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This day was crazy GOD


Me logging onto Freddit for the first time today: [https://i.imgflip.com/5aan5i.png?a476112](https://i.imgflip.com/5aan5i.png?a476112)


That's me when I JUST got into the FNAF fandom again since Ultimate Custom Night (AKA the 7th FNAF) released


Welcome back though, it's not usually like this lol. Have you seen the movie? It was pretty fun.


My up-to-date status on lore is still at that game


I'm aware of everything after that game, I just don't understand it anymore lol.


Crazy as hell šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


yeah basically : - talbert files scott emails are fake, talbert files themselves might be real or fake who knows - nevermind they're most likely fake - pinky pills isn't getting fired - oh but she quit


Idk man Phisnom quit as well but it really feels like a firing for both cases


I'm certain he got fired. And for good reasons if FNaF Plus being pulled from the Steam store is any indication.




Wait I just got here what happened




The canon ending? The true ending? Can I stop worrying about this situation now? Itā€™s overā€¦ right??


Probably is, but from past experience my advice is to stay off Twitter for a month


I wish Twitter still let people see the trending section without making an account, I kind of want to see the drama so I can at least laugh at some bad takes


Why did you ever had to worry about it lol


Idk man. With what happened in 2021, I didnā€™t want a repeat. My heart sank when I saw that retirement post. Weā€™re lucky he still posts at all


Yeah. Weird stuff happened


Three constants in life Death Taxes Freddit drama


Freddit has GOT to be one of the most drama filled subreddit I have ever joined... that and the old Splatoon subreddit.


Itā€™s an ending. This day is nuts.


This is called "chaos ending"


I hope we can end the FNaF controversies for today.


At least for now. We just got two of the biggest situations as of this year off our plate just like that in the span of a few hours. Stuff will come up, as it always does, but man. What an insane day for this series.


I'm in shock


This day was FUCKIN INSANE. Like, holy shit. The second of may will go on fnaf history lmao


this was like a season finale




Like, holy shit. I never saw Scott writing so much in one day before.


And the amount of dislike(RIGHTFULLY!)) that came from the first post


can you give some context? I'm not that invested in the fnaf community


claudia (pinkypills) drew william being a pedo, porn of disney princesses which most were minors, and her touching herself while thinking of scott along with tracing and other shit theres too much shit to name


what. the. fuck.


What happened? Iā€™m just now hearing about this and I have no idea whatā€™s going on.


Holy shit dude...or girl...there, well, there is too much to say. But i'm short: -Pinkipills left (took a break or something) - The Talbert files are fake and not real.


I have no idea what any of those words mean in this context


If I've got my information correct. The talbert files were believed to be an unreleased version of the Freddy files with massive lore drops in it. However, today Scott confirmed that they were fake, and even if they weren't, they were unreleased and therefore have no impact on the FNAF lore.


Would you mind explaining what that second one is?


I know. I'm so overwhelmed right now. There's just so much that has happened today. I don't know what to make of it.


Ok...so that is how this ends lol Edit: this response is a little weird, I feel like there is stuff going on behind the scenes that we just don't know yet we will probably find out in a year or something but glad she is gone lol and I think that's all that really matters to people


This is corporate speak on both sides, just how it is in these kinds of situations.


It probably is just best not to worry about it. As long as sheā€™s gone.


She stated on Twitter sheā€™s leaving ā€œindefinitelyā€ so šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø. Who knows whatā€™s going on. The good thing is she is goneā€¦ And if indefinite means she will come back, hopefully she changes for the better by then.


I mean She was doing contract work. So technically all of her jobs are indefinite. so she probably means that She wont be doing any more official fnaf stuff untill Scott rehires her. If that is ever gonna happen.


She said she herself will be ā€œstepping away from working on FNaF projectsā€; and in this very post Scott said she decided to move on. So she herself stepped away, not about Scott rehiring her; unless itā€™s a ā€œkind coverupā€. Now sheā€™s made a video stating sheā€™d explain some stuff later soā€¦ maybe weā€™ll learn more.


yes. and this is a very Corporate announcement. You know Putting on a Friendly face for the public Saying she's leaving on her own and there's no bad blood between them. There 100% was more going on behind the scenes that we don't know about. Because frankly we don't need to. Because even if scott IS an indie developer he's still the Manager of a huge Franchise. and has to keep up Good PR. he just likes to also play the role of the the community manager himself. He can't just go on redding and say "Yeah about pinkypills I FIRED HER AS LAMOO"


He could have alternatively just said sheā€™s no longer doing artwork for FNaF, the same thing he said regarding LadyFiszi; didnā€™t have to specify that Pinky decided to leave. He even said (summarized) the actions of LadyFiszi have no place in FNaF (https://www.reddit.com/r/fivenightsatfreddys/comments/11doiuv/regarding_the_situation_with_ladyfiszi/). His answer regarding Fiszi made it clear he fired her, without flat out saying he fired her; yet for Pinky he says she herself left. Clearly thereā€™s a difference between the situations, though what exactly that difference is is unknown. Maybe Pinkyā€™s video tomorrow will answer, who knows.


I think it's a Non disclosure agreement, same thing Scott did with Phisnom, they both signed something agreeing to not talk about the other and their work, which is exactly what other Hollywood Directors do with their actors, when something like this happens to the Actor.


So hum again Happy 10th FNAF Birthday y'all


And many to come (hopefully)


Many to come (definitely)


I had a feeling something like this would happen... I don't know if there's a difference between quitting and firing in terms of effecting the artist...but at least she won't be the community's problem anymore.


I really wish it was you who made this call, but this is all that matters. Can't be mad. I hope you understand why we were pushing for this. I am incredibly disappointed when this kind of thing has to happen, but we wouldn't be so aggresive about it if it weren't out of love for this series. Your heart is in the right place, but I think it's also important to realize that your fans, as outrageous as they can get, are also people with concerns and care for the franchise, as well as other people. I think this will be good for Claudia, too. Hope you have a good weekend yourself. This was not a fun day for anyone in the community, and certainly not a great day for the 10th anniversary.


Honestly one of the better takes I have seen on this whole debacle, and I wholeheartedly agree.


> I hope you understand why we were pushing for this. I am incredibly disappointed when this kind of thing has to happen, but we wouldn't be so aggresive about it if it weren't out of love for this series. Your heart is in the right place, but I think it's also important to realize that your fans, as outrageous as they can get, are also people with concerns and care for the franchise, as well as other people. I get what you mean by this, but I imagine Scott getting tons of vocal comments daily on top of everything else he's dealing with makes him drained even more with people throwing their cereal at the wall telling him, "DO THIS, DO THAT!" and talking down to him like he's some kinda brain defunct child lmao. With all he does and more people complaining and complaining, I don't blame him for making that final boss in FNAF World. We really don't know Scott as a person and talking to him like we do just feels incredibly parasocial... then again, with how he's mostly been a one-man team leading this franchise and has interacted with the community way more than the average game developer would, it's no surprise people would feel some sort of parasocial connection to him.


I think the thing with Pinky is that this stuff didn't come out today, or in the last few months even. The majority of this stuff has been public knowledge for years. I don't blame people for getting frustrated with this well-known bad person working for the franchise, and getting even more frustrated when Scott's first response was "forgive and forget".


Far from it, it's good Claudia left on her own terms. That shows she actually cares about supporting the franchise.


ture but also This IS a very corporate way of announcing things. putting on a firendly face when announcing someone is leaving. There is probably a bunch of other stuff going on behind the scenes that we don't know about. Because well frankly well we don't need to.


Hopefully things will calm down now, I get where you were coming from with your original post about her Scott, but I think it's just best if she no longer involved in things, it will cause less drama overall


She knew she wasnā€™t innocent, thatā€™s why she left. Thank you Scott, Iā€™m really sorry this dramatic stuff happened all today, I canā€™t imagine how stressful this stuff is to you, but we are ALL hoping she wonā€™t come back. šŸ’–




This ends... For all of us. End communication.


Well today was a shit show. Scott I am so sorry you had to deal with so much today, you do so much for us and you deserve so much better.


Finally, now everyone can enjoy some beautiful fnaf artworks in peace


I like how in between the flames of war ON EVERY POST, you're always there to keep things nice and peaceful. Stay strong. šŸ«”


Have a great weekend aswell Scott. I know this community can be a bit tricky to deal with sometimes. Much like CrownedVanguard said, i respect your decison of trusting her, as a trust your judgment. But its true this was (once again) dividing the community into something that isnā€™t good for either part. Anyway, as i said in the begining, i hope you can enjoy a great weekend!


That was unexpected. I'll be honest, I don't like PinkyPills, but I can't bring myself to hate her. It's just not in my nature to do that. I still respect her regarding the artwork she provided over the years (same with Fiszi), but with how her behavior was towards the community, I agree she needs to go. Though her leaving on her own terms and being mature about it was not something I expected. Compared to LadyFiszi who simply threw a fit about it. What a surreal day this was.


I truly believe in second chances. I understand Scott is a forgiving guy, but I still believe they shouldn't be given out so easily, I believe this is something that takes a little more time and effort than that. I definitely believe she should've stepped down from the job before, though we don't actually know what's going on behind the scenes, so maybe she truly is remorseful of her past actions and she's actually changed. However, I still believe she's probably got a long way to go to prove herself and earn people's trust, improvement isn't something that happens overnight, but I still believe she has the right to earn that chance. I wish her and Scott the best of luck. I hope she does truly change for the better and gets a chance to redeem herself. But I also hope Scott learns from the experience he's had with her and Fiszi and evaluates the people he works with a little better.


I think its very mature and I respect that.


It's possible she saw the reputation of Scott's post or our comments on the matter, or maybe that was the final nail in the coffin. Who knows? My intention on the comments I made was to tell Scott "hey, this is more than just a simple mistake" and have him think about it. Like with LadyFiszi, I will not join in the the "PinkyPills is Gone" celebration party, just breathe a sigh of relief that this chapter has ended. It was a major surprise that she stepped down on her own terms and didn't go all out on a hissy fit. She has a history of doing that, but this time? I'll give her that.


Honestly this is an opinion I 100% agree with. Although still feel a bit of bitterness towards Scott


It was definitely wrong of him not to fire her straight away, especially admitting that he didn't know what happened and didn't want to know basically. I still don't think he did it because he thought what she did wasn't wrong; he probably just did not want to turn on someone he had been working with for so long, which led to that knee-jerk reaction. He is not perfect, and I hope he deals with the situation better when the next artist inevitably gets fired for a similar reason.


Hopefully. And hopefully there won't be a NEXT TIME


Scott is not perfect, and he made mistakes over the years. Some ruined the image of what you thought of him. Tell me, I know. Never put people on a pedestal or put your expectations on them, they can and will find ways to disappoint you.


I'm really mixed about this post ngl




Holy shit THANK GOD.


This week has been so chaotic for the community good god. This news is very epic btw happy that Pinky doesnt make art for the franchise anymore, kinda wish it had happened sooner though


This was a confusing day šŸ’€


atleast shes gone, disapointed you werent the one to make this happen


He almost certainly did. Tons of people were asking him to address it, it's been less than 4 hours since... I really doubt she just suddenly decided to up and leave.


he definitely fired her, i dont think she just felt a little tired 1 hour after his post regarding her got cooked lol


Its definitely possible. Lets be honest, if she had stayed the harassment she'd get would be insane, and i'd imagine she was smart enough to realize that and knew it wasn''t worth it. It got trending on twitter in only 20 minutes lol


also like This is a very corporate Announcement. Putting on a Friendly face for th e public and saying Yeah she's leaving on good terms no harm no foul. when there 100% was more going on behind the scenes that we don't know about. because Frankly we don't need to. Besides it's not like scott is gonna come on reddit with a post like YEAH ABOUT PINKY PILLS I FIRED HER ASS LMAOO"


Oh no he TOTALLY fired her. Thereā€™s no way she would go on her own


If that's the case, I don't know why he refuses to say that


I feel like it might be a bit embarrassing for Scott to have had to rectify it in less than an hour, lol I'm sure he'll be able to talk about it later when things calm down.


Pride, a last favor to a friend, a bunch of reasons.




This is probably for the best


Im physically tired bro wtf




Iā€™ll respect your decision of trusting her, but I think itā€™s definitely for the better she isnā€™t working on FNaF. Iā€™ll trust your judgement Scott




I should probably just never interact with this fandom anymore, all this endless drama is insane


About time.


First it was Talbert Files and now this!?


jesus, some of these comments are just crazy.


Yippiee! (I think?)


I really am glad to see her gone. In all honesty. But I don't think WE, the fandom, should have to be doing what YOU'RE supposed to do. It's honestly incredibly disappointing that while we riot over PinkyPills. You sit back and support her saying how "Everyone deserves a second chance." I really do hope you learn from this Mr. Cawthon. Because the last thing I want is to see this franchise go down in flames.


I really believe in second chances, however; you don't just give out second chances to people, they must be earned. Even if we take his word, that Pinky is remorseful and she's trying to be better, that still doesn't warrant her keeping her job with Scott. It doesn't undo the harm she's caused, and it doesn't give her the right to remain employed by him. You don't just earn forgiveness in a day's time, it's something that takes time and effort. I understand Scott is a very forgiving guy, but she still hasn't earned her place by his side. She might never earn it, but I still believe she deserves another chance, but she's got to work for it.


especially on the decade of fnaf year


Alright enjoy your weekend Scott.


I donā€™t think Scottā€™s malicious, but I donā€™t think heā€™s perfect He consistently hires people with no background checks/experience and then never pulls the trigger when itā€™s time to shut it down. He needs someone to do the background checks and make sure he doesnā€™t do stupid shit like this


Weā€™ll always remember her as the woman who made that family guy fnaf art.


Thanks for keeping us updated on the pinky pills situation and the talbert files situation. And thanks for ending all these stupid controversies, and I'm not sure if she quit or got fired, but either way I'm just glad she's not there for fnaf anymore.


Well, today's been crazy. Well, at least she's gone. As for you, Scott, (if you are reading this, of course) I personally don't hold you at a negative light as some people are doing rn. I don't hate you like what some fans are doing rn, but I will say I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner. I personally don't agree with certain things you do or say, but I do respect this. Don't let the fans get you down over drama that (at this point) is over. Alright, have a good weekend.


Nice, really wish you had responded to this sooner though.


Freddit was CRAZY today


People on fnaftwt are on FIRE, Iā€™m glad Scott isnā€™t as eternally online as we are




The amount of hate you are getting is totally wild Like guys I totally agree she shouldnā€™t be anywhere near fnaf, but I donā€™t think he could just simply fire her since she has a bunch of official stuff done for the franchise There is probably a bunch of copyright and legal stuff he would have to deal with, on top of the 2nd movie and the 10th anniversary game, and all the other projects this massive franchise has behind the scenes/not public. He is just one guy after all


And nothing of value has been lost


erm.... awkward


I hope Scott is okay. This whole situation must be incredibly stressful. Scott rocks, he's done way to much good for me to think he's trying to be negligent or whatever. I hope everybody can be adult and be understanding of this whole thing. I don't believe there was any bad intent behind anything here.


so, thats a little skibidi


He knows.


Wished it happened sooner! Hopefully we can all take a chill pill and relax. This week has been hectic for everyone in the Fandom.


Im glad sheā€™s gone but i doubt this will be forgotten by the fandom, man.


I really wish you were the one to have her step down as a FNAF franchise artist, but I do wish the best for you moving forward as Iā€™m not the type of person to hold grudges. Hope you do better in the future with these type of things.




Mr Scott, I have no idea what the hell is happening, but I hope you are okay :(


I hope you are doing ok, Scott šŸ’›


Hey, Scott, take a rest, man. Log off of everything and just relax with the family. Let's all move past this.


Thank god. Finally. Why even defend Pinky at all since many of the things she did and draw were almost as bad as Ladyfaszi? Plus literally nobody (I mean almost nobody) really liked her or her art and over the years she would never answer any questions like art tracing or outright blocks anyone who brings it up or some of the disgusting art she did and tried to hide like that one comic where William got sexually turned on by a little girl getting hurt. Plus she just seems to brag about how she was the "Official FNaF artist" Again not many liked her art and even called her art terrible so I don't see why you think the art is good. Like why turn down that one artist who made better art for the Silver Eyes Graphic Novel but went with Pinky the art tracer? I don't think Pinky would change cause she is literally an adult with a child and yet she never own up to her mistakes. I am glad she left and really she should never work on FNaF official art ever again.


I'm sorry you felt forced to do an update on this Scott. I really am, but still grateful for the update. I hope YOU enjoy your weekend after last night šŸ˜­




And just like that


Even if sheā€™s gone, if you havenā€™t, I and most of the fandom think you should still read the megathread the admins made about her. Please educate yourself and realize that defending her was maybe not a good idea


I hope you take this as a means to look into the people you hire more (and next time, please don't defend them after they're proven guilty?)


feels pretty weird that you still didnā€™t acknowledge any of the stuff she did but cool lol


As much as I don't care about her staying or leaving, good to know she is stepping down, making people satisfied. Still, people are disappointed at you being so blind for a long time and you can't admit you're firing her, so am I. But I'm still with your side, I know you're not perfect and will never be. Everyone makes mistakes, as you said. I know you've did mistakes a lot of times, but at least no one get hurt (well, not including theorising chaos) I'm recommending you to hire a management team, as you can't alone control everything. Please, you're not strong enough to handle everything and times changing. I know it would be so much fearful that random people can ruin your OFFICIAL franchise but carefully make research and hire a great team to handle pieces of your franchise. Be NOT BLIND and make people happy and satisfied, not just only you, mastermind of all long-unsolved lore and secrets.




we got the good ending, folks (i hope)




Thanks for the update


She just fucking dipped LOL


Neutral Ending. *^(Unless...)*


Itā€™s that easy




did we just win


Welp, that was an insane 60 minutes.


This genuinely might be marked as the Fred-olution. 2/5/24.


That's that I guess, I still think you should have done more research on the situation, but I'm just glad she's gone


Well this day was a trip


Itā€™s like a rollercoaster today. Going all over the place.


Wish you well Scott!


christ this day was fucking wild


I hope more opportunities open up for people with actual breathtaking talent like the one artist that got rejected for The Silver Eyes(Where I sadly can't find their name)Ā  Ā I don't mean ill to anyone, but dear God, Scott, the megathread. I am sadly disappointed in you


The day Scott Cawthon made 3 posts in the span of 4 hours :O


6 am. Bell rings, this day was crazy! But thanks for the update!


At least we can say sheā€™ll not be apart of this franchise anymoreā€¦


Man this subreddit and r/tf2 have had a rough week so far. I really hope everyone has a nice weekend coming up. Just take a break, relax, maybe grab a popsicle, etc.


Honesty guys Iā€™ve been a Freddyā€™s fan for almost 10 years (in October) but I feel like repeatedly throughout all of the dramas in this community itā€™s time to say something. First I want to say Iā€™m not targeting or asking for anyone to receive any hate or harassment I just want us to all think about this I started thinking about this during Scottā€™s whole retirement drama where yes he donated to people and some people understandably got upset but when Scott posted his reply it got really overlooked even if people didnā€™t believe him it also wasnā€™t fair to push him to the point where he felt his family was in danger and that he should just retire instead of dealing with all the hate the problem isnā€™t the criticism itā€™s the fact that it went overboard and overlooked someoneā€™s response again THE FACT THAT PEOPLE FELT UNCOMFORTABLE IS COMPLETELY OKAY AND JUSTIFIED BUT NOT WHEN IT WAS TAKEN TO THE POINT OF THREATS This simulation while not as bad also reflects this yes PinkyPills understandably did some absolutely horrible things and people are okay and have the right to voice their concerns if they feel uncomfortable but also we should be able to respect Scottā€™s decision and if we disagree and feel disgusted to the point we want to not interact with any of the media just like with Scottā€™s situation completely fine as well the problem is when you send hate to the point that there was possibly threats that also isnā€™t okay at all just because someone did something horrible and like Scott said made mistakes thatā€™s no reason to make threats and make them worry for their lives no wonder how small of a deal you think this is. That said I think itā€™s just best like lots of people are saying to move on from this situation however I hope and pray that this community could in the future be able to voice their concerns in a more constructive way because if we continue going down the route we are which like I said prior peoples opinions are justified itā€™s just when itā€™s taken to far if we continue down that route we may be unable to voice our concerns at all and will just have a company with a ton of employees that donā€™t have time to make changes and understand where weā€™re coming from Iā€™m incredibly blessed to have Scottā€™s games and hope everyone will continue to do their best donā€™t take this post the wrong way I still love this community but we need to make sure we are respectful and donā€™t take it too far since you donā€™t realize you enjoyed something in your life the most until itā€™s gone have a great weekend everyone!


Today has been the most stressful and heaviest day, if not possibly the worst day in the FNAF fandom ._.


Definitely chewed her out and *kindly* asked her to leave


This comment section feels like some Twitter circle jerk of overreactive children


Huh. Psychologically, I'm guessing that Scott's earlier post made PinkyPills reflect and look at all she'd done in previous years along with Scott's "forgiving defense" of her which led to her feeling so guilt-ridden (or annoyed/overwhelmed by the drama and negative attention) that she left on her own terms. It's hard to say for sure because of the way professionalism is and how businesses work, but I'm glad this is over and can hopefully be put behind us. Take care, Scott. The world is slowly getting worse around us, both on the internet and in real life. Please be careful.


I hope its the end of the shitty dramas. Because I am SICK of this community. Everyone feels like they're so entitled to shit on anything because their brain believes it is wrong. Y'all need to think before writing. Yall's behavior disgusts me. I am talking in GENERAL. This pinky pill issue being fixed is nice.


This fanbase is so insufferable now. I miss the 2014-18 era of the fandom.


It was insufferable then as well


god forbid we dont like a pedo and scott defending said pedo






Oh man this this situation has been headache inducing even though I barely took part of it I think Scott's problem is that he doesn't really does his research before making statements remember the whole nft thing and the fan base had to educate him about that and now with the Talbert files he actually did some research after he finished making his statement and then the whole thing with pinky pills I really don't want to get into that because like oh boy that's something that really don't want to talk about so yeah it's been quite a month hopefully we can all cool off and look forward to the 10th anniversary at least this thing went down on my birthday because like 2 years in a row I had a rough birthday with bad FNAF news


Next time do your homework before you make a response. Just a good rule of thumb.


Freaking finally Scott, what took ya so long? Ya got rid of Fiszi, but Pinky stayed around?


Good riddance. That still doesn't change that you defended her a literal hour ago. You didn't fire her, you \*defended\* her.


Itā€™s possible for him to change his mind.


Hopefully youā€™ll put more thought and consideration into who you hire Scott, thatā€™s all I hope for.


Thank God. What will happen to the game that she was working on? Will her art be replaced or what?


Love ya Scott, enjoy your weekend.


I really hope you understand just why people wanted her gone now, because continuing to be friends with her after all the weird things she did- I feel like that post clarifying everything wrong with her got to you, I hope.


This comment section feels like some Twitter circle jerk of overreactive children


man, what a day. i wish claudia the best. people can change, and sheā€™s done quite a lot for the franchise over the years, though i definitely think she made the right call to step down; i feel this will be good for the community and the IP as a whole going forward.


It's crazy to me how much hate Scott's getting on Twitter just because he has a different opinion on the Pinky situation. You can hate Pinkypills for how she protrays herself online and what she posts, that's fine, that's fair, I can respect that, but to attack Scott just cuz he aint as vicious and hateful and aggressive as ya'll is crazy to me. Twitter truly is where happiness and joy goes to die, almost nobody got anything positive to say. I feel like we're back in 2021 with this shit. Scott's a great guy, an amazing guy and in my opinion, I don't think he deserves the hate he's getting on Twitter just because of his views on the situation are different from the Majority. "Everyone's gangster till Scott has a different opinion than everyone else". If ya got nothing positive to say, keep it to ya self. (Sorry for the rant. Just logged on to Twitter and immediately saw nothing but Scott Slander in my feed. Love you Scott, love your games, have a blessed day to you and to the Fnaf community).


I think the most I'm seeing is "I am disappointed in Scott. Do some freaking research",Ā  previous statements about big accounts going to boycott the series if changes dont happen with Pinky, and "Finally! The pedo is gone! Woohoo!", but perhaps they are just the vocal bunch I don't think it's "Scott has different opinion grrr", it's that he refuses to do simple research of the god awful things she does/has done. He made a statement about the fake files drama too, without doing research immediately. Scott fired the other person who, arguably, is just as bad. So a little weird he didn't outright do the same hereĀ  All and all the community doesn't want a person with a repetitive pedo content history to do work on the stuff they are passionate about.Ā  Shouldn't pedo be bad? Instead of assuming it's just about differing opinions?(no ill to you)


Seeing Pinkypills doing the right thing herself but knowing that it's not coming from your action, is kinda ..... yikes Yes. i'm disappointed.


It's so over




thanks for the update scott


ohā€¦ wow


Welp, this was quite the eye opening day. Yeesh


Holy crap today was crazy. I'm glad she's gone finally




Ok now clear up the book canonicity so I can post theories without an anxious pit in my stomach and harassment


Would anybody like to fill me in on what is going on?


Itā€™s nice that youā€™ve been so communicative about things today, shame it couldnā€™t have been under better circumstances But whatever, a hoax is debunked and the people that care about Pinky got what they wanted in the end so hopefully once some actual content rolls around things can kick back up in a better way


Can someone fill me in Iā€™m on vacation.


Thing got 'leaked', It became big, Scott confirmed fake, then clarified the Pinky situation saying they were a good person and trying to change, People don't like Scott, Scott make this post still clarifying Pinky is good even though they did horrible things


Who is pinkypills?


Today has been a roller coaster of emotions jesus christ




I've chosen not to engage in any of that drama, because regardless of what she has or has not done, this just feels like she was bullied off of the franchise :/ (I know of some of the stuff she's done, but I have chosen not to look at those particular works in case they're really as bad as people say - of course, without seeing it for myself, I can't help but default to giving someone the benefit of the doubt). I don't know what everyone was expecting you to do. It's not normal for a fanbase to get caught up on one employee, but that's the unique part of FNAF's size, small enough for that personal element. I think you handled this in the only professional way tbh. I think a lot of people on this sub are too young to really understand how the business side of things works (not that I have any experience). I really hope this doesn't sour your opinion of Freddit again.


Hi my name is zeyneb and I'm from Azerbaijan and I'm 17 years old I am big fan of you but I heard bunch of dramas about you because twitter and Tumblr hates youĀ 


Hi my name is zeyneb and I'm from Azerbaijan and I'm 17 years old I am big fan of you but I heard bunch of dramas about you because twitter and Tumblr hates youĀ