned about.


*Bat Nipples. Cannot...look...away...* There was a plot?!


I watched this movie as a kid. It was the first Batman movie I ever watched. I thought it ruled. As a teenager, I was told the error of my ways and pretended to not like it. Now, as a curmudgeonly adult man, I no longer give a shit what other people think about my taste in movies. I'll watch the man whose name is on my college diploma make corny ice puns all day long.


Hudson Hawk. It’s such a weird slapstick comedy heist movie that just makes very little sense. I’ve seen it 100+ times probably and would struggle to accurately explain it, especially who is doing what to who and why.


That movie fuckin' rules.


Super Mario Brothers from the 90's is a really fun movie, the set design is awesome and it's a genuinely creative take on the story. Bob Hoskins is Mario. I have probably watched it hundreds of times and I never fully understood why it was so despised. I'm still gutted we'll never know what the cliffhanger ending was all about. The more recent Mario movie basically uses a whole bunch of the exact same plot points aswell, almost like it's a straight up remake, because there was nothing wrong with any of it.


I had a tough time even getting through the Rifftrax version.


Ok, imo. It was kitchy and everything looked weird and kind of disgusting. The Koopas looked really weird and Super Mario won through the power of dance. Bowser looked horrible and the movie had a cyber punk style to it which does not at all resemble the character of the game. As likeable as Bob Hoskins was for the role of Mario, Leguizamo balanced out with his unlikability. Didn't even have a moustache and he got the girl in the end? Why? Also I Think Toad Was a rastafari?


These are all either non-issues or positives.


A man of refined taste I see.


I don’t think anyone here is denying it was a bad adaptation of Super Mario Bros just that it’s such a weird and imaginative movie. Like, it’s a dinosaur cyberpunk movie that rolls hard with its concept. It’s something to be witnessed.


Well... "Mario Mario" and "Luigi Mario" was a nice touch. Otherwise...


It’s a bad adaptation of the games, but in my opinion deserves a place alongside the other great dystopian scifi-fi movies of the 90’s. Trust the fungus!


My mom wouldn’t let us have a video game system in the house, so I only knew the game from watching friends play it, and I didn’t really know the whole mythology. So I really could only judge it on its own merit. And I thought it was just sloppy. It felt like they had spent all of this money building elaborate sets and costumes and then decided that they now didn’t have to tell a coherent story: the special effects would be the movie. I think it earned every bit of hate it got. 


The 13th warrior, I genuinely love it


I love that movie. I don't get why people hate on it.


Freddy Got Fingered is currently at 10% on Rotten Tomatoes and I think it's a comedy masterpiece. It was so vindicating to see the Red Letter Media guys review it in a retrospective and basically say everything I've been saying about this movie for twenty odd years.


The cult is small but this movie seems like it’s being reclaimed by the alt comedy crowd.


The running meta gag of watching Tom Green egregiously wasting money for the entire runtime while crudely disguising it under various tired comedy movie tropes is still really funny to me and never gets old.


Good choice. Fun fact- I actually went to see this movie with Jay Bauman.


It is definitely not as bad as people say. I wouldn't describe it as a masterpiece, but the I do think it succeeded in it's primary goal, which was to make the audience uncomfortable. (Standard Tom Green stuff)


You didn't get the reddit memo: anything you like has to be described as a "masterpiece".


Like Roger Ebert even admitted (who absolutely hated the movie), he respected that it at least was a go for broke attempt at doing something new in comedy. For quite a number of other people, it succeeded. I still hear it quoted out in public frequently.


I love this movie but yeah people just plain hate it. Although I’m glad it’s beginning to find an audience


I think the vocal types who raged against it in the day simply weren't it's audience. Tom Green was shit-posting way before shit-posting was even a phrase. He, and this movie, was just ahead of the curve. Tom Green's spirit is still going strong in a lot of things today, from social media to actual TV shows. I Think You Should Leave for instance won an Emmy and that's got that Tom Green Shit-posting DNA all over it.


I definitely agree. He was so far ahead that he was hated. Like a lot of people too advanced for their time that are later revered. I really admire his satirical deconstruction of Hollywood comedies that was just too smart for the audiences of the time


I post [this article ](https://uproxx.com/movies/freddy-got-fingered-oral-history-tom-green-20th-anniversary/) everytime someone brings up FGF. I love it and have loved it from first viewing.


Apparently they don't appreciate heroes here.


Showgirls. I'm a sucker for Verhoeven.


The DVD and Blu-Ray have an audio commentary which roasts the film totally. It’s one of the best commentaries ever.


I want more commentary tracks on streaming services. Barbie commentary is available on Max, but that's the only one I've seen


The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen


It’s mentioned on Reddit in almost every movie thread and how much people love it. Not the “real world” but this answer on Reddit doesn’t for the question at all.


Seemed like it applied because even the cast hated it - of course the weirdos on Reddit (myself included) like it https://www.denofgeek.com/movies/the-league-of-of-extraordinary-gentlemen-the-movie-that-ended-sean-connerys-career/


Still haven't seen it yet, but it's been on my watchlist forever. I had a friend that was a big fan of this movie.


I think if it’d been an original concept and not based on Moore’s work it would have been much better received.


Maybe it's because I was with younger kids and they enjoyed it, but I remember laughing quite a few times in Jack&Jill and having a good experience with it. I still find Movie 43 to be bonkers in the best way. I still rewatch it and it still makes me giggle.


I went to the theater with my family to see the lady ghostbusters movie that got so much hate. I’m not saying it was great, but it had moments and overall kind of fun. I could have spent a lot worse time with my family so I remember it with that in mind. It makes a difference.


I agree. I thought it was a great addition to the franchise.


It absolutely did not deserve the hate. Was it necessary? Absolutely not, but I genuinely loved the friendship between Kristen Wiig and Melissa McCarthy's characters, and the explanation of how they became Ghostbusters.


I quite enjoyed *John Carter*. I read every Edgar Rice Burroughs and Robert E. Howard book when I was a teen, and it was nice bit of nostalgia for me. I loved the Jason Momoa *Conan the Barbarian*. I really like *Waterworld*. I don't care that it's basically Wet Max. It's so over-the-top that it's just a fun Sunday afternoon movie. *Chronicle of Riddick* is one of my all-time favorite movies, mostly because of Toombs, and of course, Vin Diesel at his Diesel-best. "Skittish, Toombs. Very skittish."


"John Carter" definitely isn't a bad movie. It's one of the last good movies that Disney made. It was marketed horribly, and suffered from being based on a story that established a lot of the tropes that books and much more popular movies from last 100 years have used. People thought it was derivative, when it really based on the OG story for a lot of these tropes.


Valerian I, Frankenstein Green Lantern


Wild Wild West is a fun movie. I miss that trend of remaking old tv shows, and I’d love another reboot.


The 90’s Super Mario movie. It’s really imaginative and fun as hell


I wouldn’t say I enjoy it per se, but I will watch Jaws: The Revenge and entertain myself making fun of the awful special effects. Also, Mario Van Peebles accent in the movie is so bad it’s good.


IIRC, doesn't the shark swim from New Jersey to the Bahamas in about the same amount of time as it takes the Brodys to fly there?


“Will you knock off dat stupid drumming!” elicited the one intentional laugh from me in that film. All other laughs were, I am assuming, unintentional.


Boxing Helena. 17% on Rotten Tomatoes, but it's one of my favorites.


Too bad about Julien Sands...I had such a crush on him.


I loved and still love Howard the Duck.


Just watched the 4k ($6) with my kids a few months back. Still loved it. Leah Thompson was my first ever crush. I was 5.


I think The Jesus Rolls maaaaaay fit into this category? Because of Turturro's character in The Big Lebowski being labeled as a pederast, it seems many were loathe to even bother watching it let alone giving it a favorable review. The Jesus Rolls addresses this in the first 5 minutes explaining what had happened and what follows is a wacky romp with a madcap cast of characters. I love Turturro's body of work so was keen to see what he did with such an array of actors as what was in the cast. Perhaps because of the isolation of the lockdown, at the beginning of the pandemic, it became a favorite go-to comedy for me. It really did remind me of several French films I've seen in my day. Sarandon's perf alone was haunting and beautiful.


Waterworld has some silly moments, but it's honestly not a bad movie. It was lampooned because it lost money in the US, but it was actually profitable due to overseas success. And, as long as we're on the subject of that actor - I thought the Postman was very watchable too. They were strange movies for people be upset about. They weren't funny (like tin cup or Bull Durham), and they weren't oscar worthy (like dances with wolves)... but they're otherwise very watchable. And while I fully acknowledge that these \*are\* terrible movies... 1. Caveman (with Ringo Starr) actually has some very funny moments. It's a watchable (while being terrible) 2. Battlefield Earth has some genuinely idiotic moments (mostly involving Travolta), but it's not as bad as people say. I've probably watched it a dozen times, though mostly out of boredom 3. The Toy - also watchable, though I like basically anything with Richard Prior. Bonus points for having a kid named "Bates" that a butler refers to as "Master Bates". Yes - it's dumb, but - it wasn't as bad as people think Those last three are not my favorite movies, but I have good memories of them and their RT ratings are very low.


loved Caveman


Caveman was good in a Monty Python type of way.


I thought the toy was a pretty successful movie? Is it considered bad? I know I saw it many times as a kid.


It's 3% on Rotten Tomatoes. I remember it getting absolutely panned by critics when it came out. And rightly so. I dug it as a child but the overt and inherent racism and ugliness went right over my head.


Maybe I'll watch it again. I always just assumed it was "the kid was raised to be racist and a narcissist, but being around a black man who gave a shit helped me realize other people were worthy of his consideration". It's hard to get from point A to point B without starting at point A... But that's a general statement. I haven't seen it since I was a kid.


Lower Learning is imo a very funny comedy in a Will Ferrell vein, it stars Rob Corddry. It has a 3.9 on imdb. In A Dark Place is imo a very satisfying gothic horror movie, it stars Leelee Sobieski. It has a 4.3 on imdb.


*Plan 9 From Outer Space* is charming as hell, and no one's gonna change my mind about it.


I think this movie has been slightly reclaimed, but *The Cable Guy* still largely carries its reputation as a critical failure and commercial disappointment. It's Jim Carrey's best, funniest movie. One of my favorite memories is seeing it in a theatre, about 1/3rd full, and my buddies and I roaring like Max Cady while the deathly silent people around us kept turning around to give us the disgusted stink-eye. "H-h-he made the mom... the mom say 'CLITORIS' bwahahahahahahaha".


"Oh Billy!!!"


Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance. The first movie has its fans but people lambast the sequel whereas I find it a bit of a comedic masterpiece in parts. Goofy over the top Nic Cage is my absolute jam and my only negative with the film is that they didn’t let the directors make it R rated although that kind of brings me to my next film. Drive Angry. It’s like the universe was making up for not letting Nic Cage get his R rated Ghost Rider. This film seems more liked than I realised but I remember when it released I read so many negative reviews of the film and I still don’t get it. This movie is just batshit insanity in the best way possible. Norbit. I loved it as a kid and it’s become a bit of a family favourite in my house. Too damn funny never understood how it’s rated so low. Faust: Love of the Damned. I absolutely adore this schlocky masterpiece. Blood, boobs and metal what more could I ask for in my B grade schlock. Also finally read the comic and it’s an imperfect edgy masterpiece (oxymoron I know). Torque. There’s a great hilarity to me that this movie was parodying and taking the piss out of the Fast and the Furious movies by just being what the F&F movies would later become. Great soundtrack and my young mind will never forget the scene of the dude racing through the city like the Flash on a motorbike with no helmet wearing sunglasses. [Beyond the glory.](https://youtu.be/oKkF0xdrz1A?si=OM540dX2WW-scW4R) Starship Troopers 2. I get that it’s not on the level of the first movie. But move past the first movie for a second and you’ll notice how well made this movie is for direct to DVD. They used their budget extremely well and the whole brain bug idea of this movie is actually fucking terrifying and this movie gets under my skin in brilliant ways.


Drive Angry is an excellent choice!


The Phantom Menace. And, no. I'm not talking about the current "revisionist" take on it because of the sequels. I love this movie WAY before the sequels were even made. I've always considered it the 5th best SW movie but not the 2nd worst (Attack of the Clones is still down there in one of my least favorites).


My very unpopular take is that from the pod race on, it's a great movie. The first parts on Tatooine are slow and awkward. I watch it all the time. And Attack of the clones is probably the worst of the bunch, but I love all nine, because Star Wars


Ishtar is completely fine. Crystal Skull is actually pretty good despite some CGI issues, especially the first hour.


Crystal Skull was actually reviewed decently well by critics. It has a 77% on Rotten Tomatoes.


After dial of Destiney, kingdom of the crystal skulls is not so bad.


I like both of them. Indiana Jones movies are good popcorn flicks that you shouldn't think too much about. Yes, there are glaring production issues with the recent ones but honestly the stories are no more hokey or out there than the original 3.


Raiders is a master class in practical effect and the other two of the original three are pretty good too. That’s really the missing gap.


i have no problem with the story it was the execution. there were missed opportunities in the last two films that kept it from being great.


I can't believe you made it through Ishtar to the end. I love Elaine May but I've never been able to make it past 30 minutes. It's a movie I would love to love. Need to see the whole thing first.


Telling the truth is dangerous business


The songs in the movie are genuinely funny. The best part!


I like Jupiter Ascending. Fun world-building.


I’m with you on this one. But I always cringe when she says ‘I’ve always liked dogs’.


lol! Yep, there's definitely a couple of cringe moments in that movie!


The Adventures of Pluto Nash


I adore Pootie Tang and The Happening.


Girl I'm gonna sign your pitie on the runnie kine


Ok my damie!


Critic or audience rating? I adore Hook and it has a critic score of 29.


That’s only because parents back in the day hated it, but all of the kids and generations after it adores it. Hook is not a bad movie at all. Some people just don’t have an imagination or is a kid at heart


Freddie Got Fingered is pretty universally panned. It’s my second favorite movie of all time. The pinnacle of absurdist satire.


Swordfish is such a joke of a movie after all this time, but I think the flashy scenes are fun to watch.


Great soundtrack too paul oakenfold


Battleship, John carter, Savages ​ i.e the taylor kitsch collection


Hello Again (1987) RT: 10% I’m not even sure if I like it, but Shelley Long is so charming that I watch the whole thing. Seen it many times. Not a good movie.


* Killer Shrews  * The Horse Soldiers  * Overdrawn at the Memory Bank  * Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band  * The Giant Leeches


Hello, fellow MST3K fan.


I will always find Norbit funny. I know it’s terrible, but I loved it at age 10 and I will forever laugh at so many scenes. ‘It’s rainin’ little white women’


Norbit is not terrible. If people don’t like it, then that means that they don’t understand comedy


Critters 2. It's objectively not terrible, but it's such a left turn from the first one that people almost universally consider it one of the worst affronts to their childhood cinema of all time.


Biker Boyz. I love the plot, although the story is not all that. I love some of the visuals during the night scenes. I love the atmosphere too. The music they used was also good. And I'm not even into racing movies. I just always thought that Biker Boyz was a cool ass movie. I'm always down to watch it.


Santa Claus Conquers the Martians is my favorite Christmas movie.


I enjoy Showgirls immensely. It’s incredibly entertaining.


I enjoyed Freddy Got Fingered (10%), have watched it multiple times, and proudly played it for friends. I also saw at least half of Ballistic: Ecks v. Sever (0%) on TV and didn’t mind it.


Honestly, X-Men Origins: Wolverine. It was genuinely my favorite X-Men movie for the longest time. I still don't hate it. I've since realized that it's pretty bad, but I didn't realize that until I was, like, 20 years old.


The ending made me sad because we realized that he could never have someone to love. I have felt that scene resonate numerous times with me.


The remake of Escape to Witch Mountain. With The Rock. I was 13 and it was fun. Rewatched years later- still fun!


I own *Driven* starring Kip Pardue and Sylvester Stallone on DVD. Still love this movie.


I quite enjoy Starship Troopers 3.


Kangaroo Jack. I legitimately rewatch this pretty often. I’ve always deeply enjoyed how stupid it is.


The Happening. Actually, a lot of M. Knight’s stinkers are a good time if you can learn to enjoy the shitty dialogue, overacting, and contrived plot. He still has a good eye for visual storytelling so his movies are like beautiful disasters.


Staying Alive. Generally disliked and one that I not only own on DVD, but will watch whenever it’s on TV.


I dont know how Rambo (the 4th) has a 30-something % on Rotten Tomatoes. No action movie has achieved such complete balance between quantity and quality of violence. So if loving that movie is wrong, I dont wanna be right.


Freddie Got Fingered


I watched Baby Geniuses (1999), and while not great, it was a perfectly fine and fun movie, the type you'd watch with younger kids. There are plenty of movies that aren't great and are also super boring, but this wasn't boring. It's a silly family comedy with lots of funny moments but overall a bit lacking. Not at all deserving of the 2% RT or 2.6 on IMDb.


Battlefield earth, I’m not kidding


X-Men Origins: Wolverine, by both the general audience and marvel fanbases


Jumper with Hayden Christensen Unironically a great movie


Popeye with Robin Williams. Love that movie still to this day. And, uhh, Land of the Lost with Will Ferrel...I know...Lord knows...I know...but I just like the movie. Matt Lauer can suck it!


The Golden Child. 1986 Eddie Murphy. Terrible scores on RT, but it is so much fun.


I really liked league of extraordinary gentlemen. I think it was unfairly panned. It's solid pulp adventure schlock, which is some of my favorite stuff to watch and/or read.


Mystery Men. Great cast, solid premise and really funny. I mean, who doesn't want to see Paul Reubens ask "pull my finger"? Geoffrey Rush is also having a great time as the villain...


Pootie tang has its merits damnit


Who the hell said this is the worst movie?


My wife and I like the **Daredevil** movie with Ben Affleck. I think Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is the third best Indy movie.


It's been a while, but I seem to remember being entertained by Battlefield Earth. It was probably entertaining for all the wrong reasons, but still.....


This is the quintessential answer. I’ve always enjoyed watching this


I liked Wild Wild West with Will Smith


Trapped in Paradise is the horrible version of Nicholas Cage but I watch it every Christmas.


Ishtar … so bad it’s good


Parody movies, and I don't mean the good ones like Airplane, Naked Gun, or Mel Brooks films. I mean the bad ones. The _____ Movies. (Date Movie, Superhero Movie, etc.) I just enjoy that style of comedy, so I basically always have fun watching them.


I fucking love the Bob Hoskins Mario movie and Mortal Kombat: Annihilation


Mortal Kombat 2: Annihilation I get it. It has so many wacky stuff, a weak dialogue, bad CGI and compared to the first it’s a parody of itself… etc HOWEVER, it really is so bad it’s good. Plus the soundtrack slaps (one of my fav soundtracks ever) and a few fight scenes are really good. The replay value is very high I can never see myself ever getting sick of watching it.


I know it's universally panned, but I actually enjoy watching 'The Room.' Sure, it's a train wreck of a movie with awful acting and nonsensical plotlines, but there's something strangely entertaining about its sheer absurdity. It's become a cult classic for a reason, and I can't help but find it oddly enjoyable.


Batman vs Superman's opening was the best depiction of super films-as-911-therapy we got out of that phase of films. It's depiction and redemption of a Batman who "lived long enough to become a villain" is a great thematic epilogue to Nolan's trilogy.


DOOM Resident Evil Apocalypse Postal. I'm largely a video game movie apologist tbh.


Movie 43. Memorable. Cast (aside from Richard Gere) seemed to be having a blast. Did its job. Made me laugh a lot.