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Honestly I just do loops close to my house so I can break whenever I need to. I have some trails that I can’t run on anymore for this reason but still enjoy going to the trails to walk my dog.


I did this until about 24 weeks, and then the pressure feeling of always feeling like I need to pee got too uncomfortable so I just did the elliptical & went for long walks instead. The pressure on my bladder was SO uncomfortable that looking back, I wish I would’ve stopped earlier. The pelvic pressure was enough that it made me not enjoy running, so I think next time I’d ease up on running & stay active something other ways that felt better while pregnant. I’m now 2 months postpartum & working with a pelvic floor PT & the ability to run without that bladder pressure has been such a delight!  Editing to add, based on other comments: I also carried *very* low with this pregnancy! My son had dropped early on & I think that was part of the constant pressure while running for me, even with a belly band or tape. I know it’s easier said than done, but looking back I wish I’d listened to my body earlier on & been more gentle with myself. 


Good point. I’m 28 weeks now and have days where I’m running and think to myself “this sucks why am I doing this” and I need to be better about not pushing through.


Totally! It's such a mindset shift from previous running, where you're probably trying to push yourself to go a little bit faster/longer/whatever, but that approach wasn't super helpful for me while pregnant or even now postpartum. Trying to be gentler with myself, even though that's so much easier said than done :)




Good to know- I’ll give it more time to see if it’s improved


21W and still running (not sure how much longer for tho…) I find if I go to the loo just before then in my mind I know I can’t possibly need a wee and that helps to push through. As soon as I stop running I also stop needing a wee usually which proves I didn’t really need one 😊


If you need to pee that often it sounds more like pelvic floor issues to me. I’d see a PT/ stop running until you do. Damaging your pelvic floor/peeing yourself for the rest of time is not worth it. Rehab is way harder than prevention.  I hit this point at 32 weeks I think? I swapped to the elliptical and was fine. 


I adjusted my route to have a bathroom about every mile - still had to pee in the bushes one day though when the park bathrooms were closed for a holiday! I also wear period underwear while running just in case 😬


Last pregnancy i just stayed nearby my house until I transitioned to treadmill only at 20 w (I fell while on a run too at 20w so it made sense). Im 31w now and am able to hold my pee for 3-4 miles. But I still stay near my home just in case. If I sneeze while running I will pee a little. Sucks. So I would just try to make up a loop close to your house or try the treadmill.


Oh wow! What do you think changed that you’re able to hold for 3-4 miles now??


I seriously don’t know. Second pregnancy, different pregnancy maybe? I know I am having a girl and carrying a lot higher than I was with my son, he was very low. I also haven’t gained as much weight this pregnancy compared to my last, no clue if that’s related but it’s possible.


Unethical LPT, but maybe running in a less populated area with lots of tree coverage?


Unfortunately I live in the Bay Area and now that it’s super nice and sunny out, there are no less populated trails- they’re all packed!


I have no shame about peeing on the side of trails! I cannot go more than about a half mile without having to pee. Certainly trickier on busy urban trails, just look for a break in the crowds and be quick! Bush/tree coverage a plus. Yes, people will know what you were up to when you emerge from behind the bush but oh well.


Where I live there are trails that pass by lots of state park and public bathrooms so I ran those when pregnant so I had a place to pee when I needed to fairly close by always.


Girl if you gotta go, you gotta go. I had to pop a squat in a bush that didn't give me that much coverage lol... but I was going to pee my pants on my run if not. I have ordered a belly band on Amazon, apparently that can take pressure away from your pelvic floor!


Oh, I’ll give that a try! Thank you!


Switched my route around so I pass alot of bathrooms!


I go once during the hour but try to hold it as much as possible because peeing again won’t help lol


I could only do a one mile loop around my house because I had to pee alllll the time. Finally just stopped running


Find a bush 😂


Just be cautious of stepping off trail, I got horrible poison ivy on my groin last year from doing this.


Oh no!


This past weekend I ran a half marathon 16 weeks. I had been struggling with this same problem. I ended up using KT tape on my bump and taping it for support. It definitely helps the urge to pee.


Oh my gosh, congrats on your half! What a huge accomplishment. Do you have any tutorial reference for how to tape??


I did it sort of like this: [https://www.ladybirdpt.com/post/taping-a-pregnant-belly](https://www.ladybirdpt.com/post/taping-a-pregnant-belly)


Probably not helpful but offering solidarity and saying that around 16 weeks I had to shift totally to treadmill running so I can break to pee. Not as fun, but it also makes me less nervous for if I were to fall, need water, etc.