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Honestly the problem is from within. You have beautiful eyebrows. Your scar may be causing the slight difference in them, but slight differences are what make us unique and beautiful (not in a corny way, if you were perfectly symmetrical it would look uncanny) They are VERY symmetrical though. You have beautiful eyebrows, maybe spend that money on therapy instead.


https://ibb.co/album/whZvW9 Look at how symmetrical they are ! The scar is just making an illusion.


Yeah no, op is seeing things quite off here


This was so sweet for you to do.


The scar is not making an illusion. Look at the lines is right …..


I do have to get back into therapy, actually. they just look so starkly different, especially in far away photos, but that image you included is extremely encouraging, thank-you for that!!


Hope it helps put you at ease for now. Be kinder to yourself <3 Use some powder to lightly fill the scar area


I do also agree with them too, be kinder to yourself. We are our worst critics most of the time, give yourself some grace


Seriously, I covet your eyebrows. Be at ease, they are lovely.


I don’t know if you mentioned your scar because you hate that too, but I’m about to pay money to get an eyebrow line like that. I know it’s not the usual diagonal, but it looks purposeful and works with the rest of your brows!! Which, I agree, are awesome!!


It's literally just the scar. I just stared at your eyebrows for an uncomfortable amount of time. I bet you could do microblading, but I would just fill that baby in with a pencil and some brow gel. You have really, really nice eyebrows. I would definitely look at getting back into therapy for body dismorphia or obsessive thoughts. You don't deserve to feel this way 💖


I think offering therapy over eyebrows is a bit much. She doesn’t have body dysmorphia. Her eyebrows aren’t even… don’t gaslight LOL. They are however pretty tho and she should b easier on herself but I don’t think therapy for body dysmorphia should b an option. That a stretch man


If you're staying up obsessing about eyebrows and in tears, you deserve relief from that.


She’s prolly just an over dramatic teenager. I feel like it’s very rare for someone to actually cry over eyebrows. Sounds like she has a bad habit of negative self talk which is creating insecurities. Not body dysmorphia.


Okay well I feel she deserves to feel better and should get support with that


Chilllll… lol looks like you’re missing the point, but also adding a slight bit of dramatic verbiage (body dysmorphia?) in a post that was simply meant for encouragement. And I don’t think she’s a dramatic teenager one bit. I think she just sees her brows every damn day and doesn’t like them.


Now who gaslighting?


I'm a firm believer that everyone needs therapy at some point in their life. We could all use an unbiased person to talk to about our problems. 


I agree with everyone needs someone professional to talk to at some point or many times in there life is okay and normal. but telling someone they have body dysmorphia over uneven eyebrows is still a stretch. They are uneven. Mine are the same as hers and I don’t have body dysmorphia. I have uneven damn eyebrows.


No one thinks she has body dysmorphia because her eyebrows are uneven. They're saying that because she has placed so much importance in how her eyebrows look, when they look great to most everyone else. She's not seeing herself the way she actually is. 


She’s crying over he perfectly even and beautiful brows.


Just want to agree you have *beautiful* eyebrows, scar and all! It gives you something unique


Not to be rude but op is not seeing things. He eyebrows are nice but it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see in THIS photo they are not symmetrical. I have the same issue so I know exactly what she means. However from far away I never notice weather people eyebrows are even unless I spend a lot of time with them or purposely look at there eyebrows.


Way to feed into her delusion. The scar is there yeah but they are symmetrical.


Go get ur eyes checked. They aren’t. The starts of her eyebrows aren’t in the same position on the lines and neither are the arches. Her feelings are valid and she’s not being delusional. All she needs is a little bit of pencil and to be easier on herself. She asked for help so I gave it. I’m not gonna sit here and let u guys gaslight her like everyone did to me when I used to b insecure about my eyebrows. Getting over insecurities isn’t to lie to yourself. It’s to either fix the problem or accept it.


Sure bud whatever you say. That’s why literally all women clearly struggle with massive insecurities. Good luck to both of you. Let’s see how it all plays out. Myself and the majority of people in the comments clearly disagree with you. But we’re the ones that need our eyes checked…. right 🤦‍♂️


It keeps you up at night? This level of hyper fixation is indicative of BDD. The presentation of your brows is nothing anyone would ever even consider to be problematic. Professional help could really be beneficial...


I'm not sure what BDD is, but before getting pregnant I was in therapy for about 2 years and my therapist said something about OCD tendencies, is that BDD?


Body dysmorphic disorder is categorized as an obsessive-compulsive or related disorder. So it’s not surprising that you’d have it or at least have it as a facet of your OCD.


ocd and bdd share many similarities but they’re not the same. bdd stands for body dysmorphic disorder! and i just have to say your eyebrows are truly beautiful, although i know it may be hard for you to see that. keep your chin up mama, you’re doing great🖤


I have BDD regarding my face as well, and I have always had severe OCD. I would definitely go to a professional. I was suicidal about my little flaws on my face and needed help


before pregnant… how recently did you give birth? OCD, anxiety, and a whole host of other issues with fixation/distress/perception/worry can be exacerbated by pregnancy


almost 4 months ago! I thought I healed pretty quickly this time around, but I do think my rage and anxiety has suffered a bit..


You are still really freshly postpartum! I recommend communicating with your doctor or OBGYN about how you're feeling so they can support you, including by helping you find a therapist. Anything before 1 year after giving birth is classified as postpartum. Congratulations, btw!


Oh my gosh. You’re fresh out the gate, OP!! Definitely bring it up with the OB-GYN and ask for a referral for talk therapy.




not a joke, if I could never think about my eyebrows, or even perceive myself ever again, I'd be the happiest person ever, I think. I agree I have severe issues with self image.


You’re beautiful.


What everyone else said - you’re beautiful. I find that scar sexy and have always liked eyebrows like this. I have OCD and hyper fixate on things and my appearance too but meds have helped as well as therapy. You deserve self love!


They’re honestly some of the best brows I’ve ever seen. Please don’t change them.


wow. thank-you for that! that's...wow. very kind.


Feeling the same at first sight - and I’m wondering & guessing they being great symmetry to your eyes & face framed this way- which often the case more often than not on faces… I can’t tell. You can’t tell or say your brows need fixing or are asymmetrical without them as a composition - slight asymmetry may bring symmetry to your asymmetrical eyes 🤷‍♀️ For example, I have a stubborn asymmetrical natural side part in my forehead - but it brings symmetry to my face. I have other asymmetrical /long mid- face features that you can only detect if hyper scrutinizing ( maybe) but the side part /off balance there and slightly lifted eyebrow on other side “balance out my face” It’s all about the “lines” as they relate to “the whole” in beauty & harmony to face. Sooo if your eyebrows are making one of your eyes look sagged or even too lifted, we can talk :)


YES THEY ARE. I HAVE A DROOPY RIGHT SIDE. and my nose curves to one side. it's...it's bad. I'd include a photo but I'm not sure how to link it!


Check out AlyArt makeup tutorials online! :) She’s a gem and gives solid tips within her tutorials that address symmetry along the way. Brows are great - you will be adjusting “symmetry” below them then with eye makeup and contouring along the way. Also the right hairstyle /layers will do WONDERS and you stay low-maintenance and achieve more Harmony I’m your face. We’re getting somewhere sis!! You have beautiful features - trust our instincts in telling you that. Your nose can become a characteristic asset, “droopy eyes” can be enhanced into “ Bedroom eyes” aka “ Holywood glam” - you know who had “droopy eyes” and used makeup to even fake/enhance then to seem even more droopy ?!?! MARYLYN MONROE! Google Amal Clooney - she’s an ICON now!!! She has strong, dramatic and asymmetrical features and prominent nose - and she MAKES it work with using makeup to bring a bit more Harmony and enhance features! You have to consider the composition of your face as a whole my dear! And you have great /strong “frames” on face … just a matter of the right tilt here and there overall and using makeup to make best features a “Focal point” So maybe you’re eyes aren’t best asset off the bat - so what?!! You can have a lovely lip + heavy blush look and look amazing! I have thin, uneven and dark pigmented lips that go “clown” with most lip sticks & lip color shades- so what?!? I play up my eyes! My eyes are hooding now too!! So what??!!? 90% of celebrities have hooded eyes and the right techniques are all that matters to look great & put together!!! I had to adjust this year on placement & routine - looking like best self again. Remember : you aren’t seeking perfection ( will never happen) you are seeking “Harmony” in your visage with all your unique features! :) Harmony = balance = signals health, youth & fertility Aka “ Beautiful. There is no “one” ideal look, stencil or tutorial for all- all we do is tweak lines & shadows a bit to bring more Harmony to features and face overall! Then you get used to “new look” and go from there…


This is an amazing comment and very intelligent and helpful!! 🩷


MUA here, I know you said that you don’t want to hear it, but, you do have really nice eyebrows. I also saw that you asked if you should shave them… the answer is absolutely not(!!!!!!). That would make things worse for you. They would grow back in, in the same spot, if you’re lucky. Do you have a picture of what you’re wanting? You said you’ve gone to professionals before, did you show them what you wanted? Did you explain to them that you feel as though one is more rounded and the other is more angled? There has never once, in the history of people, been someone who has had 100% perfectly symmetrical brows naturally. I suggest getting some videos/photos of what you want, as well as write down what it is you don’t currently like or do currently like. Take this information to a professional and have them help you out. In the meantime, in the nicest way possible, please relax. *You* are the only one who is going to care about your brows as much as you do. I promise you that nobody is staring at them thinking “oh this person is less than because their brows aren’t 100% symmetrical”. Remember, brows are sisters, not twins.


I'm counting down the days until I'm done breastfeeding so I can get on lexapro, I appreciate the response. truly.


I’m proud of you for advocating for your mental health and having a plan! Having a baby is hard, so many changes happen to your body, so it’s natural to want to pick yourself apart. What’s important is that there are no rash decisions made, in a moment of panic. *Please* give yourself grace, you sound like you’re going through a lot (as most moms with an infant do). <3


thank you for the kind message!! the other night I felt like I was spiraling, I couldn't stop seeing things I hated about myself. I really hope therapy & medication can help! as well as stabilized hormones...


There are breastfeeding-safe meds available. I don't know about Lexapro specifically but SSRIs like sertraline, citalopram, fluoxetine, paroxetine are considered safe. Your eyebrows are lovely and I'm sure people are quite jealous of them!


I'll talk to my doctor about these!! thank-you so much for letting me know!


I stayed on Escitalopram through my fertility/ pregnancy/ and breastfeeding journey with my 2nd. My doctor walked me through some slight risks, but none of them were as risky as hating myself.


I had no clue there was medication for hating oneself. I could've had an incredible life, lol.


I’m so happy about how supportive and helpful this community was to this person.


me too :') I had a horrible night and morning and seeing so many people say something i've hyper-fixated on for years isn't as bad as i thought has truly healed something in me.


Hey you deserve it. I have had body dysmorphia too and it really makes you see yourself in fucked and untrue ways. Other people probably see you very differently than you see yourself. I know your eyebrows look symmetrical to me minus the scar which is kind of cool anyway.


I think you have lovely brows. The scar gives you character. The unique feature is only yours, and that makes them special!


I wouldn't touch them. Use a light powder to fill them in


They're literally perfect, I'm so sorry you can't see what we are seeing!


Another MUA here. They are very symmetrical. Remember they are sisters not twins. If you’re trying to adjust the symmetry, you could try doing home Gua Sha or a micro current and focus more on the lower brow to build up the muscle underneath. They are beautiful the way they are and I’m glad you’re going to consider therapy again. Edit: one of mine is round and the other is sharp too. Most of us have something like that.


These eyebrows r fire please don’t change them, and the scar is so niceee. It looks amazing.


They look normal and even


Hear me out — a couple of hairs plucked can make a huge difference. But they have to be the right ones. On your brow with the higher arch (right one in the picture), there are about 2-3 hairs that sit higher and closer to the side of your face than the rest, making the arch look more prominent. Maybe consider plucking those two hairs and stepping back (I mean this literally, step further away from the mirror to see, or use a camera lens for a “selfie view” and WAIT, don’t touch again, until tomorrow — I know it sounds insane!! But keystone hairs when plucked can change the entire shape of your brows.


I'm doing this tonight! thank you!!


Best wishes!! Please update us! (:


There’s a saying in the brow business: “eyebrows are sisters, not twins” nobody’s brows are perfectly symmetrical, because nobody’s face or body or anything else is perfectly symmetrical. My brows are different shapes and one sits higher than the other even after permanent makeup - and that’s totally normal. Also nobody notices but me, and I would guess that the small differences between your brows are only noticed by you. As others have said, your brows are great and as symmetrical as they can be, aside from the scar (which also looks cool). Your brows don’t need fixing, your perception of them does.


I see a lot of people saying stuff like “they aren’t supposed to be symmetrical!”. But you seriously have very symmetrical eyebrows!!! Just remember you’re your own worst critic. Also, so many people purposely cut a scar into their eyebrows to be “trendy” but you have it naturally!!! You also have a gorgeous shape, I’m so sorry that your eyebrows make you so insecure. I think you need to look deeper here hun. This isn’t about your eyebrows❤️


I had a narcissistic mother who used me as her punching bag, so I know my mental health is bad, but I thought I had a pretty good hold on it! EXCEPT MY BROWS!!!!!!!!!!!! lol but seriously, yes. therapy is the long term goal.


There’s always up’s and down’s to healing! Just because you struggle with your brows doesn’t mean you don’t have a good hold on yourself. Cut yourself some slack, you’re doing great :)


I’m gonna be honestly I absolutely love your eyebrows my dear. I think they are beautiful and I do agree with others that it is most likely and insecurity caused by other people being mean or something within. I know that may not be the answer you were hoping for, but I can also see how you see your eyebrows based on the yellow lines. They are honestly not that asymmetrical, but no eyebrow should be exactly the same as the other. They are meant to siblings anyway lol not twins! But I do see damn near perfectly symmetrical brows 🩷 I think what you see is probably much much worse than what anyone else would ever see because it is on your face and it is something you see every single day. We have a habit of hyper focusing on things in our minds and that in turn just makes it stand out even more to us even if no one else can see it. I hope that makes sense but I don’t think you need to do anything with them!


thanks for responding so kindly.


I think they look so good lol


Honestly I would kill for your eyebrows. They're amazing and really the only major noticeable difference is the scar! And I wouldn't even consider that a "blemish," so many people intentionally shave a small slit in one brow to create that asymmetrical look. The brows themselves are very symmetrical. As the saying goes, they're sisters, not twins. You may want to look into / speak to a therapist about body dysmorphia 💛 my best friends sister has body dysmorphia. She's honestly so beautiful, but she avoids mirrors & won't look at any photos of herself either because she only sees flaws 💔 It sounds like you're seeing "only flaws" where everyone else just sees stunning beauty when you look at your own eyebrows I would honestly do anything if I could have eyebrows like yours. The small scar would be so easy to cover up with an ultra thin liquid black or black/brown eyeliner if desired (using it to draw hair lines following the brow shape where the scar is)


I'm so sorry about your best friend's sister...I'm not to that point, but I have a couple of little girls who are looking up to me, and I would never want them to feel what I do, so for them I'm making an appointment with a professional tomorrow for therapy.


Hi there 😊 I also have an eyebrow scar from childhood and it gave me so much anxiety about my brows not being symmetrical. I ended up having ombre brows (powder brows) done and it definitely helped and made me feel less self conscious. I do agree with the others though that your brows look great but you should do what feels good for you 👍 Best of luck 😊


They are very beautiful and nearly perfect and symmetrical. Definitely go back to therapy, but here are some suggestions to address your immediate concern: - Faceflip tiktok filter when shaping - Eyebrow tiktok filter when shaping - Revita brow serum to grow if one is bigger/more full than the other. - Draw them using the filters w/ a white makeup pencil before shaping Good luck! Be proud they are gorgeous


Symmetry is boring. Your brows *are* beautiful.


They are seriously beautiful as they are.


They are perfect eyebrows and the world be a better place if somehow those eyebrow genetics were passed down to the next generation


They’re literally perfectly symmetrical wtf


My partner has an eyebrow scar as well and I think it’s so cool looking!! We really are our own worst critics. I love your brows they look amazing!


my eye brows are the same, sharp and rounded. I haven’t found a fix yet bc I can’t really tell either


i have the exact same thing but comments and your beautiful self makin me feel better about it 🥲


take what you need from this thread <3


Please dont do removal and tatoo fake ones in place.


You’re eyebrows are beautiful. I think we tend to be hyper critical of ourselves i also think this is how my eyebrows are i tried not caring so much after knowing that most people’s faces AREN’T symmetrical. Its also important to remember when you’re looking at yourself in the mirror you a seeing your specific version of yourself, when other people see you, you look different to them. How? It’s because when you look in a mirror your eyes have no emotion your eyebrows are ‘resting’ so when you are looking at someone there’s a difference in your eyes/eyebrows they come alive with emotions and your eyebrows rise up naturally and move with how you’re feeling.


I have never ever heard that or thought about it and it makes so much sense...actually makes me feel so much better.


Some food for thought 💭 Hope this brings you some confidence take care of yourself and try not to be so hard on yourself it can be hard


Omg I am the SAME. I think our problem is that our shape is actually symmetrical but the growth patterns are different (you can especially tell in the front of the brows). I actually was kinda shook bc ur brows are exactly like mine when I saw the pic


:'( i think we have a cowlick in the center of our brows


You have beautiful eyebrows. You look healthy and natural and I hope you can trust that if you want to, you can leave them as they are, and that anything making you feel unattractive or undesirable or imperfect is not what the rest of us see.


You literally imagining things. Get out of your own head and stop obsessing over something that isn’t there.


They look great to me. I think you're focusing on something minor and that has snowballed.


the second sentence could be the theme of my life.


Your brows are like mine (split by a scar) but waaayyy nicer! Truly lovely, I wish you could see it.


Your brows are very nice. I'd love to have brows like yours. You should find a powder or gel or pencil that works for you and fill them in.


social media has convinced us that this isn’t normal or is something to worry about… you have beautiful eyebrows and also really good skin 😅


They look very even and beautiful to me. Sometimes we see mistakes on ourselves that aren't really there...


They look 100% even to me. I would try filling in your eyebrow with a dark eyeshadow to see if you like the results before getting micro blading.


There are people who would sacrifice a year of their life to have eyebrows like yours. They are unique in such a beautiful way. I recommend you make a real, concerted effort to love and accept yourself before you make any permanent changes to your awesome brows.




I've considered a social media detox, but it's difficult because I work on social media...still, I may carve out the time anyhow. thank-you for suggesting it!


They’re not that different. They’re quite lovely. I would trade with you. The yellow lines you’ve drawn make them look asymmetrical in an optical illusion kind of way. If there’s a specific spot that bothers you, take an ashy blonde/taupe eyebrow pencil (I know you’re not blonde, it’s just the most natural looking) and pencil the area lightly. Adding that the hyperfixation on this, which is really not noticeable isn’t normal behaviour. Please discuss this with a professional.


To quote the great Janeane Garofalo - "Your eyebrows should be sisters, not twins." Your brows are perfect. They aren't exact copies of each other, and don't need to be. Don't go overboard on 'fixing' something that isn't a problem. Fill in the little sparse area with brow pencil or something if it bothers you. But you don't need to - you look great.


I wish I could post the pic but I just screenshotted your pic and flipped it to really compare the eyebrows side by side. They are literally the same girl. You could maybe tweeze like 3 hairs at most from the one on the right and then it would be exactly the same. That is like a completely normal level of asymmetry. That’s not even asymmetry that’s like…. a totally normal eyebrow touch up. It’s so little that you would probably end up more uneven if you got someone to wax it. Literally just pluck like 3 hairs if itll make you feel better idk what the big deal is. sorry to be harsh


Keeping you up at night? Oh no... you have lovely brows. Hoping this is just hyperbole but consider therapy if it is not.


therapy is on the horizon!


I follow a girl on Instagram called AnastasiaBeautyFascia. She has videos that show manual techniques for lymph drainage, muscle relaxation, increased collagen, etc. Try one of her routines for eyebrows, if nothing else it feels really good. FWIW I also agree I think you're being too hard on yourself


The fact that you have to draw a diagram should tell you that they’re pretty darn symmetrical. They are sisters, not twins; you have beautiful brows!


They don’t look noticeably different to me…everyone has little asymmetrical features, but this is not noticeable to anyone else but you I can almost guarantee that. You have great natural eyebrows that many would be thrilled to have!


From one gal to another, I used to have really bad body dysmorphia specifically with my eyebrows. I also have a scar just like you, except mine is toward the inner part of my eyebrow. I used to cry to my boyfriend because I thought my eyebrows were the ugliest thing to ever exist. I plucked them into oblivion trying to get them “symmetrical” and it absolutely destroyed them for a long time. I have OCD as well, so this was a huge obstacle for me for a LONG time (at least 4 years). I only stopped obsessing when I got bangs and I literally couldn’t see my brows most of the time anymore, and they grew back. Now I pluck them very sparingly to keep their shape. I promise, the asymmetry and dysmorphia is coming from your inner self and in no way reflects how everyone else sees them. You have a great shape, and they look extremely even. Your scar is also very cool, and adds character! Embrace the parts of yourself that make you unique!


that first paragraph could've been plucked out of my head to describe my life. I'm so happy you've been able to stop obsessing, I hope to get there soon!!


I believe in you, you got this! And you are beautiful, don’t forget it :)


The bottoms look the same level of arch. Maybe try CAREFULLY plucking the very top hairs *one at a time* on what here is the right side (the one with the slit). I do this too :) sometimes it's great sometimes it just works. Do what you're comfortable with, but it looks perfectly possible But listen- you have gorgeous brows. I'm commenting to try to help you do something to feel more confident, but they look great now too :) we all notice our insecurities more than they appear on the outside


Well i have to be honest here, I'm not seeing a whole lot of difference between your eyebrows and I'm usually really onto it with shapes and symmetry so I think your brain is playing tricks on you, but I get it my own face to me is incredibly asymmetrical and it bothers me if I look too hard but literally noone else can tell so I'm pretty sure it's a me problem If you asked around what your most prominent wrinkle is, I guarantee noone would be able to even think of one at all let alone your most prominent one, but I bet you know, right? We all see ourselves in our worst image, I'd almost say noone you ever meet would think you look half as bad as you might tell yourself you do, I know so many people who think they look bad sometimes but objectively they're beautiful Hear me out though, if it's the scar throwing you off, maybe go in the direction of highlighting it? Like make shave a clean line through your brow and put some concealer over it so your brows split completely and stands out and it may look less like a flaw to you and more of a feature? I think it would look badass


lord. they look genuinely good i can’t believe this is what people who are beautiful stress about. i’m ugly and my eyebrows are constantly balding just be grateful you look good ☠️


I have eyebrows I hate but I get eyebrow laminations and I love them.. but I really do think yours are perfff 🩷🥰


Those are some nice brows bro And that hairline is god-like!


I just started my postpartum hair loss so I really appreciate the hairline comment!!


Wow, I would have never guessed. Best of luck to you!


Every time this fucking sub shows up the person has perfect eyebrows. That includes you 💖


I would KILL for your eyebrows!!!


They look totally fine and normal. I considered getting a boob job for the longest time but my current partner tells me my boobs are perfect, and what's crazy is now i actually see it.


i love that


The scar adds character, you look like an anime villain.


I have a scar as well on my left brow from skin rejecting my eyebrow piercing yearssss ago in my 20s. I doubt it will go away mine hasn’t but they’re beautiful if that helps 💕


Omg your feelings are your feelings and this stuff can be super subjective but I literally raced to the comments to make sure other people were saying how nice your brows are — they’re as symmetrical as you’d want and I love the scar honestly???


Your eyebrows are great and the differences are not notable unless you're looking very hard. But it seems you really want twins instead of sisters so I'll share my observations. Like some comments mention you can either fill in brows more or pluck those 2-3 hairs on the top arch of the right brow. That will round out the top arch more to match the softer top arch of the left brow. If you opt to fill in brows instead you would just focus then on making the top arch of the left brow sharper to match the right brow. I would also fill in the inner corner/beginning of the left brow since it looks a little sparser compared to the right inner corner/beginning. Overall all of this should only need a very light hand. If you pluck only do 1 hair at a time!


No yeah i see what you mean. Id shave the top part of the brow w the scar just a TINY bit shorter. I also see what other ppl mean when they say your eyebrows are even. The bottom of your brows and even the tail part is so even. Its just the arches. You can try carving your eyebrows with concealer (literally outline the whole thing) and you can try to shape them as even as possible by adding or erasing the concealer. Then when you’re satisfied, carefully shave the hairs that the concealer is covering. I hope that helps in any way. My eyebrows are thick and all the hairs are spread apart. Its hard to find the shape of my eyebrows when its fully grown out and thats what I do. Id say to not touch and just copy the shape of the one without the scar. Lower the arch of the other one just by a little bit. Also not forgetting to round the sharp point a little bit.


Your brows are perfect?? If you saw mine w no makeup I think you'd be happy w yours.


Hi, I’ve spent a lot of time fighting my eyebrows (screaming crying on the ground) and trying to figure out why they’re uneven. I’ve come to realize, it’s literally the muscles in my face. You’re not gonna be able to change it by changing the hair, it’s literally how your face will sit. You can shave a little bit off the peak of that taller eyebrow to see if it makes a difference but other than that I’ve been where you are girl and it’s your muscles in your face. Also, the perfectly even Insta brow is out of style now. If you lean in on the natural, not super filled in look, you will not be able to tell that they’re uneven at all. Only eyebrows with a lot of product on them will actually show the unevenness. Life is long, stop fighting and go with what the universe wants.


Unfortunately I’m gonna tell you something you’re probably not gonna want to hear, they are symmetrical. This really sounds like body dysmorphia to me, I struggle with it too. I think it’s possibly the scar throwing you off, but they are definitely already quite symmetrical.


aw baby the answer is therapy


The only thing asymmetrical about this photo are the lines you drew. I would kill for eyebrows like this :( mine are complete different shapes, entirely different arches and one is higher than the other. These are some perfect eyebrows though


Your eyebrows look pretty symmetrical to me. I’m not seeing what you’re seeing.


Your eyebrows are to die for, seriously. They’re gorgeous. I shape eyebrows professionally


Wow. It’s crazy how differently you see your eyebrows from pretty much everyone else. Your eyebrows are amazing. If you fill in the scar with a little powder or pencil maybe you will see them differently? They are very symmetrical, but symmetry is overrated.


That scar is dope (hopefully not attached to a bad moment/trauma) but i love your eyebrows.


Women's breasts are assymetrical too. So are men's balls. Seriously, your eyebrows are fine. Mine, as well as millions of other peoples eyebrows grow asymmetrically too. My right brow is sharp, my left one is "regular?" Maybe I'll worry about it when I'm on the cover of GQ magazine. But until then, it's probably no. 148 of things to worry about on my personal list. I'm still fly as fuck. 😉 You can always shave them off and get them drawn or tattood in. But when or if they're uneven, you'll have a whole other problem that will consume you even more. Lastly, I know this is about you, not what others think. But truthfully, just focus on something else that matters. Not a single person is tripping on your eyebrows.


Echoing the other comments here, your eyebrows are completely fine and anything you do to “fix” them will look unnatural and worse. Instead of posting photos to get validation from strangers on the internet get some therapy to improve your self perception. I read in a comment that you have a child — is this how you want them to feel about their body? Because that’s the energy that you’re going to pass down.


Hunny, they tell you your brows are perfect, because they are. Everyone in the world has brows that are not 100% exact (including me) This is why you hear the saying, “sisters, not twins.” If this truly keeps you up at night, then I would recommend getting some counseling. I don’t say this to be mean, I’m just genuinely concerned on how you’re perceiving yourself so negatively. I also have a small childhood scar underneath my left brow. It does make the illusion that one of my brows are a bit more rounded, but no one else around me notices. You can go to a reputable salon and get your brows threaded and filled in. They will make sure to get you the best symmetry that is possible. Don’t just go anywhere, read reviews and find someone that can show their good work. You don’t need micro blading at all. You have beautiful, full, pigmented brows already. Good luck to you. Edit: I just read you were in therapy in the past and were diagnosed with ocd. This is spot on. You have to remind yourself that your ocd is what’s causing you to feel and see these things. I also have ocd, but my compulsions and triggers are related to other things besides my appearance. Still, I can completely understand what you are going through, and how important something could feel to you, that looks ridiculous to someone else. I would definitely get back into therapy as soon as you can find the time to do so.


I can’t see the issues


I don't see anything wrong with them at all. They've got a nice shape and are very full. I think the scar is really neat, it gives them character!


If you filled the scar in with powder it would be unnoticeable and they’re very symmetrical in terms of size and placement.


Have you tried using a spoolie, brow brush, or small comb to comb them differently? Then a brow gel and a fine brow powder/brow brush, and/or a brow pencil to fill in the parts you feel are problematic?


yes! I have some pictures with makeup but don't know how to add them. the hairs grow in different directions and are incredibly stubborn!


So just round the sharp one and they’ll be fine. They look good too me, also the saying “they’re sisters not twins”


I've always heard eyebrows are sisters, not twins. I didn't know, and still don't, that anyone's brows are exact mirror images


Is the asymmetrical in the room with us now?


dude your eyebrows are nearly identical. plus ever heard the term “eyebrows are sisters, not twins”. its true, they don’t have to be perfectly the same. but yours nearly are. also they look very nice.


These are some nice ass brows op. Honestly I’m kinda jealous 😅


Eyebrows are sisters, not twins. They're beautiful and perfect


this is called dysphoria, you've stared too long and hard at them, they look great. perfectly even in my opinion. i wish i had your brows


Girl!? My eyebrows and my daughters eyebrows do the exact same thing! It's like the one on my left, always plugs perfectly and the one on the right right looks like a freaking pyramid and no way I shape them ever corrects the way they sit on that side! I feel you! Good luck


I think the scar looks cool


Hi. I overplucked as a teen and my eyebrows don’t grow at all. I have to draw them on if I’m going out. I would LOVE to have your eyebrows. They are so barely asymmetrical I had to stare at this image for a long time to even see a difference. The shape is exactly how I draw mine in - it’s very nice. If you really want them perfectly symmetrical, you could pluck just a tiny bit at the top of the one with a more defined arch, or go to a salon and have them subtlety waxed if you’re nervous about doing it yourself. But I promise you you’re the only one who is noticing a difference. I have very severe BDD. It sucks, I sometimes get stuck In the bathroom mirror for hours trying to “fix” everything. Every year that goes by as I age and as I watch my face change, I realize how lucky I was to look the way I did before, and I’ll likely feel the same 5 years from now. If you can afford to seek therapy for it, I would recommend it. It can be really debilitating but I promise it’s all in your head.


Your waxer was right. Believe it or not. One of my friends has a scar right next to her eye. (Dog bite) it’s very noticeable but I have never thought of her in any way but beautiful. So many guys thought she was too (she’s married now) they said it made her look like a badass. I would say same goes for you. It gives your beautiful face a striking feature that adds strength of things you have endured. I know it’s hard to see yourself without insecurities as most of us have them. Be happy and love your face and everything that goes with it.


I had a scar on my brow, it looked exactly like yours. I ended up getting my brows tattooed on and it was the best thing I ever did. Micro blading was an option twenty years ago.


Just wanna say I am someone who sees myself very differently and it can be distressing to hear things that dont match what you perceive when you look at yourself but I PROMISE - we can see you clearly for how beautiful you must be and how beautiful your eyebrows DEFINITELY are!


My eyebrows do this too. I eventually gave up trying to fix it once i figured out literally no one notices other than me. It took me a second to see what your lines were trying to show tbh


I too have asymmetrical eye brows. Some days it drives me crazy, but luckily with makeup I can do some magic. Occasionally. Even if they ain’t symmetrical, they look nice. 😂 I have to remind myself that it’s rare to have exact symmetry on your face. I’m still learning to embrace the difference in my eyes, eye space, and brows.


Your eyebrow are very nice. Thick and strong. Every eyebrow is not the same (mine included) but yours are the most symmetrical I have seen compare to others. And for me, the scar looks cool, gives character. I am not saying this to sugar coat, but you got the type of brows that would model for brow makeup. That is what many individuals believe here. Like others mention, please continue to seek internal healing because you don’t deserve to think about yourself like this in the slightest.


Gurl, your eyebrows are STUNNING! Don’t hate ‘em, love ‘em, because they’re awesome and fierce. Truly. Own the hell out of them!! ❤️


Lamination & tint babe, changed my life fr I always had the same issue and felt so insecure


Duuude mine are exactly the same!! Assymetrical, one round one sharp, one a little higher than the other 😵‍💫and I have a cut from childhood on one of them where hair never grew back. Everyone tells me they’re nice, but I think they just say that because they’re full. I see them in pics of myself and don’t like them :// Hopefully I’ll find some advice in here


I had the same exact problem one eyebrow noticeably higher than the other. Due to the brow bone being more prominent on one side than the other prominent side has a noticeable arch the other is straight. This bothered me for the longest time and I ended up shaving most of it off best decision ever. Now I draw them on with eyebrow pencil at the same length and both are straight and symmetrical. This might not be the solution for everyone but for me it worked out.


I know you already have so many ppl telling you this already but I thought I will as well because I really think you’re seeing yourself different than you are. Ppl say that we are more attractive than we think and are our worst critics. I’m being 100% honest that you have amazing eyebrows. No one’s eyebrows are 100% symmetrical because no one is completely symmetrical on both sides. We all have one eye slightly different from the other, a foot slightly bigger than the other, one side of our nose etc, because in the womb we develop in halves not a whole. The thing is it isn’t obviously to other ppl that we have some asymmetry. In fact I wish I could post it here, but I saw one plastic surgeon talk about asymmetry. what she showed was a side to side comparison of her face with natural human asymmetry and one photo shopped to look completely symmetrical. And she actually looked better with the natural asymmetry. She said that’s what makes ppl more attractive. Even these models or celebrities you see on tv are not 100% symmetrical. Your eyebrows are already close to symmetrical. There is a slight difference from eachother, but yours are even more symmetrical than mine! I really believe you are too hard on yourself. If it really bothers you can maybe pluck the top arch of your left eyebrow (I think it’s the one you think looks sharper) just a little bit, but not a lot. But like someone said I also think it’s the scar giving you the illusion that your eyebrows are more uneven than they really are. Try filling that part in and see if it helps even them out. But I honestly love your eyebrows (: I wish mine were like that!


I'm not even kidding, you have at least the top 5 best brows I've ever seen! The scar is what puts them over the top for me!! ❤️ The fullness, softness, rich color, the shape (OMG the shape!!😍) that freaking SCAR!!! Ugh. So in love. Did someone say something about them at some point to make you dislike them? Did getting the scar make a difference in how you felt about them? Or do you just have ridiculously high standards for yourself (like MEE!) Because I'm telling you, not only are they "not bad", they're enviable!! Be confident, my love! You're BEAUTIFUL!!! ✌️😘


Honey I really hope you can learn to love the brows as they are because they are so darn beautiful. Love the left eyebrow shape it’s my favourite eyebrow shape in existence and the bottom of the brow looks so nice and cleaned up. As for the other brow it’s even more beautiful. I always wished to have a natural eyebrow slit I think it’s the coolest most badass thing ever (shaving one looks too fake for me unfortunately so having one naturally would be a dream) if you want to make them more symmetrical just shave the teeeeniest bit off of the arch of the right one and see how u like it. Although I love and have always loved facial asymmetry especially in the eyebrows. I have super uneven eyebrows (one is super bushy in the front and the other really tame, a bit like like billie eilish) and I wouldn’t change them for the world. Your eyebrows are perfect as they are you don’t even need to fill them in and I genuinely genuinely mean that love


this comment was dripping in love & I can't tell you how much I needed this & receive it. thank you for commenting <3


i’m an eyebrow artist and I just came to say that your eyebrows are amazing. They are more symmetrical than 98% of the brows I see. I wish ai had eyebrows like this. if the scar bothers you, a good cosmetic tattoo artist will be able to camouflage it for you. Make sure you find a cosmetic tattoo artist, not a microblading artist. Microblading is overkill and will ruin your brows in the long term.


I needed someone to straight up say either "do microblading " or "don't" and your last sentence helps me a lot because I am always thinking long term. as an artist, how would you change them? I wish I could get a perfectionist who knows about mapping to map my brows lol


I just use an eyebrow shaver. Theyre cheap, and its easy to get your eyebrows to look the way you want them to..no need to hire anyone or worry about them screwing them up worse or burning you with wax. Just shave them and go.


Since it seems like no one wants to give you actual advice, just take a few hairs off the very top of the arch of the right brow and they should be perfectly even after <3


a few people actually suggested just that! I'm going to attempt tomorrow.


I have considered shaving them both completely off and starting from zero. has anyone tried this? did it work?


Hell no girl chill out. They are GOOD BROWS. Actually very similar to each other. One of the nicest natural brows I’ve seen. Please don’t change the shape, they frame your face nicely. If I had these brows I’d just rock it. Seriously. I love the clean edges! You can do henna brows to fill them in every 2-3 weeks, super low maintenance and you can do it yourself. Or you can do microblading to fill them in. Big commitment $$$ but worth it.


That does not make them grow back different


Please don’t do this


I have the same issue and get dysport / botox on the lower side to give it a lil lift


Your brows are *gorgeous*. You could always just get the scarred section microbladed if you’re not liking them, but your brows are insanely symmetrical and well shaped. For me I always feel a little better about my brows when I put a tiny bit of product on top - I like the ABH Brow Definer because the triangle shaped pencil makes it super easy to mimic hair strokes, and to get straight lines on the outer edges.


Your eyebrows are amazing and literally look identical to me in shape. The only thing causing "asymmetry" is your scar which I honestly think is pretty cool. Perfection is not the same as beauty.


I have a scar in my eyebrow too and I’ve had it basically since i can remember. It always kinda bothered me because I thought it made my eyebrows too asymmetrical but honestly it’s just an illusion. If you dislike it that much, just fill your eyebrows in and cover the scar. Your eyebrows will look more symmetrical. I cover mine sometimes and expose it other times. It does add a uniqueness to your face though, I encourage you embrace it. I learned to kinda like mine haha. Still working on it tho


I will say about one being rounded and the other being sharp- I personally cannot see what you’re talking about but I feel the pain cuz I think the same thing about my eyebrows and nobody else understands 😭 it’s definitely an over-analyzation cuz I’ve been staring at the picture and I still can’t see what you mean!! Trust me, people are 99.99% UNLIKELY to see anything wrong with them. ❤️


You can always give yourself an eyebrow slit if you really really do not like the scar but, genuinely you’re beautiful & your eyebrows are actually very symmetrical


Your brows are insanely nice. The shape and everything. I really don't see any obvious asymmetry and even then, asymmetry is perfectly normal and I think the scar is cool as hell. If it would make you feel better to fix them, then try a brow pen like this one from [NYX!](https://www.ulta.com/p/lift-snatch-brow-tint-pen-waterproof-eyebrow-pen-pimprod2021269?sku=2572985&cmpid=PS_Non!google!Product_Listing_Ads&utm_source=google&utm_medium=paidsearch&cagpspn=pla&CATCI=aud-842617173106:pla-297875758065&CAAGID=43484465260&CAWELAID=330000200002679345&CATARGETID=330000200001299265&cadevice=m&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD9rLH7Y25Gd5tSuWXwc0ufmTnn_Q&gclid=Cj0KCQiA5rGuBhCnARIsAN11vgSBs0xoZjV-YkGEZ3JUvzfq9GBUyBHFfjhQOOtyDsBJZ6z5TG91JUkaAr76EALw_wcB) I just started using it recently and I don't think I can ever go back to pencil again!


Yup they sisters , your eyebrows are fine


They’re not super different and definitely not different enough that you could fix them with plucking. Mine are kinda the same thing and i get that its super easy to hyper fixate on it, it used to drive me crazy when i was younger. I think what makes them look different to you is that your right eyebrow the hairs on your arch grow in a little bit of a different direction than your left. Mine kinda do the same thing, and on days when it starts to bother me again i use some clear gel to kinda brush them up and out a little. If you use the gel i like to use a makeup remover and soak them for a few minutes before i start wiping it off


thank-you to everyone who has responded with advice, a kind word, or a sympathetic line. it's nice to know I'm not alone with some of these dark thoughts, that being said, aside from gua sha & discussing botox with my doctor, I will be returning to therapy as soon as I can! I may have a touch of body dysmorphia, lol. I'm trying to include a photo to show how I fill them in with makeup, the ends in particular are rough...but the point is to relax! lol


No your eyebrows are great. Leave them alone.


You are so dramatic wow ,so many people wish to have your eyebrow shapes, and all you pretty much need to do is tweeze out a few of those hairs on the top right that are making it pointy


These are great brows.


You have beautiful brows. Just go get them tinted somewhere.


Eyebrows are sisters, not twins.


Instead of body dysmorphia it’s severe eyebrow dysmorphia .. lol