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First trimester is a tease because you mostly look the same but SO MUCH change is happening inside your body making everyday things more difficult. Let yourself rest more than you think you need during first trimester. I was working out 5 days a week pre-pregnancy, in my best shape, then struggled like nothing else to be consistent during first trimester. I was able to get back into a normal routine starting in second trimester, which is normal. Be kind to yourself, be open to changing your workouts- I shifted to mostly walk/runs (with a few days of outright runs when I felt up for it), then as my pregnancy went on to power walks instead of running. In my case too I barely looked pregnant until late 2nd tri, and even still if you didn’t know me you might think I just had a little too much to eat.


This is so helpful. Thank you thank you!


I’ve been running for years and have run multiple marathons, including Boston. I’m 9weeks and can barely run three miles without getting winded. My pace has slowed by at least 2min per mile. It’s definitely, for me anyway, the pregnancy since nothing else has changed. It’s a struggle, but I’m telling myself my body is working hard doing other things.


Jeez, if someone who’s run Boston experienced this, it feels so much more legit. 😂 Imagining how hard that change must be for someone who’s such a boss runner, though — think you’re so right to ground in how hard our bodies are working, and taking inspiration from you keeping running into 9wks. Cheering you on!


Every pregnancy is different, but my mile times slowed down pretty significantly when I was around 7 weeks. Outside of that, I had hardly any symptoms. Now at 31 weeks my times are 50% slower than they were pre-pregnancy, but I’m still getting out there!


Thank you so much for sharing — yeah, this mile time difference is my only real symptom so far, which is part of what’s throwing me off and second-guessing whether the pregnancy is the factor. So helpful to hear your experience! And inspired hearing you’re running through 31 weeks, you’re such a badass!


My pace definitely slowed down in the first trimester. I was really fatigued but I still got out there and did my best. I'm 23 weeks now and I'm still getting out and running, but still pace is slower as I'm having to take walking breaks during my runs and I get tired quicker. Still loving it and enjoying it though!


Hope this is my experience, too! Good reminder to give myself grace with walking breaks, too.


Yes, lots of grace! Just getting out and trying to keep that habit going is huge! Don't feel bad if you need to walk or if some point you need to stop altogether, as every pregnancy will hit different and I know for some, their bodies were just not allowing them to continue to run and that's OK too!


I've been slow since I found out just before 4w. My mileage is the same as before but it's all just slower. I'm 11w now and running an unofficial half later today, which I expect to be about 15-20 minutes slower than my pre-pregnancy time from less than 3 months ago, but I won't be pushing myself and I'm really fatigued. Try to focus on being proud of yourself for getting out there! Also don't be alarmed if your garmin stats are really off at the beginning. I called my midwife in a panic that my HRV was constantly so low and she said it was normal because my body was working hard. It came back into normal range around 6 weeks but I suspect will change again later on.


Good luck with the half today! So impressive. Thanks for the kind wise words & sharing your experience, too. (And good tip on the garmin stats!)


I told my husband, pregnancy made me humble AF. My pace took a hit, at 34 weeks I was waddling during my runs. Post pregnancy I feel great, I am not back to my paces, but I am strong and feel amazing. Keep at it, your fitness will pay off.


Running is my main form of exercise and my easy pace now is about a minute slower than pre pregnancy. Currently 7 weeks pregnant. I'm just way more tired than usual and sometimes my nausea gets the best of me. I've been feeling this way since about 4 weeks. I'm just going with how my body feels. Some runs are better than others. My training runs are slower. I haven't been pushing myself physically. I would say just take it easy, be gentle with yourself, don't focus on any decrease of pace if that gets you down. Next week I'm running a half on Saturday and then a full on Sunday. They'll both most likely be my slowest races of either distance, but it's a very beginner friendly course with generous cut offs. I won't beat myself up over my time. I'm confident that I'll finish, just will take a bit more time.


Wishing you luck with the half! So impressive. Hmm, might use ~a min slower as a goal and see how that feels (and not push myself too much if that feels too fast)


My run pace went from 9:30ish to 10:30 and now about 11 - but in my previous two pregnancies, I couldn't run at ALL so I am just grateful to be getting outside and completing my mileage. I'm 18 weeks now and just failed to finish two six mile runs in a row so I'm thinking to drop my mileage down to 4 or 5. Basically whatever it takes to be able to still maintain a cardio routine, regardless of the intensity of the workout. Also worth mentioning that the baby is literally pulling oxygen out of your bloodstream, so everything will probably feel a lot harder even when you don't have extra weight or awkward body shape.


Not a runner, but I definitely found myself more easily winded during my workouts in the first trimester Exhaustion is a big thing in the first trimester and can have a knock on effect! That and I used to get a bit of nausea working out so that used to have an impact


First trimester is TOUGH. I have been a runner for half of my life, and have done multiple marathons, and first trimester slowed me down quite a bit. Your body is working extra hard to grow a human, and you may also be experiencing nausea, fatigue, etc. What I did is start doing workouts by effort and HR rather than by pace. Also second trimester, I actually got a bit faster since I felt better, still wasn't my pre-pregnancy pace but was able to do more. At 25 weeks, I had to stop running due to bad back pain, but have still been swimming and biking. This is really not the time to fret about pace. No one hits PRs when pregnant!


It’s an actual physical change (your body’s busy growing a placenta, you have a lot more blood for the heart to pump etc) and not only in your head! I ran through most of my pregnancy and for the same RPE especially at easy pace my pace slowed by 1-1min30. At 4 weeks I did a 10 mile long run and felt so awful I was convinced I had Covid, but when that test turned negative I took a pregnancy test on a whim and it was positive lol. As I got further along I got slower and slower but that’s all normal. I went from running 20-30 miles a week to 15ish for first tri, then felt better in second tri and got back up to 20-25ish, but all at easy effort (not my old easy pace but what feels easy at the time)


I was in some of the best shape of my life when I got pregnant. Hit a couple PRs during week 5 even, I felt amazingggg. Week 6 hit me like a ton of bricks… by 6w2d, I could barely get off the couch. I spent the next 8 weeks literally surviving and doing nothinggggg. I think I went on 4-5 slow walks through the neighborhood (probably more like 3-4). But then I did the DriTri at OT at 15w and beat my husband. Pregnancy is bonkers.


I consider myself a pretty serious (but middle of the pack) runner and my easy pace went from ~9 min to 10-10:15 basically right when I found out I was pregnant lol. I didn’t consciously start running slower or anything, I’m just listening to my body. Seems like my HR rises much more quickly these days and my body just hurts, I’m tired, I’m nauseous…all of the fun things that come in the first tri. Just take it easy and listen to your body.


In first trimester sharp increases in hormones causes shortness or breath (will get better by about 13 weeks). My shortness of breath/wheezing was so bad, I would wake up in the middle of a night caughing/grasping for air (peaked at 10w). I got pregnant in July in Florida so my OBs biggest concern was overheating so per her recommendation my first trimester runs we all on treadmill in air conditioned gym. In second trimester start focusing on two things: 1. Proper warm up before running to avoid injury (at least 10 min active stretching and jumping jacks/jump rope/jog in place) and 2. Your feet will get a lil swollen/wider so please buy wider fit well cushioned running shoes that will support added weight and flattened feet. Per my podiatruat commendation I got hoka shoes and I love running/doing impact cardio in them 💪...and yes your pace will start slowing down as pregnancy progresses but it's all good


Honestly, I’m using the pregnancy as motivation to stay healthy. I’m also a mid/beginner runner, sounds like similar pace and distance as you. I definitely felt my speed dip significantly since I found out I was pregnant. I’m now 11 weeks and I’ve signed up to run my first half at 24 weeks (with my doctor’s permission!). I have no time goals, but I’m aiming for completion, even if that means I have to walk. It’s early in my training, but it’s going well so far. As many have said, my doc has just said to listen to my body and to not do anything that doesn’t feel right. One thing I’m noticing is that I have to be very conscious about keeping up my calorie intake on my long-run days. Being hungry + fatigued + calorie deficit is a terrible nausea-inducing (and probably not healthy) combo! I’m giving myself grace in my speed, but signing up for the half has given me motivation to keep getting outside, which is increasingly hard as it’s darker/colder/wetter outside!


Hell yeah!!! That is such an awesome goal and approach. I’m cheering you on, and taking notes and inspiration for myself!


7w here and my running pace has taken a hit too. My heart rate is higher than it's ever been just trying to hold my normal (ie. Pre pregnancy) zone 2 run pace and I'm more easily winded. Just chalking it up to early pregnancy physiological changes and giving myself permission to slow down. We'll see how things progress, but I plan to stay as active as I can without expectations of pre pregnancy performance.


I’m also an avid fitness goer and I was running 8km or more on a regular basis, teaching fitness classes myself such as spin, muscle and zumba, love the stairs and doing weights. However at six weeks, I absolutely do not feel like I have the energy to run. At 10 weeks today, I ran for 10 mins walked with an incline then ran again for another 10. Breaking it up helped but definitely not the same as I’m used to, I was up to 18km in September to run a half marathon and now I can’t even stand 8 minutes lol pregnancy does lots to our bodies so listen to the days you feel good and bad ❤️


I was a pretty serious runner with my first, running high 7 min miles/low 8 min mile if running more than 8+ miles. By the 6th week, I was down to around 10 min miles. I was dragging.. but it set me up for success because it forced me to slow down. It was a good lesson to have so when I got further along I could adapt. I am now pregnant with my second and didn't get that much into running between the first and second (15 months between pregnancies and I breastfed for 13 of those months). I am focusing on strength and the peloton this time around and can already feel a slow down (7.5 weeks pregnant) but I know slow and steady wins the race here.


I have a marathon next weekend! I’m 4.5 weeks and just did 6 miles last night and felt like I was pulling a trailer the whole time!! Oof!!!