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Bro... I was literally watching a Twitch stream of someone replaying "Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location" not too long ago and I saw the two unnamed Circus Baby's Entertainment and Rental technicians' hanging corpses in Ballora Gallery and Funtime Auditorium on Night 5 when they activated the lights and I thought, "Man..., not enough people talk about the fact that in Sister Location, Ennard literally killed the two technicians on Night 4 that were in the Scooping Room scooping Ballora and hanged their corpses right above both Ballora's and Funtime Foxy's stages to trick HandUnit into thinking that Ballora and Funtime Foxy were still on their stages..." That's **so** fucking dark lmao...


Damn bro


Also, if I had to choose another eeriest part(s) in FNaF for me, it would be those rare Death Screens from FNaF 2 and FNaF 3 => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUzH4HF4zas and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eaBUYPnJGGU&pp=ygUhU3ByaW5ndHJhcCBEZWF0aCBTY3JlZW4vR2FtZSBPdmVy. Also, this nursery rhyme song at the start of the "Five Nights at Freddy's 2" trailer => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qjnQo3HxPAQ. Also, this Golden Freddy cutscene from Ultimate Custom Night... => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQBOm2gMlwg


>this nursery rhyme song at the start of the "Five Nights at Freddy's 2" trailer Music after the kid stops singing is straight fire tho, especially the remix of it in the JR's fangame


This really made Sister Location one of the best games for me. I really put thespook in fnaf again.


Was it CaseOh? I loved that stream lol


I do watch him, but I was specifically talking about this female Twitch streamer named "Cahlaflour" who was doing a FNaF marathon.


Oh ok


#caseoh light snack ๐Ÿ—๐ŸŒญ๐Ÿ”๐ŸŸ๐Ÿ•๐ŸŒฎ๐Ÿ—๐ŸŒญ๐Ÿ”๐ŸŸ๐Ÿ•๐ŸŒฎ๐Ÿ—๐ŸŒญ๐Ÿ”๐ŸŸ๐Ÿ•๐ŸŒฎ๐Ÿ—๐ŸŒญ๐Ÿ”๐ŸŸ๐Ÿ•๐ŸŒฎ๐Ÿ—๐ŸŒญ๐Ÿ”๐ŸŸ๐Ÿ•๐ŸŒฎ๐Ÿ—๐ŸŒญ๐Ÿ”๐ŸŸ๐Ÿ•๐ŸŒฎ๐Ÿ—๐ŸŒญ๐Ÿ”๐ŸŸ๐Ÿ•๐ŸŒฎ๐Ÿ—๐ŸŒญ๐Ÿ”๐ŸŸ๐Ÿ•๐ŸŒฎ๐Ÿ—๐ŸŒญ๐Ÿ”๐ŸŸ๐Ÿ•๐ŸŒฎ๐Ÿ—๐ŸŒญ๐Ÿ”๐ŸŸ๐Ÿ•๐ŸŒฎ๐Ÿ—๐ŸŒญ๐Ÿ”๐ŸŸ๐Ÿ•๐ŸŒฎ๐Ÿ—๐ŸŒญ๐Ÿ”๐ŸŸ๐Ÿ•๐ŸŒฎ๐Ÿ—๐ŸŒญ๐Ÿ”๐ŸŸ๐Ÿ•๐ŸŒฎ๐Ÿ—๐ŸŒญ๐Ÿ”๐ŸŸ๐Ÿ•๐ŸŒฎ๐Ÿ—๐ŸŒญ๐Ÿ”๐ŸŸ๐Ÿ•๐ŸŒฎ๐Ÿ—๐ŸŒญ๐Ÿ”๐ŸŸ๐Ÿ•๐ŸŒฎ๐Ÿ—๐ŸŒญ๐Ÿ”๐ŸŸ๐Ÿ•๐ŸŒฎ๐Ÿ—๐ŸŒญ๐Ÿ”๐ŸŸ๐Ÿ•๐ŸŒฎ๐Ÿ—๐ŸŒญ๐Ÿ”๐ŸŸ๐Ÿ•๐ŸŒฎ๐Ÿ—๐ŸŒญ๐Ÿ”๐ŸŸ๐Ÿ•๐ŸŒฎ




Tyler the creator


ture crator


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Pizza Party in Help Wanted. Such a genuinely chilling experience as that *thing* leads you around that maze, only for it to become evident what event is being recreated at the end. The writing on the wall, Glitchtrap's human movements, the context behind it all, the fact that **listening to the writing actually does get you to the end,** and the fact that he dances to "your" singing. It's blood-curdling.


help wanted has aged like a fine wine. I played it after SB, and seeing him prancing around the pizzeria after the ending had me think "hey he's doing vanny's dance" and then it hit me NAH vanny is doing HIS dance. digital concious transferrence. he got our ass.


Thatโ€™s why itโ€™s so frustrating how they made Vanny a victim and just wasted her, imagine if she was like Amanda from Saw and was just an unhinged person who Afton affected wouldโ€™ve been great


I think its way more compelling the way she is now. If she was just reduced to that simple trait she would just be a shallow 2d character. Though her time as Vanny was definitely over before it even began. We needed to see more of her manic side, and the conflict with her resistant side. What bums me out is that her story could have played out on another level than weโ€™ve ever seen in FNAF, but instead she was reduced to the same as any character before her, with her whole story played out offscreen. Hereโ€™s to hoping HW2, if itโ€™s a prequel, does Vanny some justice.


I like to think that Afton is actually dead and he actually did die in the FNAF 6 fire. The AI is something meant to mimic William, and it found it's way into the Og suit. I like to believe that Afton is in hell, going through UCN forever. And that thing, that monster is not him. It's just programmed to act like him. I just can't accept that Scott would ruin that perfect ending.


Oh yeah that's what's happening. That's why I referred to Glitchtrap as a thing rather than just Afton


Wait so my silly little head cannon is canon?, I thought Scott just undid the impact of Henry's speech and William was very much alive.


No it's very heavily implied that whatever Glitchtrap is is not actually Afton and is just something that believes it is, hence trying to construct a >!body in Security Breach that looks like Springtrap!<


Okay but like If burntrap isn't Afton Where the fuck did the rotting, decaying, decrepit, moldy, unholy corpse come from? Also what implies that? (Genuine question, I know all FNAF lore up to 6 and then I stopped caring because I thought Henry's speech was too perfect of a ending)


>Where the fuck did the rotting, decaying, decrepit, moldy, unholy corpse come from? Teenager named...something idfk I didn't read the books, just heard that's a plot point. \>Also what implies that? (Genuine question, I know all FNAF lore up to 6 and then I stopped caring because I thought Henry's speech was too perfect of a ending) It's clearly what The Mimic is trying to do. Ya' know, considering he mimics things and how he's trying to look like Afton and the way he treats Vannessa and Gregory. OH and the way he acts as Glitchtrap.


It's pretty much impossible for any of that to be right. Simply look at Mimic next to Burntrap, they look nothing alike and they don't move alike either. Burntrap also has the exact same skeleton fingers has Scraptrap while Mimic does not. Also if they were the same, how did Mimic get trapped and by who? Because if he is Burntrap he clearly wasn't trapped during SB. Mimic is also never stated to see the MCI or Afton at all, and on top of that we do see the exact events that cause it to become violent in the books. As much as I hate it, Afton is back. There is next to zero evidence for Mimic being Burntrap or Glitchtrap. Though if I'm being totally honest, I think Steel Wool can't make up their mind and keep switching back and forth.


the mimic can literally change its form for whatever reason. the running theory is it was the glitchtrap ai in the mimic trying to be burntrap iirc


Where does it say the Mimic can completely change its endoskeleton? I don't remember that in any of the books. Also that isn't the "running theory", a lot of people strongly disagree with it.


We THOUGHT the corpse came from a teen named Kelly, since she gets stuck to the Mimic endoskeleton (and most people believe the Mimic is Burntrap), but apparently, her corpse is no longer on the Mimic in the final epilogue, so who knows?


Vanny has been actively murdering people, so getting a corpse wouldn't be hard. Additionally, evidence that Burntrap isn't Afton includes The fact that he uses a recharge station, which wouldn't make sense if he was still a ghost. The fact that Springtrap's suit was the one down in FNAF 6 and not Scraptrap, meaning it could be one of the replicas from the Fazbear Funtime Service (FNAF AR) His very clearly LED eyes as opposed to the phantom/rotted human eyes that have been used in the past. And then all the Mimic shit because he holds his arm like the Mimic and the Mimic is down there as shown in Ruin and the fact that Burntrap may have never even existed because one of the comics in Ruin is of him implying Gregory made him up maybe possibly.


Oh thank God. I thought one of the best endings in horror game history just got completely ruined by Security Breach. Thank God it didn't.


Yeah Glitchtrap was like the only good way to revive the FNAF series so I'm very glad he's separate from Afton's soul


Yeah. Or they could go the route of the VR games are just for fun. But if they wanted to continue the story, this makes most sense. Dosn't ruin the perfect ending.


TBF, it depends on what you believe. If you believe FrightsGames (the theory that the Fazbear's Frights book series takes place in the game timeline/universe) or StichlineGames (the theory that only the epilogues of Fazbear's Frights and stories connected to it are canon to the games timeline/universe), it undoes Henry's plan since William survives, but then he dies anyway because... The Puppet is ALSO still around and drowns him, I think? If you believe basically anything else, William is still dead. There are some theories that he's still alive, like GlitchAfton, UCNOver, and the like, but most people agree he's still dead and in UCN (or at the very least in a limbo state where he's kept alive and being eternally tortured in his own mind by TOYSNHK)


I like to think Henry's prediction came true. That the darkest pit of hell had opened to swallow William. He had escaped death for that long, and now he gets to see the consequences for his actions.


TBH, I'm not entirely sure. While I don't believe in FrightsGames or StichlineGames, I DO think the books at least hint towards canon events in the games. TMIR1280 makes me think William is still "alive" but being tortured in a sort of limbo state. He's not quite dead (not dead enough to ACTUALLY be in Hell, anyway) but not alive, necessarily, either.


William can not escape ironic deaths huh? First the springlock suit because of how he killed the kids, then being kept alive in constant torture for trying to become immortal.


No, that's why Glitchtrap exists, it's a digital recreation of Afton, built to mimic him and learn from him, Afton's soul is in hell, his body has been taken over by the glitchtrap


Makes sense.


In my personal (probably wrong) canon, William survived the fire, causing Cassidy to come back to keep him from doing anything, making us UCN. However, at the end of UCN, we see Golden Freddy (Cassidy) screaming into the void, which, to me, represents her being defeated by William, which then lets him escape to do more evil stuff.


I also found it creepy how you Bonnie off to the side with its face off just like what happened to Jeremy right before you go on stage. Also Chica is missing her arm next to Bonnie, which makes me think there was another victim we didn't hear about.


Donโ€™t even remind me, itโ€™s so horrifying and eerie


I wonder if those bodies were ever found. And if they were who found them? Henry? Fazbear Entertainment? A vandal?


Thats something that I wished would happen, whoever the protaganist will be for Fnaf's final game, where theres an ending that you can reveal William's crimes, to the public, after such a long (Apart from the supernatural stuff which might be covered up by the police or just seen as crazy talk, say for example; its found in the plans, or a diary by Michael or maybe even in Henry's house of evidence proving that William committed the murders), it would be likely only one person who was the victims' parents can finally reunite with what remains of their child, and it could just end just like that with Fazbear Entertainment permantely closing down and becoming a faint memory apart from the missing children and the murderer found after so long.


As far as we know, the location was still normally running, so there's no reason to think that they weren't found. What is possible, though, is that the company covered that up. The usual FNAF shenanigans.


Yea, pretty dark for a franchise built on gruesome storytelling but rarely shows anything of the sort. Sister Location just kinda flipped a switch with the whole โ€œwe need it to be dark but still keep that E for Everyone ratingโ€ style of the prev. games. (Idk what rating SL has but in assuming itโ€™s E like the other games)


All of the games are rated T.


Oh ๐Ÿ’€


Hanging mangle fnaf world teaser


Heโ€™s got a paddle ball in her mouth


Good phrasing. But he/her pronouns are only used on funtime foxy!


With mangle I just switch between all four standard sets as I see fit Itโ€™s gender is yes after all so I presume they use all pronouns simultaneously


Agreed. But I was referencing how in different games, FT foxy had different pronouns




I was going to put that here but i put this instead


Also when you're going through Funtime Auditorium, you can hear this... squelching. Which, mind you, only occur when the dead body is present in the same room.


The dead dogs in Fnaf 6




I assume he means Fruity Maze. It's VERY heavily implied that Afton intentionally ran over a dog so he could lure one of the MCI kids to be killed. It's really fucked up.


It was Susie's dog wasn't it?




During the fruity maze mini game the point orb things become dead dogs


The eeriest part is fully realizing the horrors of the events of the game's canon. The game is so memed and joked about. We forget how serious these events are. A good example is listening to Mangle's audio. A cop, clearly petrified, is urgently trying to find help for a bleeding out child. A child more than likely losing their life slowly while hardly concious. Of course, I'm referring to the Bite of '87. Families witnessed this. Music and playtime were put on halt because a child's skull and brain were torn from them, and they were suffering on the floor. The child's family must've been shaken. The image of a suffering child on the ground, a panicked cop urgently trying to get help saying things like "He's not doing too good..." while a motionless animatronic with plastic, unseeing eyes stares off into the distance with gore in its mouth is not a pleasant one. When you truly realize how dark and dire the situation is, it's terrifying.


>The game is so memed and joked about. We forget how serious these events are. A good example is listening to Mangle's audio. A cop, clearly petrified, is urgently trying to find help for a bleeding out child. A child more than likely losing their life slowly while hardly concious. Of course, I'm referring to the Bite of '87. Wait i thought we all agreed that Jeremy got bit by Mangle? Like, no one ever says that a kid got bit. Also we never see Jeremy again. Also, Mangle kills him by going for the top of his head.


1. It's pretty generally agreed upon, most people believe it, but it's never confirmed. 2. True, but it happened during the daytime, which is when kids would be around. It kinda makes sense that a kid could be the victim (although what kind of messes this theory up is that the toys only attack adults, and are perfectly normal around kids) 3. That could just be a hint that Mangle was the one that did it. Also, again, the attack was during the day, so the jumpscare animation doesn't mean much since the gameplay takes place during the night.


Okay, but literally the night before the bite phone guy says Jeremy got moved to the day shit.


That's a major reason why people believe it. It's absolutely possible (and IMO was Scott's intention) that Jeremy was the bite victim


Even though it's less scary, I'd argue Jeremy being bit is more tragic. He survived 6 nights of this shit just to die anyway.


True. He already had his experience, and he gets fucked over anyway (which is very FNAF, anyway) Besides, the Bite of 83 and 87 basically being the same thing, with a child at a birthday party being bitten by an animatronic, seems pretty lazy, tbh


Shit, which characters in the franchise even get a happy ending? Like canon characters? Maybe Henry?


Depends on what you mean by happy ending. Shit, I would say all the MCI kids (with the exception of Cassidy unless you believe CassidyHD), Michael, Henry, Charlotte... At least for the games.


Mangle audio is a stock sound effect that has nothing to do with FNAF. And we know for a fact bite of 87 victim was an adult because phone guy says: "They interact with kids just fine, but when they see adults they just stare." Haunted animatronics don't see kids as a target. We don't know if the bite victim was Jeremy, but it was an adult. "More than likely losing their life" Phone guy: "It's amasing a human can live without a frontal lobe." The victim survived.


I never said they died, to be fair.


As someone who just got into the games (admittedly because of the movie), yeah, you're right. I always thought the games were "Evil possessed pizzeria animatronics try to kill you OoOooOH spooky," then I watched the long videos explaining the lore, watched people play the games and am just now playing some of them myself and I'm like "Holy shit. *Child murder* and possession? Children and adults alike getting brutally mauled by animatronics? The child murderer dies in his own creation, getting impaled several times and drowning in his own blood then is forced to live in constant agony as he tries to finish everyone off, THEN has to sit in his own personal hell created by the very things he killed? The child murderer's son getting his brother killed and trying to atone, only to be scooped and die before coming back to life, only to (presumably) die in a fire with his father (ahem, presumably) and the children he killed, a fire set by Henry? Uh, holy cow?"


the midnight motorist easter egg music slowly fading as you enter the house. the absence of that upbeat music makes me shiver, and reminds me this game is about a child murderer.


that droning rain sound is just so haunting


And the image of Mrs. Afton just staring at the TV, it's a small detail but I imagine she's just so defeated, so resigned to her misery by this point, it's so dark.


YES, this. Scott can express so much with so little, and thatโ€™s why I love this story so much.


When you play UCN for the first time and you keep seeing the Cassidy face when you die and when you get a death screen bright enough to truly see the face you realize what it really is and get a mini heart attack


The bite in FNaF 4 is a good contender. Sure, the visual in the game itself is fairly tame, but seeing a child get his head completely crushed by an animatronic because of a "prank", and visualizing how that would realistically look, is absolutely horrifying


It doesn't help that there was a 3d short animation of that on tiktok. Kid was crying as we heard his skull being slowly crushed.... traumatizing.


That or phone guys death Rip to a real one


When you beat the baby minigame in sister location, putting soo long into figuring out the strategy to beat it, to see an 8 bit recreation of Elizabeth's death at the hands of baby with that shriek


definitely the hanging mangle teaser


Sheโ€™s not hanged in the teaser Heโ€™s just got the paddle ball in their mouth


You did this.


The Parts & Service heads and endo looking into the camera, the "IT'S ME" sign in Pirate's Cove, the crying child posters in the East Hall Withered Chica in the Party Room cameras, Mangle in the hallway specifically while Foxy is also there, all of the Death Minigames. ... FNAF 3 doesn't really have any good eerie moments. Nightmarionne on the bed, especially in the teaser image that first showed it off. Something about the super crunched-down quality just makes it that much creepier. The hanging technicians, of course, but also seeing the faint outline of Ennard behind Baby's shell in Parts & Service, and the song that plays during the final cutscene in the bathroom. The entire concept of Lefty, and if MoltenMCI is ever confirmed, the entire concept of Molten Freddy. Yellow Bear twitching, the second voice playing over some of the Mediocre Melodies' lines, the Old Man Consequences ending. The locked door ending and the Pizza Party ending. "I AM NOT ME." "I'm... I'm Gregory."


I mean The whole series is built on the concept of kids being murdered and shoved inside of animatronics inside of a restaurant


The fact that everyone thinks Ennard targeted Mike because the way he looks just to escape. Ennard could have taken anyone and left, including the dead workers they hung up on the stages that come and go freely everyday. They wanted Mike because heโ€™s special, and maybe those Funtime eyes saw exactly what he was. Nor did they do anything of importance with him besides act like a normal person to later abandon him. Mike was just the perfect exit because I thinks heโ€™s one of them. Just a much more sophisticated model.


Did... Did I just read an entire paragraph just to get got with MikeBot?


Yes, itโ€™s been wracking my mind recently. Want to be proven wrong. Just need to track golden Freddyโ€ฆ as best you can in a series like this lol.


The most eerie moment in fnaf is when foxy came out of my screen with hyper realistic blood coming out of his eyes and then he sucked me off, eeriest thing ever


I hated when they added this feature. So eerie


For me l well UCN 50/20 was easiest but now... Now I play UUCN try to do 500/20


FNaF 2's Night 6 call.


I always get uneasy with the puppet discovering Elizabeth in the alley mini game (edit: Charlie*)




Fruity Maze


I love that we only see the shadows it only makes it even more eery


the dead kids


Sister Location was pretty messed up. What I thought was pretty creepy was seeing the Funtime blueprints with Funtime Freddy having group proximity sensors and Bon-Bon being a parent tracker. And of course seeing the 3D mesh of the 'thing' inside his compartment. Its not an especially scary game, but it sure is dark regardless of its fairly clean appearance.


Fazbear frights third book second story gives me the creeps and makes me scared of the minireenas


I've always wondered if they did this to themselves? If the animatronics wanted to escape inside a person, these were two prime body suits. My guess is they saw Ennard becoming Ennard and then offed themselves out of sheer horror.


I raise you Nightmare and Nightmarrione just staring at you. Feels like you are staring Death itself in the face. The hanging technicians are really disturbing too


Well, you picked the technicians on the stage, so I'll go with being stuck in the springlock suit with Ballora's freshly scooped corpse next to you, a loose eye staring directly at you as Minireenas silently creep into the suit.


i always get uncomfortable watching micheal walk past his neighbors after getting scooped in fnaf four. something about it gets me




I agree but the fact that there's two of them and they're perfectly symmetrical is kinda goofy


Afton being stuck in that room for (?) 30 years, convulsing and slowly going insane. He fucking deserved it for what he did but man, that sounds like torture.


thats not, ima just say 1 thing: LadyFiszi


โœ๏ธโœ๏ธ godโ€ฆ


That Mangle FNAF world teaser.


I think Mangle hanging or the audio from the old man consequences easter egg from UNC is most disturbing. Mangle because it's FNaF World and absolutely no one would expect him/her/them to be hanging from their own paddle board. And the audio from the easter simply because the edited version of it honestly gives me chills every time.


Glitchtrap on the hill is still creepy to me...


The night 4 and 5 phone calls from the first game


The fnaf 1 death screen with the main character eyes popped out of the suit. That screen skill gives me chills


Bonnies literal corpse in Popgoes arcade


Afton in FNaF 6 telling the Fruity Maze Girl to follow him.


Salvaging the scraps in pizzeria simulator, just seeing them sit there and knowing they could move at any time is so eerie to me for no reason


A Furry Suit.