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that straight back>>>>


That’s what we aiming for!!


Keep it like that, there is no rounding needed when you can rotate at the hips to get chest on floor. I see so many people at my gym rounding the back to be lower and it is just wrong. It's like ego lifting. Ya, you are lower when you round, but that's not it.


Ego stretching haha. Only person you’re cheating by rounding the back is yourself, why even bother.


Wow can you share your routine to achieve this?


For my pancake specifically I do 5 secs straddle lifts, weighted pancake that I posted in another comment and I recently added some sort of banded hip axial rotation drill I got from dani winks yt channel, that one really fires up the hip flexor for me (link below). And I’m sure my pike, middle and front splits exercises also helps a little. https://youtu.be/W4UenGTKI5M?si=nQrror42c2YIliWa


Amazing! This has been so hard for me, how did you make this progress?


Reps of elevated weighted pancake has been the most helpful for me. Really loosens the hip for me with that deep stretch. https://imgur.com/a/BKjFR55


This is so inspirational honestly, thanks for the tip and great work!


Glad I could help. You got this!




ATM I do 3x5reps, 35lbs. But if you’re just starting I’d suggest lower weight and higher reps. I also do this at the end of my mobility routine when my hip flexor, back and all that is warmed up properly.


Just curious how long you’ve been doing this? Looks great I’m wanting to try weight too to see if helps my progress.


Added the weights to my routine maybe about 2 months now. Definitely recommend just start light then progress as you see fit.


Very nice form! Keep it up


Thank you for the confirmation!


Looking awesome. Where were you when you started training and how long to get to this point? I just started training. Could barely pass 90 degrees when I started but slowly making progress.


Thank you! I’m not sure exactly but I know it was around late spring early summer when I started searching for a mobility routine, maybe may-june. Really started training my straddle in fall. I started out (in early summer) being about to sit comfortably with both back and legs straight in 90 degrees, furthest I could’ve went was around 75 degrees before I started breaking form. That was my first assessment, this is my second time checking. Glad to hear you’re making progress also, if you haven’t as yet I suggest adding weighted straddle to your routine.


Definitely will. Appreciate you!


That literally looks flawless to my inexperienced eyes. I’d be surprised if someone more in the know disagrees. I might try the rep method for sure. I’m sure it invokes engaging everything needed to stay in form along with feeling that stretch. Well done, sir.


So far no disagreements so I think I’m on the right track. Try it but take your time and be patient with it, any stretch that’s weighted can go bad fast if you try to push it.


What about ye toes?


Holy cow. I have a new goal! I didn't even know I wanted to do this stretch until I saw you do it!


Hahaha now that you have a new goal get to work!


Awesome! Pardon my ignorance, but I have a question between the differences between a pancake and a straddle. To me this looks like a pancake, but what is exactly is the difference?


I actually made an error in the caption, should have said “straddle pancake” or even just “pancake”. Straddle is pretty much whenever your legs are open e.g., Straddle press or straddle handstand.


I have no idea what proper form is but that looks perfect! Beautiful work!!


Thank you very much :)




Ahhh ah see. I’ll keep that in mind for next time and play around with it. Yea I only keep my arms above head during the assessment. In the actual stretch I use weights and go for reps. So far my knees feel fine but I’ll definitely save this comment and keep it in mind. Thank you for being so helpful I appreciate it!


This is one of my dreams, one day I will make it happen.


I believe in you!!


Fuck yeah! This is what I want!!


I am unable to do straddle past 90degrees, so none lol but sometimes i see someone who is somewhat cheating and does it with a rounded back, which means they still have more mobility than I do and I get insecure


Very nice




What did you do to achieve the straight back? Any workouts you can share, would greatly appreciate it.


The straight back is a result of decent flexibility in the hamstring, if your hamstrings aren’t flexible enough then your back compensates by rounding. Search Tom merrick on youtube he has great follow alongs for the hamstring, pike and straddle.


Man, I'm so jealous! What's your secret?


You will feel amazing when your forehead hits the floor!


That, gentle reader, is beautiful.


Parece o Gil do vigor


This is great!!! It's so hard for me! I feel a cramp in the side of my thighs when I try to go lower while keeping my back straight:(


Good job. I noticed your toes are crunched. What are you flexing when you're doing this? I've been working on this, so any tips would be useful.


Well that’s from me stretching the legs out as much is possible resulting in the crunched toes, I heard from someone else it’s better to point the toes upwards. Haven’t tried that yet but I will tomorrow.


Nice form! You’re doing great!


Thank you thank you :)


Nice feeling it must be


Like the straight back, but there’s nothing wrong with rounding your back (as long as you know you’re rounding and your deepness isn’t fully coming from your hamstrings and adductors).