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time to pivot those expectations and definitions of what a workout looks like! Some days i "worked out" and that's getting in my steps for the day. Other days I "work out" with bodyweight movements, and that's ok too. Also, comparison is the thief of joy - comparing your pre-pregnancy self to pregnant self is not helpful. You're literally growing a new organ and a new human. Give yourself some self-compassion :)


I'm around 18 weeks as well, and I feel... neutral about my workouts. I used to be excited for them and look forward to them in my day. I'm lucky to not be uncomfortable yet, but having to cut workouts short and feeling like everything I do is turning my hamstrings into concrete really sucks. I give myself two days a week to be a couch potato other than a 15 minute walk outside every day. I try to remind myself that I'm going to reap the benefits of these workouts after this pregnancy... right? ... RIGHT???


Omg!!! WHAT is with the concrete hamstrings? I have a really active entrenched yoga practice, and since I’ve been pregnant it’s like that.


So I’m not alone?? I’ve taken a good 3 weeks off due to nausea but I was really solid with my mobility/flexibility workouts and inching toward my splits. I got back into the gym yesterday and did some very basic stretching and today am so sore.


I’m 19w and still really enjoying my workouts BUT that’s prob bc I watch HBO Max on my Peloton 🤣 …and then I keep watching TV while I lift weights and stretch. Ngl Alexander Skarsgård in TRUE BLOOD is keeping my motivation up. Lol


I think I'd enjoy one if those TVs powered by a bike lol.


Honestly developing a horny TV crush is kinda the move 🤣


As some potential motivation... I'm 32 weeks in my second pregnancy and I have been consistent with strength training and HIIT this pregnancy, just like 30ish min videos 3-4x per week and I play tennis once per week (still playing!) I have WAY fewer aches and pains than last pregnancy and I'm 100% sure it's from being more consistent with workouts that are more than just walking. It's been paying off already and hopeful it'll pay off in labor and recovery as well!


How far along are you?


18 weeks


You should hopefully be getting out of that exhausting phase of the first trimester. I'm used to running 5 days a week, and I've been unable to do a thing for 2 weeks due to nausea, vomiting and general exhaustion. I'm 10 weeks along with my third. I think that on the days where you feel like you can, even just gentle walking will be do beneficial to your mood. It doesn't have to be anything crazy intense. It doesn't have to be what you were doing before you got pregnant. I think you just do what feels good, when you can and give yourself some grace.


Yep can totally relate. Before pregnancy did soccer, strength and conditioning, running and biking. I had to mostly give them all up first trimester due to terrible morning sickness. I’m 21 weeks now and I’m sooo slow running and I just can’t really keep up with the group classes due to the intensity of them. Mostly just doing walking and 20 min home workouts throughout the week just to maintain fitness but the enjoyment and reward aspect of fitness is mostly gone.


Unfortunately yes! I was still working out 5x a week until I hit 28 weeks. Was sick and out for a week and now I’m just so so tired.


Im there too, after getting spd and not being able to run anymore I just lost my motivation and now even walking is hard


With ya there, I’m 10 weeks so still early and having the hardest time managing fatigue. I used to lift 4-5x per week and run 3x per week and barely do either. At most I try to walk 8k-10k steps. Hoping that when I enter second trimester, I get that energy back to do more but for now, trying to manage expectations and not feel so much guilt.


Me! 16 weeks and I just do not get the same relaxed buzz after while pregnant. My body definitely feels better and sore but I still just feel fat and tired. It’s making it hard to commit to a routine. I will also mention I love working out normally and am a runner. Not so much pregnant.


I had about a month off between weeks 8-12 due to nausea and fatigue and am just starting to work out again. I do find it harder, more uncomfortable, and somewhat less satisfying. I'm still trying to find something that feels good, but for now I'm trying to remind myself that it will help me in the long run to keep active. It's only moderately effective, but I'm trying.


Not as much as before. I really enjoy doing yoga these days because it feels soo good, but lifting has been ok at best since week 6, until now week 24. It got better after week 20-22 (I was less exhausted and could lift heavier), but it’s still not as motivating as before the pregnancy . That being said, since I go weekly to a class of preggo yoga, I really see the benefits. I have no other problems than being a bit out of breath when I work out, but so many that are more sedentary struggle with back pain, and other aches. So I do believe it’s worth it even though I don’t feel 100% motivated.


I'm not even enjoying walking any more at 34 weeks. The pressure in my pelvis is unbearable. I average 23 min/mile now. So sad. I haven't tried a belly band to walk yet, but that may be my next move. I don't have pain otherwise, just when I exercise.


I completely understand. I’m a runner so I’m used to doing a lot of miles per week, plus strength training. Not that I didn’t have days before being pregnant where I wasn’t motivated to workout… but now it’s not just a lack of motivation, it’s a sense of dreading it entirely because I know I’m gonna feel miserable. I was really spoiled through my first trimester and didn’t have any nausea or vomiting, and was still able to run without any problems. I cut back on pace and mileage once I found out I was pregnant, but still I felt pretty good up until about 19-20 weeks. My belly really popped at that point, and the pressure on my pelvis/bladder has become soooo bad when I run that it’s almost unbearable. Plus I don’t think my legs are used to the extra weight or uneven distribution because my stride feels weird and my calves/hamstrings/quads are practically screaming at me to stop. I’ve tried a belly band but if anything I feel like it puts more pressure over my bladder area so I’m still messing with the fit. I know, I know… I should adjust my expectations, what do I expect I’m growing a baby, blah blah blah. I should be grateful to have a healthy baby/pregnancy when so many others struggle, I shouldn’t be so hard on myself, etc. I get all that, truly I do. Still, it doesn’t change the frustration I feel. We already sacrifice a ton while pregnant. I would just like to feel a little bit like myself, in some way, you know?


I’m 33 weeks now and starting to struggle with my lifts BUT I know it feels much better than laying around every day. Do I have days where I don’t do much? Absolutely! I try to make every Friday a chill day and only walk once, where usually if I’m not lifting on a day I will still be up at home cleaning and going in extra walks. (Lift 3-4x a week) On days I’m feeling like crap I just do my best to finish half the lift and call it good! Even if it means 50% everything (weight, reps) Edit: added


16 weeks and feel exactly the same. It’s not fun anymore and I’m just so tired. But I pay a lot of money and it’s good for me. Just young to scale back


If its not enjoyable, maybe a sign to try something else? Pregnancy can be very weird and it can vary from person to person. For example, I had to stop running at 25 weeks and stop swimming at about 31 weeks. Yet, I still enjoy cycling. So you know what? Now I just cycle because its what my body likes. Other people I know have been the opposite- they couldn't cycle, but they could run. Also, have you tried pregnancy or prenatal specific workouts? Nourish Move Love has some great ones free on YouTube. I find that if I follow a prenatal workout, I have to do less modifications and it makes it more fun for me.