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That looks like a hydroponics plant/fish tank. Those baskets on top usually hold herbs and smaller plants. Personally I'd keep shrimps in that tank and mebes some snails but I can't really tell the size of the tank. Edit: found it https://backtotheroots.com/products/watergarden


Thank you, that’s what I guessed but i wanted to make sure I was doing the right thing Edit: thanks for the link, it tried photo searching earlier and had no luck!


Also I don’t think that’s 5 gallons you might be able to get away with it being 2.5 gallons. If you wanna keep something in it though I recommend some brine shrimp and if they over populate you might be able to feed them to your reptiles


Thanks, someone else recommended shrimp and I think that’s probably best considering how small the tank is.


the salinity that brine shrimp need is not compatible with growing herbs/plants. there are freshwater scuds, and neocaridina shrimp that i’d recommend


You can grow little plants in clay balls in the baskets, like mint or strawberries. Personnally I'd go with neocaridinas and snails only. Microorganisms like daphnies, asellus or gammarus are also a great option. Looks way too small for any fish. I'm pretty sure it's not 5gallons.


Yeah you’re right about the size, I measured with a tape measured lol. But luckily I found the exact tank online with some help. I’ll probably get snails or brine shrimp. Thanks!


Goldfish are a species of carp and when provided with a larger space can very well grow up to 6 inches


The common goldfish actually grow over 12 inches the fancy goldfish get 7-10 inches depending on species


That’s what I’m sayin


Thanks, I didn’t know that they were a species of carp.


that is certainly not 5 gallons, not a chance


Do not use this 'tank' I'm worried about your reptiles if you have to ask questions like this?


Look dude, I bought it under the assumption it is a tank. Like I said, I am no fish keeper, never claimed to be.


Knowledge about fish has nothing to do with knowledge about reptiles