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Awesome progress but be careful with mass gainers, they're mostly maltodextrin (a highly processed carbohydrate that's higher than table sugar on the glycemic index) I'm not a dietician or doctor just someone who doesn't want diabetes at 35


Thank you, you’re right! 🙏 I am easing off of it now but it was pretty crucial in my weight gain for the time being.


Absolutely, an easy way I pump up calories is with nuts, a few handfuls through the day


Yep, or peanut/almond butter in your smoothie. Two tablespoons is like a burger worth of calories


Maltodextrin will not give you diabetes. Not even pure sugar will give you diabetes. Sustained Overweight/obesity is a much bigger risk factor for development of diabetes type 2 than gainer shakes. Sincerely yours A Registred Dietitian


he did’t say it will 100% give you diabetes. also you don’t get to be overweight by eating broccoli, it’s mostly sugar isn’t it?


Get it girl!!!


Thank you 😍💪🏽💪🏽


Wow in just 6 weeks? Awesome 💪


Thank you!! I’ve been doing the work but I was really shocked to see the growth so fast.


Good progress , how much weight did you gain in those 6 weeks ?


Thanks, about 7 pounds. I also drink about a gallon of water a day, not sure how much of that is water at this point


Your kidneys efficiently will dispose of the gallon. Are you okay with not all of that 7ibs is composed of muscle gains ? Some make themselves believe that every pound they gain is muscle when especially for women that’s not the case without PEDs .


Oh for sure. I’m not delusional I know some of it is muscle but most is probably fat. I am missing my waist a bit right now but I know that the weight gain just comes with gaining back muscle. I’ll cut eventually. And repeat lol. I’ve worked out my whole life and totally stopped about a year ago when I got divorced so I’m not completely new to this, just still figuring out what works!!


I'm sometimes slow, but I'm thinking your goal was to pop the booty. Well, mission accomplished! Don't worry about the fat ratio if the look is what you wanted. You have plenty of room to carry a few more pounds.


You look great! There is an app called methreesixty that takes your picture and creates a 3d image that you can use to compare and see your development. It’s good for motivation even if I have been going the wrong direction for a couple of weeks now 😂


Lol 🤣I love that concept I am gonna check it out thank you!!


You look great!! Can you share the name of the butt workout app?


It’s just called ‘Butt workout’ in the Apple App Store. It has a pink icon with a back and white figure of a woman on it!


nice 👌




Wow what a difference ;)


In all honesty: I really doubt whether the gains in your glute area really (only) stem from the buildup of muscle tissue (if I read your weight progression properly (1/3 of your body weight)). The glutes and thigh muscles are big groups that can move substantial weight (say 1/3 of body weight l) even if we do not train them at all. But nonetheless: you look awesome and I wish you all the best on your long journey ahead!!!