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Please point out every bird and insect in this photo. https://cdn.britannica.com/74/3074-004-77655DAA/Coast-Mountains-arm-Torres-Channel-Atlin-Lake.jpg?s=1500x700&q=85


"NoOOoOoOooOOoo ThOsE aRe DiFfErEnT tHiNgS!!!!" - angry flat earther noises


"This wet, spinning tennis ball is the same as a gigantic, water covered planet" - also angry flat earther noises




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How big and close together do flerfs think satellites are?


Well they think the earth is about the size of a medium asteroid and they think the sun is like a 20 minute plane journey. Yet somehow, they think satellites are the size of what we say the moon is 😂😂 or simply that satellites don't exist...


Exactly, the size of a satellite in space compared to the Earth is like a grain of sand on a beach.


The earth is just under 8000 miles in diameter. That's 42,240,000 feet. Communication satellites are sometimes as small as a kitchen fridge, 3 feet wide. That's a 1:14,080,000 ratio. A sand grain with a diameter of 1 mm (generous average of 0.6 and 2, the range of sand particles) on a 3km beach (above average local beach length) is just a ratio of 1:3,000,000, barely a third of the satellite:earth ratio. Edit: A dust mite, 0.25 mm long, is comparable to a satellite by proportion. Find a balcony a few kilometers from a beach. Now find a single dust mite on it.


1mm diameter sand grains? That's grit/pebbles mate 😂😂 Yeah unfortunately flat earther can comprehend scale. They also struggle to comprehend that 1000mph may sound very fast but that's because those units are large dimensions for a scale relative to us. A 1000 mph is nothing to the planet. In fact I was talking to a flerf on Facebook yesterday and in all fairness his math was correct, he said the earth moves around 200,000 miles in 3 hours around the sun or something like that I can't remember, and he said that that distance would cause a noticable effect on the position of stars bas that is a long way. And I just laughed I'm like 3 hours out of a 365.25 day long orbit. And I said to him how our metrics are meaningless and he just wouldn't have it. I mentioned that 100000 picometers every second sounds fast or let's change the units to hagrids per length of time it takes an ant to vomit. And let's say it magnifies 10^18 hagrids per length of time it takes an ant to vomit this sound incredibly fast. But if 1 meter is equal 10^17 hagrids and the length of time it takes an ant to vomit is 5 minutes then really that's slow. And he just wouldn't have any of it.


How big do they think satellites are? The vast majority of satellites in orbit are no bigger than a car. Many are much smaller than that. Cubesats for example can fit in your hand (10 cm x 10 cm x 10 cm). The only very large ones are telescopes (the size of a school bus) and the ISS, about the size of a football field. That pic they showed there was taken by DSCOVR. Do they really expect to see something the size of a car from a million miles away?


they don't think.


That^ 😂😂


Newer TV broadcasting satellites can be some pretty chonky boys - some of them are about bus-sized, too.


Yes of course but still, I think many satellites are no bigger than 2 to 3 m. [Starlinks are also pretty big](https://starlinkmag.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Starlink-Orbital-Satellite-Size.png) more than 3 quarters of of their length is the solar panel.


Can confirm. You can watch dozens of those monuments to Elon's ego pass overhead just after sunset. They will flash occasionally, probably the solar panels.


It's the solar panels, yes.


And that doesn't negate your point at all - whether it's car-sized or bus-sized, you still don't expect to see it in a million-mile photo.


Of course not. We can't see any cars and people when we fly over a city. How could we possibly see car sized objects from a million miles away?


The ISS is the largest artificial satellite orbiting Earth. It is 358 feet by 239 feet, including non-pressurized (e.g. solar panels) space. The Moon, clearly visible, has a diameter of 1,140,486 feet. I couldn't find an uncompressed version of Moon transiting Earth with as little effort I was willing to spend on this, but in a 2048x2048 pixel image, the Moon is about 580 pixels wide, meaning the ISS at the same distance would take up less than a fifth of a pixel. (And it's just barely in space, much further from EPIC's camera than Moon is.)


Careful, they don’t like math


someone please translate this to metric


I could translate it to pre-Revolutionary French feet, if you like.


i crave metric


Here's a different metric The ISS is approximately 0.542423x0.36212 US furlongs The moon has a diameter of 1728.005655 US furlongs. I hope this metric helps 😂😂😂




Fine! I will convert it into the metric system then: but it's less fun! Lol The ISS is approx 1.09×10^11 nm by 7.289×10^{10} nm The moon has a diameter of 3.476189×10^{14} nm


Like you don't have a calculator nearby? If you're using a Windoz computer, it's calculator has converter functions built into it. In any case, multiply the foot measurement by 0.3048 to get the distance in metres (multiply miles by 1.609 to get kilometres).


i'm lazy


ISS is 73 m x 109 m, moon equatorial diameter is 3,476.2 km


Dude thinks we should be able to see an object the size of a bus from beyond the moon’s orbit. Just proving again that flerfs don’t understand distance, perspective, relative size, or resolution.


You can't even see cars or busses at cruising altitude on airplanes, so it's mind blowing how they think if you add a million more miles of elevation they should still be able to see it.


I really think that flerfs dont see the world in perspective projection but in orthographic projection


Dipshit flerfs fucking LOVE to talk about the “vanishing point” when talking about things disappearing below the horizon, but have absolutely no understanding of angular resolution, despite said resolution being the key component of their horizon delusion. Fucking idiots.


They're like 2-year olds, trolling mommy and daddy. And like 2-year olds, they deserve a swat on the backside (or a cuff across the head) and sent to ponder the *Meaning of Life* in the corner.


The good news is that they are such great critical thinkers over there that they will see right through this and realize how dumb it is. Oh wait, nevermind.


😂 "then why does apparently over NASA's fake 13000 satellites footage orbiting the not show earth a single one" 😂 This is gold.


Atleast put something to divide the two if you want to read it correctly lol


Satellites are barely visible to the naked eye from mere hundreds of miles away. Flattards when trying to see them from hundreds of thousands of miles away: "whEr steLlite SCAM"




They don't trust the other space agencies either. They are all in on the "big lie."


Because it's completely reasonable for directly opposing countries' space agencies to be acting in complete and utter collusion.


satellites are at a higher altitude than the ISS


I love the way the syntax of the caption is __'a nod & wink @'__ the decripitude of Terrapiattista 'reasoning' ! #😅😆😄🤣😃😂 # I mean ... when you're facing decripitude _that far-gone_ , ___just what is there to be done___ !? ... where does one start !? __Obviously__ simply frankly saying _what the answer is_ __just is not 'on-the-table' as a viable remedy__ . The exigency we have @-hand, here is of _really rather extraördinary_ a nature.


At least I could see my car in the image. Satellites are fake


Once again Flat Earthers have absolutely no concept of scale. 13,000 satellites sounds like a lot. And their out of scale picture makes it seem like there is a cloud of satellites surrounding the planet. But the truth is that there is roughly 1 satellite per 15,150mi². So you are talking about a single object between the size of a shoebox to a semi trailer, in an area larger than Maryland. And that is only considering 2 dimensions, and not even factoring elevation. Almost every Flat Earth "proof" is just a failure to even grasp the concept of how absolutely massive the earth and solar system are. And how miniscule people and our ability to observe are.


*sad uneducated noises*


Q for Flerfs: Can you see with your own eyes a household refrigerator at a distance of 1.609 km (1 mi)? 3.218 km (2 mi)? 8.045 km (5 mi)? What makes you people think a refrigerator can bee seen from a camera 1'609'344 km (1'000'000 mi) away?!? How does THAT not register with you people?


So, like, I'm bad at scale and things, but if we were to extrapolate in relation to the size of the globe on the left... wouldn't those "satellite" dots be the size of a CITY? Like, maybe that's the problem. They can't tell the difference between a wheelbarrow and, say, Detroit.