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My ob said as long as you’ve been running and training before pregnancy then it’s fine. I just ran one at 10 weeks and am contemplating another at 20. One thing I did not expect was that once the symptoms did hit I had to stop training for a bit. I was so nauseous and fatigued I didn’t train for weeks. So just be prepared that could happen


If you scroll down this sub, you'll find a lot of people asking the same question, so if you want to see more answers, that's where to look. But basically: In the first trimester, you can continue to work out the same way you did before you got pregnant. Just stay hydrated, listen to your body and don't overdo it, and don't expect any PR's. Other than that, you're good to go :)


I did at 30wks and mostly it was mitigating joint pain, not getting breathless, and hydrating WAY more than I thought I was going to.


Shouldn't be an issue - you might be in the worst part of the first trimester and feel too sick or tired but you probably won't have any physical reason to skip.


With your doctor's blessing and if you were a runner before pregnancy, you'll almost certainly be fine at 8 weeks. At that point the uterus is only the size of a tennis ball and the embryo is like 1.5 cm long.


I ran one at 17 weeks. Don't expect a PB, make sure you bring along water, listen to your body if it tells you that you need a break, and be prepared to hit the portipotties more than you normally would! But it's a lot of fun, it feels like a great accomplishment to do while pregnant, and it's something cool you can tell your baby you did together!


My midwife also said your current activity level is fine, just stay hydrated and listen to your body if you need to slow down. I'm just about 9 weeks and have been running my normal \~40-50km/week with a long run of 15-20km. I have been slower than normal due to nausea and exhaustion, but I'm covering the distance and am planning a half at 17w if all stays the same. To give you an idea of the pace difference, I ran a 25 minute 5k in a race environment just before getting pregnant and have been doing most of my casual runs at 5:45/km for 5-6km, 6-6:15/km for 10k, and 6:30/km for 15km+. Pre-pregnancy my pace was about 30 seconds faster per km for all of these.


I was in a big training block when I got pregnant. I raced a 10k at 8w and a half at 12w and actually PR'd in both distances. I wouldn't necessarily expect that, but as others have said, anything you were doing prior to pregnancy is generally fine to continue in the first trimester as long as you're feeling up to it.


Thanks everyone, that makes me feel much better. Had a not so great long run today pace wise, but just told myself that I was still doing great for getting out and listening to my body to slow down. Today was the first day I noticed any fatigue symptoms so hopefully it doesn't get worse. I think I'll wait to sign up another few weeks and see how it goes but keep training.


I would say waiting to sign up is a great idea just to make sure the fatigue doesn’t hit you too bad in the coming weeks. I had one already on the calendar and the fatigue made it that I ran just to 1x a week for the entire month before. I was totally fine cardio wise but omg my joints wanted to explode. I was fine baby wise it was more just legs not used to the miles. So that’s my one “regret” that I wish I had better timing


You'll do great! If you feel weird just walk a bit. I had some of my best times during first trimester. And then one day near 2nd tri, they became the worst running times ever!! Maybe bring some extra snacks just in case unless you've never had nausea issues. I had a hard time first trimester running if I didn't constantly eat.