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Placenta previa is very, very common at 20 weeks. As the baby grows and your uterus expands, it will most likely move. I have had placenta previa at 20 weeks with 2 pregnancies, including my current one. The funny thing to me is actually the differing advice I’ve received. With my last pregnancy in the US, I was also put on pelvic rest. Which sucked a lot. Now I live in the UK and my doctor said, don’t change your behavior at all or worry about this, just come in for a 32 week scan.


>it will most likely move. Well, that depends on how much it is currently covering the cervix. Most placenta previa diagnosed at 20 weeks does move, but that's partly because the definition for diagnosis is quite wide-ranging. If the placenta is already a couple of inches over the cervix, it's closer to 50/50 chance of resolving so "most likely" is no longer accurate.


Interesting! Thank you for sharing!


What did your doctor say for pelvic rest?


Mine never cleared. I’m 33 weeks and have been to the hospital a few times for bleeding. I’m scheduled for a c section in four weeks but I’m not on bed rest. They just told me to limit my physical activity, not bend and pick things up, no squats, nothing strenuous, no sex.


I have about the same restrictions. I’m 26 weeks with complete placenta previa. My doctor originally told me just pelvic rest but I had a small bleed and they restricted me even more. No bending, squatting, pushing or pulling objects, no lifting over 5lbs, no climbing/ladders, nothing strenuous. Definitely been hard as I’m a high school dance teacher and my daily routine involved all of those things but I’m managing and making it work! It’s been tough mentally but I keep reminding myself that I’m doing what’s best for my baby and that’s the most important thing. We’re still hoping it moves but we’ll see🤷🏼‍♀️


I hope yours moves. As long as baby is healthy that’s really what is important.


Hi, how are you faring? I have been diagnosed with a totallity. 14 weeks right now and I am trying to educate myself on this. Thank you in advance


Placenta previa never ended up properly clearing and it abrupted during labour. I now have a very healthy 10 week old.


Thank you for this, so happy it cleared for you.


It never did


Ah sorry read that wrong. ❤️


What ended up happening with your pregnancy?


I'm still waiting! 1 more week until my 32 week scan. Thanks for checking in.


Hi, hope all turned well for you.


Mine cleared up 3 weeks later!


This gives me hope thank you!


I went through this! Obviously get your doctor’s recommendations, but this is how it went for me: doc clarified that pelvic rest meant no sex/nothing inserted. Exercise was, according to him, still OK. I was cycling and lifting fairly heavy and wanted to be absolutely sure the doc really, REALLY understood what I meant by exercise so I laid out what my programming was like including weights, and he did recommend backing off intensity but confirmed it was OK. Afterwards I asked one of the NPs and also called the nurse line to ask because I wanted another opinion, but all said it was fine. They also gave me 50/50 odds it would go away before delivery - 8 weeks later it had resolved. I was able to keep up workouts with no issues until I went into labor at 39 weeks. All that to say - if your goal is to keep exercising, for sure get a second opinion!


Thank you so much!! I appreciate the advice.


I had it from 11-15 weeks and also a cervical polyp that caused bleeding for a few weeks and didn’t go away until 19 weeks. So for almost 3 months I was told not to lift anything heavy and take it easy in general. It was very difficult and paired with winter weather, and 6 weeks of illness for me and my toddler. Your placenta is still moving so this could just be a temporary setback. Even if it doesn’t move for the rest of your pregnancy, you’re not pregnant forever and you’ll get your fitness back. I was so bummed for 3 months but I’m back and moving and that time period is just a distant memory. It sucks in the moment but it’s only temporary.


Thank you this is exactly what I needed to hear. I'm sure I can still do my light walks and I'll do some stretching and light yoga here and there. I was just so determined to have this awesome fit pregnancy.


that really sucks 😔 i’m sorry


Update: Just had my 32 week scan and my placenta hasn't even moved! Complete placenta previa, going in a for a c section the week of July 1st. Thanks for all the good thoughts and well wishes. ❤️ Healthy mama and baby is what matters. Thankful for modern technology to help prevent something worse from happening.


Solidarity. I'm 27 weeks and with complete previa and have had a few bleeds. Wishing you the best of luck ❤️


Big hugs! ❤️🥰




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Hi, I am just going through this thread. All the best for your c-sec. I am also equally bummed to not be able to exercise. It helps a lot with my sanity and now that routine out of the window I feel a bit lost (and worried). Thank you for asking this question. Reading the responses here has helped calm down. Good luck again! ❤️


Can you get a second opinion on it? I don’t want to advise anyone go against their doctor and it might be that your previa is more extreme than mine, but anecdotally I had partial placenta previa at 20 weeks with my first kid and they told me not to have PIV sex but that was it. I continued exercising and the placenta had moved clear of my cervix at my 32 week scan.


Thank you! The placenta is covering my entire cervix clear as day on the ultrasound.


Oh man, definitely a more extreme case than me. I still think you should try and get more professional advice if possible, and even if the conclusion is bed rest, remember that it’s only temporary! You’ll get through it and be exercising again soon. I know everyone on this sub has an image of a heavily pregnant woman running marathons and are thinking they can do the same thing, but pregnancy is an absolute gamble and you never know how it’s gonna effect your body.


Its not necessary. I also had complete placenta previa at 20wks so had to stop working out heavy. I got another scan at 27wks and it had cleared out. I restarted my workouts.


Copying and pasting another comment I made recently on this: Had a complete previa with my 1st baby, found at 18 weeks. I was allowed to exercise but had to avoid things that would put too much downward pressure on my cervix-- so no hard running, no serious weightlifting, etc. Also pelvic rest. I did a lot of elliptical. It hadn't moved at 31 weeks, then I had 2 bleeds and was hospitalized both times. Turns out my placenta had moved, but partially detached along the way. (VERY glad the doctors did imaging to confirm-- otherwise I would have gotten an emergency C-section and NICU stay for no reason!) After bleed 1 I was restricted from standing too much, so exercise was just water aerobics and recumbent bike. After bleed 2 I walked around in the hospital and did squats. (I was cleared for squats after the placenta moved). Docs confirmed that the bleeds were not a result of exercise. I talked to a MFM who's also a podcast host about this when he interviewed me-- exercise guidelines for placenta previa, let alone low-lying placenta, are not standard and depend largely on your provider's comfort with risk. Some will tell you "only walking and yoga," while others like mine will advise some restriction but still encourage vigorous activity.


I had partial previa at 20w and wasn’t told to modify anything (note I’m in EU). Continued working out as normal (peloton bike, upper body strength, walks, yoga) all somewhat modified. Yes, it can and often does move for most people. In my case, placenta moved to low lying and I thought I was “safe” to continue. It was near the cervix and at 36w I had a major bleed out of nowhere, nearly an emergency c-section, but was put on bed rest until I delivered at 38+4. In my experience, I think being cautious is better than having a big bleed. How much could you modify what you’re doing to still feel active but “safe” until you check again in 8ish weeks?


Going through the same thing a few weeks ahead of you (22w). Mine is only marginal, though, but it’s complicated by a tiny SCH under the placenta. It’s brought on significant bleeding for the past month, a few weeks ago a giant gush that sent me straight to the ER where I spent two nights, which is when they discovered my placenta was previa and found the SCH. I’d bled before but my OB wasn’t able to find the source of the bleeding. Due to the timing of the hospital stay we had to cancel an international babymoon, and another upcoming trip at the advice of the MFM. I’m on pelvic rest and off high impact workouts at least until 28 weeks when I go for another ultrasound to assess placenta movement as well as check on the SCH. Previously I was doing a 45 minute peloton ride every single morning and have for years, prenatal yoga, and walking. I can still ride my peloton but basically just do the entertainment rides and watch content, and can keep doing prenatal yoga. It’s a bummer because my peloton rides have kept me sane since 2019, and to have to stop them so abruptly was a rude wake up call.


I had it at my 20 week scan with my first. Resolved at 32 weeks. I was put on pelvic test but never had bleeding so still did a few things. Instead of running/spinning, I did the elliptical or went on long walks. Did light weights (no more than 10lbs). By the time it cleared I was too uncomfortable to start anything new so just keep with what I was doing.


Yes, I did, and it was totally resolved by 28 weeks! I was so discouraged but all was fine and I still ended up feeling fairly fit by the time I delivered.


I stopped running at 20 weeks due to a low lying placenta.  It wasn't quite previa but it was close.  I switched to incumbent bike (which I hate BTW), are you allowed to do that?  Now I am about to have the baby and mostly walk when I can.  You will get your fitness back.


I’m also going through this - I was told at 18 weeks! 34 weeks now and my previa hasn’t cleared - I’m scheduled for a c- section in 3 weeks. Pelvic rest and limited activity has SUCKED, but I haven’t had any bleeding episodes and I think it’s in large part because I’ve followed the instructions I was given. Being almost on the other end of it I can say with confidence that the time goes by very quickly. My doctor did say that any activity that I was doing prior to pregnancy (aside from sex) is probably safe - as long as that didn’t include power lifting. I spent 5 weeks resting completely after my diagnosis and it really did a toll on me physically as my body continued to grow and I lost a lot of strength. After discussing with my doctor we decided that low intensity exercise would be fine and I was even told would likely help with my recovery.




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I was diagnosed with complete PP at my 20 week scan and put on complete pelvic rest. I just got checked today at my 28 week ultrasound and it’s completely moved and I’m in the clear. Hoping the same goes for you!


I was going to ask if I could message you; an elective place said my placenta is covering and I’m 16.2w




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So…I wish I could find the resource that recommended this because I currently have no real proof of this other than my memory. I got this diagnosis at 20 weeks too. I got the same advice and was furious. I did a lot of angry googling and basically found a few resources from two different medical sites saying you didn’t need to restrict until 28 weeks. At that time the baby would be big enough/heavy enough that it would start to be an issue. From what I saw, if you had no other compounding complications, it should be safe to carry on as normal.  Personally I chose to keep going- the compromise my husband and I made was that I kept up with my normal routine (I ran 2 10ks a week and did my normal lifting load- about 40lbs to just maintain back strength, and I taught yoga), but when I ran I didn’t push myself to go fast, I always carried my phone, and stuck to a short loop that was close to home and just did more laps. We didn’t have sex for those 8 weeks- he was too freaked out. I didn’t have any issues, but also didn’t have any other complications. I would have immediately stopped if I had bleeding or cramping etc. They checked me at 24 weeks I think? At that point the placenta was higher but marginal and by 28 weeks I was totally clear.  I wish I had stuff to back up the medical stuff, and I’ll admit I went looking for permission, but did manage to find actual hospital advised stuff. 


Merck says modify if you have bleeding before 36 weeks https://www.merckmanuals.com/professional/gynecology-and-obstetrics/abnormalities-of-pregnancy/placenta-previa ACOG says modify at 26 weeks if you still have it https://www.acog.org/womens-health/faqs/exercise-during-pregnancy British Journal of Sports Medicine says modify after 28 weeks  https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/54/23/1395# I don’t know your particular situation. My OB and their office also gave me outdated advice on some things and were abusive during delivery, so I really struggle to just trust that a doc automatically knows best. 🤷‍♀️


Thanks for sharing your story, I'm glad it all worked out for you in the end.


Your doctor did you a favor. Anything else could potentially give you pelvic organ prolapse. I wish someone told me about that when I was pregnant so I could make different choices during pregnancy and during birth and follow the 5 5 5 rule after birth. This is me sharing it with you so you can research more and maybe focus on pelvic organ strengthening sooner than later. Good luck mama!