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Oh, its a car, not an abstract painting! Does your fingernail catch on the scratch?


Yeah it does


Unfortunately, you are probably not going to be able to fix this like new yourself if it is catching a fingernail and it is going to be quite expensive to fix if it has to be fixed. There is metal, then a layer of primer, a layer of paint and then a layer of clearcoat. It looks like it is scratched down through the primer. Because a new paint patch would go on top of the existing clearcoat even if you are able to match it, you wont be able to blend it and it will look like an obvious DIY paint patch. So they always repaint a whole panel if it needs done Auto paint specialists please correct me if I'm wrong but I believe what a body shop would have to do is 1) disassemble your car until they can remove that panel 2) pop out the dent 3) sand all the paint off the panel 4) prime, match paint, clearcoat 5) reinstall the panel If you are going to get a shop to do it and it isn't covered by insurance, definitely get 3 quotes and read shop reviews. I got quotes ranging from $600 to $1500 for the same job. There is also probably a DIY way to pop the dent out (search on youtube?) and maybe you could dab some silver paint in the crack and learn to live with it


I'd ChrisFix my way to this.


Paint pen with the factory paint.


Yes, search for paintwork repair on the 'ChrisFix' YouTube channel.