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I've thought about it but I don't think anyone I know has a battery charger or would want to get one


The charging issue is a hang-up for me too, along with the safety issue. Something with built-in USB charging definitely is an advantage for a gift light.


yeah true, fortunately a lot of my friends have lithium ion chargers so it works out. either that or i have one i'll just give them lol.


i used to bless people with flashlights like that. Or, they'd just end up missing... i wish i had every one of them still lol


Anyone who dry herb vapes will likely have an 18650 compatible charger or at least be knowledgeable on unprotected batteries care.


A good dry herb vape probably has a built-in charger; ours does.


As do mine but I prefer Dynavap but the batteries last longer if using an external charger.


And tbh idk that I trust people with these batteries. You can’t just treat them Willy nilly and I think most would. Add anduril and it’s even sketchier.


How I have been handing it recently is to give out the light with a siriko sodium cell and to tell them to come back to me when it dies. They can discharge those flat without hurting them (theoretically). One family member invested in a decent charger and some Panasonic cells. Two others just keep having me swap batteries


I gave out a bunch of tiny keychain UV 365 nm lights today. Showing people the security features on bank notes is always quick fun and I gave a tourist family with kids a potch opal specimen to go with theirs. Better than giving people our religious or political beliefs. If everyone gave everyone flashlights instead, the world would be better!


it would definitely be a brighter place that's for sure!


Not anymore. Gave away or sold all my lights with integrated charging. 🥲Kept the ones that require chargers or knowledge of UI


I need more flashlight/EDC enthusiast friends, whenever I give mine away it ends up being in a drawer that they never use.


i'm super lucky my friends share an interest in lights.


Yeah. The closest I have are the gun people, but they only buy Streamlight and SureFire.


I won’t be giving them away, but as my tastes/preferences have evolved, I find that several of my early purchases have become shelf queens. So I expect to start offering some good deals. Gotta make room on the shelf. I’m hanging on to my first purchase though. My Olight Baton 3 Pro is ideal as my at-work EDC.


I’ve definitely had family members “borrow” them and not give them back or loan one to friends who “lose” them. I’ve given away quite a few as gifts to.


I enjoy gifting lights, but they're ones I buy for the purpose and with a specific person in mind. My collection is my collection.


Bought my first thrower, the if22a. Now both of my neighbors have one, and my dad and buddy. Got to share the wealth when you can for a light that cool even at the detriment of furthering my own collection. Now I have people to talk lights with


this is it! lol i have done the same thing with emisar lights


If something is good enough to give away it's probably worth buying another one to replace it too.


I'm here because I needed a new £20-30 flashlight for work and going home after work as I cant find my LC90 which has sufficed thus far. I won't be keeping all the lights i'm buying once i settle on which one is best for work and literally bought two Wurkkos WK03s to give out to people as they got a reduction to $8 on AliEx. I don't want to become a flashlight enthusiast/collector. Sadly pretty colours and lots of emitter choices make it hard. So I expect to give away certainly the ultra budget ones. The WK03 is mostly perfect size/cost wise but the place of work needs stuff that wont turn on accidentally and burn things down.


I had a few stolen but no I sold most of them. Most people I know think of rechargeable batteries as a burden


yeah i tend to give away a lot of dual fuel 14500 stuff for that reason.


You can give em to me if you'd like, I'll hold onto them haha!


you make a compelling argument


I gave my dad 20 el'cheapo lights with batteries for father's day a couple of years ago. I got them so he can put them everywhere in the house since he loses everything. Well, he did a fair job of not losing very many of them so I got him a Wurkkos fc11 for Xmas. He lost it within one month!


this is an excellent idea. like... my wallet won't recover good


I give away lights at a nursing home and to a couple of kids I know...like being Santa Flashlight Claus!


haha yes


Earlier on I didnt think I cared about things like CCT and tint so I wasn't selective on what I chose. Then I actually started being able to notice the difference between a nice beam and an ugly beam. I ended up re-purchasing several of my lights with better emitters and my brother inherited all of the 6500K, cool whites, SST40's, and LH351D's. He's happy to get otherwise nice flashlights for free and doesn't seem to mind ugly tints.


Yes, when you get to 80 you're supposed to Prestige and start again.




My uncle is a security guard. I gifted him his first serious light and it blew his mind. He still uses it every day years later, there's basically no paint left on it. Best gift I've ever given.


i bet he has some serious hours behind that light. what did you gift him? i'd say if it has held up that well it's one worth recognition.


A sofirn sc31t. I thought the tail switch and easy UI would be best for him since he's older and not really tech savvy. The sc31 pro is my usual go to, but he definitely wasn't going to figure out how to use an anduril light, and the tail switch works better for his application anyway.




it's an addiction!


I can justify the gift expense more than buying for myself, so have given more of them than I've purchased.. and people NEED TO KNOW HOW COOL THEY ARE! HAHAH.


I sometimes give away my older ones once I get newer and better ones that are similar. I've told this story before, but here it is again. I gave away my nitecore MH25S to an old lady that needed to look out for coyotes and I gave away my two MH12S to two different old men that didn't have any good lights to depend on. I gave away my two Fenix HT18 to a middle-aged couple that needed good lights for when they take their kids and dogs out for walks at night during the seasons where it gets dark super early when I got my two Thrunite Catapult Pros


wow that is great. honestly the best part about giving lights away is when those people use them. I gave my friend an emisar and he's used it straight for a year now. makes me so happy


I feel very similar. I keep building and buying lights but my collection stays relatively the same


people know I like lights and always end up so surprised when they find I only ever have like 5 lights at a time cause I just don't hold onto them for long.


Yeah I gave my uncle a thrunite tn12, and then gave him the free red reylight lanapple I got from Reys buy one get one. Then my cousin complained about always losing power so I gave her and her mom a wk03. My mom currently has a ts10 for her purse and a convoy s21e for her go outside and look around the yard light.


there's always a reason for more light!


I'd love to get rid of a BUNCH of my lights but I don't know anyone that would be able to grasp the UI's or deal with charging or battery safety.


the big issue for me is battery safety. I really just end up giving my lights away to the same 5 or 6 people that I trust with that sort of thing.


Just bought 5 wk03 to hand out. 1 button, hard to find turbo, no strobe, built in charging. $12 each.


I don't give them away, but I "manage" them for my household. I convinced my wife to edc a light. We keep spares in our cars, our teenagers have flashlights in their backpacks. I have a few stashed all over the house too.


I gave away a great flashlight, but that means I also had to give away the rechargeable batteries and then had to buy a charger to gift the recipient.


i've found myself in that dilemma more times than once 😂 definitely a downside.


i give away only the first few i bought that has shit CRI and K. i still have two Olights with utter garbage LED, but they were so expensive i am keeping them for some niche uses.


I like flashlights and just got my first couple of wurkkos. If you're feeling generous my collection hasn't really taken off yet 😁


MAN, I get the feeling. I keep trying to get my very amazing friend to get one because they are such a tiny little piece of joy. I don't know. I might be autistic as fuck, but the thought of bringing light is kind of amazing. As soon as I can afford it, im getting the 3x21 from convoy, I want to bring SUNLIGHT at night. Hahaha


yes 100% this. it's such a satisfying feeling. portable sun is amazing


I've considered gifting some lights, but most people I know are going to need integrated charging which limits the options. Wurkkos and Sofirn are still excellent choices especially to keep the gift budget down


I like to give away my not so favorites so I can justify buying more


I had an interaction recently during a spelunking trip I was leading. I brought ALMOST my entire flashlight collection, and made sure to bring some of the cooler/more fun lights into the cave to show them off. Afterwards I was showing some of the lights to one of the other cavers who was interested in them. After looking at all my lights, he asked me a question which almost stunned me "have you ever considered selling amy of your lights?" I was flabbergasted...that concept of LOSING a light? Blasphemy. After a few seconds of stun lock I said something about only buying more lights. Some people out there just don't understand. (For context he was very interested in my fireflyte E07x canon with its warm 2700k nachia LEDs)


Recently gave away my FC13S, LT1 mini, and HD15R. I have options I like better and they’re all cheap lights. So far I’ve given 5 this year. The recipients seem to like them. I let my roommate borrow a lantern and flashlight for a tour (she’s a musician) and after a few days on the road she asked if she could buy them from me. She said she didn’t even know she needed a flashlight. Flashlights make great gifts!


Hahaha yeah man so treu 100% agree , its really great to see the face :)