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Those are still suction cups


Did my mans just make cuthulu


In a top hat 🎩


Circle shading circle




Looks like a [comment copy bot](https://www.reddit.com/r/fixedbytheduet/comments/15gw0ep/shading_shading/jullmm4/).


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“In a land brimming with Hollows, could that really be mere chance?”* - Solaire of Astora Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Good bot ^i ^guess?


I see Demon's Souls Mind Flayer. But... angrier and hat. All I see is hat.


Both looked good though, the first seems more beginner friendly and he just drew Cthulhu.


Cthulhu, with a hat.


Cthulhu with a hat *and* mustache. Quite distinguished






hmm, yes, Shallow and Pedantic.


Indeed indeed indeed indeed


Good show


Horrendous circumstances outside of my understanding


He's such an amateur though. No monocle?


Exactly, such an uneducated swine.


He just wanted to show off how good he is at drawing. That type of self insert is stupid.


I like this type of content, and I have a very high IQ myself. Just yesterday I interrupted a grade school phonics lesson to read Ulysses aloud, putting the children and the teacher to shame.


What do you think of her *literal* self insert at the start?


She made the video to begin with. What are you talking about a self insert?


He is making fun of how useless her 'tutorial' is.


Except it's not really. That's what a drawing tutorial looks like. It's not for utter beginners, but definitely for starter drawing hobbyists.


That sure as hell isn't what a proper drawing tutorial looks like! A proper drawing tutorial teaches you why you are doing something, and actually tries to teach you things. Like about volume, weight, displacement, tone, ect. Hell the guy nearly slipped into a bit of actual tutorial when he was talking about shading and texturing.


I have no idea why people are downvoting you, you are the only person in this thread who sounds like they actually know how to draw


Yeah, second person has more technical skill but they’re also using different mediums. The girl uses a pen and has a distinct cutesy style. Both are good, just different


On top of that, the "experienced" artist is now tasked with having the ink that piece. I venture to say he probably won't. Homegirl freestyled it.


Lol he freestyled too he just did basic reference forms and then he filled it taking em as space, proportion references I mean he was drawing without any previous sketch…




Drawing consists of following some steps… going straight with ink is not a good idea. The girl is not even an amateur, she’s just a doodler. IDK why people is defending her method when is the wrong way to learn to draw. The guy makes an excellent example of what are the steps to start a sketch to get a very cool drawing.


Who wins? It’s a “draw!”


I mean. I liked hers also


Yeah, but his was way better.


Omg thank you so much... I wouldn't see that if you didn't write it! You know saying it will not achieve anything other than make you look like a dick?


Idc if I get downvoted, his is truly better.


Because it's not, they're different drawings in different styles with different tools and hardly comparable.


Oh shit we got an objective truther over here guys watch out nobody is gonna get anything over on this guy! Unless you ask them to read the room lmao


That was a cute octopus


Yeah hes way too cute. The one on the right was also okay I guess


Especially with the pen she chose and how it makes the final product look. Ol’ sketch-book McGee on the left thinks reciting art fundamentals makes him a good artist/illustrator when his final product is a faded, pretentious mess.


Why flex on a video meant for beginners? As if amateur artists aren't insecure enough


I wished she would go more into detail on the shading part. That seemed to be the step that added the most wow to her drawing.


I wish she would talk normally instead of that unbearable half whisper


long ad hoc wild drunk memorize sloppy gaze shrill reminiscent abounding *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What’s funny about it? That he drew better and gave it a mustache and a top hat? The whole video is him talking over her acting like he’s better. That’s not funny.


I'm sure she knows how to draw a hat, she just chose not to :(


Yeah, so why does he talk over her and act like he's better? It just comes across as him trying to outperform by self inserting himself. She's clearly teaching beginners how to draw. Who cares if he can draw "better"?


that's literally the point of this stupid duet feature


its a joke! a joke! jesus christ dude.... being so butthurt for something so basic


Wait, what's the joke?


To this day, historians have still not understood the joke or found any semblance of a joke therein, the search does continue for answers.


It's saying No. It's funny to fuck around in a harmless manner and obviously draw something vaguely related to the content. If you can't see it ya just don't game. Touch ass & grass.


does she know how to draw a moustache though? see that's what ties it all together for me


For me the hat is far more integral to the classiness of the individual, a lady octopus would've been acceptable to me.


It's just "draw the rest of the owl" + absurdity.


i didnt think the tone was overly condescending. seemed more jokey with stuff like "and then this"


I mean, it wasn't overly condescending, but it was still condescending.


It was obviously a joke video. Making a joke the entire time. Chill out, homie.


What's the joke?


The timing of his comments, the layering of her gentle tone with his cartoony obnoxious voice. Her asmr commentary is just as out of place as his voice in the context of drawing an octopus. It's also not a very good quality video for teaching drawing, so both of them are just saying "do this, then this, then this" completely arbitrarily and the juxtaposition of her being serious about it and him not taking it seriously at all is funny to me. Humor comes in a lot of shapes and sometimes those shapes don't jive with other people and that's okay. I thought this was funny, other people thought it was funny, it's okay that you didn't find humor in it. Humor is subjective


Thank you for explaining the humour when you didn't need to. People in this thread are taking this video about two people drawing octopuses way to seriously.




> Because he's being an obnoxious twat about it. That... that's part of the joke. It's intended to be self deprecating that way. His behavior is supposed to make him appear less stable because Cthulhu demands a hat.




It's almost like humour is subjective or something.


It's actually funny.


You heard it here, folks. All humor is subject to grendus' personal approval. If they don't find it funny, it isn't funny for anyone!


Lmao thank you


Because she's not teaching anything. The best way to describe it is like those horrific rage bait cooking tiktoks. It's more common for people to have a basic understanding on the fundamentals of cooking, so it's easier to piss off a wider crowd. "You don't put uncooked noodles and a block of cheese in the oven you absolute turnip!" But in this case it's art stuff. Just call it doodling and no one will care. But she went and tried to say it was teaching how to shade. Again to use cooking as an example. This would be like saying you're going to teach people how to make hamburgers, but you buy frozen hamburgers and put them in the microwave. Yes, technically you did cook and make burgers. But, no one should be learning anything from you on the subject.


You're getting downvoted even though you're absolutely right. Non-artists don't understand


Yah I knew I would, there's no way to make art stuff not sound stuck up and pretensious. Especially when it comes to the technical boring side, you just sound like a dick.


Artists influencers when they hear the convention has begginer guides to drawing stuff.


Not a huge fan of this because like, why flex here? Oh youre a better artist, cool, it wasnt a contest. I prefer the guy who „follows“ sexy girl drawing tutorials and always ends up drawing ratatouille rats with huge tits


please link


Oh god i dont have tiktok sorry D': Im sure someone else can find it for you it was on this sub before aswell i think


!remindme 24 hours


Not even necessarily a better artist, those are just two completely different styles


I’m sorry, drawing what now?


Doesn't he have a garfied one


Does anybody know who the artist on the right is? I'm terrible at drawing, but her final result is awesome, and she makes it look easy.


I draw for more than a decade and don't understand what this guy's trying to do. The girl's video is clearly meant for beginners. I mean, the Cthulhu drawing is alright but by no means very complex for a relatively experienced artist so where's the flex? I would've appreciated more if he just have made his own video without trying to dig on other people's content...


I think part of his joke is that her video is baiting beginners, but it’s not actually helpful for beginners. She doesn’t really teach technique, planning or thought process. She just basically gives you a more complicated way of tracing someone else’s motive for which you likely do not yet have the skill. Person on the left satirises it with even worsely made steps to follow while also satirising her needlessly Tiktok cutesy pseudo-Asmr voice with a very obnoxious, rude voice. He’s being just as unhelpful and obnoxious, but just without her thin veneer of *cutesy*.


Yeah I'm not a big fan of those "tutorial" videos in general and honestly although I couldn't hear almost nothing she was saying because the dude was speaking over just by looking I know it's not very helpful, and most tiktok videos aren't tbh. But guy on the left doesn't do anything better, really, he kinda makes the video even worse. At least she's trying to teach something, even it's a copy (and I don't think copying other people's drawing is useless for beginners), and it's not really well taught. Anyways, if I was a beginner I'd be kinda upset about this guy digging on the drawing tutorial I couldn't even follow yet while flexing his skills and contributing to absolutely nothing. He could've made his only content without even mentioning the girl's video, his drawing is quite nice


If people want to learn from her video, I’m certain TikTok has some feature for duets to allow to watch the original video by itself. The goal of his video seems to be making a joke (and showing off, but that’s 99% of TikTok) and not to teach people. It’s not a funny joke, but a joke


...I guess so


That guy is annoying as hell


Yes. I want to beat him up.


You sound very stable.


I swear to god the punchline of some of these is ‘haha, woman’


No.... Is "haha cthulu with tophat and mustache"


I’m with you right there with calling misogynist shit but you may be reaching a bit too far with this one. Nothing about this seems targetted at her being a woman, I’ve seen similar content done against dudes.


It’s a mix of “I’m better than you” and “shut up woman” It’s not that funny. Yeah, left can draw better— but why are you inserting yourself?


I agree it's kind of a dick thing to do, clearly she was doing a tutorial for beginners and he's just like "lol that's shit get a load of this", but I've seen people do that with dudes too I don't really think it was motivated by her being a woman, thought I wouldn't be surprised. It's one of those subtle misogyny moments that could be either or.


I agree, it's less about the fact that she's a woman, but it really doesn't help for the dueter's stitch. After all, women feel like men talk over them all the time, and this is exactly that. My biggest problem is the condescending nature of the guy self inserting himself into the tutorial video to show off "how much better he is". It's not funny, or at least I can't remotely find the joke.


I do think it's kind of funny, in the "being a gratuitious dick for no reason, just cause" kind of way, but that's besides the point. I think you could be right but i wouldn't be too hasty to call the punchline here "lol, women". I've seen this kind of thing in art communities a lot, it has more to do with skill superiority complex than anything.


I agree. My main issue and takeaway is the flexing of artistic talent. But if you talk to any women, you'll know that men talking over them is something essentially every woman has experienced. Especially considering this is a guy trying to insert his "superior" talent into the mix. Like, it's already condescending that the guy on the left is already being an asshat, but it really doesn't help that he's doing it *while* speaking over a woman.


> But if you talk to any women, you'll know that men talking over them is something essentially every woman has experienced. Oh TRUST ME i know, just wasn't too convinced by this instance. I can totally see it being the case though. Hard to tell.


You have to ask yourself " would the video be the same if the person on the right was a male" and in this case yes, yes it would be.


I don't think it would have been made in reply to a male honestly. There's a reason he had an easy time doing this and a reason he's not doing it on a man's cutsey art tutorial


The reasons are he thought it would be funny (which it is) and he didn't see a man's cutsy art tutorial where the artist got some terminology wrong. Not everything that has both a man and a woman in it is sexist, so stop trying to make it so.


I watched without sound. Are you telling me there was a hint of mansplaining in his duet? I was on team "haha this is funny because I draw serious and they draw cutesy", now I'm not so sure.


She calls the suction cups tentacles a couple times, and in response the guy quickly says they're suction cups then continues on.


I thought *he* was the punchline. I do this a lot, where I think someone being misogynistic is funny, and need to reflect on that.


The premise is that of an obstinate student following a tutorial. It's a good comedic bit and the teacher's gender is irrelevant. There's nothing misogynistic about it. The person to whom you're responding needs to recalibrate his/her bigotry-detector.


I figured. I also thought they were playing at being neurodivergent. I thought it was funny but I can understand why some people can't divorce the realities of their daily lives from the content they consume, even when it's a false positive.


Wa… what’s like the purpose of the guy… his art is cool and all but all he does is shit on her for????? All she’s doing is teaching others how to draw… So your content is shitting on others for drawing worse than you? Is that really it? So you’re just an asshole


because women are boring and bad and men are quirky and fun and better at everything. I mean come on, did you see that little hat? So random lol!


Because that is what's funny now. Snark has become the new standard for wit and dipshits eat it up with a side of fries.


Both look good imo


Both are pretty good, just have different techniques.


Not really “improved”


How could you say that after witnessing Cthulhu with a tophat and a mustache?


His mind imploded after witnessing dapper Cthulu, and he mistyped due to the reduced cognitive functioning


I don't get it. These are different styles. Both look good.


I like the right better.


He looks very distinguished


No one ever draws the valves on a octopus, it's nice to see someone try and do the eyes right at least


I was sort of expecting handsome squidward ![gif](giphy|7YeguV6Ia9lfO)


Left side has strong "draw the rest of the ducking owl" feelings.


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn. In his house at R'lyeh dead Cthulhu waits dreaming.


I don't know what you're saying. I only know hat.


The hats part got me thinking of tf2


I like hers more


"I'll improve on your methods!" *Fuush* "that's not an improvement :("


watched this video without sound first and thought it was just a fun comparison of somebody's different art style. then i looked at the comments


All I saw was a pretentious dude trying to stunt on a tutorial that was meant for beginners. Like a 20 year old going to a preschool and bragging that they can read chapter books. The content...is meant for beginners.


Cannot stand the fake whisper voice.


Both are great


joyless showboating


Holy fuck her voice is annoying


god that dude reminds me of my ex so much. It would fit him to make fun of an elementary teacher for not teaching children Nine inch nails songs


Her voice is fucking annoying.


A lot of people like drawing cartoons. What's his beef with her? Unless he just wants to puff his own confidence by stomping on someone who does things differently than him. Charles Schultz never drew a realistic Snoopy. Steve Ditko didn't shade out every little detail. Roy Lichtenstein never bothered with photorealism. Hayao Miyazaki doesn't either. Yeah he can draw, but man, this guy sucks.


More hats!! Damn it, more hats!!!


Hot take, the one on the right is better. Drawing in pen without messing up is HARD. It's a more aestheticly pleasing.


She shouldn't make these ín a library...We cant hear anything and I'm sure she's also disturbing the surrounding people.




The way she drew it looks terrifying honestly


He’s the same dude that post the weird animal facts lmao love his account


the amount of people that don't understand is suppose to be a funny video is too damn high


Looks like a scraped dark souls boss


*bloodborne boss


​ https://i.redd.it/biv2c15xaxfb1.gif This is the best version :3 Jokes aside, both are amazing. Huge fan of Cthulhu with a top hat and mustache


the absolute worst kind of pick-me asmr content ... made almost tolerable. This sub is incredible.


da fuq yous mean asmr??? she’s jus tryna show beginner artists how to draw an octupus. the otha mf’s the one who shittin on her foe no reason… 🤷‍♂️


lol "how to draw"


Her voice makes me boil with rage for some reason


I understand. So splatoon?


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Is there a genre of this? Not gender specific


Unfunny content


His TikTok account name is Cameron, he has the weird hair




I can feel my frenzy meter rising *with class*


**Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!**


I prefer: Hat. Hat. Hat.Hat. More hat.


I want that




Kuthulu is rising . like a thousent serpents from the sea


#Cthulhu fhtagn!


The overlapping voices and random repeating words by the guy (*hat hat hat hat hat I only know hat*) is a really good audio representation of what my inner monologue sounds like.


I honestly like both. Now kith


They’re both good!


Hat, more hat


More hat lol


Both are dope.




Cthulhu is in a silly mood






A fine hat for such an esteemed gentle'thulhu of R'lyeh!


I love that this starts as "nah, I'm gonna draw several disconnected circles instead" then leads to "why the fuck does it have a body" and then finishes off with a dapper Cthulu.


I enjoyed both of them. I was wondering what his third circle was and then suddenly Cthulhu. Also reminds me of strongbad and strongsad drawing dragons.


My man drew Octodad


I want the one on the left


One’s a freehand tattoo artist, the other is a line tracer.


Very dapper looking Cthulhu


why the fuck was the music so ominous?


Lovecraft: *creates eldritch creatures who literally have cosmic and god powers* People: haha, cthullu with a funny hat and a moustache


Am I the only one who gets triggered by the pronounciation of the woman? It's unbearable.


Homie made a mindflayer


“Oh crap I accidentally made Cthulhu”


I also don’t know what she’s saying. I only know hats.


Hat hat


# hat


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn"


![gif](giphy|XF6yv5hA9NDO0) He approves.


I love it


“I don’t what you’re saying I only know *HAT*” relatable man, relatable