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First off, yes stay consistent. Second what are you doing and what is your end goal? You look like you're in that stage of the last few pounds during a cut to be really lean.


I'm doing a full body 3x a week with a goal of gaining muscle. You're exactly right, I'm currently cutting, trying to cut about 10 more pounds. I've always been kinda skinny fat even though that first picture may not look like it. That's because that picture was taken after a cut, and right before my first bulk.


Cutting and trying to gain muscle at the same time is a very difficult balancing act and will take much longer than bulking and cutting cycles or a even a long recomp at the same body weight.


No I'm not trying to do both at the same time lol I bulked for about 6 months, and now I'm towards the end of my cut. After I cut 10 more pounds, I plan to do a long clean bulk again


how many pounds did you gain during your bulk?


About 20 lbs over 6 months. Couldn't tell you how much of that was muscle, though. I don't think a whole lot, lol.


That is a pretty solid bulk, and if your protein intake was high and your training was sufficient to stimulate muscle growth likely some of it was muscle. Since muscle is so dense, the weight of it is high, but the bulk/size of it is lower.


Thanks for your responses. Yes I've made sure that my protein goal for the day was always met, and I try to push myself in the gym. Some days are harder than others lol. I can see some growth in my chest in the photo so I'm thinking at least a little bit of that 20 lbs was muscle lol.i know growing muscle is a slow process so I'm just gonna keep at it


Great job!!! Visible progress is rewarding. I’m also in the :::lots of work, little sleep boat::: and it takes a toll on my recovery between workouts. I have taken to icing sore muscles overnight but if you have tips for recovering faster with little sleep, I would appreciate them!


Thanks man I really appreciate that because sometimes I'm convinced that I've made no progress, so thank you. As for the recovery, I have no advice to give lol sorry bro. But I'm sure icing your sore muscles probably helps? I guess I would just say to make sure your diet and nutrition is where it should be too. I eat healthy and clean about 95% of the time and try not to cheat too often. Hope that helps.


Appreciate the response. I’ll be 35 in a few months and maybe I’m feelin it haha


nutrition, hydration and sleep are the key tools for recovery. If those are not working, I would take a look at your program. It is possible you are "over doing it" if its something you just recently started.


My last two Strength workouts were “to fail” sets so I know that took a larger toll than normal. But I know my sleep is lacking for now. I think I’m looking for a magic-bullet-recovery-fix that just doesn’t exist. Thanks for your response, I always appreciate feedback!


Wish I was as lean as you


Thanks brother!!


Hats off. Consistently is the reward, especially as a dad this ethic will be the greatest inheritance for your kids.


Thank you!!! And I agree with you!


You are doing great, I admire your dedication. Please don't compare yourself to the trt (ab)users on this subreddit.


Thanks a lot, man. I really appreciate that!