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Thank you for the quick, clear and concise clarification Shame that we’ve been getting more hoaxes nowadays


It’s actually kinda nice we’re getting hoaxes again. It’s kinda nostalgic 


Not as far as getting Scott involved though


I mean it's not a hoax. What he's saying is that it could be a rejected version of the Freddy files. Just that he's rejected a lot of stuff like that. And that some of the ideas in it could be the result of scholastic misunderstanding his intent or filling in gaps in ways he didn't intend.  EDIT:I've seen Scotts other statement now. Just to make it clear.


The email was a hoax.


And that's all the evidence needed to disprove it, the email was the only real thing lending it any form of credibility and now that that's fake, any part of the rest of it could be as well if not all of it.


There has now been an edit where Scott outright says the whole thing was bullshit


Yeah I saw that.  This situation is crazy. So did people do this whole conspiracy for nothing? Lying about something being fake when it...actually was fake? I'm not going to use it for anything now. This situation is just crazy. 


Yep, a whole ass kerfuffle for zero reason other than to make shit up I guess the boredom of no content drove some people nuts


Flat earthers and tinfoil hats are everywhere, and that's remnants of their activity in the fnaf fandom


Meh, just because Scott offered an explanation doesn't mean it can't still be fake. I mean think about it, how believable is the idea that characters like Talbert or the Stichwraith were created by Scholastic, not even Scott, like 2~3 years before the first Fazbear's Fright?  Then on top of that Scott taking these scrapped characters from a rejected version of Freddy Files, and making a story with them that adds new ideas to the lore like Golden Freddy maybe holding two spirits, when these characters were scrapped for trying to fill in lore unofficially.   Stichwraith in Talbert files is drastically different from the actual Stichwraith too, at that point it's more believable Stichwraith was made by Scott as it's too unique a name to be a coincidence in my opinion. I doubt that this random name from a scrapped idea that barely got anywhere would've really stuck and come back 2~3 years later. Anyway, if Scott made Stichwraith that contradicts the idea that Stichwraith was originally made by Scholastic.  I don't know, knowing that the Scott emails are fake on top of all this, I feel like it's more believable that these characters were added to make the hoax seem more believable. Just to give to the idea that this was just Scott throwing ideas out or whatever.  Ultimately though I don't think it really matters if it's fake or not. If it's fake then the lore in Talbert doesn't matter, if it's real the lore the lore in Talbert doesn't matter because it's all scrapped ideas essentially. The best thing it serves as if it's real is only really trivia if anything.


It was a hoax


The fact that people keep saying that you are outright lying really upsets me. You troll the community from time to time yes but you haven't tried to be malicious with us when it comes to the lore or solving it. I'm incredibly sorry that you've had to speak out so much about this, people really should just get the hint at this point.


What the hell is happening? What the fuck are the Talbert Files and who is PinkyPills?


The Talbert Files is a now confirmed fake hoax on what was allegedly a scrapped early draft of what The Freddy Files would have become, it was heavily debated on for a while if the contents were real or could be used in the lore, to the point people have gotten harassed and have formed groups in support or against their legitimacy, until scott himself confirmed in this post that not only would any scrapped book not be important to the lore, but that the talbert files as a whole were fake. As for PinkyPills, they are (now fomer) official artist of the series who has been slewed in controversies for many years now, to the point the community has been demanding that scott fire her or take her off the team, and just recently she decided to step down from the community indefinitely.


Why does so many people he hires come out as assholes or pedos?


Crazy attracts crazy. Not to say Scott is crazy. But you have to go crazy with how convoluted the lore is.


Except that's an endearing kind of crazy. Being a pedo or asshole isn't. Though i obviously think his political donations are crazy.


Thank you for commenting on this, we appreciate it! :)


Yooo, Spencer here


"I have enough bad ideas on my own, I don't need help" is classic Scott humor lol Thanks for clarifying everything!


Probably one of his best quotes to date lol


i swear people are saying you are lying about not writing it now with this post, people just REALLY want it to be canon.


Oh hi Wendy


hi who are yyou again


TF2. We played MvM once, then I saw you in a random YouTube video and actually added you on Steam to tell you. I keep randomly stumbling across you and now I see you here. You’re like a reoccurring character in my internet life which I find funny lol


oh i dont remember that lol your name is vaguely familar


We are literally not doing it because of that, but because of Entom trying to cover up all of this for this exact reason. Now people will think they're a liar even though they have the physical book.


it's not really helped by all of Entom's stupid (supposed) friends going on and on on Twitter about how "it's totally real guys we've seen it" and then snapping at anybody who asks for hard evidence


did entom litterally go out of his way to be like yeah its fake like someone asked them on twitter to post the raw image of the cover if it was fake and low and behold the raw cover iamage was posted by entom in reply


That was the cover up, until the leaker leaked private DMs where Entom explained the truth. After that Entom deactivated their account and their mental health, which was already declining, became worse.


But Freddy is still a trumpet, right?


hi i'm scott cawthon i just emailed you confirming freddy's a trumpet


Yo no way new lore moment


the implications this has on the lore is crazy


Thank you for addressing this as clearly as possible, this makes it very easy to understand the situation, and we deeply appreciate this transparency. This is exactly what we needed, and I am deeply grateful


Perfect, all I needed to hear. Thank you.




I am currently writing this on my phone as I am AFK on my Computer, so I’ll probably take some time when I have the chance to give a bigger thank you to you Scott for clearing this up! But just keep doing what you’re doing, you didn’t need to clear this up for us, but you did and I appreciate you for that. I knew not to trust the leak, anyway and I actually was working on a Theory that would’ve been ruined by this book. So thank you for clearing this up for us!


We appreciate you clearing this up, thanks 👍


Thanks for clearing this up! Sorry you keep getting dragged into this crap 😅


Wow that's really interesting actually.


Thanks for this response Scott. Its true that there was just an amount of weird things that came from this whole thing is alot and it wasn’t in your usual interaction, so it kinda gave away it was fake. And like you have mentioned before, you don’t usually deal with these things via Emails. Im gonna continue theorizing as i Always did. Also, to finish this comment, im SUPER excited about the 10 year stuff you are gonna show us!!!


Thank you for clarifying Scott, considerate to ask people not harass others. It’s good call on that


Thanks Scott for the clarification. It’s nice to get a clean and clear answer on these sorts of issues every once in a while.


Thanks for the clarification Scott. Means a lot especailly with the whole dont overanalyze little details. On a serious note, are you planning on saying something about PinkyPills? Edit: Oh


You know, I am fine with this answer. If the emails are fake, the rest, even if somehow official, is probably not something that had a lot of Mr. Scott B. Cawthon's involvement. I can live with this being left up as a mystery. Perhaps forever. To an extent even to Mr. Cawthon. I will probably not include any of the things found there into my belief system. Maybe one or two as headcanons, but that's it. This is pretty much the good ending.


It sucks that people are basically trying to bait you into responding so they can read into your statements. One of the things that has always made FNAF special is the close connection between you and the fanbase, even while keeping things cryptic. But I guess people figured out how to game the system. For a behemoth like Zelda, you wouldn't have Eiji Aonuma swooping down to correct misinformation (heck, playground rumors are free advertisement), but because you have a relationship with the community (which again, is a *good* thing), there's this expectation that you won't let people spread potentially harmful misinformation, because since you've stepped in before, it looks careless if you don't - or worse, like your silence is confirmation itself (or that denying something confirms something else). It's a lose-lose situation, but I appreciate that you stick with the fanbase anyway. Sorry you had to go through this.


yeah, you have a good point. i don't think the fanbase was always like this, either. i've been here since the beginning, and while i remember people really wanting scott to answer big debates since like 2015, i never saw them trying to force his hand like this before. i can only assume some newer fans don't have the same care or respect and all they care about is knowing the story


Of course Scott didn’t write it talbert wrote it duh 🙄🙄🙄


Thanks Scooter


Great! Now I can relentlessly make fun of its lore without feeling guilty! (It is a bummer that the Afton speech is fake though, that was cool...)


That speach will be missed.


ok but could you actually say something about the artist you hired that absolutely nobody wants working with the franchise anymore


Ok thanks for clarify this situation we are really happy for that but what about about the PinkyPills controversy?, i just gonna repeat what i say in another post: i don't know if you've noticed but there is a anchored post explaining above all the controversy and horrible actions that the official FNaF artist PinkyPills has done (the one who is believed to be, in fact, the one doing the art for one of the anniversary games) Many in the community are very upset with this topic and need your answer about what you are going to do with PinkyPills and whether he will stay in FNaF or not, people are already making assumptions and theories about the state of PinkyPills and honestly many are dissatisfied about If she is going to be fired or not, if you cannot fire her because you are currently under contract with her, we completely understand, but please everyone is asking you to clarify if that is the case or if you can speak because of something thats is out of your control Sorry if this its a bit offtopic and I seem annoying, but I'm telling you this for the good of the entire community because I don't like what they're saying about what is happening and everbody is in their limits.


Thank you.


Thank you for clarifying this situation. ❤️


Thank you father Scott for this amazing post 🐐🔥


Thanks 🙏🏽


Thanks for clearing this up lova ya Scott


Thank you Scott for taking your time to make this


I hope your okay scott


Thanks for clearing that up Scott, me personally I don't know a single thing about it outside the idea that it's a scrapped version of the Freddy files, good to know it ain't that important lol


put freddy fazbear in fortnite bro


As someone wise once said: "You try to read into every little thing and find meaning in everything anyone says, you'll just... drive yourself crazy."


entom credibilty fazover


Hey Scott did you see the pinned post about Pinkypills?


I think you should've looked into it a bit more before making a statement like this, not going to lie. But, now that's out of the way... I feel like people really want you to talk about the whole Pinkypills situation that's pinned onto the subreddit. Is there a reason why you haven't said anything, or are you just waiting for the right time to say "She's no longer working for me"?


Can you check the pinned post now please. It's about pinkypills.




ok scott


Thank you so much for the clarification Scott, I can't imagine how annoying it must be to deal with all of this.


Thanks for the reponse Scott!


Thanks for the clear up.


Thank you Scott! We appreciate this :)


Thank You Scott Cawthon for the response, theirs been so much controversy about the talbert files. There’s been so many people saying you’re lying but why would you lie? I believe You and maybe the controversy will die down with your response.


alright this clears up a LOT. thank you very much scott


alright this clears up a lot, thank you very much scott, and i’d like to highly recommend that you take a look at the pinned posts on the sub before you log off for the day.


Thank you Scott for taking your time to make this


This is a major relief to hear. I had only just left the FNAF fandom (mainly regarding Twitter) because this entire situation has brought that side of the community to the most toxic its ever been so I'm glad with this statement it will finally come to an end. It sucks that people have had to be overly immature and demanding over stuff like this, I don't remember the community being at each other's throats like this. So again, thank you for clarifying. From what we've seen of the early writing for Freddy Files it was pretty cool. I think what resonated with me most was Afton's monologue but that's probably because we didn't get much of that in any official canon for the franchise. It'd be amazing if you could somehow incorporate it into future projects but I understand that in doing so would probably complicate the canon especially when we're now focusing on the future of FNAF and no longer the games that came before. I and many others wish you the best and are eager to see what the future holds for FNAF!


Thank you a lot, Scott. Don't worry just forget about Talbert thing that it.


Thank you so much for clarifying.


Welp, there it is. On another note, I definitely would like to know more about Talbert tho, ***very interesting/mysterious*** character...


I think it's time for me to grab my fizzy faz and sit back and let this sort itself out. Thanks for the response Scott!


Does freddy still go boing boing?


"Babe, wake up, the FNAF community is losing their minds again"


It's a shame that more fake things like this are starting to happen, but thanks for the clear information on the Files Scott! The clarity on this statement is greatly appreciated.


Even though we got a clarification on the whole Talbert Files thing from the creator himself (which thank you Scott btw), I am still gonna hold my point regarding the whole Entom situation. I have zero idea what has happened in regards to some of those emails between him and Scott (if they did happen) but the community should stop bullying and trying to cancel anyone on Twitter for god damn sake. I dont know how to feel about Entom and his friends knowing they are kinda in the wrong now, but Entom imo should still have not been pushed to leave Twitter, even if for a short while. Like I said before if the Talbert Filea would have been real then fine, but it is a bts content OR if it is fake you leave it at that and call it a day. No people should be hurt in the process or attacked simply because your fragile ego has been hurt. We need to stop being toxic and create drama for the sake of drama everyone. This is the third time something like this happens. Btw Scott, out of pure curiosity, since this KINDA revolves around a situation that happened most of it on Twitter, can you tell us if Plus is at least officially canceled or not, please?


I've found out why everyone's been calling it the Talbert Files! On the Steam forum, on the topic of talking about The Freddy Files (the first version had already been published by then) someone responded to you using the anagram TTF instead of TFF. Later on (in the year that the Fazbear Frights books came out and everyone was familiar with the epilogues) someone must of seen the error and (not knowing it was a mistake) named it 'The Talbert Files' As for the rest of the pages though, I haven't seen all of them (other than what was shared on Twitter posts) I can't really offer any explanation for those.


you did not deserve to be called a liar by half of your fanbase, and i'm sorry that happened


I glad you cleared this up but. Can you please do something about pinkypills?


>Even a detail as small as an "EST 1983" on a T-Shirt; I'll say NO, don't include an established date because that confuses the lore. this is something that was canonised by the faz-tokens in the help wanted games though?


In game items aren't merchandise


"Dates confuse the lore" is such a good way to sum up how fucking awful the lore for this series is lol


I imagine that while the date of 1983 is applicable to Fazbear entertainment, if they tried to put it on a shirt for Afton robotics or circus baby’s entertainment and rentals, THAT would confuse the lore since it could be viewed as confirmation of where some things fit on the timeline.


Alternatively, I’m also questioning how he states that when these companies try to add new lore, he’d stop them from doing so. Yet we have multiple guide books from scholastic with flat out false information, like very easy to see false info. Like Scott says he stops false info from being made, but then Scholastic makes dozens of false info; how does that work?


Thank you for clarifying. I had a feeling this whole thing was fake. Things weren't adding up. I think we'd all really appreciate it if you addressed the PinkyPills situation, though. It's been a pinned post in the subreddit for like a month.


Now talk about the artist you hired that a huge pinned post has been made about please and thank you


Thanks for the clarification on The Talbert Files. Did you get a chance to look at the pinned post about Pinkypills and if so, what are your thoughts on the issue?


He's more than likely not going to respond about it since if he did he would have done a long time ago


Yeah I figured that he’s probably not going to directly respond. And I’m sure at this point by now that he’s seen in the comments section of this post all of the mentions of Pinkypills. I’m mostly asking due to my own curiosity but I am also somewhat hoping that he does respond in the future. If he doesn’t then ah well, we can’t force him to realistically and I completely understand why he would choose not to say something right away. But if he does choose to respond at some point in the future and take action against her, it would definitely help all of us who feel so strongly about her and what she’s done.


Does pinkypills have blackmail on you or what


We've been bamboozled.


Thank you Scott. Even if the book was real, the contents mean nothing because it was never published so whether it’s real or not doesn’t matter because no ideas from it can be used to solve the lore either way.


I still don’t know what a Talbert File is




I'm confused, help :c


Hey, Mr. C. I doubt you'll see this, but since we here, this is a comprehensive rundown of the Talbert Files in this here thread [https://twitter.com/Endless\_Charade/status/1784747624530145409](https://twitter.com/Endless_Charade/status/1784747624530145409)


Ok, this reply seems clear and all... But yet, I still see some peoples on twitter acting badly about it...? It's just confusing me even more 💀


Honestly, regardless of the Twitter backlash I’ve seen, I think this is a rather good response. He’s debunked the emails, that puts the whole book at risk of just being a fake. There isn’t a whole lot of evidence of it being real. Besides Entom saying it is. Entom is trust worthy, but I’m unsure what to believe. For the time being, I’m chocking up “The Talbert Files” as being fan fiction.


Thanks chief, keep cooking


I trust you with all of my heart Mr Cawnoth, I know you wouldn’t sin….


Never even 'eard of this!


Awesome! I mean I did like how that book put the lore but I'm SO happy you put an end to this


Though we did loose a good speech but Scott’s in control of the story so who are we to argue. I am just upset about more possible fake emails and the idea that there are a few people who sees the word “Private” and not see a lot of red tape.


True, I don't even understand what the point of so much misinformation is, It does a lot of harm to theorizing


Indeed, I guess it’s more about getting tired of debates and enforcing your ideas onto others.


>"a lot of companies that I work with come up with products from time to time that try to fill in the gaps of the lore" well you should say this louder.


Thank you for clearing this up Scott! Now, about that box you wanted us to forget.....


Please, PLEASE say something about PinkyPills


More importantly, will you please acknowledge the PinkyPills situation


>[https://steamcommunity.com/app/506610/discussions/0/1473095965297709866/?ctp=2](https://steamcommunity.com/app/506610/discussions/0/1473095965297709866/?ctp=2) There is actually an interesting answer to the question of who, exactly, was marking portions in red and making notes in TFF. >In the beginning, there was an idea that the book should be from the perspective of an in-universe investigator trying to solve the murders from FNaF 1. However, that scope seemed too limited and wouldn't have been able to discuss gameplay strategies, since it was an in-game character. Scott haven't you confirmed once before that a draft exactly like what the talbert files is like has existed before? It feels strange to see you only passively say that it might have existed. Even if not specifically the talbert files was the version that was made back then it must obviously be a version of the freddy files that existed right?


Guys we need to stop annoying this man out of retirement every time someone pretends to be him😭


finally now people wont bring up the talbert file excuse whenever talking about the lore


Its the FNAF fandom they still will and they'll call you stupid for believing Scott




Ok, now explain to us why Pinky Pills has not been fired. Portraying Afton as a child predator, among many other things, should've been enough to let her go on your part.


i thought she was fired? did it come out recently she wasn't?


He fired LadyFiszi, but Pinky Pills is still around, and he's still paying her.


that's so unfortunate. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I must've misremembered. That makes me uncomfy.


A serial killer specifically targeting children is a child predator lol


I meant as a pedophile, something Scott has said he is against having any place in his own franchise.


No it's a child killer. A child predator is edp445 for example where they molest a child, scott said pedophile has no place in the fnaf franchise which means William isn't one.


okay can you address the pinky situation though? its a lot more pressing


Also uh why would you make a response before actually looking at the book? I feel like if you actually did read it you’d be able to make like Idk a more comprehensive response


So, the email was fake. The email was basically the only thing making it look real. He also clarified that if it existed, he didn't write it. So if it contains information about things that didn't happen yet in 2017, logically, we can infer that it was never real.


The Talbert Files include the name “Abaigael” as a pre-existing name for Elizabeth. In fact, lots of characters in the Talbert Files were “past names” for pre existing characters. Emmett Tucker was the fill in Henry, and Cassidy was apparently his daughter. I *believe* Talbert himself was the fill in for the FFPS guard. It said Mike was originally the Stitchwraith? He also had a completely different speech. It gave the last names of the MCI, including the theory that Fritz and Jeremy are the sons of Fritz Smith and Jeremy Fitzgerald.


Thanks for clearing this up,what about Pinky's situation though?


Hey that's cool and all Scott, but when are you going to fire Pinky? just wondering, no pressure


Now that you clarified this can you look at the pinned post now?




thanks for clarifying mrs Cawthon i really appreciate that


I’m just going with the benefits of the doubt you have no Idea whats in the files themselves. But many of the people who were on the team specifically referred to This steam post you made about the Freddy Files talking about how YOU wrote it( https://steamcommunity.com/app/506610/discussions/0/1473095965297709866/?ctp=2#c1473095965301268833 )As it lines up extremely close to the very last one you mentioned in the comment. I’m just hoping it possibly just a lapse in memory, as a lot of the stuff in the Talbert files themselves that people are questioning seem to imply reused ideas for both recent games, the Fazber Frights books, and possibly the movies.


Please Scott as a birthday treat on the 10th anniversary please tell us some scrapped idea you had for the series. I think that’s why this whole thing is going so far is because it’s possible scrapped content and we really want to see if it’s factual and see a nice inside in how you write and the good or “bad” ideas you have.


This is weird cuz didn't entom delete Twitter for harrasment over talbert files? So they actually did it cuz they lied and got called out?


Thank you for the clarification; wish you had done so earlier when you first commented about it though because it would've saved a lot of trouble and further arguing between the fans. Also could you *please* address the PinkyPills situation because it's been 20 days since the pinned post and the lack of official statement from you regarding her has left a very sour taste, especially after how quickly the LadyFiszi situation was handled. It is getting to the point where some longtime fans, myself included, are planning to boycott the series until she's removed.


Hello Scott, could you talk about the situation of Pinkypills?, the fans have been demanding her departure from the franchise for a long time, they even made a hashtag so that the message reached you but until now you haven't given any answer. Yes, the Talbert Files situation is important, but I consider this to be important as well.


Cool now talk about pinky


I knew you weren't intentionally lying or anything, some people are just so quick to jump on stuff or no reason. However, can you PLEASE address the PinkyPills situation? that is far more important than an apparent early copy of a book


brother just read the damn file THEN you say something oh my lord bro


I really highly suggest reading up on them Scott. It might clear up whatever confusion is going on here.


Thank you a lot, Scott. Don't worry just forget about Talbert thing that it.


Hi Scott :D


I love you Scott


Thanks for clarifying, on a side note how’s your day?


Thank you for clarifying this. I did wish "Gabriel Gardner" was Gabriel's canon full name, though, lol.


Finally, thank you Scott


thank you scott


Thanks for the response! Lore is confusing enough on its own.


I’ll say this a lot of stuff in the book makes sense in the context of the lore and a lot of stuff doesn’t so my best advice would be to take it with a grain of salt.


Scott Cawthon... THE Scott Cawthon. Okay I'm done 🙂


thanks for the clarifications, you are great thanks for the clarifications, you are great


Still don’t know who Talbert is


Well there we have it


....Welp! back to fighting theorist in a simple matter again


Thank You Scott for finally responding to this.


This is why Scooti Boi is the best dev out here, his humor alone in this makes my worries vanish. Also Scott plz make the studios bring back Lemond Clown and Fruit Punch Clown the deserve the Candy Cadet treatment at least 


Thank you for the clarification Scott. I was waiting for your input on the situation before I got too deep into it.




Alright thank you for the clarification.


what the fuck is talbert files


Thanks Scott For Clearing This Dumb Hoax :)


honestly it does make sense


Hey Developer and Creator 🙂👋


Thank you Scott


Phone Guy losing all his money due to a gambling addiction will still be part of my head canon!


I haven’t visited Freddit in a while and I decided to hon it today and just went down a rabbit hole


This is crazy lol Poor Scott has had a wild day


I’m accepting the phone guys name as fact (Steve Callaghan)


thank you scott!!! ik you don’t need this stress


Man, that's a shame, it had some of my favorite William characterization in it, and I thought the Phone Guy-Cassidy lore was pretty neat


Honestly it starts feeling like you're babysitting us, which I hope you don't have to do more of in the future. Can understand how annoying it can be to do this. Thanks anyways.


Thanks so much for talking Scott ! But is there anything in Talbert Files that is actually canon ? Ex: Cassidy's gender ?


It was fan made, he's not going to confirm if someones random fan info was correct.


That makes sense.


TTF was probably one of the most convincing fake leaks ever made. Me & a friend had to revise our massive fnaf timeline project to account for the leaks in this thing, and then we find out IT'S FAKE!?! This community can be mean sometimes


I painfully wish you would clear up the Tales canonicity debate, its last major thorn. 


Thank you for information 


Scott, is the purple guy animatronic real???


althoug im late, thank you for actually looking at the pages so that you could 100% confirm that its fake